Me2moro Magazine

The Official Edu-Inspirational High School Magazine

The Official Edu-Inspirational High School Magazine


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a music teacher called Mr. John; this teacher<br />

was known to be very strict; we even believed<br />

he could whip the whole school three times<br />

and wouldn’t get tired. We all dreaded being<br />

in his class, when I was in JHS 3, I was sent to<br />

his class, I managed to move to the next class<br />

but he was moved to that class too. (Laughs).<br />

However, in the long run it became more like<br />

a blessing in disguise, because he was also the<br />

music teacher, so he kept forcing the music<br />

on us, knowing the basic sulfa s in music, and<br />

terms like crescendo and other musical terms<br />

like Tempo, rhythm, etc. Sir John was very<br />

strict and that act of discipline really helped<br />

me and it actually shaped my life. I had a<br />

better life as a result of adhering to most of Mr.<br />

John’s advice. This meant a lot to me because<br />

everybody knew I could sing; because I was<br />

always making noise. They regarded it as noise;<br />

they didn’t know it was something I could use<br />

in the future”. Kojo, the Maestro goes ahead<br />

the lament on how his talent could have gone<br />

waste if he heeded to the directions of his<br />

parents, especially, his father. He feels that<br />

His father simply failed to discover his talent<br />

or even identify that his noise was worthy.<br />

Parents/guardians may want something else<br />

for the child even though that may not be the<br />

child’s wholesome desire or field. He stated “we<br />

all want to take our kids to school and we want<br />

the best for our kids but sometimes we lose out<br />

on the talent of the child.<br />

The Challenge<br />

“I am willing to share with you my utmost<br />

challenge. I was very bright in school and even<br />

in form 3, I sat the common entrance exam<br />

and passed with distinction. I even had a<br />

scholarship in Ebenezer School; I had a father<br />

who was from a tribe that didn’t really regard<br />

education. In form 4, I sat common exam<br />

again and passed with distinction. I went to St.<br />

Paul’s and had to do manual labor at a certain<br />

point in time. I continued to pursue music,<br />

and along the way I started getting some kind<br />

of education on my own, those where the<br />

challenges, I could overcome them, but some<br />

of my siblings couldn’t do it.<br />

I believe life itself is a form of education<br />

and education has no end. If I had pursued<br />

education further, it could have enhanced<br />

some of the things I’m doing now”. This reveals<br />

how important it is to pursue education to at<br />

least a certain level where you can boast and<br />

enhance your circle in which you operate and<br />

have greater influence.<br />

The Regrets<br />

The music part is what I wish I had taken more<br />

seriously in middle school. Discipline in music<br />

is what people take for granted. There are notes<br />

you have to hit in a certain way, there are notes<br />

you have to hit with the microphone far away<br />

from you, those discipline when you learn<br />

them lives with you forever.<br />

Music Today<br />

Music is sweet, Music is good and finally, Music<br />

is the food for the soul! This is what seems to<br />

be coming out of the Maestros mouth every<br />

second, however, he has a concern. Kojo says<br />

“the introduction of technology is keeping us<br />

apart; we are not making music in harmony/<br />

groups anymore, it doesn’t feel like it used to<br />

feel. Music has to be made in groups, orchestra,<br />

symphonies, now gadgets are been brought in,<br />

if you sing bass, there are instruments that<br />

can play it, so that’s the challenge, separation,<br />

divide.”<br />

To do good music, one needs to stay healthy,<br />

have a sound and positive mind to write and<br />

compose, arrange and orchestrate. This serves<br />

as caution for up-coming musicians who see<br />

the Music man as their Mentor in the music<br />

industry in Ghana, Africa and the world at<br />

large.<br />


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