QUESTIONNAIRE DISCLAIMER - savary island committee

QUESTIONNAIRE DISCLAIMER - savary island committee

QUESTIONNAIRE DISCLAIMER - savary island committee


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<strong>QUESTIONNAIRE</strong> <strong>DISCLAIMER</strong><br />

At the request of SIC, the following questionnaire results were compiled by Savary<br />

property owner Robert Moore, with the aid of data analysis on-line.<br />

All quantifiable answers were tabulated (such as the 58% percent of respondents who<br />

favoured dust control on the main road). There were however many answers that were not<br />

included in the tabulation, because they were written commentary, which are not<br />

quantifiable with the resources available to us. In the questionnaire's sections I and II for<br />

example, more than half the questions had asked for narrative input which cannot be<br />

represented by statistics. As well, many respondents had written their views of the<br />

questions themselves, which could also not be tabulated.<br />

SIC believes that releasing only the quantifiable results without the accompanying<br />

commentary could be misleading, and is a disservice to the respondents who, in<br />

responding to the questionnaire's request for comments, clearly wanted their<br />

commentary considered in the results.<br />

Further, we have concerns about leading questions that may have prompted the<br />

respondents' answers, and we are dissatisfied with the collection method that allowed for<br />

multiple submissions from individuals.<br />

Finally, the number of respondents is 176, which is only a fraction of Savary property<br />

owners, so should not be extrapolated to represent all of Savary.<br />

In the interest of maintaining transparency, we are releasing this portion of the results,<br />

with an apology to all the respondents who wrote commentary that has not been<br />

considered, and a caveat to the reader that SIC considers these results to be unreliable as<br />

a representation of Savary opinion.<br />

For the reasons listed above, SIC will not apply the results of this survey to our decisionmaking<br />

on transportation issues. We will continue to rely on our meetings with the<br />

Ministry of Transportation and the Savary public to guide our decisions.<br />

Savary Island Committee 2009-2010

Savary Island Transportation Plan Questionnaire<br />

Administered by the Savary Island Committee 2007-2008, in advance of the July 19 th , 2008<br />

Transportation Forum<br />

Dear Savary Island Property owner,<br />

Please assist us in representing the views of Savary Island property owners at the July 19 th<br />

Transportation Forum by taking half an hour to complete the attached questionnaire. Your response<br />

is important as it will help us determine priorities for the Transportation Plan, and the best<br />

approaches for its implementation, based on the views of property owners. The direct benefit of<br />

your participation in this survey will be ensuring that your views and priorities with regards to<br />

Savary’s transportation infrastructure are heard by the Powell River Regional District and the<br />

provincial government.<br />

Please be assured that your responses will remain confidential. Your suggestions and<br />

recommendations are sincerely appreciated, and we thank you for taking the time to fill out the<br />

attached survey.<br />

Responses would be appreciated by June 15 via one of the following methods:<br />

a) handed in to a member of the Savary Island Committee, or<br />

b) mailed to: Savary Island Committee c/o General Delivery, Lund, B.C V0N 2G0<br />

Responses received after June 15 th will be accepted, but due to the time needed to summarize survey<br />

results, cannot be included in the results presented at the July 19 th Transportation Forum. Late<br />

responses will, however, be included in a later summary document.<br />

Thank you for your participation,<br />

The Savary Island Committee:<br />

Barbara Graham (Area C)<br />

Jane Hungerford (Area A)<br />

Lowell Johnson (Area B)<br />

Jan Lindsay (Area C)<br />

Jack McGuire (Area C)<br />

Susan Poulos (Member at large)<br />

Harry Robertson (Area A)<br />

Rick Thaddeus (Area A)<br />

Ross Townsend (Member at large)<br />

2 | P age

Background<br />

In 2006, the Savary Island Official Community Plan (SIOCP, Bylaw 403, 2006, available at<br />

http://www.powellriverrd.bc.ca/areas/area_a/ocp.html) was approved by the Powell River<br />

Regional District and the province. Section 6 of this document provided the objectives and<br />

policies related to Land and Water Transportation that were agreed to at that time, but little has<br />

been done to implement these plans. As property development has continued, so has the strain<br />

on the <strong>island</strong>'s transportation infrastructure. The following questions relate to specific land and<br />

water transportation issue of relevance to the Transportation Plan.<br />

In response to the following questions, please choose the ONE answer that best<br />

represents your view by placing a tick in the appropriate box.<br />

Results are presented in % of N (176)<br />

I. Land Transportation Issues<br />

1. Vehicle regulation views<br />

A debate exists concerning whether Savary’s current transportation infrastructure should be<br />

adapted to accommodate more vehicles, or whether the number of vehicles should be capped<br />

and/or reduced in order to preserve the <strong>island</strong> for non-vehicular uses.<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following:<br />

a. I am concerned about the growing number of vehicles on Savary.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

59 5 7 5 23 1<br />

a. I am in favour of initiatives that would keep vehicle use on Savary at the current level.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

15 8 6 9 55 6<br />

3 | P age

. I am in favour of initiatives that would reduce vehicle use on Savary below the current level.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

48 5 2 9 34 3<br />

c. I am in favour of initiatives that would facilitate/allow an increase in vehicle use beyond the<br />

current level.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

16 4 12 5 59 5<br />

2. Transportation of vehicles to Savary<br />

One suggestion for keeping the status quo or limiting vehicle use on Savary is to add a<br />

surcharge to barging of vehicles to the <strong>island</strong> (amongst other disincentives), making barging a<br />

vehicle more expensive than parking a vehicle in Lund.<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following:<br />

a. I would support adding a surcharge to barging a vehicle to the Island.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

45 4 1 5 43 2<br />

i. I would support such a surcharge if the proceeds were used for barging derelict and/or<br />

unlicensed vehicles off the Island.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

45 7 5 2 35 5<br />

4 | P age

ii. I would support such a surcharge if it was exempted for vehicles of permanent residents<br />

and certain essential service vehicles.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

26 10 5 11 45 3<br />

b. I would support exploring the idea of a tax-funded parking lot in Lund as an alternative to<br />

barging vehicles to Savary.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

34 8 10 3 40 4<br />

c. I would support prohibiting the barging of vehicles transporting building supplies to Savary<br />

on weekends.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

38 5 7 5 42 3<br />

i. I would support such a prohibition during summer months only.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

35 6 7 6 41 5<br />

d. Please discuss any other suggestions/comments you have regarding vehicles on Savary:<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

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3. Road Maintenance<br />

Please answer the following questions with reference to this statement:<br />

Schedule C of the SIOCP breaks the <strong>island</strong>'s existing roads into 3 classes, in order to assist the<br />

Ministry of Transportation (MOT) in identifying priorities for road maintenance. Level 1 roads are<br />

to be maintained “at a standard for reasonable all-weather access to all parts of the <strong>island</strong>”, with<br />

Level 2 and 3 roads maintained for access by emergency vehicles, land taxis, etc. Please refer<br />

to Appendix (attached) for a map detailing locations of Level 1,2, and 3 roads.<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:<br />

a. I think that Savary’s Level 1 (wharf to Indian Point) road is currently being maintained to the<br />

suggested level.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

27 10 3 12 45 3<br />

b. I think that Savary’s Level 2 and 3 roads (all other roads) are currently being maintained to<br />

the suggested level.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

25 11 9 14 37 5<br />

c. If you agreed with either question (a) or (b), please skip to question (d). If you disagreed with<br />

either question (a) or (b), please answer the following questions:<br />

i. Increased levels of Ministry of Transportation maintenance is required.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

48 10 1 1 4 36<br />

6 | P age

ii. Additional funding and equipment should be acquired by SIC to maintain existing roads.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

19 10 9 5 30 26<br />

d. I think that dust control measures are required in the summer on Level 1 roads.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

58 16 10 2 10 5<br />

e. Please indicate any other suggestions you have with regards to road maintenance:<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

7 | P age

4. New Road Construction/ Major Road upgrades<br />

Please answer the following questions with regards to this statement:<br />

The Savary Island Official Community Plan allows for new road construction or major road<br />

upgrades “which significantly improve fire control access or increase public safety.”<br />

a. In relation fire protection and emergency services, please indicate if you feel that your<br />

property is poorly served with regards to any of the following: (check any that apply)<br />

30 Access by fire trucks<br />

31 Access to fire fighting water supply<br />

29 Access by emergency vehicles<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:<br />

b. I think SIC should be pursuing public funds to upgrade Level 1 roads to minimum Ministry of<br />

Transportation all-weather standards.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

42 13 7 8 24 6<br />

c. I think SIC should be pursuing public funds to build an alternate route between the wharf<br />

and Vancouver Blvd. (as put forth in schedule C of the Savary Island OCP).<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

21 10 13 7 41 9<br />

8 | P age

d. I think SIC should be pursuing public funds to develop a dedicated pedestrian and bicycle<br />

trail running the length of the <strong>island</strong>.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

46 15 9 5 23 2<br />

e. I support only road upgrading, and not new road construction.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

46 17 7 3 23 4<br />

f. I am concerned that road upgrades and building will increase and encourage vehicle use on<br />

Savary.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

49 7 7 7 27 2<br />

g. I am concerned that road upgrades and building will compromise the rural character of the<br />

Island.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

50 4 6 7 31 2<br />

9 | P age

h. With regards to road upgrade options for the main road running the length of the <strong>island</strong>,<br />

please indicate which of the following you would most support:<br />

49 Maintaining the road at its current width<br />

15 Reducing the existing footprint (ie. narrowing the road)<br />

26 Adding more 2-way zones (ie. widening the road in some locations)<br />

9 Creating a 2-way zone the full length of the road (ie. widening the entire road)<br />

9 Other (please specify)<br />

__________________________________________________<br />

a. Department of Transportation standards suggest providing drainage ditches on major roads<br />

(ie. the road running from the wharf to Indian Point), and providing culverts to divert flowing<br />

water under a road.<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:<br />

i. I would support installing drainage ditches on both sides of the major road, along<br />

its full length.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

13 9 17 5 50 6<br />

ii.<br />

I would support installing culverts in areas of high water runoff to divert water<br />

under roads.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

42 19 4 5 24 6<br />

10 | P age

i. Paving the <strong>island</strong>’s roads has been put forward as a means to decrease road maintenance<br />

costs, and to reduce or eliminate the need to grade the main road running the length of the<br />

<strong>island</strong>, during the winter. Nevertheless, the concept of asphalt roads on Savary has long<br />

been a contentious issue, as some property owners are concerned that paved roads would<br />

interfere with the Island’s rural character.<br />

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements:<br />

i. Providing that asphalt would reduce road maintenance costs, I would support asphalt on<br />

Savary’s main road.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

25 7 3 4 60 1<br />

ii. I feel that paving Savary’s main road would damage the Island’s rural character.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

57 5 5 5 27 2<br />

j. Please discuss any other initiatives you feel SIC should be engaging in with regards to road<br />

construction and upgrades, or any other concerns you have regarding these issues:<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

11 | P age

5. Other land transportation issues<br />

a. I think speed limits should be implemented on Savary using clearly marked signs.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

50 17 8 3 18 5<br />

d. I would support the removal of ‘abandoned vehicles’ (defined as vehicles left on a public<br />

road for longer than 72 hours).<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

53 11 4 3 28 2<br />

e. I would support parking restrictions at the wharf area, along with dedicated wharf drop-off<br />

and pick-up spaces, and spaces for emergency and essential services vehicles.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

55 13 3 3 25 2<br />

12 | P age

f. I would support exploring the idea of a public transportation system on the Island.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

28 21 14 5 30 2<br />

Please provide suggestions for what this transportation should consist of/how it would run:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

g. Please discuss any other land transportation issues you would like to see addressed.<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

13 | P age

II.<br />

Wharf transportation Issues<br />

1. I feel that the issue of traffic congestion on the wharf should be remedied through<br />

improvements to the wharf.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

35 16 13 4 24 8<br />

2. I feel that the issue of traffic congestion on the wharf should be remedied through a form of<br />

vehicular and pedestrian traffic regulation.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

36 10 9 10 29 7<br />

3. If you agreed with either question 1 or 2, please elaborate on specific improvements to the<br />

wharf, or on traffic or vehicular regulations:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

14 | P age

4. Please discuss any other water transportation issues you would like to see addressed:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

15 | P age

III.<br />

Resident vehicle use<br />

1. Vehicle use<br />

i. Do you own a dedicated Savary Island vehicle? Yes 30 No <br />

ii. Do you bring a vehicle to Savary during selected months? Yes 18 No <br />

If yes, please circle those months:<br />

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

iii. Do you share a vehicle with neighbours? Yes 18 No <br />

iv. If you answered yes to question i, ii, or iii, please answer the following: What do you use<br />

this vehicle for? (please check all that apply)<br />

Recreational use Yes 29 No <br />

Construction (business) Yes 5 No <br />

Construction (personal) Yes 26 No <br />

Other business Yes 8 No <br />

v. If you answered yes to questions i, ii, or iii, please indicate the level to which you agree<br />

with the following statement:<br />

My vehicle is my primary mode of transportation on the <strong>island</strong>.<br />

Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Disagree Undecided<br />

22 6 2 2 14 54<br />

16 | P age

IV.<br />

General<br />

1. Please rank, in priority order, your concerns regarding vehicles and transportation on the<br />

Island. Use numbers 1 through 10 to indicate priority, where 1 is greatest priority, and 10 is<br />

of least priority (using each number only once).<br />

% % % % %<br />

1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5th<br />

Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice<br />

7 11 11 13 14 Traffic on roads<br />

2 6 5 10 10 Traffic on wharf<br />

5 6 17 11 10 Dust on roads<br />

11 12 8 9 7 Effects of vehicles on <strong>island</strong><br />

environment<br />

13 11 11 11 8 The compromising of the rural<br />

character of the <strong>island</strong><br />

4 6 6 11 13 Abundance of vehicles parked<br />

near wharf<br />

23 18 17 10 14 Safety of children/ cyclists/<br />

pedestrians on roads<br />

17 12 9 8 6 Condition of roads<br />

5 10 5 4 3 Over-regulation of<br />

transportation<br />

11 2 5 2 1 Other (please specify)<br />

17 | P age

2. With relation to off-season occupancy, please indicate what percentage of the months<br />

between mid-September and mid-June you predict your property will be occupied during the<br />

following years:<br />

___ 2008<br />

___ 2013<br />

___ 2018<br />

18 | P age

3. Please indicate the area in which your property is located:<br />

39 Indian Point/Sunset Trail<br />

21 Mid-Island<br />

16 Savary shores<br />

15 Front<br />

6 Mace Point/ South Beach<br />

4. Optional: you may provide the following in order to help us analyse survey results by<br />

specific geographic location<br />

Please provide your family name ______________________________________________<br />

and your Savary address: ____________________________________________________<br />

5. Please add any additional comments you have with regard to Savary transportation issues:<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________<br />

This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you once again for your time.<br />

Please refer to the cover page for instructions on how to turn in your responses<br />

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Appendix: Savary Island OCP Map C: Road<br />


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