HOOAEG 2009/2010 - Vanemuine

HOOAEG 2009/2010 - Vanemuine

HOOAEG 2009/2010 - Vanemuine


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Uku Uusberg<br />

Kuidas kuningas kuu peale kippus<br />

How the King Wished to go to the<br />

Moon<br />

Lastekas / Children play<br />

Lavastaja / Director Uku Uusberg (Eesti Draamateater / Estonian Drama Theatre)<br />

Kunstnik / Designer Jaanus Laagriküll (Ugala)<br />

Muusika / Composer Peeter Volkonski<br />

Koreograaf / Choreographer Janek Savolainen<br />

Osades / In roles: Maarja Mitt, Markus Luik, Martin Kõiv, Ao Peep, Tanel Jonas, Janek<br />

Joost, Janek Savolainen jt<br />

Uku Uusberg:<br />

Vaadake. Ei ole ju mingi naljajutt, et meie kõigi emad ja isad olid kunagi ka ise väikesed lapsed.<br />

Lapsed, kellele meeldis mängida ja lugeda muinasjutte. Selge see, et kõigil jõuab ükskord kätte<br />

aeg olla ise ema, olla ise isa. Olla täiskasvanud. Üks päev ikka tuleb aeg ja siis oledki. Aga...<br />

Ega ükski laps siin maamuna peal k a s v a eal n i i t ä i s, et millelegi muule tema sees enam<br />

ruumi ei jätku. Ükski täiskasvanu pole nii t ä i s k a s v a n u d, et see laps tema sees lihtsalt ära<br />

haihtub. Ei haihtu loomulikult, täiskasvanud lihtsalt varjavad seda last enda sees. Sest muidu<br />

oleks maailm üleni üks suur liivakast, kus kõik jookseks liiva. See poleks nii hea.<br />

Selles loos otsustavad täiskasvanud loobuda sellest varjamisest ning ollagi lapsed ja minna<br />

muinasjutu sisse. Nad tahavad kahurikuulidega kosmosesse sõita, imetaburettidega lennata,<br />

maa all käia, kuu otsa ronida. Nad tahavad unistada.<br />

„Kuidas kuningas kuu peale kippus” on vana Pärsia muinasjutu ainetel ning Joachim Knauthi<br />

samanimelisest näidendist inspireeritud uus lugu lastele. Nii neile, kes lapsed olnud, kui neile,<br />

kes on praegu lapsed. Lavastuses kõlavad Peeter Volkonski viisistatud laulud Dagmar Normeti<br />

sõnadele, mis loodi aastal 1976 etendunud samanimelise telelavastuse jaoks. Need laulud on<br />

suur ja mõjus, aga suuresti ainus ühisosa selle 1976. aasta telelavastusega.<br />

Uku Uusberg:<br />

Look. It is no joke that our mothers and fathers were once small children themselves. Children<br />

who loved to play and read fairy tales. It is clear that one day it is time for everyone to be a<br />

mother, to be a father. To be an adult. One day the time will come and then you are. But...<br />

Not one child on Earth will ever g r o w u p so much that there is no room left inside for<br />

anything else. Not one grown-up has grown so up that the child inside him/her just vanishes.<br />

Naturally it doesn’t vanish, adults just hide that child inside them. Because otherwise the world<br />

would all be one big sandpit where everything goes wrong. That wouldn’t be so good.<br />

In this story adults decide to stop hiding and be children and go inside a fairy tale. They want<br />

to travel to outer space with cannon balls, fly with magic stools, go underground, climb to the<br />

moon. They want to dream.<br />

„How the King Wished to go to the Moon“ is a new story for children based on an old Persian<br />

fairy tale and inspired by the namesake play by Joachim Knauth. For those who have been<br />

children as well as for those who are children currently. The songs in the performance are<br />

set to music by Peeter Volkonski and lyrics written by Dagmar Normet, and were created for<br />

the namesake TV-production in 1976. These songs are great and effective but largely the only<br />

common element with the 1976 TV-production.<br />

Esietendus 28. novembril <strong>2009</strong> Vanemuise suures majas<br />

Premiere on November 28, <strong>2009</strong> at the <strong>Vanemuine</strong> Grand Building<br />

Etendused / Performances:<br />

28.11.<strong>2009</strong> 18:00, 02.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00, 02.12.<strong>2009</strong> 18:00, 03.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00, 09.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00,<br />

09.12.<strong>2009</strong> 18:00, 10.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00, 10.12.<strong>2009</strong> 18:00, 11.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00, 15.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00,<br />

19.12.<strong>2009</strong> 12:00, 09.01.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00, 09.01.<strong>2010</strong> 18:00, 21.01.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00, 21.01.<strong>2010</strong> 18:00,<br />

26.02.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00, 26.02.<strong>2010</strong> 18:00, 23.03.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00, 23.03.<strong>2010</strong> 18:00, 21.04.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00,<br />

21.04.<strong>2010</strong> 18:00, 06.05.<strong>2010</strong> 12:00 Vanemuise suures majas<br />

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