PASE WISE FEB 07 - Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle

PASE WISE FEB 07 - Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle PASE WISE FEB 07 - Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle


always do good deeds, purify your mind with Nam-Simran, Control your emotions of Kam, Karodh, Lobh, Moh and Hankar, live a truthful life, eat only as much as the need of the body and the mind, always acquire good knwledge (Gyan) in the company of good people (Sad-Sangat), be polite and always use sweet words while talking, always maintain winning attitude (Nishay Kar Apni Jeet Karon), fight against injustice in the society, never use drugs, perform your duty honestly, do not indulge in intrigues and gossips, be always cheerful, read and understand the Bani daily, If we consciously try to control our thoughts and actions in the right direction, then we shall be able to develop positive attitudes to enjoy a happy and successful life. A true sikh should never have negative attitudes as he always prays for "Sarbat Da Bhalla". Science Awareness While inaugurating 94th India Science Congress in Tamilnadu on 3rd January, Dr.Manmohan Singh Prime Minister of India said that the Scientists and Technologists should develope alternative sources of energy in addition to energy sources like solar energy, photo-voltaic and nuclear energy. He further said that methods to save energy should be found. He showed concern on the falling numbers of science students in the school and colleges and also on the falling standards of the research in the country. He informed that the government is thinking to spend 2 percent share of the development funds during next five years for the upgradation of science and technology in the country. Astronauts become 1-2 inches (2.5-5cm) taller while they are in space. Without Earth's gravity tugging on their bodies, the vertebrae in their spines stretch out. The extra height is only temporary though. Astronauts shrink back to their normal size after returning to Earth. How the astronauts go to the bathroom in space? There is a toilet on the shuttle. Astronauts strap themselves to it so they won't float off. Water is not used to flush waste products away because it does not flow in weightlessness. Air is used instead. It sucks the waste away just like a vaccum cleaner. Solid waste is collected and disposed of back on Earth. Urine is held in tank, then released into space. The temperature of space is so cold that the urine freezes immediately into sparkling ice crystals. The stars twinkle because starlight comes down to Earth through different layers of air. We can see about 3000 stars with just our naked eye. We can see planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn without a telescope. The Moon shines due to the light of the sun falling on the surface of the Moon reflects off the surface of the Moon. India is likely to acquire economically viable uranium deposits abroad to exploit them for peaceful domestic use to fuel its nuclear power plants. India has the capacity to generate 21,180 megawatts of electricity by 2020 under its Nuclear Power Programme. February 2007 28

Why India needs to learn how to teach A serious problem is staring India's higher education in the face, but we just aren't seeing it. It's about the misalignment between education and employment. Unemployment among the educated is high - and rising. But even the existing employment opportunities are not matched by the number of employable people. In the IT sector alone, where exports (currently Rs 107,000 crore) are projected to touch Rs 285,000 crore by 2010, about 20 lakh new jobs will be created. Yet, NASSCOM estimates a shortfall of 5 lakh employable graduates. This paradox was high lighted by two recent statements. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in India last month that, to be employable worldwide, Indian graduates need more "hands-on" practical training. NASSCOM president Kiran Karnik was more blunt. Shake up the university system, he said at a vicechancellors' conference in Mumbai last week. Of the 30 lakh graduates added to the workforce annually the IT and ITES sectors can absorb only 20-25 percent of our engineering graduates. "We can't employ the 26th candidate because he or she is just not employable," Karnik observed. The employability of non-engineering graduates is even lower - only 10-15 percent, for they lack "technical and soft skills which employers look for." Since the university system is not making graduates employment-compatible, many IT companies have to spend substantial resources to re-train fresh recruits. In-fosys has established a megasize campus in Mysore to retrain, at a time, as many as 10,000 new recruits. Similarly, TCS has launched a Talent tansformation Initiative to train thousands of science graduates into software professionals. However, only big IT companies can make this additional investment. Small ones have to make do with graduates who are mostly, for no fault of their own, not up-to-the-mark. And except for a small percentage of well-managed and wellendowed arts, science, and commerce colleges -which account Every artist was first an amateur. Sudheendra Kulkarni -Ralph Waldo Emerson-Henry David Thoreau for 70 percent of our 1.1 crore students -the rest can be stacked at various levels of mediocrity. Many factors contribute to the malaise: outdated curriculum; obsolete equipment; teachers who don't update their knowledge base; managements that lack commitment to academic excellence; rote learning; examoriented teaching; lack of activitybased learning through team effort. The biggest failure of our university system is that students are not taught "soft skills" - the competence to discuss, analyse, innovate and communicate. ' Clearly, India's failing university system needs urgent reforms to remove the mismatch between education and employment. Let me mention five measures here: Allow, and create opportunities for students to do short-term diploma or certificate courses along with their degree courses. These courses should be linked to areas in which employment opportunities are opening up. The UGC has already recommended this innovation. Only 20 percent of our colleges and 50 percent of our 317 universities have been assessed for minimum quality by NA&AC. Since the task is too large for a single body to perform, a state-level mechanism for assessment and accreditation should be evolved, rewarding institutions that perform well. Liberate India's higher education from three foes: bureaucratic clutches of the HRD ministry and state education departments; February 2007 29

always do good deeds, purify your mind with Nam-Simran,<br />

Control your emotions of Kam, Karodh, Lobh, Moh and Hankar,<br />

live a truthful life, eat only as much as the need of the body and<br />

the mind, always acquire good knwledge (Gyan) in the company<br />

of good people (Sad-Sangat), be polite and always use sweet<br />

words while talking, always maintain winning attitude (Nishay<br />

Kar Apni Jeet Karon), fight against injustice in the society, never<br />

use drugs, perform your duty honestly, do not indulge in<br />

intrigues and gossips, be always<br />

cheerful, read and understand the<br />

Bani daily, If we consciously try to<br />

control our thoughts and actions in<br />

the right direction, then we shall be<br />

able to develop positive attitudes to<br />

enjoy a happy and successful life. A<br />

true sikh should never have<br />

negative attitudes as he always<br />

prays for "Sarbat Da Bhalla".<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Science Awareness<br />

While inaugurating 94th India Science Congress in<br />

Tamilnadu on 3rd January, Dr.Manmohan <strong>Singh</strong> Prime<br />

Minister of India said that the Scientists and Technologists<br />

should develope alternative sources of energy in addition to<br />

energy sources like solar energy, photo-voltaic and nuclear<br />

energy. He further said that methods to save energy should<br />

be found. He showed concern on the falling numbers of<br />

science students in the school and colleges and also on the<br />

falling standards of the research in the country. He informed<br />

that the government is thinking to spend 2 percent share of<br />

the development funds during next five years for the upgradation<br />

of science and technology in the country.<br />

Astronauts become 1-2 inches (2.5-5cm) taller while they<br />

are in space. Without Earth's gravity tugging on their<br />

bodies, the vertebrae in their spines stretch out. The extra<br />

height is only temporary though. Astronauts shrink back to<br />

their normal size after returning to Earth.<br />

How the astronauts go to the bathroom in space? There is a<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

toilet on the shuttle. Astronauts<br />

strap themselves to it so they<br />

won't float off. Water is not used<br />

to flush waste products away<br />

because it does not flow in<br />

weightlessness. Air is used<br />

instead. It sucks the waste away<br />

just like a vaccum cleaner. Solid<br />

waste is collected and disposed<br />

of back on Earth. Urine is held in<br />

tank, then released into space.<br />

The temperature of space is so<br />

cold that the urine freezes<br />

immediately into sparkling ice<br />

crystals.<br />

The stars twinkle because<br />

starlight comes down to Earth<br />

through different layers of air.<br />

We can see about 3000 stars with<br />

just our naked eye.<br />

We can see planets - Mercury,<br />

Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn<br />

without a telescope.<br />

The Moon shines due to the light<br />

of the sun falling on the surface<br />

of the Moon reflects off the<br />

surface of the Moon.<br />

India is likely to acquire<br />

economically viable uranium<br />

deposits abroad to exploit them<br />

for peaceful domestic use to fuel<br />

its nuclear power plants. India<br />

has the capacity to generate<br />

21,180 megawatts of electricity<br />

by 2020 under its Nuclear Power<br />

Programme.<br />

<br />

<br />

February 20<strong>07</strong><br />


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