Family Garden Bar Graph

Family Garden Bar Graph Family Garden Bar Graph
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Family Garden Bar Graph Due Date 1. Meosure the height of each person in your fomilyu You con do this by hoving each person stqnd up stroight inside q doorwoy. Loy o book or piece of cordboord on top of their heod ond ogoinsthe wqll. Use the book or cordboord os o guide to mqke o tiny pencil mork on the doorwoy. Then measure from the pencil mqrk to the f loor with c tope meosure or meosuring stick. 2. You con include pets in your fomily gorden. 3. Drow o f lower on the groph obove eoch person's nqme. The very top of eoch f lower should reqch the person's height on the groph. Leave room in the flower f or the fomily member's foce. 4. Mqke eoch flower personol. Either drow or glue a photogroph of 5. Gluethe groph in the center of o sheet of construction paper. 6. Decorqte the whole poge to look like o garden. your fomily member's f oce in their flower.

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Garden</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Graph</strong><br />

Due Date<br />

1. Meosure the height of each person in your fomilyu You con do this by hoving each person stqnd up stroight inside q<br />

doorwoy. Loy o book or piece of cordboord on top of their heod ond ogoinsthe wqll. Use the book or cordboord os o<br />

guide to mqke o tiny pencil mork on the doorwoy. Then measure from the pencil mqrk to the f loor with c tope meosure<br />

or meosuring stick.<br />

2. You con include pets in your fomily gorden.<br />

3. Drow o f lower on the groph obove eoch person's nqme. The very top of eoch f lower should reqch the person's height<br />

on the groph. Leave room in the flower f or the fomily member's foce.<br />

4. Mqke eoch flower personol. Either drow or glue a photogroph of<br />

5. Gluethe groph in the center of o sheet of construction paper.<br />

6. Decorqte the whole poge to look like o garden.<br />

your fomily member's f oce in their flower.

Name:<br />

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Garden</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Graph</strong><br />

7 %feet<br />

7 feet<br />

6%feet<br />

6 feet<br />

5 % feel<br />

5 feet<br />

4%f eet<br />

4 feet<br />

3 % feet<br />

3 feet<br />

2%feet<br />

2 feet<br />

L%feet<br />

1 foot<br />


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