Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg


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Capital Gain Tax<br />

As is evident from the nomenclature, the capital gain tax is payable by people<br />

making capital out of certain transactions. Thus if a plot is bought for Rs 10 lakh<br />

and sold for Rs 15 lakh then the gain of Rs 5 lakh is liable to capital gain tax.<br />

Same holds true about transactions on stock exchange. An exemption on Capital<br />

Gain Tax was introduced in 1975 which has remained enforced till todate.<br />

More billionaires were made in <strong>Pakistan</strong>'s bubble economy during 1990-93 on<br />

Karachi Stock Exchange than ever before but their gain remained untaxed<br />

because there was no capital gain tax. Similarly the real estate boom also went<br />

untaxed because of the same reason.<br />

Estate Duty<br />

Estate Duty was enforced in 1950 under the Estate Duty Act, 1950 on the market<br />

value of all moveable / immovable property of a deceased person passing on to<br />

his heirs. It was charged on the property of the deceased after deducting debts<br />

and encumbrances legally allowable from such taxable properties. The duty was<br />

meant to prevente the rich from getting richer but it was abolished in 1979<br />

without any convincing reason and rationale. The decision was believed to be<br />

politically motivated as the property-owning classes wielded influences on the<br />

government of the day.<br />

The Gift Tax<br />

The Gift Tax Act, 1963 was designed to prevent avoidance of tax on income and<br />

assets by transferring them through gifts and envisaged that gift exceeding Rs<br />

0.5 million made to sons, daughters, father and mother would be liable to tax.<br />

However this tax too was abolished in 1985.<br />

Thus all the rich-persons related taxes have been abolished or made ineffective<br />

through seried of exemptions and concessions and burden of indirect taxes on<br />

common men has been increased.<br />

How Corporate Law Authority (CLA) Helps Them?<br />

One of the best piece of legislation emerging out of the 90 days of caretaker<br />

Prime Minister Moeen Qureshi was Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 1993,<br />

limiting the aggregate investment in associated companies, to not exceeding 30<br />

percent of the equity of the lending company, with prior approval of at least 60%<br />

of the total shareholder.<br />

The law was importent because it sought to put an end to a corporate practices<br />

that had been instrumental in the concentration of wealth in few hands. In fact<br />


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