Computability and Logic

Computability and Logic

Computability and Logic


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26.2. K ÖNIG’S LEMMA 325<br />

The presence of t 0 in the denotation of B will make (1) true. Since we have included<br />

in the denotation of B only one node t i at each level T i for i ≤ k <strong>and</strong> none at higher<br />

levels, (2) will be true. For a sentence of form (3) with s of level i < k, the first disjunct<br />

will be true unless s is t i , in which case the Bt i+1 will be among the other disjuncts,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will be true. In either case, then, (3) will be true for every sentence of this type in<br />

Ɣ k . [The sentence of form (3) with t k as s will be false, but that sentence is not in Ɣ k .]<br />

Before indicating the connection of Ramsey’s theorem with the kind of logical<br />

phenomena we have been concerned with in this book, we digress a moment to<br />

present a pretty application of Ramsey’s theorem.<br />

26.4 Corollary (Schur’s theorem). Suppose that each natural number is ‘painted’ exactly<br />

one of some finite number of ‘colors’. Then there are positive integers x, y, z all the<br />

same color such that x + y = z.<br />

Proof: Suppose the number of colors is s. Paint each size-2 set {i, j}, i < j, the<br />

same color as the natural number j − i. By Ramsey’s theorem (r = 2, n = 3), there<br />

are a positive integer m ≥ 3 <strong>and</strong> a size-3 subset {i, j, k} of {0, 1,...,m − 1} with<br />

i < j < k, such that {i, j}, { j, k} <strong>and</strong> {i, k} are all the same color. Let x = j − i,<br />

y = k − j, <strong>and</strong> z = k − i. Then x, y, z are positive integers all the same color, <strong>and</strong><br />

x + y = z.<br />

Ramsey’s theorem is, in fact, just the starting point for a large body of results in<br />

combinatorial mathematics. It is possible to add some bells <strong>and</strong> whistles to the basic<br />

statement of the theorem. Call a nonempty set Y of natural numbers glorious if Y<br />

has more than p elements, where p is the least element of Y . Since every infinite set<br />

is automatically glorious, it would add nothing to the infinitary version of Ramsey’s<br />

theorem to change ‘infinite homogeneous set’ to ‘glorious infinite homogeneous set’.<br />

It does, however, add something to the statement of the original Ramsey’s theorem<br />

to change ‘size-n homogeneous set’ to ‘glorious size-n homogeneous set’.<br />

Let us call the result of this change the glorified Ramsey’s theorem. Essentially<br />

the same proof we have given for Ramsey’s theorem proves the glorified Ramsey’s<br />

theorem. (At the beginning, take T to be the set of partitions without glorious size-n<br />

homogeneous sets, <strong>and</strong> towards the end, take Z to be the set of the first q elements<br />

of Y , where q is the maximum of n <strong>and</strong> p, p being the least element of Y.) There is,<br />

however, an interesting difference in logical status between the two.<br />

While the proof we have presented for Ramsey’s theorem involved a detour through<br />

the infinite, F. P. Ramsey’s original proof of Ramsey’s theorem did not. Using a reasonable<br />

coding of finite sets of natural numbers by natural numbers, Ramsey’s theorem<br />

can be expressed in the language of arithmetic, <strong>and</strong> by ‘formalizing’ Ramsey’s proof,<br />

it can be proved in P. By contrast, the glorified Ramsey’s theorem, though it can be<br />

expressed in the language of arithmetic, cannot be proved in P.<br />

It is an example of a sentence undecidable in P that is far more natural, mathematically<br />

speaking, than any we have encountered so far. (The sentences involved in<br />

Gödel’s theorem or Chaitin’s theorem, for instance, are ‘metamathematical’, being<br />

about provability <strong>and</strong> computability, not ordinary mathematical notions on the order of<br />

those occurring in Ramsey’s theorem.) Unfortunately, the Paris–Harrington theorem,

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