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mnarb about leftism are not meanl to apply to cvery individual leftisl but to desctibe the general<br />

charw::ter of leftism as a movemem. And the genen&i cha.nu:ter of a movement is not necessarily<br />

determined by the numerical proportions of the various kinds of people involved in the movcment.<br />

224. The people who rise to positions of power in leftist movements lend to be leftists of the most<br />

power-hullgry type because power-hUl1gry people are tOOle who strive ha:rdest to gel into positions of<br />

power. Once the power-hungry Iypes have captured control ohhe movemem, there are many leftists<br />

of a gentler breed who inwardly disapprove of many of the actions of the leaden. bUI cannot bring<br />

themselves to oppose them. They NEED lbeit faith in the movemeN, And because they cannol give<br />

up thiJ faith they go along with the leaden. True, SOME leftists do have the guts to oppose thc<br />

totalitarian tendencies thai emergc, but thcy gcm:nuly lose. because the power-hungry types are<br />

bencr ore are mOle ruthlcss and Machiavellian and have taken care to build themselvci a<br />

mona power base.<br />

225. These phenomena appeared clearly in Russia and other COWltries thai were taken over by<br />

left:isu. Similady, before the inakdoWli of communi.Jm in the USSR. lcllisb types in the West would<br />

liCldom criticiu thai countt)'. If prodded thcy would admit thai the USSR did many wrong things,<br />

but then they would try to find e.xCUSts for the oommunilts and begin talking about tho fault$ of the<br />

Welt. They alwaY' opposed Western mililaJy reaiJtarlce to oonununisl aggression. Lellish Iypes all<br />

over the world viaorou.dy prolC$tcd lho US milituy aclion in Vietnam, bUI whcn the USSR invaded<br />

Afghanistan they did nothina. Noc thai they approved of the Soviet actions; but because of their<br />

lellist faith, thcy just couldn't bear to pue thcmselvCl in opposition to commwUstn. Today, in those of<br />

our uuivenities w Kpolilical correanessM bu become dominanr., there are probably many leftish<br />

rypcs who privudy disapprove of the lupPression of ac.adc:mic freedom, but they go along with it<br />

anyway.<br />

226. ThUl (be fact thai many individual leftists are personally mild and fairly tolerant people by no<br />

means preventlleftism u & whole fonn havina & totalitarian tendency.<br />

227. OW' discussion of 1eftUm has a serious weakness. It. is still far from clear what we mean by the<br />

won! "leftUt." Thetc deem't seem to be much we can do about this. Today leftism is fragmcnted into<br />

a wbole specttum of activin movements. Yet not all activist movemellU are lelWt, and some activist<br />

rnovemenu (e.g .. , radical environmentalism) sum to include both penonalities of tbe leftist type and<br />

pcnonalltiu of thoroughly u.n-leItist types who ought to know better th&n to coUabora1e with lelllil5.<br />

VarieliCi of leftisu fade out gradually into varietiCI of non-leftists and we oUfldves would often be<br />

hard-pressed 10 decide whether a given individual iJ or is not aleftisl To the extent that it is defined<br />

at all, oW' conception of lefIi5m is defined by the di.scussioo of it that we have given in ttW article.<br />

IUd we can only advise the reader to use his own judgemeru in ded.ding wbo is a leftist.<br />

228. Bue it will be helpful to list some criteria fOf diagnosing leftism. These criteri& cannot be applied<br />

in a cut and dried manuet. Some individu.al.J may meet lOme of the criteria without being leftists.<br />

iOme leftists may IlOC meet any of the criteria. Aglin. you just have to use yoW' judgemeru.<br />

229. The leftist is oriented toward lugC£Cale collectivUm. He emphasizes the duey of the indiyidual<br />

to serve lOciety and the duty of 50Ciety to take e&nI of the individual. He has a negative attitude<br />

toward individuali.Jm. He 0&0 a mora1iJtic tone. He tends to be for IWl control. for sex<br />

education and ocher ycbologicaUy MenlighlCOCd" educadonal methods, for planning. for affll1llll..ive<br />

action, for multicultural..i5m. He tends to identify with victims. He tends to be against competition<br />

and against violence, bue be ofteo finds e.xc\lSCl for those leftists wbo do commit violence. He is fond<br />

of usina the conunon cuc.h. oftbe Idt lib MJacism, " "5C:Xism . .. Mhomopoobia, " "capitalism,"<br />

"imperialism," MneocoloDialism M "genocide," MIOcial change.," "social justice," "social responsibility."<br />

Maybe the best diagnostic trail of the leftisl is his tendency to sympathize with the following<br />

movemellU: feminism, gay rl&hts, ethnic rlghtl, diAbiJity rights, animal righu political conectncss.<br />

Anyone who Ittoogly Iympalhizea with ALL ofthesc movements is almost cenain\y aleftisL J(j<br />

50<br />


230. The more dangerous Ieftisu, thlt is" those who are most power-hungry, are of\en chanct.erl.ud<br />

by arrogance or by a dogmatic approach 10 ideology. However. the most dangerous leftists of all may<br />

be certain oversodalizc:d types who avoid irritating displays of aggressivenesl and refrain from<br />

advertising their leftism. but work quietly and WlObtnuively to promote collectivist ValUC5,<br />

"cnlightened" psychological techniqucs for socialil:ing children, dependence of the individual OD. the<br />

system. and so forth. Thl:le crypto-Ieftists (as we may call them) Ipproximate certain boDIKCOis<br />

types as far as practical. action ill concerned, but differ from them in psychology, Ideology and<br />

motivalion. The ordinlU)' bourgeois trics 10 bring people under control of the l)'5tem in order to<br />

p1"otect his way ofhle, or hc does so simply because his attimdea are conventional The crypto-leftist<br />

tries to bring people under control of the sy5tem because he is a True Believer in a collectivistic<br />

ideology. The trypto-leftist is differentiated from the Iverage leftist of the oversoclaliztd type by the<br />

fOel thal: his rebellious impLilse is weaker and he is more secutdy socialized. He is differentiated from<br />

the ordinary well-socialized boW'geois by the fact that them is some deep lack within him that makes<br />

it necessary for him to devotc himsclf to a cause and immene himself In I collectivity. And maybe<br />

his (wcU-sLlbl.imated) drive for power is stronger than that of the avtfllie bourgcois.<br />


231. Throughout lhia article we've lluuic imprecise statements and statements thal: ought to have had<br />

all sorts of qaalifications and reSCIVations attached to them; and some of our StalemellU may be<br />

Da.J.ly false. Lac.k of sufficient information and the need fot brevity made it impossible for \U to<br />

fonnulate our assertions more precisely or add all the necessary qualificarions. And of coune in a<br />

discusrion of this kind one must rely heavily on inluilive judgement, and that can sometimes be<br />

wrong. So we don't claim that thia article expresses more than a crude approximation to the truth.<br />

232. AU the same we are reasonably confident that the general outli of the plctum we have<br />

painted here are roughly comet We have portrayed leftism in it.!: modem form as a phenomenon<br />

peculiar 10 our time and as a symptom of the disruption of the power procelL But we might possibly<br />

be wrong about this. Ovenocialized types who try to satisfy their drive for power by imposing their<br />

morality on everyone have certainly been around for a long time. But we nnNK that the dcdsi.ve<br />

role played by feelings of inrcriority, low !df-esteem. powerlc$SntU, identification with victims by<br />

people who are not themselves victims, is a pecu1illrity of modem leftism. Identificarlon with victims<br />

by people not themselves victinu can be seen to some extent in 19th century leftism and early<br />

Christianity but as far as we can make out, symptolIU of low self-esteem, etc., w not nearly 50<br />

evident in these movements, or in any ocher move menU, u they are in modem leftism. But we are<br />

not in a position to assert confidently that no such movements have existed prior to modem leftism.<br />

This is a significant question to which historians ought to give their anention.<br />


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