The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro

The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro

The Computable Differential Equation Lecture ... - Bruce E. Shapiro


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and hence the most general form of the iteration formula is<br />

K 1 = f(t n−1 + c 1 h, y n−1 + ha 11 K 1 + ha 12 K 2 ) (5.108)<br />

= f(t n−1 , y n−1 ) = f (5.109)<br />

K 2 = f(t n−1 + c 2 h, y n−1 + ha 21 K 1 + ha 22 K 2 ) (5.110)<br />

= f(t n−1 + ah, y n−1 + haK 1 ) ⇐= (5.111)<br />

= f(t n−1 + ah, y n−1 + haf) ⇐= (5.112)<br />

y n = y n−1 + hb 1 K 1 + hb 2 K 2 (5.113)<br />

= y n−1 + hb 1 f + hb 2 f(t n−1 + ah, y n−1 + haf) (5.114)<br />

where we have use the shorthand notation f = f(t n−1 , y n−1 ). To determine the<br />

coefficients to minimize error, we expand the last term in a Taylor series about<br />

(t n−1 , y n−1 )<br />

f(t n−1 + ah,y n−1 + haf) = f + ahf t + haff y + (5.115)<br />

a 2 h 2<br />

2 (f tt + 2ff ty + f 2 f yy + f y (f t + ff y )) + O(h 3 ) (5.116)<br />

To simplify the notation we let (after Lambert) F = f t + ff y and G = f tt + 2ff ty +<br />

f 2 f yy<br />

(<br />

y n = y n−1 + hb 1 f + hb 2 f + ahf t + haff y + a2 h 2 )<br />

2 (G + f yF ) (5.117)<br />

Hence we need<br />

= y n−1 + h(b 1 + b 2 )f + h 2 b 2 aF + O(h 3 ) (5.118)<br />

b 1 + b 2 = 1 (5.119)<br />

b 2 a = 1 2<br />

(5.120)<br />

to match a Taylor expansion. This gives us a family of two stage explicit methods<br />

that are second order:<br />

0 0<br />

a a 0<br />

1 − 1 1<br />

2a 2a<br />

(5.121)<br />

When a = 1, this gives the trapezoidal method, and when a = 1/2, it gives the<br />

explicit midpoint method.<br />

Two popular explicit three-stage third-order methods include Heun’s thirdorder<br />

method<br />

0 0<br />

1/3 1/3 0<br />

(5.122)<br />

2/3 0 2/3 0<br />

1/4 0 3/4<br />

c○2007, B.E.<strong>Shapiro</strong><br />

Last revised: May 23, 2007<br />

Math 582B, Spring 2007<br />

California State University Northridge

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