EDF Energy - Finance

EDF Energy - Finance

EDF Energy - Finance


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RO History: 2002- present day<br />

• The Renewables Obligation (RO) is the current main mechanism<br />

for supporting large scale generation of renewable electricity in the UK<br />

• Introduced in 2002 and allowed to triple the renewable capacity<br />

in the UK from 1.8% to 6.6%<br />

• Currently worth around £1.42 billion/year of support<br />

to the industry<br />

• The RO has been subject to various reforms and improvements:<br />

• Introduction of banding by technologies (April 2009)<br />

• Extended from its current end date of 2027 to 2037 for new projects (April 2010)<br />

• The scheme is administered by OFGEM

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