Vat Actupdated - RS Goyal & Associates

Vat Actupdated - RS Goyal & Associates

Vat Actupdated - RS Goyal & Associates


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32<br />

the assessment of such dealer for that quarter or year, as the case may be shall<br />

be made in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (4) within a period of three<br />

months from the date of receipt of the application<br />

(2) 2 omitted 2 (3) 2 omitted 2<br />

(4) 2 (a) The Commissioner shall serve on a registered dealer referred to in the proviso to<br />

sub-section (1) of this section or sub-section (3) of section 20A or a registered dealer<br />

who is not eligible for assessment 23.. under sub-section (1) and (1A) of section 20-A<br />

23. with a notice in the prescribed form appointing a place which may be the business<br />

premises or any other place and day and directing him,-<br />

(i) to appear in person or by an agent entitled to appear in accordance with the<br />

provisions of section 23 ; or<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

to produce evidence or have it produced in support of the returns; or<br />

to produce or cause to be produced accounts, registers, cash memoranda or<br />

other documents relating to his business. 2<br />

(b) The Commissioner, after hearing the registered dealer or his agent and examining<br />

the evidence produced in compliance with the requirements of sub-clause (ii) or subclause<br />

(iii) of clause (a) and such further evidence as he may require, shall assess or<br />

re-assess him to tax.<br />

(5) If a registered dealer referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (4),- -<br />

(a) has not furnished returns and statement in respect of any period by the prescribed<br />

date; or<br />

(b) has knowingly furnished incomplete or incorrect returns for any period; or<br />

(c) having furnished such returns has failed to comply with any of the terms of a notice<br />

issued under clause (a) of sub-section (4); or<br />

(d) (i) has not maintained any accounts, or<br />

(ii) the accounts maintained by him are not in accordance with the provisions<br />

of sub-section (1) of Section 39, or<br />

(iii) has not regularly employed any method of accounting, or<br />

(iv) the method employed is such that in the opinion of the Commissioner<br />

assessment cannot properly be made on the basis thereof,<br />

the Commissioner shall after issue of a notice in the prescribed form appointing a place<br />

which may be the business premises or at the place specified in the notice and in the<br />

prescribed manner, assess the dealer to the best of his judgment.<br />

(6) (a) If upon any information which has come into his possession, the Commissioner is<br />

satisfied that any dealer, being liable to pay tax in respect of any period has failed to<br />

apply for registration, the Commissioner shall within one calendar year from the date of<br />

completion of the proceedings under sub-section (1) of Section 6 proceed, in such<br />

manner as may be prescribed, to assess such dealer and assess him to tax to the best<br />

of his judgment in respect of the whole of such period and shall impose upon him, by<br />

way of penalty, a sum two times of the amount of tax so assessed.<br />

(b) In respect of periods, subsequent to the period referred to in clause (a), during which<br />

the dealer has failed to apply for registration, the amount of tax due from him referred to<br />

in the said clause shall be assessed separately for each year.<br />

(7). (i) the assessment in respect of a registered dealer referred to in clause (a) of sub-<br />

Section (4) shall be made within a period of one calendar year from the end of the<br />

period for which the assessment is to be made,<br />

(ii) the assessment in respect of a dealer referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (6) for<br />

any period shall be made within a period of one calendar year from the end of such period ;<br />


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