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<strong>TRANSLATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>G.39</strong>, <strong>NACH</strong> <strong>HITLERS</strong> <strong>STURZ</strong><br />


Today the vital question for Germany is: Is the war to be prolonged or shortened?<br />

Hitler is determined to prevent Germany from deciding this for themselves. He cannot,<br />

however, prevent them asking questions.<br />

Here are 7 important questions and the answers:<br />

(1) Can Hitlerite Germany reckon on a compromise peace?<br />

Answer: No. In the Treaty of London, England and Russia, with the approval of the United<br />

States, have reaffirmed their determination never to negotiate with the Hitler regime or with<br />

any other German Government which does not renounce all aggressive designs.<br />

(2) Does Hitler’s defeat mean Germany’s destruction?<br />

Answer: No. Time and again, first in September 1939 and most recently on the 21st May, 1942,<br />

the British Government has stated that it has two aims: (i) To destroy the Hitler Tyranny, and (ii)<br />

To enable each of the peoples of Europe, including the German, to rebuild a State after the war<br />

which ensures to each individual impartial justice, freedom of speech and freedom of coalition;<br />

and secures him from unemployment and economic exploitation.<br />

Hitler’s defeat, therefore, means not Germany’s destruction, but Germany’s salvation from<br />

destruction.<br />

(3) Will England hand over the German people to Bolshevism?<br />

Answer: The British and Russian Governments in article 5 of the London Treaty have pledged<br />

themselves not to interfere in the internal affairs of other States, once Hitler’s War Machine has<br />

been destroyed and a repetition of aggression rendered impossible. The United States has<br />

adopted the same attitude. Thus the “Bolshevik menace” is unmasked as what it always was, a<br />

“Red Bogey”.<br />

(4) Does Hitler’s defeat mean unemployment and inflation for Germany?<br />

Answer: In the world of today, the prosperity of each people depends on the prosperity of all.<br />

There can be no enduring peace and no prosperity so long as one people tries to make itself a<br />

Herrenvolk. England and the United States, in the Atlantic Charter, have pledged themselves, in<br />

their own interests, to tolerate no economic victimisation of the vanquished. The Atlantic<br />

Charter was accepted by the Russian Government as the basis of its own policy and was once<br />

again reinforced by the Treaty of London. After Hitler’s fall, therefore, Germany, like other<br />

countries, can achieve once again a prosperity based on an enduring peace.<br />

(5) Does Hitler’s fall mean a “Super Versailles”?<br />

Answer: The assertion that the United Nations will impose a “Super Versailles” is a flat lie. Be<br />

it noted that a Super Versailles exists already – Hitler has imposed it on Europe. The United<br />

Nations are determined to avoid three mistakes of Versailles.<br />

The first mistake was: The Allies were too lenient in their treatment of the men responsible for<br />

German militarism. The United Nations are determined this time to make a final settlement<br />

with them.<br />

The second mistake of the Versailles Settlement was: it did not take adequate measures for the<br />


<strong>TRANSLATION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>G.39</strong>, <strong>NACH</strong> <strong>HITLERS</strong> <strong>STURZ</strong><br />

economic prosperity and reconstruction of Europe. The United Nations are determined, in their<br />

own interests, this time to take adequate measures to this end.<br />

The third mistake was neither Russia nor America participated in the Settlement and in the<br />

pacification of Europe. The United Nations are determined not to repeat this mistake.<br />

(6) Does England expect the German people to assist in the destruction of the Hitler<br />

regime?<br />

Answer: England is not blind to the difficulties of the Germans of all classes who are against<br />

Hitler. To these Germans we say:<br />

“The United Nations will smash Hitler’s War Machine. If the German people hasten Hitler’s<br />

fall, that means the saving of millions of human lives. We know that a rising against Hitler must<br />

cost lives. But the number of these lives will only be a fraction of those which Hitler will<br />

sacrifice every day in the vain attempt to escape his defeat.<br />

The roots of German militarism must be destroyed by the German people itself. The sooner the<br />

better. Until such time as the German people has freed itself from militarism England and her<br />

Allies will remain armed in order to prevent a third world war.<br />

(7) What does this mean for Germany?<br />

Answer: Germany’s real enemies are those who are prolonging the war.<br />

Germany can have peace tomorrow if it frees itself from Hitler and militarism – a peace<br />

of freedom and justice.<br />


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