Junior Secondary

Junior Secondary Junior Secondary

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Judge’s Comment Capturing the experiences of a cancer ward using senses and well chosen images including the squeak of shoes on the linoleum. The focus on the contrasts of the ward – a scarf being used to wrap or to cradle, the filling and emptying of beds, the tears and the smiles – is simple yet powerful. A haunting poem. Pranchad CHAURASIA, 13 Griffith High School GRIFFITH NSW Techniques Today I wrote this poem, but I'm not sure if it's good. It doesn't have the things my teacher says it should. It doesn't share the feelings I have deep inside of me. It hasn't got any metaphors and not one simile. It's missing nearly everything. Alliteration too. It isn't an acrostic, shape, or a haiku. There's nothing that's personified. It doesn't even have a plot. I'm pretty sure that rhyming is the only thing it's got. It sure was fun to write it, and I think it's long enough. It's just too bad it's missing all that great poetic fluff. I put it on my teacher's desk and, wow, she made a fuss.

She handed back my poem with an A+++! Judge’s Comment A funny, clever poem about the art of writing a poem. Making strong use of rhythm and rhyme, as well as humour, the poet has crafted a poem which is pleasant to read and leaves the reader smiling. Well done. Phoebe GAUL, 14 Dalby Christian College DALBY QLD The Watertank I am the watertank, hollow and dry from lack of rain; emitting smells, foul and rank, evidence of past suffering and pain. Cracks and holes now are showing, rusty brown patches label me “cursed”; strength all gone – my supports are bowing, symbolic of our outback’s thirst. I am also the flooded plain, creeks and rivers overflowing; released at last from the strain, as their volume keeps on growing. I am the corrugated land gouged by a watery knife; ‘til water trapped inside the sand springs forth in exuberant life. Judge’s Comment A poem of contrasts – the drought and flooding rain which seem to epitomise Australia. In the first stanza the poet explores drought through the image of an empty water tank, rusting and smelling ‘symbolic of our outback’s thirst’. In the second stanza, she presents a flooding plain, ‘gouged by a watery knife’ which finally leads to new ‘exuberant’ life. A lovely poem.

She handed back my poem<br />

with an A+++!<br />

Judge’s Comment<br />

A funny, clever poem about the art of writing a poem. Making strong use<br />

of rhythm and rhyme, as well as humour, the poet has crafted a poem<br />

which is pleasant to read and leaves the reader smiling. Well done.<br />

Phoebe GAUL, 14<br />

Dalby Christian College<br />


The Watertank<br />

I am the watertank,<br />

hollow and dry from lack of rain;<br />

emitting smells, foul and rank,<br />

evidence of past suffering and pain.<br />

Cracks and holes now are showing,<br />

rusty brown patches label me “cursed”;<br />

strength all gone – my supports are bowing,<br />

symbolic of our outback’s thirst.<br />

I am also the flooded plain,<br />

creeks and rivers overflowing;<br />

released at last from the strain,<br />

as their volume keeps on growing.<br />

I am the corrugated land<br />

gouged by a watery knife;<br />

‘til water trapped inside the sand<br />

springs forth in exuberant life.<br />

Judge’s Comment<br />

A poem of contrasts – the drought and flooding rain which seem to<br />

epitomise Australia. In the first stanza the poet explores drought through<br />

the image of an empty water tank, rusting and smelling ‘symbolic of our<br />

outback’s thirst’. In the second stanza, she presents a flooding plain,<br />

‘gouged by a watery knife’ which finally leads to new ‘exuberant’ life. A<br />

lovely poem.

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