Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg


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Export Duties<br />

It is one of the most irrational set of duties at a time when govt's top priority is to<br />

increase exports. Ironically on the one hand, govt is levying duties on export, on<br />

the other hand, rebates are being provided to exports.<br />

Export duties were introduced by Z A Bhutto govt in 1972 after the massive 110<br />

percent devaluation to prevent windfall profits into hands of the exporters. But<br />

they have continued as a measure of revenue collection.<br />

While an export tax is collected by the federal govt, the local bodies also collect<br />

export tax on goods exported from their municipality, whether for domestic<br />

consumption or export. The export tax paid to the local bodies is claimed by the<br />

exporters for refund and has again given rise to new avenues for corruption and<br />

pilferage. In the sub-chapter about rebates bonanza, we have already referred to<br />

the statements of Punjab Minister for local bodies Raja Mohammad Basharat<br />

Elahi that the contractors of the export tax and octroi owed millions to the govt in<br />

this head.<br />

Development Surcharge<br />

It is another irrational and exploitative tax which was rooted in corruption and has<br />

given currency to pilferage of govt funds on a massive scale. The development<br />

surcharge was initially levied on fertilizer, natural gas and petroleum products<br />

and meant to "siphon off surplus profit of companies, representing the difference<br />

between the cost of production and fixed scale price, or between the average<br />

import price and the prescribed scale price of locally manufactured goods".<br />

In simple words, development surcharge is levied on goods which are imported<br />

or produced cheap but are sold at high price fixed by govt. However, over the<br />

years the purpose and the very nature of the development surcharge has been<br />

distorted and its worst form it is now applicable on WAPDA electricity bills, at<br />

such an exorbitant rate that the amount of surcharge far exceeds the original bill<br />

for electricity consumed.<br />

As is obvious from the name, development surcharge was meant to finanace<br />

specific development projects but ironically a large portion of receipts from<br />

development surcharge are refunded, by way of refunds for specific purposes. As<br />

for example, a large portion of development surcharge from refineries is refunded<br />

to marketing companies to cover;<br />

A) transportation cost over and above the freight margin included in the<br />

consumer prices for the equalization of prices of petroleum products.<br />

B) Imort cost of refined petroleum products over and above the ex-factory prices<br />

and<br />


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