ﻋﺎﺩﺓ ﻤﻀﻎ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺕ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻴﻤﻥ ﻭﻋﻼﻗﺘﻬﺎ ﺒﺄﻤﺭﺍﺽ ﺍﻟﻔﻡ - جامعة دمشق

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ﻋﺎﺩﺓ ﻤﻀﻎ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺕ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻴﻤﻥ ﻭﻋﻼﻗﺘﻬﺎ ﺒﺄﻤﺭﺍﺽ ﺍﻟﻔﻡ - جامعة دمشق


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مجلة <strong>جامعة</strong> <strong>دمشق</strong> – المجلد التاسع عشر – العدد الأول – ٢٠٠٣<br />

أ.‏ علي<br />

المصادر<br />

١- Afendi A H. ١٩٩٢. Comparative study of nutritional status assessed by<br />

anthropometrics and biochemical measurements as well as food<br />

habits of chosen population in Yemen and Poland. A. M. Poznan-<br />

Poland.<br />

٢- Ali A.A. ١٩٩٧. Evaluacion de paramitros clinico-patologicos de<br />

importancia pronostica en la transformacion maligna de la<br />

leucoplasia oral. Thesis doctoral: UPV university. Spain.<br />

٣- Axell T, Holmstrup P, Kramer IR, Pindborg JJ, Sheear M, ١٩٨٤.<br />

International seminar on oral leukoplakia and associated lesions to<br />

tobacco habits. Malmo, ١٩٨٣. Community Dent Oral Epidemial. ١٢:<br />

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٤- Halbach H. ١٩٧٢.Medical aspects of the chewing of khat<br />

leaves.Bull.WHO ٤٧:٢١-٢٩.<br />

٥- Hill C M, Gibson A, ١٩٨٧. The oral and dental effects of qat chewing.<br />

Jornal of Oral Surgery, ٦٣: (٤) ٤٣٣-٤٣٦.<br />

٦- Hughes P,١٩٧٣. Qat chewing in Yemen. Papers presented at the ٤ th int.<br />

council on drug dependence. PP. ٣٢-٤٦. Lausanne, Switzerland.<br />

٧- Kalix P & Braenden O. ١٩٨٥. Pharmacological aspects of the chewing<br />

of qat leaves. Pharmacological reviews. ٣٧ (٢): ١٤٩-١٦٣.<br />

٨- Kennedy J ١٩٨٣. A medical evaluation of the use of qat in the north of<br />

Yemen. Soc. Sci. Med, ١٧: ٧٨٣-٧٩٣.<br />

٩- Krikorian A. ١٩٨٤. Qat and its use: A historical perspective. J.<br />

Ethnopharmac, ٢١: ١١٥-١٧٨.<br />

١٠- Kristiansson B ١٩٨٧. The use of qat in lactating women. J.<br />

Ethnopharmac, ٢١: ٨٥-٩٠.<br />

١١- Lynch MA, Brightman VJ, Greenberg MS. ١٩٩٧. Burkets Oral<br />

Medicine. ٩ th edition. New York: Lippincott- Raven.<br />

١٢- Raman Revri ١٩٨٣. Catha Edulis Forskal. Geographical dispersal,<br />

Botanical, Ecological and agronomical Aspects with special reference<br />

to Yemen Arab Republic. Gottingen D-٣٤٠٠.<br />

١٣- Schopen A, ١٩٧٨. Das Qat research reports of the dept. of Ethnology.<br />

University of Frankfort, GFR, ed by Franz Steiner Verlag. Wiebaden,<br />

GFR ١٩٧٨.<br />

١٤-Shafer WG. Et al. ١٩٨٤. Oral Pathology. ٤ th edition. Philadelphia: W B<br />

Saunders co.<br />

١٥- World Bank Report no. ١٥٧١٨-YE, ١٩٩٦.<br />

تاريخ ورود البحث إلى <strong>جامعة</strong> <strong>دمشق</strong> :٥/٩/ ٢٠٠٢<br />

تاريخ قبوله للنشر :١٠/١/ ٢٠٠٢<br />


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