Multivariate Calculus - Bruce E. Shapiro

Multivariate Calculus - Bruce E. Shapiro

Multivariate Calculus - Bruce E. Shapiro


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Therefore<br />

d = D(0, 2) = f xx f yy − f 2 xy = (−2e 4 )(−2e 4 ) − (0) 2 = 4e 4 > 0<br />

Since f xx < 0 the point (0, 2) a local maximum.<br />

<br />

Example 14.6 Find and classify the stationary points of<br />

Solution. Proceeding as before<br />

f(x, y) = x 2 + 1 − 2x cos y, −π < y < π<br />

f x = 2x − 2 cos y<br />

f y = 2x sin y<br />

Setting these expressions equal to zero gives<br />

x = cos y (14.3)<br />

x sin y = 0 ⇒ x = 0 or sin y = 0 (14.4)<br />

Equation 14.4 can be rewritten (using the fact that −pi < y < pi) as<br />

x = 0 or y = 0 (14.5)<br />

because sin y = 0 implies that y = ±kπ, k = 0, 1, 2, .... Therefore we have two cases<br />

consider. The first case is<br />

x = cos y and x = 0 (14.6)<br />

The second case is<br />

x = cos y and y = 0 (14.7)<br />

From equation 14.6, if x = 0 then cos y = 0, which means y = ±π/2. So our first<br />

two stationary points are<br />

(0, π/2), (0, −π/2)<br />

The second case (equation 14.7 ) has y = 0 and x = cos y = cos 0 = 1. So there is a<br />

third stationary point at<br />

(0, 1)<br />

We now classify the critical points.<br />

derivatives,<br />

To do so we must first calculate the second<br />

f xx = 2<br />

f xy = 2 sin y<br />

f yy = 2x cos y<br />

Hence<br />

D(x, y) = f xx f yy − f 2 xy = 4x cos y − 4 sin 2 y<br />

Math 250, Fall 2006 Revised December 6, 2006.

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