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Uvodnik<br />

Prvi številki na pot<br />

Na najnovejši lestvici mednarodnega združenja ICCA je Slovenija po številu<br />

mednarodnih znanstvenih srečanj na 38. mestu, Ljubljana kot prestolnica<br />

pa na 48. mestu. V primerjavi z letom poprej smo na listi držav napredovali<br />

za nekaj mest. Tudi to kaže, da je industrija srečanj v Sloveniji v<br />

razvojnem zagonu, ki bo vrhunec dosegel v času predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> v prvi<br />

polovici leta <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Slovenija ima naravne danosti za kongresno dejavnost, intenzivno se razvija<br />

kongresna infrastruktura, kadrom se posveča večja pozornost in ponudniki<br />

storitev se vedno bolj obračajo na tuji trg. Skupna prizadevanja<br />

preko tridesetih soustanoviteljev bodo zaznamovala revijo KONGRES. Dolgo<br />

smo razmišljali, kako bi dali reviji ime, ki bi najbolj osmišljalo vsebine,<br />

ki se bodo v njej pojavljale. Za KONGRES smo se odločili zaradi tradicije,<br />

ki jo ima izraz na slovenskem govornem področju, čeprav bomo vsebinsko<br />

teme razširili na vsa področja industrije srečanj. Revija je namenjena<br />

vsem, ki vas te teme zanimajo in tudi tistim, ki želite samo kaj zanimivega<br />

prebrati. V reviji bo dovolj prostora za kritično razmišljanje in soočenje<br />

mnenj med organizatorji dogodkov in ponudniki storitev. Revija bo hkrati<br />

izložbeno okno slovenske kongresne ponudbe.<br />

Neskromno si želimo, da bi k nadaljnjemu napredovanju na lestvici ICCA<br />

svoj delček prispevali tudi mi.<br />

Revija ne bi mogla nastati brez podpore soustanoviteljev in oglaševalcev,<br />

zato se vam zanjo iskreno zahvaljujemo.<br />

Gorazd Čad, glavni in odgovorni urednik<br />

Editor-in-Chief (Foto/Photo: B. Zupančič)<br />

Editorial<br />

First issue<br />

On the latest league table for scientific meetings from international<br />

organisation ICCA, Slovenia is in 38 th place, while its capital Ljubljana is<br />

48 th . We have moved up a few places on the countries’ list compared to<br />

the previous year. This shows that the meeting industry is developing<br />

rapidly in Slovenia, with this set to climax with the <strong>Presidency</strong> of the <strong>EU</strong><br />

in the first half of <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Slovenia has a natural topicality for congress activities, as our conference<br />

infrastructure is developing intensively, greater attention is being paid<br />

to it and service providers are turning evermore attention to the foreign<br />

market. Congress magazine is coloured by the common aspirations of<br />

its 30 or so co-founders. Much time has been spent considering the<br />

magazine’s name and what would be the best opinion content to include.<br />

We have chosen the name ‘Congress’ due to the tradition that it has in the<br />

Slovenian language although the content is to be expanded to cover the<br />

whole field of the meeting industry. The magazine is intended for those<br />

who find the meeting industry interesting, as well as people who are simply<br />

looking for something interesting to read. There’s going to be plenty of<br />

space in the magazine for critical thinking and bringing face-to-face the<br />

opinions of event organisers and service providers. At the same time, the<br />

magazine is to be a shop window for the Slovenian congressional offer.<br />

A little immodestly, we also hope that the magazine contributes to<br />

further advancement on the ICCA league table.<br />

The magazine would be nothing without the support of its co-founders<br />

and advertisers, and we’d like to sincerely thank them for their support.<br />


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