Me2moro Magazine

The Official Edu-Inspirational High School Magazine The Official Edu-Inspirational High School Magazine


From The Depths Of My Heart Qualities of a Change-Maker’s Vision (As far as your eyes can see..) OMG!!!……It seems almost impossible to believe. In just a few months you will be walking out the School Gates for the last time as a student. No more exeats or chits for you to go outside these once seemingly imprisoning walls. Just a few months ago, you had just checked the BECE results and waited anxiously for your school placement. Nino’s Day seemed just like this morning and in what seems to be a blink of an eye, you will be an SHS Graduate. Then what?? I am pretty sure you think you have it all figured out. I will go to University...Most likely Tech or maybe Legon. Then What?? I will graduate with honors and do my National service. Impressive. Thank You. OK?? What then?? I will work in a Reputable Institution, Continue my Education or marry my SHS sweetheart and then raise a Family together, whichever comes first. Nice, What then…….?? …….Erm, Erm, Erm………. What do you mean??? You see, the plan for most people stops HERE. Few people ever think of living beyond themselves. They are satisfied with living the so called “ideal” life of the majority, hoping for a mass attendance at their funerals and an occasional floral tribute at their tombstones. If this is the life you intend to live, please be advised to stop reading. You have got to live your life to the fullest. Like every grain of sand in an hourglass, make your time count. Every day, hour, minute to the last second and micro second. It must all count for something, because purpose-filled seconds add up to a purposeful life. And for this, you need to have the rare ability to see beyond sight. You need to have VISION. You need to Define Your Purpose and Start Creaming Your Dream. No worries, unlike the countless pieces of literature out there that simply state what you should do, this one actually stretches a friendly hand and does it along with you. Just like a Friend. So, you are almost 18 or past it. What would you want to accomplish in the next five years? What about the next ten years? Ok, when you 12

are 40? Who would you be? What would you be known for? At your age, it’s imperative that you have a plan, a vision of the kind of life you want to live. You are not too young to start creating your future. If it never occurred to you, your present is already a 13 year Old’s future. It is well said that “failure to plan is planning to fail”. And we not want to fail. Do we?? So let’s eliminate that option. Did we just change the rules?? YES!!! Why?? Because we can. This is one secret a lot of people don’t know about life. Most people spend their lives choosing from the options life gives them never realizing that you can give Life your own option; The Option of Success. Just so we are clear, let’s get a few things out of the way Driving the Range Rovers, Living at the Trasaccos, Manning the conglomerates etc. can all be ultimately be considered as Success…… NOT!!! A life without a God centered purpose with impact is a wasted life even if littered with all the fancy and classy adornments money accessorizes the elite with. Now for a bit of long overdue controversy and play of words, GOD IS NOT INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE, He is interested in WHO YOU BE-come. Life is a gift from God meant to be lived and enjoyed. Look at it as God’s present to you. NOW, your present will only have a future if you present your present to God as a present. Stay with me. Then and then only can your present have a pleasant future. God is more keen on who you become than what you have. He wants you to have the best but not at the expense of who you are… Maybe that’s why we are rightly identified as Human BEings not Human HAVEings. Okay, Now that I have your attention. Qualities of a Change Makers Vision 1. Be Big Your dreams should be big enough to require supernatural help. Do not dream of something you can acquire or accomplish on your own or with the help of men. That’s just dreaming within ability, which is quite lazy if I might add. Why waste your time dreaming of something that can be accomplished by yourself. Your dream should be big enough to contain God #truetalk. Dream of being greater than Bill Gates or even King Solomon. Dream of being the best brain surgeon or heart surgeon. Whatever you are thinking of doing, dream of being so excellent in your field that you are studied as a course in Ivy League Schools… NOW THAT’S A DREAM!!!!! High Five Pal! The sky is definitely not your limit. It’s your starting point. Take out time, Close your eyes and begin to see you. See you at 25, See you at 30 and at 40, See you2moro. Don’t just be a dreamer. Be a change maker and Go for what you see. It’s your birth right. Watch out for Part II. CHOOSE to BE YOUR BEST, LIVE YOUR BEST AND HAVE THE BEST while doing so. BE A CHANGE MAKER. 13

are 40? Who would you be? What would you<br />

be known for?<br />

At your age, it’s imperative that you have a<br />

plan, a vision of the kind of life you want to<br />

live. You are not too young to start creating<br />

your future. If it never occurred to you, your<br />

present is already a 13 year Old’s future. It is<br />

well said that “failure to plan is planning to<br />

fail”. And we not want to fail. Do we?? So let’s<br />

eliminate that option. Did we just change the<br />

rules?? YES!!! Why?? Because we can. This is<br />

one secret a lot of people don’t know about<br />

life.<br />

Most people spend their lives choosing from<br />

the options life gives them never realizing<br />

that you can give Life your own option; The<br />

Option of Success. Just so we are clear, let’s get<br />

a few things out of the way<br />

Driving the Range Rovers, Living at the<br />

Trasaccos, Manning the conglomerates<br />

etc. can all be ultimately be considered as<br />

Success…… NOT!!! A life without a God<br />

centered purpose with impact is a wasted life<br />

even if littered with all the fancy and classy<br />

adornments money accessorizes the elite with.<br />

Now for a bit of long overdue controversy and<br />

play of words, GOD IS NOT INTERESTED<br />

IN WHAT YOU HAVE, He is interested in<br />

WHO YOU BE-come. Life is a gift from God<br />

meant to be lived and enjoyed. Look at it as<br />

God’s present to you. NOW, your present will<br />

only have a future if you present your present<br />

to God as a present. Stay with me. Then and<br />

then only can your present have a pleasant<br />

future. God is more keen on who you become<br />

than what you have. He wants you to have the<br />

best but not at the expense of who you are…<br />

Maybe that’s why we are rightly identified as<br />

Human BEings not Human HAVEings.<br />

Okay, Now that I have your attention.<br />

Qualities of a Change Makers<br />

Vision<br />

1. Be Big<br />

Your dreams should be big enough to<br />

require supernatural help. Do not dream of<br />

something you can acquire or accomplish on<br />

your own or with the help of men. That’s just<br />

dreaming within ability, which is quite lazy if<br />

I might add. Why waste your time dreaming<br />

of something that can be accomplished by<br />

yourself. Your dream should be big enough<br />

to contain God #truetalk. Dream of being<br />

greater than Bill Gates or even King Solomon.<br />

Dream of being the best brain surgeon or<br />

heart surgeon. Whatever you are thinking of<br />

doing, dream of being so excellent in your<br />

field that you are studied as a course in Ivy<br />

League Schools…<br />

NOW THAT’S A DREAM!!!!!<br />

High Five Pal! The sky is definitely not your<br />

limit. It’s your starting point.<br />

Take out time, Close your eyes and begin to<br />

see you. See you at 25, See you at 30 and at<br />

40, See you2moro. Don’t just be a dreamer.<br />

Be a change maker and Go for what you see.<br />

It’s your birth right.<br />

Watch out for Part II.<br />


BEST AND HAVE THE BEST while doing<br />

so. BE A CHANGE MAKER.<br />


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