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3pm Journal of Digital Research & Publishing<br />

name was on the list of the names submitted, they made a mistake of not choosing the most<br />

popular names and then conduct a poll to determine which would be the best choice. This<br />

move by Kraft led to a strong objection from both the media and Vegemite consumers, who<br />

also used the same social media applications to show their aversion to the name ‘iSnack<br />

2.0’. (Wright 2010)<br />

Kraft needed to appease the disgruntled consumers by changing the name once more.<br />

To do this, they once again asked people to vote a name from 6 pre-picked names through<br />

social media platforms along with online polls and phone surveys. Thousands of consumers<br />

once again voiced out what their name preference through online polls and through social<br />

networking sites. After the research process was over, it was finalized that the new product<br />

was going to be named as Vegemite Cheesybite and was distributed in supermarkets and<br />

other trade channels subsequently. (Kraft Website 2009)<br />

Dell’s Idea Storm<br />

Michael Dell founded the Dell Company in 1984 to be able to eliminate the so called<br />

“middleman” when it comes to selling personal computers or PCs. He found a way to sell<br />

custom built PCs directly to customers. Customization is what has differentiated Dell from<br />

its competitors. Customization involves pretty much the customers telling the company<br />

what they want and the company responding to this request (Arora et al 2008, p.306). In<br />

the case of Dell, its customization capability has worked well for them as they have reached<br />

millions of customers in more than a hundred countries all over the world in 2009.<br />

In February 2007, Dell found a way to talk back directly to their customers through Dell’s<br />

Ideastorm. Dell customers just about tell the company about what they want with their PCs.<br />

However, with Dell’s Idea Storm, Dell was able to make connections with customers more<br />

interactive. A power to voice out one’s ideas and to participate in “brainstorm” sessions<br />

regarding new products and services were given to Dell customers through IdeaStorm.<br />

Through this process, Dell is able to generate new product ideas coming straight from<br />

the customers without involving the lengthy and expensive traditional research methods<br />

while also offering quicker response times. “Storm Sessions” open up once in a while and<br />

for a limited time allow Dell customers to submit their ideas regarding a specific topic.<br />

Since these sessions are only up in the web for a limited time, conversations are targeted,<br />

relevant and time-bound (Dell Website, 2010).<br />

In 3 years, Dell has been able to implement 400 ideas from over 10,000 idea submissions.<br />

They have listened to their customers and their customers have been able to also see these<br />


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