The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro

The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro
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170 CHAPTER 9. DIFFERENTIAL ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS Definition 9.2. The function φ(t) is a solution of 9.1 on an interval I if F(t, φ(t), φ ′ (t)) = 0 (9.43) for all t ∈ I. We call the DAE solvable on I if a solution (or family of solutions that depend on a parameter) exists on I. While this construction described earlier suggests that one can solve a DAE by converting it to an ODE, this is not always the best method, since differentiation can be expensive and knowing how to differentiate to get the desired result is a difficult problem. However, the concepts of solvability and the definition of the Index of the DAE are closely related. 9.2 Linear Differential Algebraic Equations with Constant Coeffcients Our focus will be primarily on linear equations of the form A(t)y ′ + B(t)y = f(t) (9.44) Definition 9.3. A linear system is said to be in standard canonical form if it can be partitioned into the form ( ) ( ) ( ( ) I 0 x ′ C 0 x 0 N y ′ + = 0 I) y ( ) f(t) g(t) (9.45) where N is a strictly 3 triangular matrix. For linear time-varying systems, both N and C depend on t. Expanding, x ′ + Cx = f(t) (9.46) Ny ′ + y = g(t) (9.47) We begin with the linear constant coefficient DAE (9.37). Definition 9.4 (Matrix Pencil). Let A, B be square matrices and λ ∈ C. Then the matrix pencil of A and B is given by P is said to be a regular pencil if det λA + B ≠ 0. P = λA + B (9.48) Definition 9.5 (Nilpotent Matrix). A matrix N is said have a Nilpotency k if k is the smallest integer such that N k = 0 (9.49) 3 A strictly triangular matrix is a triangular matrix with all zeros on the diagonal. Math 582B, Spring 2007 California State University Northridge c○2007, B.E.Shapiro Last revised: May 23, 2007

CHAPTER 9. DIFFERENTIAL ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS 171 Theorem 9.1. Let Ay ′ + By = f be a linear constant coefficient DAE with regular pencil λA + B. Then there exists nonsingular matrices P, Q, such that where u = Q −1 y, P AQ = P AQu ′ + P BQu = P f (9.50) ( ) I 0 ; P BQ = 0 N ( ) C 0 0 I (9.51) and N is a matrix of nilpotency k, for some integer k ≥ 0. If N = 0 define k = 1; if A is nonsignular, P AQ = I and k = 0. If det(λA + B) is constant then P AQ = n, P BQ = I. Definition 9.6. The index of the pencil λA + B is the degree of nilpotency in equation 9.51. Theorem 9.2. Let Ay ′ + By = f be a linear constant coefficient DAE with regular pencil λA + B. Then the index of the pencil equals the index of the DAE. This theorem says that there exist nonsingular matrices P , Q, such that we can write ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( I 0 u ′ C 0 u g 0 N v ′ + = (9.52) 0 I) v h) where Qy = ( ( u g , P f = v) h) (9.53) Then u ′ + Cu = g (9.54) Nv ′ + v = h (9.55) and N is k-nilpotent, where k is the index of the DAE. Equation 9.54 has a unique solution that is fully determined by its initial conditions (this is the existence theorem for ordinary differential equations). Equation 9.55 also has a unique solution, but does not require initial conditions, because the matrix N is nilpotent (N k =0). To see this let D be the derivative operator; then 9.55 becomes But since NDv + v = h (9.56) (ND + I)v = h (9.57) v = (ND + I) −1 h (9.58) (I + ND) −1 = I − ND + N 2 D 2 − N 3 D 3 + N 4 D 4 + · · · + N k−1 D k−1 (9.59) c○2007, B.E.Shapiro Last revised: May 23, 2007 Math 582B, Spring 2007 California State University Northridge


Definition 9.2. <strong>The</strong> function φ(t) is a solution of 9.1 on an interval I if<br />

F(t, φ(t), φ ′ (t)) = 0 (9.43)<br />

for all t ∈ I. We call the DAE solvable on I if a solution (or family of solutions<br />

that depend on a parameter) exists on I.<br />

While this construction described earlier suggests that one can solve a DAE by<br />

converting it to an ODE, this is not always the best method, since differentiation can<br />

be expensive and knowing how to differentiate to get the desired result is a difficult<br />

problem. However, the concepts of solvability and the definition of the Index of the<br />

DAE are closely related.<br />

9.2 Linear <strong>Differential</strong> Algebraic <strong>Equation</strong>s with Constant<br />

Coeffcients<br />

Our focus will be primarily on linear equations of the form<br />

A(t)y ′ + B(t)y = f(t) (9.44)<br />

Definition 9.3. A linear system is said to be in standard canonical form if it<br />

can be partitioned into the form<br />

( ) ( ) ( ( )<br />

I 0 x<br />

′ C 0 x<br />

0 N y ′ +<br />

=<br />

0 I)<br />

y<br />

( ) f(t)<br />

g(t)<br />

(9.45)<br />

where N is a strictly 3 triangular matrix. For linear time-varying systems, both N<br />

and C depend on t. Expanding,<br />

x ′ + Cx = f(t) (9.46)<br />

Ny ′ + y = g(t) (9.47)<br />

We begin with the linear constant coefficient DAE (9.37).<br />

Definition 9.4 (Matrix Pencil). Let A, B be square matrices and λ ∈ C. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

the matrix pencil of A and B is given by<br />

P is said to be a regular pencil if det λA + B ≠ 0.<br />

P = λA + B (9.48)<br />

Definition 9.5 (Nilpotent Matrix). A matrix N is said have a Nilpotency k<br />

if k is the smallest integer such that<br />

N k = 0 (9.49)<br />

3 A strictly triangular matrix is a triangular matrix with all zeros on the diagonal.<br />

Math 582B, Spring 2007<br />

California State University Northridge<br />

c○2007, B.E.<strong>Shapiro</strong><br />

Last revised: May 23, 2007

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