Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18


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<strong>Chapter</strong><br />

<strong>18</strong><br />

Creating and Managing Change<br />

McGraw-Hill/Irwin<br />

Management, 7/e<br />

Copyright © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

<strong>18</strong>-3<br />

Learning Objectives<br />

After Studying <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>18</strong>, You will know<br />

What it takes to be world class<br />

How to manage change effectively<br />

How to create a successful future

Managing Change<br />


<strong>18</strong>-5<br />

Becoming World Class<br />

Managers today want, or should want, their<br />

organizations to become world class<br />

To some this may seem like a lofty, impossible,<br />

unnecessary goal but it is a goal that is<br />

essential to survival and success in today’s<br />

intensely competitive business world<br />

Being world class requires applying the best and<br />

latest knowledge and ideas, and having the ability<br />

to operate at the highest standards of anyplace<br />

anywhere<br />

World-class companies create high-value products<br />

and earn superior profits over the long run

<strong>18</strong>-6<br />

Sustainable, Great Futures<br />

Over the years world-class companies have<br />

been widely admired, been considered the<br />

premier institutions in their industries, and<br />

made a real impact on the world<br />

World class companies also<br />

Turn in extraordinary performance over the long run<br />

Have strong core values in which they believe deeply; and<br />

they express and live the values consistently<br />

They do not focus on beating the competition; the focus<br />

primarily on beating themselves<br />

Great companies have core values, know<br />

what they are and what they mean, and live<br />

by them – year after year

Sustainable, Great Futures<br />


<strong>18</strong>-8<br />

The Tyranny of the ‘Or’<br />

Many companies, and individuals, are plagued<br />

by the tyranny of the or<br />

This refers to the belief that things must be<br />

either A or B, and cannot be both<br />

Examples include<br />

Choose to either change or remain stable<br />

Be conservative or bold<br />

Have control and consistency or creative<br />


<strong>18</strong>-9<br />

The Genius of the ‘And’<br />

Organizational ambidexterity; genius of the ‘and’<br />

refers to the ability to achieve multiple things<br />

simultaneously<br />

Purpose beyond profit and pragmatic pursuit of<br />

profit<br />

Relatively fixed core values and vigorous change<br />

and movement<br />

Conservatism with the core values and bold<br />

business moves<br />

Clear vision and direction and experimentation<br />

Long-term thinking and investment and demand<br />

for short-term results<br />

Visionary, futuristic thinking and daily, nuts-andbolts<br />


<strong>18</strong>-10<br />

Organization Development<br />

Organization development is a system wide<br />

application of behavioral science knowledge to<br />

develop, improve, and reinforce the strategies,<br />

structures, and processes that lead to<br />

organization effectiveness<br />

It improves the organization’s ability to respond to<br />

external groups like customers, stockholders,<br />

governments, employees, and other stakeholders<br />

It has an important underlying value orientation –<br />

it supports human potential, development, and<br />

participation in addition to performance and<br />

competitive advantage

<strong>18</strong>-11<br />

Achieving Greatness<br />

Three are four key factors to achieving greatness<br />

Strategy – focused on customers, continually fine-tuned<br />

based on marketplace changes, and clearly<br />

communicated to employees<br />

Execution – good people, with decision-making<br />

authority on the front lines, doing quality work and<br />

cutting costs<br />

Culture – one that motivates, empowers people to<br />

innovate, rewards people appropriately, entails strong<br />

values, challenges people<br />

Structure – making the organization easy to work in and<br />

easy to work with, characterized by cooperation and the<br />

exchange of information and knowledge throughout the<br />


<strong>18</strong>-12<br />

Managing Change<br />

Shared leadership is crucial to the success of<br />

most change efforts<br />

People must be not just supporters of change<br />

they also need to be implementers<br />

There needs to be a permanent rekindling of<br />

individual creativity and responsibility, a true<br />

change in the behavior of people throughout the<br />

organization<br />

The essential task is to motivate people fully to<br />

keep changing in response to new business<br />


<strong>18</strong>-13<br />

Motivating People to Change<br />

People must be motivated to change<br />

Managers tend to underestimate the amount of<br />

resistance they will encounter<br />

Some general for resistance include:<br />

Inertia – people don’t want to disturb the status<br />

quo<br />

Timing<br />

Surprise<br />

Peer pressure

<strong>18</strong>-14<br />

Motivating People to Change<br />

Some change-specific reasons for resistance<br />

include<br />

Self-interest<br />

Misunderstanding<br />

Different assessments<br />

Management tactics

Motivating People to Change<br />


<strong>18</strong>-16<br />

A General Model for Managing Resistance<br />

Motivating people to change often requires<br />

three basic stages<br />

Unfreezing<br />

Moving<br />


<strong>18</strong>-17<br />

Specific Approaches to Enlist Cooperation<br />

Most managers underestimate the variety of<br />

ways they can influence people during a<br />

period of change<br />

Some effective approaches include<br />

Education and communication<br />

Participation and involvement<br />

Facilitation and support<br />

Negotiation and rewards<br />

Manipulation and cooptation<br />

Explicit and implicit coercion

Specific Approaches to Enlist<br />

Cooperation<br />


<strong>18</strong>-19<br />

Harmonizing Multiple Changes<br />

Total organization change involves<br />

introducing and sustaining multiple policies,<br />

practices, and procedures across multiple<br />

units and levels<br />

Total organizational changes can<br />

Affect the thinking and behavior of everyone in<br />

the organization<br />

Enhance the organization’s culture and<br />

success<br />

Be sustained over time

<strong>18</strong>-20<br />

Leading Change<br />

Successful change<br />

requires managers to<br />

actively lead it<br />

Leaders must start by<br />

examining the current<br />

realities facing the<br />

organization<br />

From here they can<br />

create a sense of<br />


Leading Change<br />


<strong>18</strong>-22<br />

Shaping the Future<br />

A newspaper reporter found a variety of<br />

forecasts about the global future, but clear<br />

agreement on two things<br />

A very different world is roaring up on us<br />

The history of our times will be the story of<br />

how we prepared for this different world –<br />

which so far, is mostly a story of how we have<br />

failed to prepare

<strong>18</strong>-23<br />

Shaping the Future<br />

Most change is reactive<br />

Reactive change is in response to pressure; it is<br />

problem driven change<br />

Implies that you are a follower not a leader<br />

Proactive change means anticipating and<br />

preparing for an uncertain future<br />

It implies being a leader and creating the future<br />

you want<br />

On the road to the future will you be:<br />

The windshield<br />

The bug<br />

Or the driver

<strong>18</strong>-24<br />

Thinking about the Future<br />

If you think only about the present, or wallow<br />

in the uncertainties of the future, your future<br />

is just a roll of the dice<br />

“The global economy could be on the cusp of an<br />

age of innovation equal to that of the past 75 years. All the right<br />

factors are in place: Science is advancing rapidly, more countries<br />

are willing to devote resources to research and development and<br />

education, and corporate managers, too, are convinced of the<br />

importance of embracing change” - Business Week

<strong>18</strong>-25<br />

Creating the Future<br />

Companies can try different strategic postures to<br />

prepare to compete in an uncertain future<br />

Adapters take the current industry structure<br />

and its future evolution as givens<br />

Shapers try to change the structure of their<br />

industries, creating a future competitive<br />

landscape of their own design<br />

The challenge is not to maintain your position in<br />

the current competitive arena, but to create new<br />

competitive arenas, transform your industry, and<br />

imagine a future that others don’t see<br />

Create your own advantages

Creating the Future<br />


<strong>18</strong>-27<br />

Shaping Your Own Future<br />

If you are an organizational leader, and your<br />

organization operates in traditional ways, your<br />

key goal should be to create a revolution,<br />

genetically reengineering your company before it<br />

becomes a dinosaur of the modern era<br />

Creating the future you want for yourself requires<br />

setting high personal standards<br />

Don’t’ settle for mediocrity<br />

Become a life long learner<br />

Consciously and actively manage your own<br />

career<br />

Become indispensable to your organization

Shaping Your Future<br />


<strong>18</strong>-29<br />

Learning and Leading<br />

Continuous learning is a vital route to<br />

renewable competitive advantage;<br />

organizations and people should constantly<br />

explore,<br />

Discover<br />

Take action<br />

The philosophy of continuous learning helps<br />

your company achieve lower cost, higher<br />

quality, innovation, and speed – and helps<br />

you grow and develop on a personal level

Learning and Leading<br />


<strong>18</strong>-31<br />

Learning and Leading<br />

A leader should be able to create an environment<br />

in which others are willing to learn and change so<br />

their organizations can adapt and innovate [and]<br />

inspire diverse others to embark on a collective<br />

journey of continual learning and leading<br />

To do this you will need to commit to life long<br />

learning<br />

Life long learning requires occasionally taking<br />

risks; moving outside of your ‘comfort zone’;<br />

honestly assessing the reasons behind your<br />

successes and failures; and being open to new<br />


<strong>18</strong>-32<br />

Learning and Leading<br />

As a leader you will inhabit and grow into<br />

different stages in life<br />

This suggests that you not only do these things<br />

but you do them well<br />

These stages are:<br />

Level 1 – Highly capable individual<br />

Level 2 – Contributing team member<br />

Level 3 – Competent manager<br />

Level 4 – Effective Leader<br />

Level 5 – Level 5 executive

Learning and Leading<br />


<strong>18</strong>-34<br />

The future<br />

A successful future derives from adapting to<br />

the world and shaping the future; being<br />

responsive to others’ perspectives and being<br />

clear about what you want to change;<br />

encouraging others to change while<br />

recognizing what you need to change about<br />

yourself; understanding current realities and<br />

passionately pursuing your vision; learning<br />

and leading.

<strong>18</strong>-35<br />

Concluding Thought<br />

For yourself, as well as for your organization,<br />

be ambidextrous: recognize and live the<br />

genius of the and.

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