st grd osmosis & Diffusion homework.pdf

st grd osmosis & Diffusion homework.pdf st grd osmosis & Diffusion homework.pdf
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Greenfaulds High School. Department ofBiology. Investigating Osmosis and Diffusion Homework Name: Class: Teacher: -------- -------- e ~ Marks Marks Available ~ l:::l \\) Question a ~~ ~ xu PS xu PS ~ 1 0 5 2 3 3 3 0 4 4 2 5 5 2 5 Total 7 17 Comments Parental Signature

Greenfaulds High School.<br />

Department ofBiology.<br />

Inve<strong>st</strong>igating Osmosis and <strong>Diffusion</strong><br />

Homework<br />

Name:<br />

Class:<br />

Teacher:<br />

--------<br />

--------<br />

e ~<br />

Marks<br />

Marks<br />

Available<br />

~<br />

l:::l<br />

\\)<br />

Que<strong>st</strong>ion<br />

a ~~<br />

~<br />

xu PS xu PS<br />

~<br />

1 0 5<br />

2 3 3<br />

3 0 4<br />

4 2 5<br />

5 2 5<br />

Total 7 17<br />

Comments<br />

Parental Signature

Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School KU PS<br />

1. A group ofpupils was asked to inve<strong>st</strong>igate the effect of<strong>osmosis</strong> on the diameter 0 discs of<br />

potato tissue.<br />

The procedure followed is outlined below:<br />

1. A large diameter cork borer was used to cut a cylinder oftissue from a peeled potato.<br />

2. Five discs, each 2mm thick, were cut from the cylinder.<br />

3. Four discs were transferred to separate Petri dishes.<br />

4. The diameter ofeach disc was measured from graph paper placed underneath the dish.<br />

5. 20 cm 3 ofglucose solution, ofdifferent concentrations, was poured into each ofthree<br />

dishes. 20 cm 3 ofwater was poured into a fourth dish.<br />

6. The apparatus was left for 30 minutes and the diameter ofeach disc was re-measured.<br />

Diagram 1 below shows the apparatus and Diagram 2 shows how the diameter ofa disc was<br />

measured<br />



Glucose solution<br />

Petri dish~'"'*.<br />

Potato disc<br />

The results are shown in the table below.<br />

Solution Concentration oj Ditlf'Mter oj disc (mm)<br />

glucosf: solution<br />

At <strong>st</strong>art<br />

After 30 minutes<br />

A 0·0% 14·0 16·2<br />

B 0·5% 14·0 15·4<br />

C 1·0% 14·0 14·0<br />

0 1'5% 14·0 12·6<br />

(a) Identify the variable which was altered and two variables which were kept con<strong>st</strong>ant in<br />

the inve<strong>st</strong>igation.<br />

Altered variable<br />

Variables kept Con<strong>st</strong>ant 1.<br />

-------------------<br />

2.:- _<br />

(1)<br />

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Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School<br />

(b) Identify the solution which has a water concentration higher than that present in the<br />

potato tissue.<br />

KU<br />

PS<br />

Solution<br />

(1)<br />

(c) The fifth disc, ofinitial diameter 14.0 mm, was placed in a solution ofunknown<br />

glucose concentration.<br />

The diagram below shows the size ofthis disc after 30 minutes.<br />

'ri"<br />

DISC<br />

~<br />

-­ 10mm<br />

(i) Calculate the change in diameter ofthis disc.<br />

Space for calculation<br />

Change in diameter _____mm (1)<br />

(ii) The concentration ofthe unknown glucose solution lies within one ofthe following<br />

concentration ranges.<br />

Tick the correct box.<br />

0%-0.5%<br />

0.5%-1.0%<br />

1.0% - 1.5%<br />

1.5%- 2.0%<br />

D<br />

D<br />

DD<br />

(d) Water can enter or leave the discs by <strong>osmosis</strong>.<br />

Describe the overall movement ofwater for the discs immersed in the t -0%<br />

glucose solution.<br />

(1)<br />

______________________(1)<br />

Page 3 0(9

Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School<br />

---------""'---------"--------------=-------IKU PS<br />

2. (a) The <strong>st</strong>atements in the table describe the movement ofsub<strong>st</strong>ances into or out ofcells.<br />

Number<br />

J<br />

Statement<br />

glucose moves from the small inte<strong>st</strong>ine into the blood<br />

2 water enters root cells from the soil<br />

3 carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the lungs<br />

(i) Which <strong>st</strong>atement is an example of<strong>osmosis</strong>?<br />

Statement number -----<br />

(ii) What term could be used to describe the movement ofsub<strong>st</strong>ances in all ofthe<br />

examples?<br />

(1)<br />

(b) Pieces ofpotato were weighed, placed in sugar solutions ofdifferent concentrations for<br />

one hour, then reweighed. The graph below shows the percentage change in mass at each<br />

(1)<br />

Gain<br />

30<br />

20<br />

Percentage<br />

change in<br />

mass<br />

10<br />

Sugar concentration<br />

(Molar)<br />

0·1 0·2 0·3 0·+ 0·5<br />

10<br />

20<br />

Loss<br />

30<br />

40<br />

(i) The movement ofwhat sub<strong>st</strong>ance is responsible for the change in mass?<br />

(1)<br />

Page 4 of9

_~_~~ ._<br />

Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School<br />

(ii) What was the percentage change in mass of the piece of potato placed in the 0.15<br />

Molar solution<br />

~ (1)<br />

-------.;.<br />

(iii) What was the concentration ofthe solution which caused the potato to lose 30~ of<br />

its original mass?<br />

_____Molar<br />

(iv) At what concentration was there no change in mass ofthe potato?<br />

----- Molar<br />

(1)<br />

3. Several pieces ofpotato were blotted dry and weighed. Each was then placed in a different<br />

concentration ofsalt solution.<br />

After 2 hours the pieces ofpotato were removed, blotted dry and reweighed. The percentage<br />

change in mass was calculated and the results plotted on a graph.<br />

30 ~--..-------,.---r---..-------r--...,<br />

(1)<br />

KU<br />

PS<br />

Percentage<br />

change in mass<br />

._a.' 'j ...: __ • __ .~ _ .• _- ....' "••• ,•• ~ •• _ •• _<br />

-20-+--.-J--I----+---+----f-.........-+--~<br />

_.. - ~ ... -.-<br />

- -~ .... . - ~.. ,-' - .... _.<br />

_. __• ...! ~_I-- ........ -- -' _ ...... _0_1-. _ _ _ _ -- __ ~ .... ':'"' _ _ __--<br />

.... _ -_....l __•__._ •• __ ._._._~ __<br />

- - -,- _. - - _.- -- -..;. - - - - _. --- "" - - - - - - -<br />

-30-1---+----;---+---1-.....;.-.-4----1<br />

o 2 4 6 8 10 12<br />

Salt concentration (gil 00 em 3 )<br />

(a) At which salt concentration did the mass ofthe potato remain the same?<br />

g/100 cm 3<br />

------=-<br />

(1)<br />

(b) State the percentage change in mass ofthe potato at a salt concentration of 7 gllOO cm 3<br />

after two hours.<br />

(1)<br />

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Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School KU PS<br />

(c) Predict the salt concentration that will produce a 30% decrease in mass.<br />

(1)<br />

(d) Cells from the potato in the 8 gllOO cm 3 solution were examined with a microscope.<br />

Which ofthe following diagrams be<strong>st</strong> represents one cell from the potato?<br />

Tick the correct box.<br />

4. Potato cylinders ofequal mass were placed in separate te<strong>st</strong> tubes, as shown in the diagram.<br />

salt<br />

solution<br />

++__ potato cylinder<br />

The tubes contained salt solutions of0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%,2.0% and 3.0% concentrations.<br />

After two hours the change in mass ofeach cylinder was measured. The results are shown in<br />

the table.<br />

Tube<br />

Change in mass<br />

A -0.6<br />

B -0.5<br />

Salt solution<br />

(g) (0/0)<br />

C -0.2 1.5<br />

D +0.1<br />

E +0.2<br />

(a) Complete the table by adding the correct concentration ofthe salt solution in each tube.<br />

(1)<br />

(b) Which tube contained a solution with a water concentration close<strong>st</strong> to that ofthe potato<br />

cell sap?<br />

Tube<br />

(1)<br />

------<br />

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Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School KU PS<br />

(c) The original mass ofeach potato cylinder was 5 g.<br />

Calculate the percentage change in mass for the cylinder in tube D.<br />

Spacefor calculation<br />

-----% (1)<br />

(d) Underline one alternative in each bracket to explain the results for Tube C.<br />

Water mo\"ed<br />

{<br />

into }<br />

out of<br />

the potato by <strong>osmosis</strong> from a higher water<br />

concentration {inSide } the potato to a lower water concentration<br />

outside<br />

{<br />

insid.e Ithe potato.<br />

outsIde<br />

(e) Why would it be good experimental technique to blot the potato cylinders dry before<br />

each weighing?<br />

(2)<br />

-----------------------,(1)<br />

(t) How could the results ofthe experiment be made more reliable?<br />

______________________(1)<br />

Page 7 of9

Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School KU PS<br />

5. In an experiment, a cylinder ofpotato (cylinder A) was kept in pure water for one hour. An<br />

identical piece ofpotato (cylinder B) was kept in a 10% salt solution for one hour.<br />

(a) Describe the difference you would expect to observe between the potato cylinders when<br />

removed from the liquids.<br />

(b) The diagram below shows cells from the potato cylinder which had been in the 10% salt<br />

solution.<br />

(1)<br />

Cells from potato in 10% salt solution<br />

Explain what has happened to the cell, in tenns ofwater concentrations.<br />

(1)<br />

(c) In another experiment, some <strong>st</strong>rips ofskin from red onions were placed on microscope<br />

slides in sucrose solutions ofvarious concentrations. After IS minutes, the number of<br />

cells with shrunken contents (plasmolysed) was counted.<br />

The results are shown in the table.<br />

Slide A B C D E<br />

Sucrose concentration<br />

(g/litre)<br />

0 40 80 120 160<br />

Total cell number 127 132 117 125 139<br />

Number plasmolysed 0 II 68 139<br />

% plasmolysed 0 8.3 58.1 80 100<br />

(i) Complete the table by calculating the missing value for the number ofcells<br />

plasmolysed in the 120 g/litre sucrose solution.<br />

Space for calculation<br />

(1)<br />

PageS of9

Standard Grade Biology Sub-topic 2 Osmosis Greenfaulds High School KU PS<br />

(ii) Why was it necessary to present the results ofthe inve<strong>st</strong>igation as a percentage?<br />

-----------------------(1)<br />

(iii) Describe the relationship between the concentration ofsucrose solution and the<br />

percentage ofcells plasmolysed.<br />

______________________(1)<br />

(iv) Which solution has the highe<strong>st</strong> water concentration?<br />

----------------------(1)<br />

(v) Explain why the cells were left for I 5 minutes before examining them.<br />

(1)<br />

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