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<strong>PREDSEDOVANJE</strong> <strong>EU</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>PREDSTAVITEV</strong> SLOVENSKIH<br />


Presentation of Slovenian Congress<br />

Products: TOWNS<br />

BACKSTAGE - <strong>PREDSTAVITEV</strong><br />


Backstage: Case Study<br />

Presentation<br />




Uvodnik<br />

Prvi številki na pot<br />

Na najnovejši lestvici mednarodnega združenja ICCA je Slovenija po številu<br />

mednarodnih znanstvenih srečanj na 38. mestu, Ljubljana kot prestolnica<br />

pa na 48. mestu. V primerjavi z letom poprej smo na listi držav napredovali<br />

za nekaj mest. Tudi to kaže, da je industrija srečanj v Sloveniji v<br />

razvojnem zagonu, ki bo vrhunec dosegel v času predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> v prvi<br />

polovici leta <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Slovenija ima naravne danosti za kongresno dejavnost, intenzivno se razvija<br />

kongresna infrastruktura, kadrom se posveča večja pozornost in ponudniki<br />

storitev se vedno bolj obračajo na tuji trg. Skupna prizadevanja<br />

preko tridesetih soustanoviteljev bodo zaznamovala revijo KONGRES. Dolgo<br />

smo razmišljali, kako bi dali reviji ime, ki bi najbolj osmišljalo vsebine,<br />

ki se bodo v njej pojavljale. Za KONGRES smo se odločili zaradi tradicije,<br />

ki jo ima izraz na slovenskem govornem področju, čeprav bomo vsebinsko<br />

teme razširili na vsa področja industrije srečanj. Revija je namenjena<br />

vsem, ki vas te teme zanimajo in tudi tistim, ki želite samo kaj zanimivega<br />

prebrati. V reviji bo dovolj prostora za kritično razmišljanje in soočenje<br />

mnenj med organizatorji dogodkov in ponudniki storitev. Revija bo hkrati<br />

izložbeno okno slovenske kongresne ponudbe.<br />

Neskromno si želimo, da bi k nadaljnjemu napredovanju na lestvici ICCA<br />

svoj delček prispevali tudi mi.<br />

Revija ne bi mogla nastati brez podpore soustanoviteljev in oglaševalcev,<br />

zato se vam zanjo iskreno zahvaljujemo.<br />

Gorazd Čad, glavni in odgovorni urednik<br />

Editor-in-Chief (Foto/Photo: B. Zupančič)<br />

Editorial<br />

First issue<br />

On the latest league table for scientific meetings from international<br />

organisation ICCA, Slovenia is in 38 th place, while its capital Ljubljana is<br />

48 th . We have moved up a few places on the countries’ list compared to<br />

the previous year. This shows that the meeting industry is developing<br />

rapidly in Slovenia, with this set to climax with the <strong>Presidency</strong> of the <strong>EU</strong><br />

in the first half of <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Slovenia has a natural topicality for congress activities, as our conference<br />

infrastructure is developing intensively, greater attention is being paid<br />

to it and service providers are turning evermore attention to the foreign<br />

market. Congress magazine is coloured by the common aspirations of<br />

its 30 or so co-founders. Much time has been spent considering the<br />

magazine’s name and what would be the best opinion content to include.<br />

We have chosen the name ‘Congress’ due to the tradition that it has in the<br />

Slovenian language although the content is to be expanded to cover the<br />

whole field of the meeting industry. The magazine is intended for those<br />

who find the meeting industry interesting, as well as people who are simply<br />

looking for something interesting to read. There’s going to be plenty of<br />

space in the magazine for critical thinking and bringing face-to-face the<br />

opinions of event organisers and service providers. At the same time, the<br />

magazine is to be a shop window for the Slovenian congressional offer.<br />

A little immodestly, we also hope that the magazine contributes to<br />

further advancement on the ICCA league table.<br />

The magazine would be nothing without the support of its co-founders<br />

and advertisers, and we’d like to sincerely thank them for their support.<br />


Kratke novice<br />





Glavni in odgovorni urednik /<br />

Editor-in-Chief:<br />

Gorazd Čad<br />

Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor:<br />

Jakica Jesih<br />

Pomočnica urednika /<br />

Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief:<br />

Danaja Besnard<br />

Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board:<br />

Christer Carlsson<br />

Tony Carey<br />

Gorazd Čad<br />

Miha Kovačič<br />

Srečo Peterlič<br />

Tatjana Radovič<br />

Petra Čuk<br />

Maja Vidergar<br />

Ustanovna podjetja in svet revije /<br />

Founding Companies and Magazine Board:<br />

Adria Airways, Albatros Bled, Auditoria,<br />

Avditorij Portorož, Cankarjev dom, City Hotel,<br />

Domina Vacanze, Globtour, Gospodarsko raz<br />

stavišče, GO.Mice, Hiša Kulinarike Franc<br />

Jezeršek, Intours, Kompas, Liberty Slovenija,<br />

Liofetrek, M-hotel, Postojnska jama turizem,<br />

Prevajalska agencija Alkemist, RS Klan, Sava<br />

Hoteli Bled, Hoteli Bernardin, Terme Čatež,<br />

Terme Maribor, Terme Spa Rogaška, Terme<br />

Radenci. Vivo Catering, Zavod-<br />

Kongresnoturistični urad Slovenije, Zavod za<br />

turizem Ljubljana<br />

Oblikovanje / Design:<br />

Tatjana Zupan, Propagarna d.o.o.<br />

Tehnični urednik / Technical Editor:<br />

Marko Čopi, Grafika Paradoks d.o.o.<br />

Prevod / Translation:<br />

Alkemist prevajalska agencija /<br />

Alkemist Translation Agency, Alasdair Green<br />

Lektoriranje / Proofreading:<br />

Simona Kepic, Jakica Jesih, Alasdair Green<br />

Tisk / Printing:<br />

Collegium Graphicum d.o.o.<br />

Naklada / Circulation:<br />

5.000 izvodov<br />

ISSN številka / ISSN Number:<br />

1854-9292<br />

Revija izhaja 4x letno /<br />

Quarterly Magazine issued in:<br />

april / April; junij/julij / June/July; september /<br />

September; november / November<br />

Izdajatelj, produkcija in trženje / Publisher,<br />

Production and Marketing:<br />

GO Mice, Štihova 4<br />

SI-1000 Ljubljana<br />

T: +386 (0)1 430 51 03<br />

F: +386 (0)1 430 51 04<br />

E: kongres@go-mice.eu<br />

Ponudnikom kongresnih kapacitet se prijazno<br />

zahvaljujemo za fotografije iz njihovega arhiva. /<br />

We cordially thank to congress venues for their<br />

photos.<br />

Za reproduciranje vsebine je potrebno pisno<br />

soglasje uredništva. / For the content<br />

reproduction it is required to get the written<br />

editorial consigment.<br />

Redno srečanje članov<br />

Kongresnega urada,<br />

Hotel Bellevue, Maribor<br />

Za nami je še eno uspešno organizirano<br />

letno srečanje zavoda Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad, ki je v dveh<br />

dneh postregel s številnimi zanimivimi<br />

predavanji. Osrednja tema<br />

srečanja je bila »Kaj slovensko industrijo<br />

srečanj čaka v obdobju<br />

predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> leta <strong>2008</strong>?«.<br />

Odgovore na to vprašanje sta dala<br />

g. Franci Kodela, vodja logističnega<br />

centra za predsedovanje, in g.<br />

Gregor Krajc, vodja podskupine za<br />

odnose z javnostmi in promocijo.<br />

Na formalnem delu srečanja je bila<br />

za novo članico sveta zavoda<br />

Kongresnoturistični urad izvoljena<br />

Renata Balažič iz GH Union, za<br />

predsednika strokovnega sveta pa<br />

Matjaž Žnidaršič iz GH Bernardin.<br />

Kot vedno doslej je bilo večerno<br />

druženje, ki je potekalo v pravem<br />

pohorskem vzdušju, prijetnejši<br />

del dogodka. Pred večerno zabavo<br />

pa so udeležence nasmejale timsko<br />

– animacijske igre agencije<br />

Koren Sports.<br />

Novi wellness in šport<br />

hotel Harmonija, Mengeš<br />

Harmonija duha, telesa in doživetij<br />

je vodilo in vsebina novega športno-rekreativnega,<br />

lepotnega in<br />

wellness hotela v Mengšu. Rekreaciji<br />

in razvajanju je na voljo 4.500<br />

kvadratnih metrov pokritih površin.<br />

Harmonija je prvi sodobni<br />

center v Sloveniji, zasnovan po<br />

metodi feng shui, v katerem se<br />

združujeta najsodobnejša medicinska<br />

tehnika in tradicionalna kitajska<br />

modrost.<br />

Harmonija šport ponuja 2600 m 2<br />

pokritih športnih površin, ki vključujejo<br />

tri igrišča za tenis in pet za<br />

badminton. V poletnih mesecih sta<br />

na voljo dve igrišči za odbojko na<br />

mivki in veliko travnato igrišče za<br />

nogomet. Večnamenska dvorana<br />

je na voljo za skupinske vadbe,<br />

dvorana za individualne vadbe ponuja<br />

program kinesis ter vadbo na<br />

napravi power plate. Harmonija<br />

wellness center se razprostira na<br />

skoraj 600m 2 in je razdeljen na tri<br />

sklope: svet savn, lepotilni in masažni<br />

del ter VIP prostor – prostor<br />

za posebne, pravljične rituale.<br />

Hotel Harmonija je prvi hotel v<br />

Mengšu. V novih, sodobno opremljenih<br />

dvanajstih sobah nudi skupaj<br />

trideset ležišč, sobe pa so zasnovane<br />

po metodi feng shui, kar<br />

izjemno pozitivno vpliva na počutje<br />

in razpoloženje gostov. Restavracija<br />

Harmonija razvaja goste<br />

z zdravim načinom priprave<br />

hrane, odlična kuharska zasedba<br />

pa skrbi za zadovoljitev vseh vrst<br />

okusov za različne priložnosti –<br />

vse od dnevnih kosil do hrane po<br />

naročil, s čudovitim pogledom na<br />

park. Harmonija svoje goste razvaja<br />

tudi v osvežilnem baru in na<br />

letnem vrtu.<br />

Harmonija ponuja raznolike možnosti<br />

za razvoj incentive programov,<br />

saj se nahaja sredi čudovite narave<br />

pod Mengeško kočo. Dodatne informacije:<br />

www.harmonija.eu<br />

Svečana otvoritev<br />

dvora Jezeršek<br />

Januarja je svoje duri svečano odprl<br />

Dvor Jezeršek na Brniku. Srečanja<br />

z dobrimi jedmi in ljudmi tako<br />

Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek, ki je<br />


Kratke novice<br />

pred 25 leti začela razvijati paleto<br />

dejavnosti v Sori pri Medvodah,<br />

nadaljuje na Hočevarjevi domačiji.<br />

V okviru dvora deluje hotel z 18<br />

sobami in 40 ležišči, dva apartmaja<br />

s stilnim pohištvom, restavracija<br />

á la carte za čarobna gastronomska<br />

doživetja, gostilna s ponudbo<br />

tradicionalnih jedi slovenskih<br />

pokrajin, dvorana za srečanja<br />

in posvetovanja ter vrsta drugih<br />

presenečenj v obnovljeni domačiji<br />

iz leta 1768. Dodatne informacije:<br />

www.dvor-jezersek.si<br />

Predstavitev slovenske<br />

kongresne industrije v Bruslju<br />

16 predstavnikov slovenske kongresne<br />

industrije se je predstavilo<br />

potencialnim kupcem na delavnici<br />

v Bruslju. Udeleženci so sodelovali<br />

pri otvoritvi predstavništva STO v<br />

Bruslju, ki deluje v prostorih Slovenske<br />

hiše in ga vodi Rok Klančnik.<br />

Predstavitve Slovenije kot<br />

kongresne destinacije in sprejema<br />

v Stalni misiji RS pri <strong>EU</strong> se je udeležilo<br />

več kot petdeset gostov. Dogodek<br />

je obogatila jazz skupina<br />

»Renato Chicco trio«.<br />

Slovenski kongresni katalog<br />

Zavod Kongresnoturistični urad je<br />

izdal slovenski kongresni katalog. V<br />

katalogu je predstavljena celotna<br />

slovenska industrija srečanj. Za naročilo<br />

brezplačnega kataloga pišite<br />

na elektronski naslov miha.kovacic@slovenia-convention.com<br />

Natečaj za oblikovanje<br />

blagovne znamke turistične<br />

destinacije Ljubljana<br />

Ljubljana se danes kljub zelo pozitivnim<br />

trendom rasti povpraševanja<br />

in pozitivnim percepcijam obiskovalcev<br />

sooča s problemom pomanjkanja<br />

jasne identitete in podobe.<br />

Zavod za turizem Ljubljana je<br />

zato pripravil natečaj za oblikovanje<br />

blagovne znamke turistične destinacije<br />

Ljubljana. Rok za oddajo<br />

predlogov je 1. junij 2007.<br />

MPI 2007 – Proffesional<br />

education conference Europe<br />

Evropska konferenca MPI, ki je<br />

potekala od 18. do 20. marca v Kopenhagnu<br />

pod pokroviteljstvom<br />

princese Mary, je poleg odlične<br />

organizacije prikazala tudi novo<br />

strateško usmeritev MPI. V naslednjih<br />

letih bo strategija temeljila na<br />

naslednjih usmeritvah:<br />

• Nove profesionalne konference,<br />

med drugim profesionalna konferenca<br />

za Bližnji vzhod (PEC-<br />

Middle East, Dubai);<br />

• Več regionalnih uradov MPI (odprtje<br />

novega urada v Singapurju);<br />

• Zmogljivejši spletni portal;<br />

• Organizacija globalnih delavnic.<br />

Rekordni EIBTM<br />

Kongresna borza EIBTM 2006 (European<br />

Incentive Business Travel<br />

and Meetings) je pritegnila največje<br />

število obiskovalcev doslej. Po podatkih<br />

organizatorjev je borzo obiskalo<br />

6.176 obiskovalcev. Med razstavljavci<br />

in vabljenimi gosti je bilo<br />

opravljenih več kot 34.000 prodajnih<br />

sestankov. Borza se je povečala<br />

tudi prostorsko za približno 50 novih<br />

razstavljavcev. Slovensko kongresno<br />

industrijo je predstavljalo 15<br />

ponudnikov. www.eibtm.com<br />

Gostitelj naslednje<br />

konference MPI je London<br />

Konferenco MPI bo leta <strong>2008</strong> gostil<br />

London. Organizatorji so si zadali<br />

ambiciozen načrt, da bo to največja<br />

in najboljša konferenca MPI v zgodovini.<br />

Potekala bo v londonskem<br />

kongresnem centru Excel. V času<br />

konference bo udeležencem predstavljen<br />

projekt urbanistične prenove<br />

Londona za potrebe olimpijskih<br />

iger 2012. Po zaključku konference<br />

bodo udeleženci lahko nadaljevali<br />

pot na sejem IMEX v Frankfurt, saj<br />

bodo za vse udeležence organizirani<br />

posebni leti iz Londona.<br />

Generalna skupščina IAPCO<br />

Več kot 70 članov mednarodnega<br />

združenja IAPCO se je sestalo na letnem<br />

srečanju in skupščini v Sevilli.<br />

IAPCO je že desetletje sinonim za<br />

kakovost na področju industrije srečanj.<br />

Med mednarodnimi združenji<br />

je IAPCO eno od redkih združenj, ki<br />

ima zelo stroge kriterije za sprejem<br />

novih članov. Članstvo bodo po novem<br />

tudi redno preverjali s pomočjo<br />

orodij notranje in zunanje presoje<br />

neodvisnega odbora za kakovost.<br />

V Sloveniji sta kriterijem IAPCO<br />

doslej zadostila:<br />

• Auditoria in<br />

• Cankarjev dom, kulturni in kongresni<br />

center.<br />


Short News<br />

The regular annual meeting<br />

of Slovenian Convention<br />

bureau members, Hotel<br />

Bellevue, Maribor<br />

Another well organised annual<br />

meeting of the Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau is behind us<br />

and, over two days, many interesting<br />

lectures were given. The main<br />

topic of the meeting was “What<br />

awaits the Slovenian meeting<br />

industry during the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

in <strong>2008</strong>?”Answers were given by<br />

Franci Kodela, Head of the <strong>EU</strong><br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> Logistics Centre, and<br />

Gregor Krajc, Head of the Public<br />

Relations and Promotion<br />

Subgroup. During the formal part<br />

of the meeting, Renata Balažič of<br />

GH Union was newly elected to<br />

the Slovenian Convention Bureau<br />

Council, while Matjaž Žnidaršič<br />

from GH Bernadin was elected<br />

Chairman of the Council of<br />

Experts. As always, the evening<br />

reception, held in an authentic<br />

Pohorje atmosphere, was the<br />

more enjoyable part of the event.<br />

Participants enjoyed themselves<br />

before the evening entertainment,<br />

participating in Koren Sports<br />

team-activity games.<br />

New wellness and sports<br />

hotel, Harmonija, Mengeš<br />

‘The harmony of the soul, body<br />

and emotion’ is the guideline and<br />

content of a new sports-recreational,<br />

beauty and wellness hotel in<br />

Mengeš. Both recreation and<br />

indulgence are available in the<br />

4,500 square metre covered<br />

areas. Harmonija is the first<br />

modern centre in Slovenia based<br />

on the feng shui method, in which<br />

contemporary medical techniques<br />

and traditional Chinese modesty<br />

are combined.<br />

Harmonija Šport has 2,600 m 2 of<br />

covered sporting areas, including<br />

three tennis courts and five<br />

badminton courts. In summer,<br />

two beach volleyball courts and a<br />

large grass football pitch are also<br />

available. A multi-purpose hall is<br />

available for group exercise while<br />

an individual exercise hall offers a<br />

kinesis program and power plate<br />

exercises. The Harmonija<br />

Wellness Centre covers 600m 2<br />

and is divided into three sections:<br />

sauna, beauty and massage sections<br />

and a VIP area – an area for<br />

special, fairytale-like rituals. The<br />

Hotel Harmonija is the first hotel<br />

to open in Mengeš. Its 12 new contemporarily<br />

equipped rooms have<br />

a total of 30 beds and they are<br />

designed in line with the feng shui<br />

method, which has an extremely<br />

positive effect on guests’ wellbeing<br />

and mood. The Harmonija<br />

resturant indulges its guests with<br />

healthy dishes prepared by its<br />

excellent cooking staff to satisfy<br />

all tastes for various occasions –<br />

from daily lunches to meals to<br />

order. With a magnificent view<br />

of the park, the Harmonija also<br />

pampers its guests in the refreshment<br />

bar and summer garden.<br />

Harmonija offers a variety of<br />

possibilities for developmental<br />

incentive programmes, as it is<br />

amidst wondrous countryside<br />

under Mengeš koča (Mengeš<br />

hunting lodge).<br />

Additional information:<br />

www.harmonija.eu<br />

The festive opening<br />

of dvor Jezeršek<br />

Dvor Jezeršek in Brnik opened in<br />

January this year. Gatherings with<br />

good food and people were hosted<br />

by Hiša kulinarike Jezeršek, who<br />

developed a range of activities in<br />

Sora pri Medvodah 25 years ago<br />

and continue at the Hočevar<br />

Homestead. A hotel with 18 rooms<br />

and 40 beds, two apartments with<br />

stylish furniture, an á la carte<br />

restaurant providing a magical<br />

gastronomic experience, an inn<br />

showcasing traditional dishes<br />

from the Slovenian provinces,<br />

a meeting and assembly hall and<br />

a variety of other surprises in the<br />

renovated 1768 homestead operate<br />

within the framework of the court.<br />

Additional information:<br />

www.dvor-jezersek.si<br />

Presentation of slovenian<br />

meeting industry in Brussels<br />

Sixteen representatives of the<br />

Slovenian meeting industry<br />

outlined their offers to potential<br />

customers at workshops in<br />

Brussels. Participants attended<br />

the opening of the STO office in<br />

Brussels, which operates in the<br />


Short News<br />

premises of the Slovenian House<br />

and is managed by Rok Klančnik.<br />

The presentation of Slovenia as<br />

a meeting destination and a<br />

reception at the Permanent<br />

Mission of the Republic of<br />

Slovenia to the <strong>EU</strong> was attended<br />

by over 50 guests. The event was<br />

enriched by the ‘Renato Chicco<br />

trio’ jazz group.<br />

The Slovenian<br />

meetings catalogue<br />

The Slovenian Convention Bureau<br />

has published the Slovenian<br />

Meetings Catalogue, which<br />

outlines the complete Slovenian<br />

meetings industry.<br />

To order a free copy of the<br />

catalogue please write to:<br />

miha.kovacic@sloveniaconvention.com<br />

A competition to design a<br />

brand name for Ljubljana<br />

as a tourist destination<br />

Despite a clearly positive growth<br />

trend in inquiries and the positive<br />

perceptions of its visitors,<br />

Ljubljana today faces a lack<br />

of a clear identity and image.<br />

For this reason, Ljubljana Tourist<br />

Board has prepared a competition<br />

to design a brand name for<br />

Ljubljana as a tourist destination.<br />

The deadline for submitting<br />

suggestions is 1 June 2007.<br />

MPI 2007 - Proffesional<br />

education conference, Europe<br />

In addition to excellent<br />

organisation, the European MPI<br />

conference, held between the 18 th<br />

and 20 th of March in Copenhagen<br />

under the sponsorship of Princess<br />

Mary, also outlined MPI’s new<br />

strategic orientation. In the<br />

upcoming years the strategy will<br />

be based on:<br />

• new professional conferences,<br />

including a professional<br />

conference in the Middle East<br />

(PEC-Middle East, Dubai),<br />

• more regional MPI bureaus<br />

(the opening of a new bureau<br />

in Singapore),<br />

• a more powerful website,<br />

• the organisation of global<br />

workshops.<br />

Record EIBTM<br />

The European Incentive Business<br />

Travel and Meetings (EIBTM) 2006<br />

meetings exchange attracted<br />

the most visitors so far. The<br />

organisers say the exchange<br />

attracted 6,176 visitors. Over<br />

34,000 sales meetings were held<br />

between exhibitors and invited<br />

guests. The exchange also<br />

increased in terms of size, with<br />

approximately 50 new exhibitors.<br />

The Slovenian meetings industry<br />

showcased 15 providers.<br />

www.eibtm.com<br />

London to host<br />

the next MPI conference<br />

Excel, London, 18 – 20 April <strong>2008</strong><br />

The <strong>2008</strong> MPI Conference is to be<br />

hosted by London. Organisers have<br />

an ambitious plan to make it the<br />

biggest and best MPI conference<br />

ever. The conference will be held at<br />

the Excel Congress Centre. A project<br />

for the urban renewal of London to<br />

meet the requirements of the 2012<br />

Olympic Games will be presented to<br />

participants. After the conference,<br />

participants will be able to go on to<br />

the IMEX Fair in Frankfurt, with<br />

special flights organised from<br />

London for all participants.<br />

IAPCO general assemby<br />

Over 70 members of the IAPCO<br />

international association met at<br />

their annual meeting and general<br />

assembly in Seville. For ten years,<br />

IAPCO has been synonymous with<br />

quality in the meetings industry.<br />

IAPCO is one of the few<br />

international associations with<br />

extremely strict criteria regarding<br />

the acceptance of new members.<br />

Membership will now be reviewed<br />

on a regular basis with the aid of<br />

the quality council’s internal and<br />

external assessment tools.<br />

To date, the following Slovenian<br />

venues have satisfied IAPCO criteria:<br />

• Auditoria and<br />

• Cankarjev dom Cultural &<br />

Congress Centre.<br />


Novice soustanoviteljev<br />

V hotelu Park po prenovi<br />

uspešni na področju<br />

kongresov<br />

V blejskem hotelu Park, ki deluje v<br />

okviru blagovne znamke Sava Hoteli<br />

Bled, so lani zabeležili več kot<br />

20-odstotni dvig števila nočitev,<br />

ustvarjenih s strani kongresnih<br />

gostov. Porast je rezultat celovite<br />

obnove hotela in izgradnje manjšega<br />

konferenčnega središča, kjer<br />

so na voljo štiri med seboj povezane<br />

dvorane, od katerih največja<br />

sprejme 120 oseb.<br />

Kavarna Belvedere<br />

spet odprta<br />

Znamenita Titova čajnica v parku<br />

hotela Vila Bled, kjer od lani deluje<br />

kavarna, po zimskem predahu<br />

spet odpira svoja vrata. V poletnih<br />

mesecih je kavarna primerna za<br />

izvedbo stoječih sprejemov in družabnih<br />

dogodkov. Za kulinarično<br />

ponudbo skrbi kuharska ekipa pod<br />

vodstvom Andreja Kuharja, edinega<br />

slovenskega kuharja, odlikovanega<br />

z Michelinovo zvezdico.<br />

Blejski hotel Golf v vodniku<br />

Condé Nast Johansens<br />

Založba Condé Nast Johansens,<br />

izdajatelj mednarodnih vodnikov<br />

luksuznih hotelov, je objavila hotel<br />

Golf v vodniku “Recommended<br />

Hotels & Spas” za Evropo in Sredozemlje<br />

2007. V vodniku je objavljenih<br />

preko 430 hotelov, hotel<br />

Golf, ki sicer velja za najpomembnejši<br />

kongresni hotel na Bledu, pa<br />

je edini iz Slovenije. Objavljeni hoteli<br />

so izbrani na podlagi njihove<br />

posebne privlačnosti, značaja ter<br />

kakovosti ponudbe in storitev.<br />

Najvišji predstavniki držav<br />

članic <strong>EU</strong> na Bledu<br />

Slovenija je 15. januarja 2007 slavnostno<br />

obeležila prevzem evra. Na<br />

povabilo predsednika vlade Janeza<br />

Janše so se slovesnosti udeležili<br />

najvišji predstavniki držav članic <strong>EU</strong><br />

in evropskih ustanov. Častni gostje<br />

so se med enodnevnim obiskom v<br />

Sloveniji mudili tudi na Bledu. Premier<br />

Janša je zanje priredil slavnostno<br />

kosilo v Grand Hotelu Toplice.<br />

Novice iz podjetja<br />

Albatros, Bled<br />

Začetek tretjega desetletja uspešnega<br />

delovanja smo izkoristili za<br />

manjše organizacijske spremembe<br />

v podjetju Albatros. Uveljavljena<br />

blagovna znamka Albatros v<br />

celoti ostaja in združuje dve pravni<br />

obliki organiziranosti: Albatros,<br />

kongresno – turistična agencija,<br />

Majda Zidanski, s.p., in Albatros,<br />

kongresni servis, d.o.o. Dejavnost,<br />

cilji in usmeritve ostajajo isti,<br />

spremembe so se zgodile samo<br />

na organizacijskem in kadrovskem<br />

področju znotraj obeh podjetij.<br />

Skupaj z njimi se je spremenil<br />

tudi logotip za kongresni servis,<br />

v katerem se je naši značilni<br />

rdeči pridružila še modra barva.<br />

Future Watch<br />

»FutureWatch 2007«, tržna raziskava<br />

trendov globalne industrije<br />

srečanj, ki jo financirata MPI (Meetings<br />

Professionals International)<br />

in American Express, napoveduje<br />

še eno uspešno leto, saj naj bi bil<br />

sektor že četrto zaporedno leto v<br />

vzponu, kar kaže na zdravo in močno<br />

gospodarstvo v širšem smislu.<br />

Glavni trendi, ki jih raziskava napoveduje<br />

za leto 2007, so večja<br />

centralizacija organizacije srečanj,<br />

konsolidacija stroškov ter nadaljnje<br />

povečevanje vloge nabavnih<br />

oddelkov pri odločitvah za srečanja.<br />

Glavni dejavniki, ki bodo v letu<br />

2007 vplivali na industrijo srečanj,<br />

pa bodo po pričakovanjih še vedno<br />

globalizacija, terorizem ter dvig<br />

cen nočitev.<br />

Novosti v Adria Airways<br />

Adria Airways leti od 24. marca<br />

2007 dalje po poletnem voznem<br />

redu. Ponovno so vzpostavljene<br />

redne povezave iz Ljubljane v Barcelono,<br />

Rim, Manchester, Bir-<br />


Novice soustanoviteljev<br />

mingham in Dublin. Redna linija<br />

na progi Ljubljana – Kijev, ki so jo<br />

uvedli decembra 2006, deluje zelo<br />

uspešno, zato so število tedenskih<br />

povezav povečali na 3-krat tedensko.<br />

Večje število tedenskih povezav<br />

so uvedli še na linijah v Amsterdam,<br />

Bruselj, Skopje in<br />

Zürich. Nov vozni red in aktualna<br />

ponudba sta na voljo na spletni<br />

strani www.adria-airways.com.<br />

Na kratko iz hotela Domina<br />

V hotelu Domina se nam v mesecu<br />

aprilu obeta 2. mednarodni salsa<br />

festival. Organizatorji festivala<br />

»Salsoteka« bodo pripeljali dvajset<br />

svetovno priznanih salsa inštruktorjev,<br />

ki bodo v treh dneh na<br />

šestinpetdesetih delavnicah pripravili<br />

največji salsa dogodek v<br />

Sloveniji do sedaj. Hotel Domina<br />

pa se lahko pohvali še z vrsto pomembnejših<br />

dogodkov, ki so se<br />

odvili v letu 2007: IBM Slovenija,<br />

BMW managerski izzivi, Mednarodna<br />

konferenca agencije za kmetijske<br />

trge in drugimi.<br />

Kompas za poslovne goste<br />

Turistično podjetje Kompas d.d.<br />

uvaja novo blagovno znamko<br />

Kompas Corporate, namenjeno<br />

poslovnim uporabnikom. Združuje<br />

vrsto izkušenih sodelavcev, ki bodo<br />

pokrivali storitve najširše turistične<br />

ponudbe iz Kompasovega<br />

lastnega touoroperatorskega programa<br />

(potovanaja, počitnice, izleti),<br />

pa do specializiranih storitev,<br />

kot so: rezervacija in prodaja letalskih<br />

vozovnic ter vseh vrst prevozov<br />

(z vlakom, ladjo, najetimi<br />

vozili, vozili iz voznega parka<br />

Kompasa – osebni avtomobili ter<br />

avtobusi), rezervacija namestitev<br />

po celem svetu, organizacija potovanj<br />

na kongrese in sejme v tujini,<br />

organizacija srečanj, konferenc in<br />

kongresov doma in v tujini, posredovanje<br />

vizumov, organizacija motivacijskih<br />

(incentive) in drugih<br />

strokovnih potovanj po meri naročnika.<br />

Cilj je sistematično pristopiti<br />

do kupcev, določiti key account<br />

managerje za velike kupce in uvesti<br />

CRM na ravni podjetja in novega<br />

rezervacijskega sistema SIBO-<br />

OK, ki ga Kompas razvija v sodelovanju<br />

s podjetjem Hermes Softlab.<br />

Več o tem – prihodnjič.<br />

Team building programi<br />

v Postojnski jami<br />

Programi so namenjeni skupinam,<br />

ki jih povezujejo prijateljske, poslovne,<br />

izobraževalne ali druge interesne<br />

vezi. Team building programi<br />

se odvijajo v dvoranah postojnskega<br />

jamskega sistema ali v<br />

prostorih Predjamskega gradu,<br />

izvajajo pa jih strokovnjaki s področja<br />

psihologije dela in izkušeni<br />

jamski vodniki. Možnosti je več –<br />

zabavni team building ali team<br />

building akademija. Tovrstni doživljajski<br />

ogledi izven utečenih turističnih<br />

poti so lahko zelo primeren<br />

incentive program.<br />

Prenovljen grad Mokrice<br />

Terme Čatež so s prenovo kompleksa<br />

na Mokricah postale še<br />

privlačnejša destinacija za poslovni<br />

turizem. Obnovljen je bil grajski<br />

kompleks, kjer v prenovljenih<br />

grajskih kaščah nudimo sodobno<br />

opremljeno dvorano Barbara. Gostje<br />

lahko bivajo v Hotelu Golf<br />

Grad Mokrice ali v novi Depandansi.<br />

Za sprostitev se udeleženci<br />

lahko odločijo za igro golfa, razvajanje<br />

v grajskem masažnem salonu<br />

ali v bližnjih Termah Čatež.<br />

125. rojstni dan Term Radenci<br />

V Termah Radenci letos praznujemo<br />

svoj 125. rojstni dan. Že več<br />

desetletij se uspešno ukvarjamo z<br />

organizacijo in pripravo kongresov,<br />

seminarjev, simpozijev, učnih<br />

delavnic, jezikovnih izobraževanj,<br />

tiskovnih konferenc ter poslovnih<br />

srečanj, in sicer v vlogi hiše gostiteljice,<br />

v zadnjem času pa tudi v<br />

vlogi soorganizatorja.<br />

Vivo na Viktorjih<br />

Ob podelitvi Viktorjev, nagrad za<br />

medijske dosežke, je osebje Vivo<br />

cateringa iz Gradu Fužin pripravilo<br />

izbrano kulinarično »pojedino« in<br />

goste vključilo v kulinarično uživanje<br />

že pri pripravi jedi.<br />


Co-fonders News<br />

Hotel Park successful<br />

in the area of meetings<br />

after renovation<br />

The Hotel Park in Bled, operating<br />

within the scope of the Sava<br />

Hotels & Resorts brand name,<br />

recorded a rise of over 20 percent<br />

in the number of overnight stays<br />

of meeting guests last year.<br />

The growth was the result of the<br />

complete renovation of the hotel<br />

and the construction of a smaller<br />

meeting venue consisting of four<br />

interlinked halls, the largest of<br />

which can accommodate up to<br />

120 persons.<br />

Kavarna Belvedere open again<br />

The renowned Titova čajnica<br />

(Tito's Teahouse) in the park<br />

of the Hotel Villa Bled, where a<br />

coffeehouse has been operating<br />

since last year, has opened its<br />

doors again after a winter break.<br />

During the summer months, the<br />

coffeehouse is a suitable place for<br />

the implementation of standing<br />

receptions and social events. The<br />

creative cooking staff, under the<br />

leadership of Andrej Kuhar (the<br />

only Slovenian chef boasting a<br />

Michelin Star) will be in charge of<br />

the culinary offer.<br />

The Hotel Golf in Bled wins<br />

a place in the Condé guide<br />

The Condé Nast Johansens<br />

publishing house, publisher of<br />

international guides on luxury<br />

hotels, has included Hotel Golf in<br />

its "Recommended Hotels & Spas"<br />

guide for Europe and the<br />

Mediterranean, 2007. The Hotel<br />

Golf has earned a place among the<br />

more than 430 hotels featured, and<br />

it represents the most important<br />

congress hotel in Bled and the only<br />

one included from Slovenia. The<br />

published hotels were selected<br />

on the basis of their personal<br />

attractiveness, nature and the<br />

quality of their offers and services.<br />

The highest representatives<br />

of <strong>EU</strong> Member States in Bled<br />

Slovenia festively marked its<br />

adoption of the euro on 15 January<br />

2007. At the invitation of Prime<br />

Minister Janez Janša, the highest<br />

representatives of the <strong>EU</strong> Member<br />

States and European institutions<br />

attended the festivities hosted for<br />

the occasion. The honorary guests<br />

also visited Bled during their<br />

one-day visit to Slovenia. A festive<br />

lunch was hosted for the<br />

dignitaries by Prime Minister<br />

Janša at the Grand Hotel Toplice.<br />

News from Albatros, Bled<br />

At the start of the 3rd decade of<br />

our successful operation, we have<br />

taken a chance to make some<br />

minor organisational changes<br />

at Albatros. ‘Albatros’ as an<br />

operational trademark remains<br />

in its entirety, while the two legal<br />

entities – Albatros, congresstourist<br />

agency, Majda Zidanski<br />

and Albatros congress services –<br />

are united. Our activities, goals<br />

and directions stay the same,<br />

and the changes only affect the<br />

organisational and personnel<br />

fields within both companies.<br />

Meanwhile, the logo of our<br />

congress service has also been<br />

modified, with our characteristic<br />

red being joined by blue.<br />

10<br />

Future Watch<br />

'Future Watch' 2007, market<br />

research into trends in the global<br />

meeting industry, financed by MPI<br />

(Meetings Professionals<br />

International) and American<br />

Express, forecasts another<br />

successful year. This would make<br />

it the fourth consecutive year of<br />

growth, pointing towards a strong<br />

healthy economy in a broader<br />

sense. The main trends forecasted<br />

in their research for 2007 are<br />

greater centralisation of meeting<br />

organisation, cost consolidation<br />

and further strengthening of the<br />

role of 'fun elements' in decisionmaking<br />

about meetings. The main<br />

factors expected to impact on the<br />

meeting industry in 2007 remain<br />

globalisation, terrorism and<br />

increase of accommodation costs.<br />

Developments at Adria<br />

Airways<br />

Adria implemented its summer<br />

timetable on 24 March 2007.<br />

Regular connections have been<br />

re-established between Ljubljana<br />

and Barcelona, Rome,<br />

Manchester, Birmingham and<br />

Dublin. Scheduled flights between<br />

Ljubljana and Kiev which began in<br />

December 2006 are running<br />

very successfully, such that the<br />

number of regular connections<br />

has been increased to three a<br />

week. A higher number of weekly<br />

flights operate on routes to<br />

Amsterdam Brussels, Skopje and<br />

Zürich. The new timetable and<br />

other information are available<br />

at www.adria-airways.com.<br />

News in brief from<br />

the Hotel Domina<br />

We are looking forward to the 2 nd<br />

International Salsa Festival at<br />

the Hotel Domina in April.<br />

The organisers of the ‘Salsoteka’

Co-fonders News<br />

festival is to gather 20 world<br />

renowned salsa instructors who<br />

will, over a period of three days<br />

and 56 workshops, lead the<br />

largest salsa event in Slovenia to<br />

date. The Hotel Domina can also<br />

boast of a number of other important<br />

events in 2007, such as IBM<br />

Slovenija, the BMW Managerial<br />

Challenge, the International<br />

Conference of Agricultural Market<br />

Agencies and a host of others.<br />

Increasing demand for<br />

team-building programmes<br />

at Postojna cave<br />

These programmes are aimed at<br />

groups connected by friendship,<br />

business, educational ties or<br />

other interests. Team-building<br />

programmes take place in the<br />

caverns of the Postojna Cave<br />

system or at Predjama Castle<br />

led by both experts in the field of<br />

psychology and experienced cave<br />

guides. A number of possibilities<br />

exist, such as entertaining<br />

team-building programmes or the<br />

team-building academy. These<br />

adventurous tours, off standard<br />

tourist routes, are an extremely<br />

good incentive programme.<br />

teambuilding@postojnska-jama.si<br />

Kompas Corporate<br />

Kompas, Slovenia’s largest tourist<br />

company, is introducing a new<br />

‘Kompas Corporate’ brand name<br />

intended for business users.<br />

Kompas Corporate will bring<br />

together the skills of a variety of<br />

experienced colleagues, who will<br />

cover the vast line of services<br />

ranging from Kompas’ own tour<br />

operator programme (travel, holidays<br />

and trips) all the way to specialised<br />

services such as the<br />

reservation and sale of airline<br />

tickets and a variety of other<br />

transportation (by train, ship,<br />

leased vehicles and vehicles from<br />

the Kompas fleet of cars and<br />

buses), the reservation of accommodation<br />

around the world, the<br />

organisation of travel to meetings<br />

and fairs abroad, the organisation<br />

of meetings, conferences and<br />

congresses, both at home and<br />

abroad, mediation for visas and<br />

the organisation of incentive and<br />

other expert travel, all customised<br />

to the client’s requirements. The<br />

goal is a systematic approach to<br />

customers, the assignment of key<br />

account managers to large<br />

clients, the introduction of CRM at<br />

company level and also the new<br />

‘SIBOOK’ reservation system,<br />

which Kompas is developing in cooperation<br />

with Hermes Softlab.<br />

More information will be published<br />

in a later issue.<br />

Mokrice complex renovated<br />

The extensive renovation of the<br />

Mokrice complex has made Terme<br />

Čatež health resort an even more<br />

attractive destination for business<br />

tourism. The castle complex has<br />

been renovated and the newly<br />

restored castle granaries now<br />

offer the contemporarily equipped<br />

Barbara Hall. Guests can stay at<br />

the Hotel Golf Grad Mokrice or at<br />

the new hotel Depandansi. Those<br />

guests seeking to relax can opt<br />

for a game of golf, be pampered in<br />

the castle massage parlour or<br />

relax at the nearby Terme Čatež<br />

health resort.<br />

The extensive renovation of the<br />

Mokrice complex has made Terme<br />

Čatež health resort an even more<br />

attractive destination for business<br />

tourism. The castle complex has<br />

been renovated and the newly<br />

restored castle granaries now<br />

offer the contemporarily equipped<br />

Barbara Hall. Guests can stay at<br />

the Hotel Golf Grad Mokrice or at<br />

the new Hotel Depandansi.<br />

The renewal project of the Hotel<br />

Golf Grad Mokrice complex is partially<br />

financed by <strong>EU</strong> funds.<br />

Terme Radenci's<br />

125 th birthday<br />

The 125th birthday of Terme<br />

Radenci is celebrated this year.<br />

The spa resort has successfully<br />

handled the organisation and<br />

preparation of congresses, seminars,<br />

symposia, educational workshops,<br />

language courses, press<br />

conferences and business meetings<br />

for many decades, as well as<br />

acting as a hospitality centre.<br />

Recently it has also become a<br />

co-organiser.<br />

Vivo at the Victor awards<br />

ceremony<br />

At the Victor awards ceremony,<br />

where Victor statues are given for<br />

media achievement, the staff of<br />

Vivo Catering from Grad Fužine<br />

prepared a choice culinary ‘feast’,<br />

including the guests in their culinary<br />

delights via their inclusion in<br />

the making of dishes.<br />



Mi to znamo. Smo mednarodno uveljavljeno podjetje za podroËje<br />

svetovanja, trženja in managementa v poslovnem turizmu.<br />

Imamo reπitve za uspeπno trženje kongresnih centrov in destinacij<br />

ter komuniciranje vaπih kongresov in poslovnih dogodkov. Pridobivamo<br />

in organiziramo mednarodne kongrese, poslovne dogodke,<br />

motivacijska sreËanja, razstave in sejemske prireditve, pri Ëemer<br />

uporabljamo najsodobnejπa znanja in tehnologije sreËanj.<br />

Pomagamo vam pri upravljanju in vodenju strokovnih in<br />

znanstvenih združenj.<br />

Štihova ulica 4,1000 Ljubljana, T+386 (0)1 430 51 03, F +386 (0)1 430 51 04, info@go-mice.eu, www.go-mice.eu<br />

oglas mice.indd 2<br />

Process CyanProcess MagentaProcess YellowProcess Black<br />

3/13/07 3:36:42 PM

Na Gospodarskem razstavišču zaključena prva borza Simex<br />

Postavljeni temelji<br />

kongresne borze<br />

Na Gospodarskem<br />

razstavišču v Ljubljani<br />

je konec marca potekala<br />

prva slovenska borza<br />

kongresnega turizma<br />

Simex. Zavod –<br />

Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad, ki jo je pripravil,<br />

je z njeno izvedbo in<br />

rezultati zelo zadovoljen.<br />

Kongresna borza Simex, ki je na Gospodarskem razstavišču potekala<br />

29. in 30. marca, se je v Sloveniji odvijala prvič. Podobne borze, na katerih<br />

se srečujejo najpomembnejši ponudniki poslovnega turizma s tistimi,<br />

ki po teh uslugah povprašujejo, pa so ponekod v tujini že uveljavljene<br />

prireditve.<br />

Prva borza Simex je na Gospodarsko razstavišče pritegnila 54 razstavljavcev,<br />

z njihovo ponudbo pa se je v dveh dneh seznanilo več kot sto<br />

gostov. Letos so med gosti prevladovali predstavniki znanstveno-strokovnih<br />

združenj, vladnih organizacij ter večjih podjetij.<br />

Organizatorji prve kongresne borze pri nas (poleg Zavoda – Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad še Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije, Institut Jožef Stefan,<br />

Slovenska turistična organizacija, Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Trgovinska<br />

zbornica Slovenije, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana ter gostitelj, Gospodarsko<br />

razstavišče) imajo ambiciozne načrte za prihodnost. Borzo bi<br />

radi razširili tudi preko meja Slovenije.<br />

Miha Kovačič, direktor Zavoda – Kongresnoturistični urad, pravi, da se<br />

je pokazalo, da je nova vrsta organiziranega srečevanja v poslovnem turizmu<br />

našla svoje mesto na slovenskem trgu. »Od udeležencev smo<br />

prejemali pozitivne komentarje. Navdušilo jih je predvsem dejstvo, da<br />

so prvič imeli priložnost na enem mestu spoznati celotno slovensko<br />

kongresno ponudbo in govoriti s kakovostnimi in resnimi ponudniki.<br />

Borza Simex je bila pravi naslov za navezovanje stikov in za podroben<br />

pregled ponudbe in povpraševanja v kongresni dejavnosti.«<br />

Gostje prejmejo za razgovor osebni urnik srečanj.<br />

• Guests receive a personal meeting schedule<br />

for discussions.<br />

Častni otvoritelj prireditev je bil župan Ljubljane Zoran Janković, ki si je borzo z veseljem ogledal in<br />

pozdravil sodelujoče. • The honorary opener of the event was the mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran<br />

Janković, whose pleasure it was to visit the exchange and greet participants.<br />


The first Simex Exchange concludes at Gospodarsko razstavišče<br />

Foundations Laid<br />

for the Meetings Exchange<br />

The first Slovenian<br />

meetings industry<br />

exchange, Simex, was<br />

held at Gospodarsko<br />

razstavišče<br />

(the Ljubljana Exhibition<br />

and Convention Centre)<br />

in Ljubljana at the end<br />

of March. The Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau,<br />

which organised the<br />

exchange, was extremely<br />

pleased with its<br />

implementation and<br />

results.<br />

The Simex exchange that took place at Gospodarsko razstavišče<br />

on 29 and 30 March was the first such event held in Slovenia. Similar<br />

exchanges held at various locations abroad are already renowned<br />

events where the most important business tourism suppliers and those<br />

inquiring about services can meet.<br />

The first Simex exchange at Gospodarsko razstavišče attracted 54<br />

exhibitors and they presented their offers to over 100 guests. This year,<br />

scientific-expert associations, state organisations and larger<br />

companies were prevailing at the event.<br />

Organisers of the first meetings exchange in Slovenia have laid out<br />

ambitious plans for the future, along with the Slovenian Convention<br />

Bureau, the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Jozef<br />

Stefan Institute, the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Slovenian Medical<br />

Association, the Slovenian Chamber of Trade, the Ljubljana<br />

Tourist Board and the host, Gospodarsko razstavišče. They would<br />

like to expand the exchange beyond the borders of Slovenia.<br />

Miha Kovačič, the Director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, says<br />

that the new way of organising meetings in business tourism has found<br />

a place on the Slovenian market. “We have had positive feedback from<br />

participants. They were especially enthusiastic about the fact that they<br />

had a chance to become acquainted with the entire Slovenian meetings<br />

industry offer in one place for the first time and to speak with<br />

professional providers. The Simex exchange is the right place to<br />

establish contacts and to take a detailed look at the offers and make<br />

inquiries about meetings activities.”<br />

Borza Simex bo tudi prihodnje leto potekala v<br />

okviru prireditve Turizem in prosti čas. •The next<br />

Simex exchange will be held in the frame of the<br />

Tourism and Leisure fair <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Ob poslovnem delu je na razstavišču potekalo tudi bogato spremljevalno dogajanje. Zelo zanimivi<br />

so bili primeri dobrih praks. • A rich variety of accompanying events took place alongside the business<br />

part of the exchange. Examples of good practices proved particularly interesting.<br />


Kolumna: Srečo Peterlič<br />

Smo obuti<br />

v primerno velike čevlje?<br />

Pred kratkim sem bil v<br />

Turčiji. Z letalom sem se<br />

peljal iz Linza do Antalye.<br />

Ali lahko moje potovanje<br />

kakorkoli povežem<br />

z bližnjim predsedovanjem<br />

Slovenije Evropski<br />

uniji? Lahko. Letališče v<br />

Linzu ima dnevno manj<br />

kot polovico poletov in<br />

pristankov kot Aerodrom<br />

Ljubljana, je pa po površini,<br />

namenjeni potnikom,<br />

vsaj enkrat večje.<br />

Antalya ima po uradnih<br />

podatkih nekaj več kot<br />

pol milijona prebivalcev,<br />

po neuradnih pa preko<br />

milijon (verjetno štejejo<br />

zraven še vse turiste), letališče<br />

pa je med najsodobnejšimi<br />

in vsaj petkrat<br />

večje kot ljubljansko.<br />

V polletnem predsedovanju bo v Sloveniji več kot 150 uradnih srečanj<br />

<strong>EU</strong> s pričakovanimi 25-30 tisoč udeleženci in gosti, ki bodo prihajali kot<br />

predstavniki in člani delegacij. Verjetno bodo prihajali v jutranjih urah in<br />

odhajali zvečer. Ob teh urah je ljubljansko letališče preobremenjeno že<br />

brez teh delegacij. Kje in kako bo poskrbljeno za prihode, sprejem delegacij,<br />

VIP osebje, varnost itd.?<br />

Marsikdo me je že vprašal za mnenje o tem, kakšna je slovenska kongresna<br />

ponudba v primerjavi s konkurenco. Odgovarjam: kongresne kapacitete<br />

in storitve so nadpovprečne, upoštevati pa je potrebno nekatere<br />

omejitve, možnosti in dejstva. Glede na velikost dežele in populacijo<br />

imamo nadpovprečno število kongresnih dvoran in drugih kapacitet, po<br />

številu mednarodnih dogodkov in udeležencev sodimo med države z bistveno<br />

večjo populacijo. Toda, kaj to pomeni pri tako velikem zalogaju,<br />

ki nas čaka pred vrati?<br />

Trenutno Evropi predseduje Nemčija. Primerjava med Slovenijo in<br />

Nemčijo ni smiselna, govorimo seveda o kapacitetah.<br />

Mogoče bi se lahko primerjali s Finci, ki so odlično opravili delo lani.<br />

Zavedali so se svoje relativne majhnosti in so se pravi čas odlično organizirali.<br />

Leto dni prej so imeli v najožji projektni skupini za izvedbo srečanj<br />

ekipo osemindvajsetih strokovnjakov, v času predsedovanja preko<br />

štirideset z nekaj sto stalnimi zunanjimi sodelavci. Ali vemo, kako močna<br />

je trenutno slovenska ekipa?<br />

Še pred Finci je predsedovanje organizirala Avstrija. Na Dunaju imajo v<br />

primernih hotelih na voljo preko 20.000 sob, v Ljubljani jih je manj kot<br />

2000, ki pa so že sedaj nadpovprečno zasedene. Da ne govorimo o dvoranah<br />

in ostalih prostorih za družabna srečanja.<br />

Slovenci smo znani kot odlični gostitelji in dobri organizatorji. Verjetno<br />

se vsi zavedamo objektivnih danosti in omejitev, v primerjavi z navedenimi<br />

deželami. Toda, v zadnjem desetletju smo bili gostitelji lepega števila<br />

zelo odmevnih srečanj, kot npr. obiska ameriškega predsednika<br />

Clintona, srečanja Bush – Putin, srečanja OVSE, dveh papeževih<br />

obiskov … Pričakovano predsedovanje se seveda ne more primerjati z<br />

navedenimi dogodki. Niti po obsegu, niti po številu dogodkov, niti po potrebnih<br />

kapacitetah, niti po zahtevni logistiki, niti po varnosti in varovanju,<br />

niti po potrebni zasedbi in obsegu projektne izvedbene skupine. Je<br />

pa pričakovani projekt nadgradnja vseh dosedanjih. Prepričan sem, da<br />

smo ga Slovenci sposobni odlično izpeljati. Za začetek ugotovimo, ali<br />

smo obuti v primerno velike čevlje, nato pa stopimo skupaj. Slovenski<br />

kongresni ponudniki smo pripravljeni. Pri projektu mogoče niti nismo<br />

vsi potrebni, upravičeno pa pričakujemo, da bo odlična izvedba posledično<br />

za vse nas priložnost za prihodnji razvoj kongresne dejavnosti, kot<br />

se je to zgodilo Avstrijcem in Fincem.<br />

Nestrpno pričakujem spletno stran predsedovanja Slovenije, upam, da<br />

bo na njej števec dnevov, ki so še na voljo do 1.1.<strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Srečo Peterlič, direktor kongresne dejavnosti, Auditoria; predsednik sveta<br />

Zavod Kongresnoturistični urad<br />

Srečo Peterlič<br />


Column: Srečo Peterlič<br />

Are we fitted with<br />

Shoes of the appropriate Size?<br />

I was in Turkey a short<br />

time ago, having<br />

travelled by plane<br />

from Linz to Antalya.<br />

I wondered whether there<br />

was any possibility of<br />

linking my travel with<br />

the upcoming Slovenian<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> of the <strong>EU</strong>?<br />

I could. Although there<br />

are fewer landings and<br />

takeoffs per day at Linz<br />

airport than at Aerodrom<br />

Ljubljana, it is at least<br />

twice as big in terms of<br />

the surface area available<br />

for passengers.<br />

Then, although Antalya<br />

officially has somewhat<br />

over half a million<br />

inhabitants, unofficially<br />

this figure exceeds one<br />

million (with tourists<br />

included, most likely).<br />

The airport there is<br />

one of the most<br />

contemporary airports<br />

in the world and is at<br />

least five times the size<br />

of Ljubljana Airport.<br />

Over 150 official <strong>EU</strong> meetings will be held in Slovenia during the<br />

half-year <strong>Presidency</strong>, with around 25-30,000 participants and guests<br />

expected, bringing with them representatives and members of<br />

delegations. They will probably arrive in the mornings and leave in<br />

the evenings. Currently, Ljubljana Airport is already overburdened<br />

at these times, even without these delegations. So where and how<br />

will the arrival and reception of delegations, VIPs, security and so on<br />

be implemented?<br />

A lot of people have asked me for my opinion regarding the Slovenian<br />

offer of meeting services in comparison with that of the competition.<br />

My answer is that while meeting venues and services are above<br />

average, several restrictions and facts must be observed. We have an<br />

above average number of meeting halls and other venues for the size<br />

of the country and the population, and we are a country with an<br />

essentially greater number of international events and participants.<br />

So what does this mean with regard to the major challenge awaiting us?<br />

At the moment, Germany holds the European <strong>Presidency</strong>. Of course,<br />

a comparison between Slovenia and Germany would not be sensible.<br />

Perhaps we can compare ourselves to the Finns, however, who<br />

performed an excellent job last year. Aware of their relatively small<br />

size, they did an excellent job nevertheless and organised themselves<br />

at the right time. A year before, they had a team of 28 experts in the<br />

narrowest project group, and then over 40 experts and several hundred<br />

permanent outworkers during the <strong>Presidency</strong>. Do we know how strong<br />

the Slovenian team is currently?<br />

Austria organised the <strong>Presidency</strong> before the Finns. Vienna has over<br />

20,000 rooms in appropriate hotels. There are less than 2,000 in<br />

Ljubljana, and these are already filled above average, not to mention<br />

the meeting halls and other venues for social meetings.<br />

We Slovenes are known as excellent hosts and organisers. We are<br />

probably all aware of our objective resources and restrictions in<br />

comparison with the above mentioned countries. Nevertheless, we’ve<br />

hosted a good number of extremely successful meetings in the last<br />

decade, such as President Clinton’s visit, the Bush/Putin meeting, the<br />

OVSE meetings, two visits of Pope, etc. The upcoming <strong>Presidency</strong>, of<br />

course, cannot compare to these events in terms of scope, the number<br />

of events, the venues required, the necessary logistics, security and<br />

protection or in terms of staff – and nor can the scope of the project<br />

implementation groups. We can, however expect a project upstaging all<br />

previous ones and I am certain that Slovenes are capable of executing<br />

it with excellence. Firstly, we all find out if we are fitted with the<br />

appropriate size shoes, then we step forward together. We, the<br />

Slovenian meeting providers are prepared. Perhaps not all of us will be<br />

required for the project, but nevertheless we can rightfully expect that<br />

its excellent execution will consequently be an opportunity for the<br />

future development of meeting activates for us, as experienced by the<br />

Austrians and Finns. I await the website of the Slovenian <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

with impatience, and I hope it includes a countdown of the number<br />

of days left until 1 January <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

Srečo Peterlič, Congress Director, Auditoria; Chairman of the Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau Council<br />


Predsedovanje Evropski uniji <strong>2008</strong><br />

Bomo pripravljeni?<br />

Slovenija bo v prvi polovici<br />

leta <strong>2008</strong> predsedovala<br />

Evropski uniji. V<br />

tem času bo vodila vse<br />

delovne skupine in druga<br />

delovna telesa vseh sestav<br />

Sveta <strong>EU</strong>. Predsedovanje<br />

ima za Slovenijo<br />

velik promocijski pomen,<br />

veliko si od njega obeta<br />

tudi slovenski turizem.<br />

Samo v Sloveniji pričakujemo<br />

okoli dvesto prireditev<br />

na različnih nivojih.<br />

O predsedovanju in pomenu<br />

za slovenski turizem<br />

smo se pogovarjali<br />

z mag. Dimitrijem Picigo,<br />

direktorjem Slovenske<br />

turistične organizacije,<br />

z Miho Kovačičem, direktorjem<br />

Zavoda-Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad in z<br />

mag. Francijem Kodelo,<br />

ki na Vladi RS vodi<br />

Logistični center<br />

za predsedovanje<br />

Slovenije <strong>EU</strong>.<br />

Dodana vrednost<br />

predsedovanja je udeleženec,<br />

ki se bo vrnil z družino<br />

Mag. Franci Kodela, vodja Logističnega centra<br />

za predsedovanje Slovenije <strong>EU</strong>, Vlada RS<br />

»Predsedovanje Evropski skupnosti pomeni, da bomo teh šest mesecev<br />

vodili Evropsko skupnost tako, kot naši ministri vodijo svoje posle za<br />

Republiko Slovenijo. Mi vodimo dosjeje, mi vodimo delovne skupine, kar<br />

je v tem trenutku za nas res veliko priznanje,« zelo posplošeno in preprosto<br />

definicijo predsedovanja pove mag. Franci Kodela, namestnik<br />

generalnega sekretarja Vlade RS in vodja Logističnega centra za predsedovanje<br />

Slovenije <strong>EU</strong>.<br />

Kakšen je pomen predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> za Slovenijo in slovenski turizem?<br />

Predsedovanje ima nedvomno velik pomen tako za Slovenijo kot za sama<br />

mesta, kjer se bodo odvijali dogodki. Glavno mesto bo Brdo pri Kranju,<br />

pri čemer imam v mislih organizacijo konferenc. Nastanitve in<br />

spremljevalni programi se bodo odvijali po vsej Sloveniji. Večina udeležencev<br />

bo sicer spala v Ljubljani in na Bledu, ki sta lokacijsko najbližja<br />

Brdu in letališču, dogodki pa se bodo odvijali tudi v Mariboru, na obali, v<br />

Termah Čatež ... tako da računam, da bo pokritost Slovenije s spremljevalnimi<br />

dogodki relativno široka in pestra. Strinjam se, da bosta mesti,<br />

ki bosta nočili udeležence, imeli največ od dogodka, kar pa ne pomeni,<br />

da ostalih krajev ne bomo promovirali. Manj pomena pripisujemo<br />

temu, kar bodo udeleženci videli oziroma zapravili v času svojega prvega<br />

obiska pri nas, če ne pridejo nazaj; za nas je dodana vrednost predsedovanja<br />

udeleženec, ki se kasneje vrne z družino. Avstrijci so predsedovanju<br />

namenili okrog 90 milijonov evrov, po njihovih ocenah so s<br />

predsedovanjem zaslužili okoli 200 milijonov. To je lepa številka in izjemen<br />

uspeh, vendar verjamem, da to še ni vse, saj morajo kasneje slediti<br />

še multiplikativni učinki. Slovenija ponuja veliko naravno in kulturno<br />

pestrost ter odlično kulinariko, ki ponavadi navduši. Izredno pomemben<br />

pa je način predstavitve teh atributov tujcem, zato upam, da jih bomo<br />

znali predstaviti na primeren način.<br />

Pričakujemo predvsem zahtevne goste na najvišjem nivoju. Boste zanje<br />

pripravili kaj posebnega, sodelujete s STO-jem?<br />

Naš Urad za komuniciranje seveda tekoče sodeluje s STO-jem, mi pa se<br />

zaenkrat še nismo povezovali. Menim, da imamo dovolj dobre informacije,<br />

kateri slovenski kraji lahko ponudijo ustrezne kapacitete in storitve,<br />

tudi z ozirom na nivo gostov, ki jih pričakujemo. Ne mislim pa s tem<br />

na ignoriranje STO-ja, vsekakor nameravamo potem, ko bomo pripravili<br />

programe, za mnenje oziroma morebitno pomoč zaprositi tudi njih. S<br />

STO-jem pa, kot rečeno, bolj intenzivno sodeluje naš Urad za komuniciranje,<br />

ki ima glavno promotivno nalogo v času predsedovanja.<br />


trebe. Sicer pa je to ena od stvari, ki me v času predsedovanja izjemno<br />

skrbi. Tudi zaradi dejstva, da se bo ob uradnih dogodkih odvijala še cela<br />

vrsta drugih. Ne smemo pozabiti na spremljevalne programe ostalih<br />

ministrstev, dogodke nevladnih organzacij ... in namestitev je eden velikih<br />

problemov Ljubljane, Bleda in cele osrednjeslovenske regije.<br />

Kaj pa konferenčne kapacitete?<br />

Nov objekt, ki ga gradijo na Brdu, bo pokril večino velikih dogodkov. Sicer<br />

pa Slovenija velike in primerne dvorane za 400-500 udeležencev, s<br />

sistemi za zahtevno prevajanje oziroma tolmačenje, nima. Ugtavljamo,<br />

da za velike dogodke manjka tudi primernih in dovolj velikih prostorov<br />

za gala večerje, kar me je, osebno, zelo presenetilo.<br />

Mag. Franci Kodela<br />

Kdo je pooblaščen za izbiro in rezervacijo<br />

kapacitet? Ste se tega<br />

lotili sami ali ste ta del obveznosti<br />

predali turističnemu gospodarstvu?<br />

V osnovi smo naredili dve vrsti<br />

centralizacije. Prva je izbira centralne<br />

lokacije JGZ Brdo – kar je<br />

najbolj racionalna odločitev, saj<br />

ponuja bližino letališča, osebje<br />

ima potrebne izkušnje, komunikacijske<br />

poti so enake do Ljubljane<br />

in do Bleda, kjer bodo udeleženci<br />

nastanjeni, hkrati je aktualen tudi<br />

racionalni, ekonomski, cenovni<br />

razlog, saj bližina in stalna postavitev<br />

pomenita prihranke. Drugo<br />

centralizacijo pa smo naredili s<br />

tem, da je logistični center prevzel<br />

odgovornost za vse dogodke,<br />

tako na ministrski ravni kot pod<br />

njo. To pomeni, da smo mi zadolženi<br />

tudi za rezervacijo vseh nastanitvenih<br />

kapacitet, kar smo že<br />

izvedli skoraj za vse dogodke,<br />

vsekakor pa za vse, ki so napovedani<br />

v koledarju. Na nedavnem<br />

srečanju na Bellevueju smo doživeli<br />

kritiko, da smo turističnim<br />

operaterjem pobrali preveč nastanitvenih<br />

kapacitet, kar pa sem<br />

dejansko razumel kot pohvalo, da<br />

smo dovolj zgodaj rezervirali po-<br />

Cankarjev dom?<br />

Cankarjev dom je edini, ki ima ta hip ustrezen prostor, ki pa je dejansko<br />

preddverje in ne dvorana. Ne želim biti kritičen, vendar namenske dvorane<br />

praktično ni. Sicer pa bomo CD dejansko uporabili, tudi zaradi njihovih<br />

profesionalnih storitev.<br />

Portorož?<br />

Kar se tiče namestitvenih kapacitet je ena boljših, če ne celo najboljša<br />

destinacija, nekoliko šibka pa v kongresnem delu, čeprav ponuja nekaj<br />

zanimivih dvoran, ki pa so po velikosti premale. Menim, da bi bilo zelo<br />

priporočljivo, če bi Portorož prišel do kakšne večje dvorane. V kolikor<br />

se bo tradicija predsedovanja nadaljevala in se bo širil tudi režim tolmačenja,<br />

si lahko v prihodnosti tako mi kot ostale države, ki jih predsedovanje<br />

še čaka, obetamo resne težave. Upam, da se bodo ostali od nas<br />

česa naučili, predvsem smotrnosti centralizacije. Če je na enem mestu<br />

velika dvorana in nekaj večnamenskih manjših, skupaj z vso ustrezno<br />

infrastrukturo, tudi namestitveno, je zadeva veliko lažja in cenovno ugodnejša.<br />

Dosedaj predsedujoče države so pogosto uporabljale tudi svoje<br />

razstaviščne kapacitete, ki pa se ne morejo primerjati z našimi.<br />

Kako je potekala komunikacija s hotelskimi ponudniki?<br />

Zelo korektno in brez težav. Tukaj dejansko nimam nikakršnih pripomb.<br />

Lahko pohvalim vse glavne hotele, ljubljanske Union, Domino<br />

Grand Media in Lev ter verigo hotelov Sava hoteli Bled, in že v tem trenutku<br />

se lahko zahvalim za njihovo izjemno kooperativnost in korekten<br />

odnos. Zavedamo pa se seveda, da imajo hoteli tudi svoje stalne goste<br />

in da bo verjetno z naše strani prihajalo do dodatnih povpraševanj po<br />

namestitvi, vendar računam na fleksibilnost in kooperativnost, dokler<br />

bodo sobe seveda na voljo. Ob rezervacijah smo si vzeli nekaj rezerve<br />

in upam, da bo dovoljšnja.<br />

Že obstaja ocena stroškov predsedovanja?<br />

O tem govoriti v tem trenutku je zelo nehvaležno. Prva ocena stroškov<br />

slovenskega predsedovanja je bila 13 milijard 600 milijonov nekdanjih<br />

slovenskih tolarjev, vendar moram opozoriti, da je bila ta ocena narejena<br />

za manj dogodkov z manjšo pestrostjo, saj nismo dovolj pozornosti namenjali<br />

vsebini dogodkov. Danes vemo, da dogodki niso samo »matematika«,<br />

saj imajo sporočilno noto – »prihajam, da nekaj vidim« - kar je<br />

pogosto izražena želja in tradicija ob rednem, plenarnem delu. Dogodki,<br />


ki se odvijajo v času predsedovanja,<br />

imajo poleg formalnega tudi<br />

zelo močan neformalni del ter<br />

promocijo.<br />

Bo ta dodatni del, turistična promocija<br />

Slovenije, organiziran?<br />

Naš logistični center je zadolžen<br />

za vso logistiko, tako neformalnega,<br />

delovnega dela dogodka, za<br />

plenarni del, transporte in tudi za<br />

ta drugi, družbeno – socialni del.<br />

Vse to pripravljamo.<br />

Imate za te aktivnosti tudi dovolj<br />

ustrezno usposobljenih kadrov?<br />

Na vprašanje, ali imamo v tem<br />

trenutku dovolj ljudi, lahko z gotovostjo<br />

odgovorim, da ne. Vendar<br />

pa sem pripričan, da jih bomo do<br />

takrat, ko se bo po njih pokazala<br />

dejanska, praktična potreba, imeli.<br />

V tem trenutku smo kadrovsko<br />

okrnjeni. Moram pa reči, da vse<br />

sedanje aktivnosti delamo profesionalno,<br />

a tudi zelo entuziastično,<br />

da smo vsi, celotna naša ekipa,<br />

čustveno povezani s predsedovanjem.<br />

Na projekt lahko gledamo z<br />

dveh zornih kotov, kot veliko breme<br />

ali pa kot osebni izziv, kot ga<br />

jemljemo mi. Prepričan sem, da<br />

so naše ideje dobre in dejstvo je,<br />

da delo poteka skladno s terminskim<br />

planom. Nikoli ne bom pozabil<br />

besed avstrijskega kolega, ki<br />

pravi – predsedovanja se ne da<br />

napisati, treba ga je doživeti in čutiti.<br />

Verjamem, da bomo s predsedovanjem<br />

uspeli predvsem v primeru,<br />

če ga bomo Slovencem us-<br />

peli predstaviti kot naš skupen projekt. Da bodo ljudje kakšno za nekaj<br />

minut zaprto cesto sprejeli z razumevanjem in ponosom, da se nekaj<br />

pomembnega dogaja, namesto z negodovanjem.<br />

Pa se s tem namenom za državljane Slovenije pripravljajo kakšne akcije<br />

tovrstnega osveščanja?<br />

Upam, da ja. Jaz kot Franci Kodela bi s tem že začel. Pred dopusti bi morali<br />

narediti prvi krog, jeseni pa drugega. To je moje osebno mnenje. Tudi<br />

zato, ker se mi pogosto dogaja, da me sicer zelo razgledani ljudje sprašujejo,<br />

kaj sploh pomeni naše predsedovanje. Po tem sklepam, da na<br />

splošno premalo vemo, kaj nas čaka.<br />

Se nameravate v prihodnosti povezati z domačimi strokovnjaki s<br />

področja kongresne dejavnosti?<br />

V tem trenutku še samostojno izvajamo vse priprave za organizacijo in<br />

izvedbo dogodkov, tako v njihovem plenarnem kot družabno turističnem<br />

delu. Ne izključujemo pa možnosti, da bi v primeru, da bi se pokazala<br />

potreba, poiskali pomoč ustrezne agencije.<br />

Jakica Jesih<br />

Miha Kovačič, predsednik Zavoda –<br />

Kongresnoturistični urad<br />

Predsedovanje<br />

je političen projekt<br />

Kakšen je pomen predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> za Slovenijo in slovenski turizem?<br />

Kot predstavnik Kongresnoturističnega urada se zavedam, da je predsedovanje<br />

<strong>EU</strong> političen projekt. Iniciator je politika, udeleženci so politiki,<br />

ne pa gospodarstveniki ali strokovna združenja, zato so tudi dogodki<br />

organizirani v tem smislu. Predsedovanje bo za seboj zagotovo potegnilo<br />

druge dogodke, ki pa bodo lahko tudi gospodarskega značaja. Nad<br />

slednjimi sploh še nimamo pregleda, glede prvih pa smo od predstavnika<br />

vlade dobili informacijo o načrtu, številu dogodkov ter poteku dogajanja.<br />

Z vidika slovenske kongresne industrije predsedovanje <strong>EU</strong> pomeni<br />

promocijo, saj se bo odvijalo več dogodkov kot doslej; na letnem nivoju<br />

je v Sloveniji približno 7.000 dogodkov, predsedovanje jih bo pripeljalo<br />


kov. Treba pa je opozoriti tudi na to, da je pri njih siceršnji obseg dogodkov<br />

bistveno večji. V Sloveniji je težava, ker so omejene predvsem<br />

hotelske kapacitete, in če pride k nam kakšen večji dogodek, se to nekako<br />

dotakne celotne slovenske turistične scene.<br />

Miha Kovačič<br />

dodatnih 300 novih, kar ne predstavlja<br />

velikega dodatnega obsega.<br />

Dejstvo pa je, da se bodo odvijali v<br />

kratkem časovnem obdobju, ko<br />

utegne škripati pri prostih kapacitetah.<br />

Ponudniki kongresnih storitev<br />

se veselijo predsedovanja, ker<br />

bodo dobili posel, tudi hotel Kokra<br />

oziroma Brdo pri Kranju, ki pridobiva<br />

novo kapaciteto, bo dobro zaseden.<br />

Tudi ostali ponudniki – člani<br />

Kongresnega urada – bodo zasedli<br />

svoje kapacitete, kar jim bo<br />

prineslo nekaj več posla, da pa bi<br />

predsedovanje pomenilo veliko<br />

promocijo na mednarodnem nivoju,<br />

sem rahlo skeptičen. Ne verjamem,<br />

da bo obseg promocije takšen,<br />

kot se je vsi nadejamo. Kot je<br />

povedal g. Krajc, večina ljudi v Evropi,<br />

vključno s Slovenci, ne ve,<br />

kdo trenutno predseduje Evropski<br />

skupnosti. Gre za povsem političen<br />

projekt in velikega števila ljudi politika<br />

ne zanima. Bo pa predsedovanje<br />

zagotovo dobra izkušnja za<br />

ponudnike storitev, ki bodo organizirali<br />

nov tip dogodkov in se tudi<br />

na ta način na novo pozicionirali<br />

na evropskem tržišču. Morda bodo<br />

tako pridobili tudi nove dogodke.<br />

Imate informacije, v kolikšni meri<br />

je predsedovanje vplivalo na turistične<br />

tokove v kateri od držav, ki<br />

so že predsedovale <strong>EU</strong>?<br />

Ko sem se na Dunaju pogovarjal s<br />

predsednikom njihovega mestnega<br />

kongresnega urada o vplivu<br />

predsedovanja na zasedenost<br />

kongresnih kapacitet, mi je presenetljivo<br />

odgovoril, da skoraj niso<br />

zabeležili višjega obsega dogod-<br />

Kako ocenjujete količino in kakovost naših hotelskih in kongresnih<br />

kapacitet?<br />

Vlada je zelo hitro ugotovila, da so naše kongresne kapacitete omejene,<br />

zato se je odločila za gradnjo novega kongresnega centra na Brdu,<br />

kar pozdravljamo. Da pa bo ta center zares zaživel tudi po koncu predsedovanja,<br />

potrebuje v neposredni bližini tudi namestitvene kapacitete.<br />

Zaenkrat kapaciteta kongresnega centra in razpoložljivih namestitvenih<br />

kapacitet nista v sorazmerju, kar pomeni, da bi na Brdu morali<br />

zgraditi še hotel z nekaj sto sobami. Šele tako bi ta center dolgoročno<br />

lahko postal zanimiv za mednarodne dogodke, ki edini lahko napolnijo<br />

tolikšne kapacitete. Za udeležence dogodkov je nesprejemljivo, da se<br />

od letališča do odličnega kongresnega centra peljejo deset minut, zvečer,<br />

po koncu napornega dneva, pa se morajo na nočitev odpraviti v pol<br />

ure oddaljeno mesto. S takšno ponudbo na mednarodnem trgu enostavno<br />

ne bomo konkurenčni. Drugače je seveda s političnimi dogodki,<br />

ki so večinoma enodnevni, ljudje zjutraj priletijo in se zvečer vračajo, a<br />

žal teh na mednarodnem nivoju ni dovolj. Veliko več pa je mednarodnih<br />

korporacijskih dogodkov in dogodkov strokovnih združenj, ki jih bo<br />

center na Brdu prav tako primoran pridobivati, in kjer igra pomembno<br />

vlogo druženje, zato običajno vključujejo vsaj eno nočitev. V tem primeru<br />

se bo omenjena pomanjkljivost zagotovo zelo izrazito pojavljala. Seveda<br />

pa je vprašanje, če se bo center na Brdu v prihodnosti sploh tržil<br />

na takšen način.<br />

Se z namenom zagotovitve kapacitet v času predsedovanja gradijo še<br />

kakšne dodatne kapacitete?<br />

O tem nimam informacij, se pa občuti pospešeno vlaganje v investicije v<br />

kongresne in hotelske kapacitete v zadnjih letih tudi zaradi predsedovanja.<br />

Večino hotelov in kongresnih centrov so zato pravočasno obnovili,<br />

če izpostavim samo Cankarjev dom in Gospodarsko razstavišče, pospešeno<br />

se obnavlja tudi na obali. Verjetno bo temu obdobju sledilo manjše<br />

zatišje. Ugotavljamo 10% porast dogodkov pri ključnih akterjih, kar je<br />

nad slovenskim povprečjem; čim bo zasedenost namestitvenih kapacitet<br />

v ključnih destinacijah dosegla mednarodni nivo, lahko pričakujemo<br />

vstop tujih hotelskih verig in tujih ponudnikov, kar z vidika povečanja<br />

kapacitet pozdravljamo.<br />

Se lahko slovenska kongresna ponudba po kakovosti meri s ponudbo<br />

v državah, ki so že predsedovale <strong>EU</strong>?<br />

Slovenija ima na področju organizacije kongresov, tudi najbolj zahtevnih,<br />

izkušnje že preko 20 let. Tudi iz lastnih izkušenj lahko povem, da<br />

smo bili Slovenci vedno vrhunski gostitelji. Če bodo v organizacijo predsedovanja<br />

<strong>EU</strong> vključeni pravi akterji, bomo dokazali, da je Slovenija sposobna<br />

organizirati tudi dogodke najvišjega nivoja, hkrati pa lahko ponudi<br />

še lepote in zanimivosti kot turistična destinacija. Prepričan sem, da<br />

se bo ob množici udeležencev, ki nas bodo v tem času obiskali, našlo<br />

določeno število takih, ki se bodo vračali, bodisi iz poslovnih ali osebnih<br />

interesov, česar si dejansko vsi želimo.<br />

Ali menite, da bi morala vlada pri organizaciji aktivnosti tesneje sodelovati<br />

s strokovnjaki s področja kongresne dejavnosti?<br />

Vlada bi se morala pri pripravi na predsedovanje povezati s strokovnjaki<br />

s področja kongresne dejavnosti. Izvedba srečanj ni samo organizacija<br />

prevoza, najem dvoran in rezervacije hotelske namestitve ter mogoče<br />

še kakšne večerje, ampak še veliko več. Zavod-Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad bi kot neprofitna organizacija, ki nudi strokovne in nepristranske<br />

informacije o destinacijah, krajih dogodkov in ponudnikih dogodkov<br />


lahko ponudil ustrezno pomoč.<br />

Obenem Urad deluje kot profesionalni<br />

posrednik med organizatorji<br />

dogodkov, ponudniki storitev in<br />

podpornimi organizacijami, katerim<br />

skupni cilj je najti čimbolj<br />

ustrezno rešitev za organizacijo in<br />

izvedbo dogodka.<br />

Med našimi 54 člani so kongresni<br />

centri in hoteli, profesionalni kongresni<br />

organizatorji (t.i. PCO) in<br />

strokovne kongresne turistične<br />

agencije (t.i. DMC), Zavod za turizem<br />

Ljubljana ter drugi ponudniki<br />

storitev. Povedano drugače - vsi,<br />

ki se profesionalno ukvarjajo s<br />

kongresno dejavnostjo.<br />

Za primer lahko navedemo Finsko,<br />

kjer so skoraj eno leto pred<br />

začetkom predsedovanja v ekipo<br />

za priprave na predsedovanje<br />

vključili predstavnico enega od<br />

kongresnih uradov.<br />

Jakica Jesih<br />

Evropa med<br />

Portugalsko in Slovenijo<br />

Mag. Dimitrij Piciga, direktor STO<br />

Kakšen je pomen predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> za slovenski turizem?<br />

Predsedovanje Sloveniji Evropski uniji je za slovenski turizem velikega<br />

pomena, saj je prav turistična dejavnost tista, ki bo imela od predsedovanja<br />

največje neposredne in posredne učinke. Ocenjujemo, da bo<br />

Slovenijo v času njenega predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> obiskalo med 15.000 in<br />

20.000 tujih gostov, diplomatov, gospodarstvenikov in drugih gostov<br />

zgolj v okviru predvidenih uradnih programov. Ne smemo pozabiti tudi<br />

potovanj Slovencev po Evropi v času predsedovanja, saj gre za segment<br />

turizma, ki ga premalo poudarjamo. Na drugi strani predsedovanje<br />

predstavlja priložnost, da se Slovenija tuji javnosti predstavi kot<br />

država z vsebinskimi tematikami, ki bodo imele velik pomen za prihodnost<br />

Evrope.<br />

Za Slovensko turistično organizacijo se predsedovanje začenja že v letošnjem<br />

letu, saj v naše aktivnosti intenzivno vključujemo tematiko<br />

predsedovanja ter promocije Ljubljane kot prestolnice Evrope leta<br />

<strong>2008</strong>. Leta <strong>2008</strong>, v samem letu predsedovanja, STO načrtuje tudi vrsto<br />

predstavitevenih aktivnosti naše dežele na vseh evropskih trgih, ter vrsto<br />

promocijskih dogodkov, kar se bo zgodilo prvič. Te predstavitve bodo<br />

ob rednih načrtovanih predstavitvah Slovenije predstavljale dodano<br />

vrednost v promociji naše države.<br />

Katere aktivnosti načrtuje STO v času pred in katere med predsedovanjem?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


nja Slovenije uniji bomo izkoristili za promocijo naše države tako, da<br />

bomo z aktivnostmi na nekatrih trgih opozarjali, da Slovenija obstaja –<br />

seveda na trgih, kjer je prepoznavnost nizka, na drugih trgih pa bomo<br />

ciljano sporočali, kaj Slovenija ponuja. Dogodki promocije bodo tako pisani<br />

na kožo posameznih državam oz. določenemu ciljnemu trgu.<br />

Mag. Dimitrij Piciga<br />

Celoten projekt promocije Slovenije<br />

ob predsedovanju <strong>EU</strong> je v fazi<br />

zaključnega usklajevanja. Brez<br />

dvoma bo STO skupaj z Uradom<br />

vlade RS za komuniciranje pri tem<br />

prevzela pomembno vlogo koordinatorja<br />

promocijskih aktivnosti v<br />

tujini. V Sloveniji bo STO deloval<br />

kot ”servis” in osrednji partner pri<br />

promociji, za samo logistiko pa bo<br />

pristojen Logistični center vlade<br />

RS. Gre za celovit marketinški<br />

projekt, ki bo razširjen na vse države<br />

članice <strong>EU</strong>. Prav ta široka dimenzija<br />

je tisto, kar ocenjujemo<br />

za slovenski turizem kot največjo<br />

dodano vrednost ob priložnosti<br />

predsedovanja uniji. Naj poudarim,<br />

da tudi nastop oz. predstavitev<br />

Slovenije na manjših trgih ocenjujemo<br />

kot zelo pomemben, in te<br />

trge temu ustrezno vključujemo v<br />

program promocijskih aktivnosti.<br />

Več o celotnem programu promocije<br />

bo znanega po 1. maju. Omenim<br />

naj, da bo v projekt intenzivno<br />

vključeno celotno turistično gospodarstvo<br />

po formuli partnerskega<br />

sodelovanja. Promocija v tujini<br />

bo temeljila na nekaj deset nosilnih<br />

dogodkih in paleti manjših<br />

spremljevalnih dogodkih. Na projektu<br />

že od septembra 2006 intenzivno<br />

dela koordinacijska skupina<br />

Urada vlade za komuniciranje in<br />

STO s ciljem privabiti v Slovenijo<br />

čim več tujih turistov, predstavnikov<br />

strokovnih javnosti ter gospodarstvenikov.<br />

Naj poudarim, da je<br />

promocija predsedovanja v tujini<br />

enako pomembna kot izvedba samega<br />

predsedovanja v Bruslju in<br />

Sloveniji. Priložnost predsedova-<br />

Ali so znane informacije, koliko je s turističnega vidika v času predsedovanja<br />

iztržila Avstrija?<br />

Sodelovanje z avstrijsko nacionalno turistično organizacijo je odlično in<br />

vodstvo nam je posredovalo naslednje ocene rezultatov predsedovanja:<br />

• blizu 35 miljonov obiskovalcev je obiskalo spletni portal www.eu2006.at,<br />

ki ga je Avstrija pripravila prav za namen predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong>,<br />

• podokence aktualno na portalu Europa on-line je vsebovalo več kot<br />

3000 dokumentov,<br />

• potekalo je 513 uradno evidentiranih dogodkov,<br />

• organizatorji so poslali preko 2250 newslettrov,<br />

• 24 največjih dogodkov so spremljale tiskovne konference,<br />

• 75000 oseb se je poskusilo v e-kvizu; podobnega pripravljamo tudi v<br />

Sloveniji kot nadgradnjo kviza “chat & play“,<br />

• Avstrija je imela po neuradnih ocenah hotelirjev 50.000 gostov.<br />

Menim, da bo Slovenija po številu dogodkov, vezanih na predsedovanje,<br />

zelo blizu Avstriji. Neposredno zaradi predsedovanja uniji se bo v Sloveniji<br />

po naši oceni mudilo med 15.000 – 20.000 obiskovalcev.<br />

Že sedaj je jasno, da bo turistično leto <strong>2008</strong>, kljub eventuelnim klimatskim<br />

spremembam, ki vplivajo na turistični obisk Slovenije, uspešno.<br />

Sama velikost države ni soodvisna z vsebino promocije, zato lahko<br />

avstrijske uspehe vzamemo kot osnovo za primerjavo za Slovenijo, prepričan<br />

pa sem, da lahko Avstrijo na področju promocije v tujini celo<br />

prekosimo.<br />

Primernejša je po mojem mnenju na tem področju primerjava Slovenije<br />

s Finsko in Portugalsko. Drugega januarja <strong>2008</strong> pripravljamo simbolično<br />

primopredajo predsedovanja. Portugalci se bodo predstavili na sejmu<br />

turistizma v Ljubljani in obratno. S tem bomo tudi simbolično udejanili<br />

slogan “Evropa – dežela med Portugalsko in Slovenijo”.<br />

Kateri segmenti slovenskega turizma bodo vključeni v projekt predsedovanja?<br />

STO je neposredno vsebinsko vključena v promocijo na tujih trgih, sodelujemo<br />

pa tudi pri izvedbi aktivnostih v Sloveniji. V aktivnostih, vezanih<br />

na predsedovanje, bo vključeno celotno turistično gospodarstvo. V<br />

vseh projektih bodo sodelovali naši stalni partnerji, v določenih aktivnostih<br />

pa bodo sodelovala druga slovenska podjetja. Podrobnosti glede<br />

nekaterih aktivnosti so še v fazi usklajevanja. Ne smemo pozabiti, da bo<br />

STO razen teh aktivnosti izvajal tudi redne, pri katerih sodelujejo naši<br />

partnerji in te bodo še dodatno razširjene na promocijo države. Na drugi<br />

strani bo STO aktivna tudi pri soorganizaciji dogodkov, ki niso striktno<br />

povezani s turizmom (koncerti, drugi dogodki) v državah, ki niso na<br />

seznamu naših ključnih turističnih emitivnih trgov. Pri tem bomo sodelovali<br />

s partnerji, ki do sedaj niso bili tako intenzivno povezani z STO.<br />

Politika partenstva torej ostaja prioriteta delovanja. Neposredno v<br />

izvedbo dogodkov v Sloveniji bodo vključeni tudi prevozniki, hotelirji in<br />

ponudniki drugih turističnih storitev, predvsem v Ljubljani in na Bledu,<br />

za vzporedne dogodke pa tudi v drugih turističnih središčih. Pogosto<br />

namreč pozabljamo na tiste, ki se bodo dogajali ob predsedovanju. V<br />

času predsedovanja bodo Slovenijo obiskale številne gospodarske delegacije,<br />

pri čemer so za organizacijo teh dogodkov odgovorna posamezna<br />

ministrstva. Kot enega od dogodkov, ki bodo potekali v tem času in<br />

kjer je STO organizator, naj navedemo srečanje predstavnikov European<br />

Travel Comission, aprila <strong>2008</strong> na Bledu.<br />

Ob tako številnih dogodkih je velikega pomena ažurna uskladitev<br />

koledarja vseh dogodkov. Seveda se bodo ob dogodkih, vezanih na<br />


predsedovanje, odvijali tudi drugi,<br />

za katere pa kapacitete na Brdu<br />

ne bodo zadostovale.<br />

Ali STO sodeluje z logističnim<br />

centrom na Vladi glede organizacije<br />

srečanj in glede ostalih dodatnih<br />

turističnih aktivnosti in kako?<br />

STO je seznanjena z vsemi aktivnostmi<br />

in pripravami na predsedovanje.<br />

Neposredno je STO koordinator<br />

promocije predsedovanja<br />

uniji v tujini, pri čemer dnevno sodelujemo<br />

z Uradom Vlade za komuniciranje.<br />

Neposrednega sodelovanja<br />

z logističnim centrom v<br />

tem trenutku še ni. Če pa bo potrebno,<br />

bo STO zagotovil potrebno<br />

podporo tudi na tem področju.<br />

Kako komentirate, da imamo komaj<br />

zadosti primerno kakovostnih<br />

kapacitet za namestitev prijavljenih<br />

udeležencev in kakšno<br />

rešitev predlagate v primeru dodatnih<br />

rezervacij?<br />

Kar se tiče Ljubljane, je kar nekaj<br />

novih hotelskih projektov pred zaključkom<br />

izvedbe. Kar nekaj je hotelov,<br />

ki so razširili svoje kapacitete.<br />

Zagotovo so meseci, ko kapacitete<br />

ne zadostujejo povpraševanju,<br />

so pa tudi poletni meseci, ko so<br />

kapacitete zelo slabo zasedene.<br />

Graditi nove hotelske kapacitete<br />

samo zaradi predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong> je<br />

po mojem mnenju vprašljivo. Pomembno<br />

je, da so obstoječe kapacitete<br />

tudi ustrezno zasedene, da<br />

so lahko komercialno uspešne. Z<br />

vidika lastnikov kapacitet veliko<br />

vlogo namreč igra doseženi dobiček<br />

na vložena investicijska sredstva.<br />

Ocenjujem, da bi se v primeru<br />

hudega pomanjkanja kapacitet<br />

že našli investitorji v njihovo razširitev.<br />

To pomeni, da bi morali biti<br />

hoteli na letni ravni zasedeni vsaj<br />

70 %. Na letni osnovi pa v Ljubljani<br />

zaenkrat še ni takšnega pomanjkanja<br />

nastanitvenih kapacitet.<br />

Razen pozitivnih vplivov predsedovanja velja izpostaviti tudi negativne<br />

učinke, ki jih posebej izpostavljajo turistične agencije. Hotelirji večinoma<br />

skušajo stalnim partnerjem zagotoviti minimalne nastanitvene kapacitete,<br />

kadar pa to ni mogoče, lahko predstavlja priložnosti za druge<br />

kraje, da pridobijo goste in dogodke, ki so se do sedaj odvijali v Ljubljani.<br />

Pomembno je najti odgovor na vprašanje, kako ob vrsti dogodkov ob<br />

predsedovanju zagotoviti ustrezne kapacitete tudi za tiste dogodke, ki<br />

se tradicionalno odvijajo ter zagotoviti ustezno namestitev gostom, ki v<br />

Slovenijo ne pridejo zgolj zaradi predsedovanja uniji. To pomeni, da se<br />

bodo hoteli prihodnje leto soočili z novo situacijo glede obvladovanja<br />

“hotelskega yielda“.<br />

Ali načrtujete kakšne aktivnosti za osveščanje javnosti v smislu “turizem<br />

smo ljudje”, saj bomo prav vsi v tem obdobju živeli s predsedovanjem<br />

in bomo na nek način “turistični delavci“?<br />

Posebna akcija v tem kontekstu ni načrtovana. Načrtovana pa je močna<br />

promocijsjka akcija na domačem trgu pod sloganom “I feel Slovenia“, v<br />

okviru katere se bo napovedalo predsedovanje in drugi z njim povezani<br />

projekti. Predsedovanje je za slovenski turizem pomembna priložnost,<br />

ne bo pa temeljito spremenilo slovenskega turizma. To priložnost lahko<br />

izkoristimo, in na njeni osnovi beležimo pozitivne rezultate, pri čemer<br />

pa je pomembno, da bodo vsi gostje, ki bodo obiskali Slovenijo, zadovoljni<br />

in se tudi domov vrnili kot ambasadorji ter tako v tujino ponesli<br />

dober glas o Sloveniji. Ne pozabimo, da moramo ustrezno pozornost<br />

nameniti tudi 2,5 miljijonom gostov, ki letno obiščejo Slovenijo. Novo<br />

znamko, na kateri bo temeljila promocija naše države, pa bo potrebno<br />

najprej sprejeti doma, da bi jo lahko ustrezno komunicirali tudi na tujih<br />

trgih. Predsedovanje je lahko dobra priložnost, da se Slovenci identificiramo<br />

z novo tržno znamko države.<br />

Kako se bo v aktivnosti vključila Ljubljana kot prestolnica Evrope?<br />

Ljubljana se že v letošnjem letu predstavlja kot prestolnica Evrope. V<br />

okviru te predstavitve potekajo številni promocijski projekti. Pri izvajanju<br />

promocijskih aktivnosti sodeluje kot strateški partner Zavod za turizem<br />

Ljubljana, ki je po strokovnosti in številu največji slovenska lokalna<br />

turistična organizacija. Sodelovanje med obema inštitucijama je zgledno<br />

in v takšnem partnerstvu se rojevajo številne zanimive turistične<br />

ideje.<br />

Ali bodo sejemski in borzni nastopi v letošnjem letu obarvani v duhu<br />

predsedovanja?<br />

Borzni nastopi bodo izvajani z novo stojnico in novo celostno podobo in<br />

v skladu s strategijo trženja, ki poudarja lokalne posebnosti.<br />

Kakšna je vloga Kongresnega urada Slovenije?<br />

Kongresni urad se bo v juniju združil s kongresnim oddelkom STO. Vse<br />

trženjske aktivnosti za ta segment, ki so bile doslej razbite na več oddelkov,<br />

se združijo v en oddelek. Ta bo sodeloval ali vodil vse ključne<br />

dogodke STO-ja v Sloveniji. To je priložnost tudi za vse obstoječe člane<br />

Kongresnega urada.<br />

Gorazd Čad<br />


The <strong>2008</strong> <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

Will we be Ready?<br />

Slovenia is to preside<br />

over the <strong>EU</strong> in <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

At that time, it will lead<br />

all the working groups<br />

and other working bodies<br />

of the Council of the<br />

European Union.<br />

The <strong>Presidency</strong> has great<br />

promotional significance<br />

for Slovenia and it also<br />

holds great promise<br />

for Slovenian tourism.<br />

Around two hundred<br />

events are expected at<br />

various levels in Slovenia<br />

alone. We've discussed<br />

the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> and its<br />

importance for Slovenian<br />

tourism with Dimitrij<br />

Piciga, MSc, Director<br />

of the Slovenian Tourist<br />

Board, Miha Kovačič,<br />

Director of the Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau and<br />

Franci Kodela, MSc,<br />

Deputy General Secretary<br />

of the Government of<br />

the Republic of Slovenia.<br />

The added value of the <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

is those participants who return<br />

later with their Families<br />

Franci Kodela, MSc, Head of the Slovenian <strong>EU</strong><br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> Logistics Centre<br />

“Simply said, the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> means that we will lead the European<br />

Union for these six months in the same way as our ministries manage<br />

the affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. We will manage the dossiers and<br />

working groups, which is a great sigh of recognition for us at this<br />

moment.” This was the very simple definition of the <strong>Presidency</strong> given to<br />

us by Franci Kodela, MSc, Deputy General Secretary of the Government<br />

of the Republic of Slovenia and Head of the Slovenian <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

Logistics Centre.<br />

What does the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> mean for Slovenia and Slovenian<br />

tourism?<br />

The <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> is undoubtedly very significant for both Slovenia<br />

and the locations where events go on. The main location for the<br />

organisation of conferences is to be Brdo near Kranj, though the<br />

accommodation and accompanying programmes will be held all over<br />

Slovenia. Most participants will stay in Ljubljana and at Bled, which are<br />

closest to Brdo and the airport, while the events will also take place in<br />

Maribor, on the coast and at Terme Čatež Health Resort. I estimate that<br />

the coverage of Slovenia will be relatively wide and varied in terms of<br />

accompanying events. I agree that places where participants stay<br />

should have the greatest concentration of events, but this does not<br />

mean that we will not promote other cities and towns. We ascribe<br />

lesser significance to what participants see, or how they spend time<br />

during their first visit to Slovenia if they do not return, but the added<br />

value of the <strong>Presidency</strong> is the participants who return later with their<br />

families. Austria put around €90 million into the <strong>Presidency</strong> and earned<br />

an estimated €200 million from it. This is a tidy sum that shows exemplary<br />

success; nevertheless I believe that this is not all, for cumulative<br />

effects must follow later.<br />

Slovenia has a wide variety of natural and cultural features and<br />

excellent and highly esteemed cuisine. What’s most important is<br />

how to present these qualities to foreigners, and I hope that we know<br />

how to present them in the right way.<br />

We are especially awaiting the demanding guests of the ‘highest<br />

level’. Are you going to do anything special for them and are you<br />

working with the Slovenian Tourist Board?<br />

Naturally our Government Communication Office works with the<br />

Slovenian Tourist Board on an ongoing basis – however at this time<br />

we are not affiliated with them. I think that we have enough quality<br />

information available with which Slovenian areas can offer appropriate<br />


venues and services – including<br />

for the level of guests we are<br />

expecting. But I don't mean to<br />

ignore the STB, and we intend to<br />

ask for their opinion and eventual<br />

help once the programmes have<br />

been prepared. Our Government<br />

Communication Office, which is to<br />

play the main promotional role<br />

during the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong>,<br />

co-operates more intensively<br />

with the STB.<br />

Who is in charge of choosing and<br />

reserving venues? Are you doing<br />

this yourself or handing over this<br />

part of the obligations to the<br />

tourist sector?<br />

In general, we’ve created two<br />

forms of centralisation. The first<br />

was the choice of the central<br />

location at Brdo – the most<br />

rational decision – which offers<br />

short distance to the airport<br />

and staff who have the required<br />

experience – and where<br />

communication routes are<br />

identical for both Ljubljana and<br />

Bled where the participants are<br />

to stay. At the same time, it’s also<br />

sensible for rational, economic<br />

and cost reasons, as its proximity<br />

and permanent set up mean<br />

savings. The other centralisation<br />

scenario that was set up was<br />

the Logistics Centre taking over<br />

responsibility for all events,<br />

both at ministerial level and<br />

below. This means that we’re<br />

also responsible for the<br />

reservation of all accommodation,<br />

which we’d already executed<br />

previously for nearly all events<br />

and by all means for everything<br />

on the calendar. At a recent<br />

meeting at Bellevue, we got some<br />

criticism that we’ve taken too<br />

much accommodation space from<br />

tourist operators, but I<br />

actually saw this as a compliment,<br />

in that that we’d booked<br />

accommodation early enough.<br />

Of course, this is one of the things<br />

which really concern me during<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong>.<br />

Also in the sense that a whole<br />

range of other events will go<br />

on alongside the official events ...<br />

and accommodation is one of<br />

the bigger problems, for<br />

Ljubljana, Bled and for all<br />

of central Slovenia.<br />

What about conference venues?<br />

The new facility being built ay Brdo will cover most of the big events.<br />

However, Slovenia doesn't have adequate halls, large enough to take<br />

400-500 participants with the systems required for translation<br />

or interpretation. We are facing a shortage of adequate sized areas<br />

suitable for gala dinners and larger events, which personally quite<br />

surprised me.<br />

Cankarjev dom?<br />

Cankarjev dom is the only facility currently big enough but it’s, in fact,<br />

a vestibule and not a hall. I don't want to come across as critical, but<br />

practically no dedicated halls exist. We will however also utilise<br />

Cankarjev dom for its professional services.<br />

Portorož?<br />

In terms of accommodation, Portorož is one of the better, if not the<br />

best destination. It’s a bit weak on the convention side though it’s got<br />

several interesting halls, which are nevertheless too small. I believe it<br />

would be very advisable, if Portorož could somehow get some bigger<br />

halls. If the traditional type of <strong>Presidency</strong> continues, with evermore<br />

interpretation, we face serious problems in the future, as will other<br />

nations awaiting the <strong>Presidency</strong>. I hope that others learn something<br />

from us, especially about the benefits of centralisation. If a large hall<br />

and several multi-purpose smaller halls exist in one location, together<br />

with all the right infrastructure and accommodation, the matter is<br />

much easier and better in terms of price. Previous presiding nations<br />

frequently used their fair premises as well, which ours can’t compare<br />

with.<br />

How was communication carried out with the hotel providers?<br />

Totally correctly and with no problems. I’ve really got no complaints<br />

here. I can praise all the main hotels, Ljubljana's Union, the Domina<br />

Grand Media and the Lev, and the Sava Hotels Bled group, and I’d like<br />

to take a moment to thank them for their immense co-operation and<br />

good attitude. Nevertheless, we do realise that hotels also have<br />

permanent guests and that, on our part, we’ll probably need additional<br />

accommodation. However, I am counting on their flexibility and cooperation<br />

as long, of course, as rooms are available. We’ve secured<br />

some extra rooms with the reservations and I hope they will suffice.<br />

Does a cost estimate already exist for the <strong>Presidency</strong>?<br />

To speak of this now is quite a thankless task. The initial cost estimate<br />

for the Slovenian <strong>Presidency</strong> was about SIT 13.6 billion, however I must<br />

caution that this estimation was made for fewer events and with less<br />

variety, as we hadn’t paid enough attention to event content. Today we<br />

know that events do not merely encompass ‘mathematics’, they carry<br />

a message – “I'm coming to see something” – which is a frequently<br />

expressed wish and tradition alongside the regular plenary work.<br />

Events happening during the <strong>Presidency</strong> have an extremely strong<br />

informal and promotional part, in addition to a formal portion.<br />

Will this additional part, the promotion of Slovenian tourism,<br />

be organised?<br />

Our Logistics Centre is responsible for all logistics, both for the formal<br />

and informal parts of events – for the plenary parts, transportation<br />

and other social parts. We’ll prepare for all this.<br />

Do you have enough qualified staff for these activities?<br />

Regarding the question of whether we now have enough people, I can say<br />

with certainty that no, we don't. However, I am sure that we will have by<br />

the time an actual and practical need arises. At the moment we are short<br />

of staff. I must say, however, that all current activities are being<br />


performed professionally and quite<br />

enthusiastically and our whole<br />

team is emotionally involved in<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong>. We can look at the<br />

project from two angles, either as<br />

a large burden or as a personal<br />

challenge, which is how we see it.<br />

I’m sure our ideas are good and<br />

the fact is that our work is being<br />

done in line with the time plan.<br />

I will never forget the words of<br />

an Austrian colleague who said<br />

that the <strong>Presidency</strong> can’t be<br />

‘described’, one must experience<br />

it and feel it. I think it’ll be a<br />

successful <strong>Presidency</strong>, especially<br />

if we manage to successfully<br />

present it as our joint project to<br />

the Slovenian people, so people<br />

accept a road being closed for a<br />

few minutes with understanding<br />

and with pride that something<br />

important is going on, rather<br />

than with complaints.<br />

Are any promotional campaigns<br />

being prepared to inform the<br />

people of Slovenia?<br />

I hope so, yes. I, Franci Kodela as<br />

a person, would certainly start with<br />

that. We should implement a first<br />

round before the holidays and then<br />

a second in the autumn. That's my<br />

personal opinion, because it often<br />

happens that highly educated<br />

people and experts ask me what<br />

our <strong>Presidency</strong> even means.<br />

This makes me think that we<br />

really know too little about what<br />

awaits us.<br />

The Finnish government employed convention experts for almost a<br />

year to help prepare for the <strong>Presidency</strong>. Are you planning anything<br />

similar?<br />

Currently, we’re still making all the preparations for the organisation<br />

and implementation of events independently, both at plenary level and<br />

the social and tourist levels. However, we don’t rule out the possibility<br />

of seeking the help of the appropriate agencies if the need arises.<br />

Jakica Jesih<br />

The <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

is a political project<br />

Miha Kovačič,<br />

President of the Slovenian Convention Bureau<br />

What does the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> mean for Slovenian tourism?<br />

As a representative of the Slovenian Convention Bureau, I’m aware that<br />

the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> is a political project. The initiator is politics and the<br />

participants are politicians, not economists or expert associations, thus<br />

events are also organised in this sense. The <strong>Presidency</strong> will certainly<br />

bring with it other events which may also be of an economic nature.<br />

As yet, we don’t have a view of the latter, but with regard to the first,<br />

we’ve obtained information about the plan, number of and course of<br />

the events from government representatives. From the viewpoint of<br />

the Slovenian meetings industry, the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> means promotion,<br />

as more events will be carried out then; about 7,000 events are held in<br />

Slovenia annually, while the <strong>Presidency</strong> will add a further 300, which<br />

isn’t a considerable extra scope. The fact is that they’ll happen in<br />

a short time period, which could lead to a shortage of space.<br />

Meeting service providers are eagerly awaiting the <strong>Presidency</strong> as<br />

they’ll get business, as will the Hotel Kokra and Brdo near Kranj<br />

which with its new capacity will certainly be fully occupied.<br />

Other providers – members of the Slovenian Convention Bureau –<br />

will fill their capacities, getting somewhat more business. I’m a bit<br />

sceptical that the <strong>Presidency</strong> will involve a great promotion on the<br />

international level. I don’t think that promotion will be to the extent<br />

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we all hope. As Mr Krajc says,<br />

most Europeans, including<br />

Slovenes, don’t know which<br />

Member State currently holds the<br />

<strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong>. This is particularly<br />

a political project and a lot of people<br />

aren’t interested in politics.<br />

The <strong>Presidency</strong> will however,<br />

certainly be a good experience<br />

for service providers, who will<br />

organise new forms of events<br />

and reposition themselves in<br />

the European market. Perhaps<br />

they may in this way also get<br />

new events.<br />

Do you know how much effect<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong>’s had on tourist<br />

points in any of the countries<br />

who’ve already presided over<br />

the <strong>EU</strong>?<br />

When I spoke to a representative<br />

of the Vienna conference bureau<br />

regarding the effect of the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> on the occupancy of<br />

meeting capacities, he surprised<br />

me by saying that they’d really<br />

seen a higher number of events.<br />

I should also point out that the<br />

scope of events in Vienna is much<br />

larger. The problem in Slovenia<br />

is mainly that hotel capacities are<br />

limited and if a larger event is<br />

held here, this has an effect on<br />

the whole Slovenian tourist scene.<br />

How do you assess the quantity<br />

and quality of our hotel and<br />

meeting facilities?<br />

The government quickly saw that<br />

our meeting capacities were<br />

limited, thus it decided to build<br />

a new congress centre in Brdo,<br />

something we welcome. For this<br />

centre to really thrive after the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> as well, it also needs<br />

accommodation capacity nearby.<br />

Right now the congress centre’s<br />

capacity and accommodation<br />

available aren’t proportionate,<br />

meaning that another hotel with<br />

a few hundred rooms has to be<br />

built in Brdo. That’s the only way<br />

the centre can be a candidate<br />

for international events in the<br />

long-term, the only type which<br />

could fill such capacities. For<br />

event participants it’s<br />

unacceptable that it only takes<br />

ten minutes to get to an excellent<br />

congress centre from the airport,<br />

but in the evening at the end of a<br />

trying day, they have a half-hour drive to their hotel. We simply can’t<br />

compete if that’s our offer on the international market. Political events<br />

are different of course, as they’re usually one-day events where people<br />

come in the morning and leave in the evening. Unfortunately there<br />

aren’t enough of these on the international level. There are many more<br />

international corporate events and expert association events which the<br />

centre in Brdo will be able to get, playing an important role in meetings<br />

that usually include at least one overnight stay. In this case, the capacity<br />

shortage would certainly stand out. Of course, there’s a question<br />

about whether the centre in Brdo will even market itself in such a way<br />

in the future.<br />

Is any additional capacity being built to ensure there’s enough during<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong>?<br />

I don't have any information on this, but it can be seen in the<br />

accelerated investment in meeting and hotel capacity in recent years,<br />

also due to the <strong>Presidency</strong>. Most hotels and meeting venues have thus<br />

been promptly renovated, Cankarjev dom and Gospodarsko razstavišče<br />

to name but two, while renovations are also being speeded up on the<br />

coast. A short period of calm will probably follow this. We have seen<br />

10% growth in key players’ events which is above the Slovenian<br />

average. Once hotel occupancy in key destinations reaches<br />

international levels, we can also expect the arrival of foreign hotel<br />

chains and service providers, which we welcome in the sense<br />

of increased capacities.<br />

Can the Slovenian meeting offer measure up in terms of quality<br />

with offers in countries that have already presided over the <strong>EU</strong>?<br />

Slovenia has over 20 years’ experience in the area of meeting<br />

organisation, even the most demanding ones. In my experience,<br />

I can tell you that we Slovenes’ve always been superior hosts. If the<br />

right players are included in the organisation of the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong>,<br />

we will show the world that Slovenia is also able to organise events<br />

at the highest level, while at the same time offering beauty and tourist<br />

destinations. I’m sure that given the number of people who will visit<br />

us in this period, there will be a certain number who return either<br />

on business or from personal interest, something that all of us want.<br />

Do you think the government should co-operate more closely with<br />

meeting activity experts when organising activities?<br />

To prepare for the <strong>Presidency</strong>, the government should form a close<br />

association with meeting activity experts. The implementation of<br />

meetings isn’t just the organisation of transport, the hire of halls,<br />

hotel reservations and perhaps a dinner or so, but a great deal more.<br />

The Slovenian Convention Bureau could offer suitable help as a<br />

non-profit organisation that also provides expert and impartial<br />

information on destinations, event venues and event providers.<br />

At the same time, the Bureau operates as a professional intermediary<br />

between event organisers, service providers and supporting<br />

organisations whose common objective is finding suitable solutions<br />

for the organisation and execution of events.<br />

The fifty-four members include meeting venues and hotels,<br />

professional congress organisers (PCOs) and destination management<br />

companies (DMCs), the Ljubljana Tourist Board and other service<br />

providers. In other words, all those professionally involved in<br />

meeting activities.<br />

Finland is a case where the representative office of the Convention<br />

Bureau was in the team preparing for the <strong>Presidency</strong> nearly a year<br />

in advance.<br />

Jakica Jesih<br />


Dimitrij Piciga, MSc.<br />

Director of the Slovenian<br />

Tourist Board<br />

How do you assess what the <strong>EU</strong><br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> means for Slovenian<br />

tourism?<br />

Slovenia’s <strong>Presidency</strong> of the <strong>EU</strong><br />

is highly important for Slovenian<br />

tourism. The tourist sector will<br />

experience both direct and indirect<br />

effects from the <strong>Presidency</strong>. We<br />

estimate that 15,000 to 20,000 foreign<br />

guests, diplomats, economists<br />

and other guests will visit Slovenia<br />

just within the scope of the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong>’s official programmes.<br />

Also, we shouldn’t forget the<br />

Slovenes travelling throughout<br />

Europe during the <strong>Presidency</strong>, who<br />

make up a tourist segment that is<br />

sometimes underemphasised.<br />

On the other hand, the <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

is a chance for Slovenia to showcase<br />

itself as one of the countries<br />

bringing up topics that have great<br />

significance in the future of Europe.<br />

For the Slovenian Tourist Board,<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong> starts this year with<br />

the promotion of Ljubljana as the<br />

European Capital <strong>2008</strong>. The STB is<br />

planning to carry out activities in all<br />

European markets in <strong>2008</strong> involving<br />

smaller promotional events that<br />

weren’t usual before, and these<br />

have added promotional value.<br />

What activities is the Slovenian<br />

Tourist Board planning in the<br />

time preceding the <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

and during it?<br />

Europe: a land between<br />

Portugal and Slovenia<br />

The entire project is in the final reconciliation phase and the STB, with<br />

the Government Communication Office, will certainly take on the<br />

important role of promotional coordinator abroad. In Slovenia, the STB<br />

will act as a service and the main partner in promotions, while the<br />

Slovenian Government Logistics Centre will be in charge of logistics.<br />

This will be a complete marketing project, which we’ll extend to all the<br />

<strong>EU</strong> Member States. We think this part has the greatest added value for<br />

tourism. We also estimate that entry into the smaller markets is really<br />

important, as otherwise these markets would not be in the programme<br />

of activities. There’ll be more information on the entire programme<br />

after 1 May, while the entire tourist economy will be included<br />

intensively in the project according to the partnership formula, namely<br />

co-operation. Promotion abroad is based on some ten fundamental<br />

events and smaller accompanying ones. The co-ordination teams of the<br />

Government Communication Office and the STB have been working on<br />

the project intensively since September 2006 aiming to attract as many<br />

foreign tourists, members of the expert public and economists to<br />

Slovenia as possible. Let me emphasise that promotion abroad is as<br />

important as the execution of the <strong>Presidency</strong> in Brussels and Slovenia.<br />

Through these activities, we inform the individual markets that Slovenia<br />

exists and communicate what Slovenia has to offer in a focused<br />

manner. Events will be tailored to individual countries.<br />

Is information already available regarding, for example, what Austria<br />

gained during its <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> from a tourism viewpoint?<br />

Co-operation with the Austrian national tourist association is excellent<br />

and the management has sent an assessment on the results of the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> to us:<br />

• 35 million guests visited the website;<br />

• sub-menus under ‘current events’ on the Europa website contained<br />

over 3000 documents;<br />

• 513 officially recorded events were carried out;<br />

• organisers sent out over 2250 newsletters;<br />

• 24 of the largest events were accompanied by press conferences;<br />

• 75,000 people tried the e-quiz. Slovenia is preparing a similar quiz in<br />

the form of a prize-winning chat & play quiz;<br />

• according to estimates, Austrian hotels accommodated 50,000 guests.<br />

I believe that Slovenia will closely match Austria in terms of the number<br />

of events. We think Slovenia will welcome 15,000 to 20,000 visitors<br />

as a direct result of the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong>.<br />


It is already clear that the <strong>2008</strong><br />

tourist year will not be threatened,<br />

despite climatic changes. The size<br />

of the country is not related to its<br />

content, so can Austria be<br />

comparable to Slovenia and I’m<br />

sure we can surpass Austria<br />

regarding promotions abroad.<br />

Nevertheless, I feel it would be<br />

more suitable to compare<br />

ourselves to the Finns or the<br />

Portuguese. We are most comparable<br />

to Portugal and they will be an<br />

orientation point for us. We are also<br />

preparing a symbolic handover on<br />

2 January <strong>2008</strong>, in which the<br />

Portuguese will be present at a<br />

tourist fair in Ljubljana and vice<br />

versa. This act will symbolically<br />

implement the European slogan – a<br />

land between Portugal and<br />

Slovenia.<br />

Which segments of Slovenian<br />

tourism will be included in the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> project?<br />

The STB is both directly and contextually<br />

involved in promotion<br />

outside Slovenia, and we’ll also lend<br />

support to activities within the<br />

country. The entire tourist economy<br />

will be included in these activities.<br />

Our usual partners will participate<br />

in all the projects, while specific<br />

activities will involve other<br />

Slovenian companies. Not all the<br />

details’ve been negotiated yet. The<br />

STB will also carry out classical<br />

activities, in which all partners will<br />

participate, expanded to make up<br />

promotion of the country. On the<br />

other hand, the STB will take on the co-organisation of events that are not<br />

strictly connected to tourism (concerts and other events) in countries of<br />

less interest to tourists. Partners who’ve not previously been closely connected<br />

to the STB will co-operate in these efforts. The policy of partnership<br />

thus remains. Transport companies, hoteliers and other tourist service<br />

providers in Ljubljana and Bled will be included directly in events in<br />

Slovenia and in events scheduled in other tourist centres. We often forget<br />

events taking place alongside the <strong>Presidency</strong>. Numerous economic delegations<br />

will also visit Slovenia. Individual ministries are responsible for these<br />

events where, for example, the STB will act as organiser of the European<br />

Travel Commission in April <strong>2008</strong>, with accommodation in Bled. What’s<br />

important is quick reconciliation of the events’ calendar and separation of<br />

the <strong>Presidency</strong> events and remaining events according to the unofficial<br />

rule on <strong>EU</strong> events. There is not enough space for such events at Brdo.<br />

Is the Slovenian Tourist Board co-operating with the Slovenian<br />

Government Logistics Centre in terms of organising meetings and<br />

other tourist activities? If so, in what way?<br />

The STB is fully aware of all the activities and preparations for the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong>. It’s directly co-ordinating promotions abroad, and we cooperate<br />

with the Government Communication Office on a daily basis.<br />

Right now, there’s no direct co-operation with the Logistics Centre.<br />

If required, however, the STB will certainly ensure adequate support.<br />

Are you aware that we barely have enough quality accommodation<br />

prepared for participants and how do you intend to resolve additional<br />

reservations if they arise?<br />

As far as Ljubljana is concerned, quite a few new hotel projects are close<br />

to realisation. Several hotels have expanded their capacities. There are<br />

months when space is short, certainly, but there are also summer months<br />

when capacities are poorly filled. Construction of new hotels just for the<br />

<strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> is questionable, in my opinion. What’s important is that<br />

existing venues are commercially successful. This is an important gain<br />

from the viewpoint of the owners. I think that investors could be found in<br />

the case of an extreme shortage of space. This means that hotels would<br />

be at least 70% occupied on an annual level. On an annual basis, Ljubljana<br />

has not yet experienced such a deficiency.<br />

In addition to the positive effects, we should also point out negative effects<br />

of the <strong>Presidency</strong>, especially highlighted by the tourist agencies. The<br />

majority of hoteliers try to understand that it’s necessary to ensure a<br />

minimum space for permanent partners and, when this isn’t possible, they<br />


offer other locations a chance to<br />

acquire business that was previously<br />

in Ljubljana.<br />

The important question of how to<br />

maintain regular business remains<br />

open. Hotels will be faced with a<br />

new situation regarding the management<br />

of ‘hotel yield’.<br />

Are you planning any public<br />

awareness activities along the<br />

lines of ‘people are tourism’,<br />

for all of us will live with the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> in this period and<br />

will we all be ‘tourist workers’<br />

in some way?<br />

No special promotion is planned in<br />

this sense. A strong promotional<br />

campaign is planned on the<br />

domestic market, utilizing the ‘I feel<br />

Slovenia’ slogan though, and the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> and other associated<br />

projects will be announced within<br />

this scope. Although the <strong>Presidency</strong><br />

is important, it won’t essentially<br />

change Slovenian tourism. We can<br />

exploit it and get a great deal from<br />

it, but what’s most important is that<br />

all our guests are happy and go<br />

home pleased, promoting Slovenia’s<br />

good reputation. Additionally, we<br />

also have to take care of the 2.5<br />

million regular guests. The new<br />

brand name must first be accepted<br />

at home. This will be easier because<br />

of the <strong>Presidency</strong>.<br />

What is the role of the Slovenian Convention Bureau?<br />

The Slovenian Convention Bureau will join forces with the STB’s meetings<br />

department in June. All marketing activities for this segment, which were<br />

dispersed among a number of departments until now, will be combined<br />

into one department. It will manage and co-operate in all the key events<br />

of the STB in Slovenia. This will be an opportunity for all existing members<br />

of the Slovenian Convention Bureau.<br />

Gorazd Čad<br />

How will Ljubljana, as the<br />

European Capital, be incorporated<br />

in these activities?<br />

Ljubljana is already being showcased<br />

as a European Capital this<br />

year. A number of promotional<br />

projects are being carried out in<br />

this area. Our strategic partner,<br />

the Ljubljana Tourist Board, which<br />

is the largest Slovenian local tourist<br />

organization in terms of size and<br />

expertise, is co-operating in their<br />

implementation. Co-operation<br />

is exemplary with numerous<br />

interesting tourism ideas born<br />

out of such a partnership.<br />

Will fairs and exchanges be<br />

flavoured with the spirit of the<br />

<strong>Presidency</strong> this year?<br />

Exchanges will be carried out at<br />

a new stall, with a new image and<br />

in accordance with the marketing<br />

strategy, emphasising local particularities.<br />


Predsedovanje <strong>EU</strong> - Finska<br />

Oh, kakšen cirkus …<br />

Ste se kdaj spraševali,<br />

kako je sodelovati pri<br />

organizaciji srečanj, ko<br />

vaša država predseduje<br />

<strong>EU</strong>? Leena Sipilä je menila,<br />

da ve o tem vse, dokler<br />

ni prevzela organizacije<br />

srečanj ob šestmesečnem<br />

finskem predsedovanju.<br />

Leena Sipilä, ki zdaj spet sedi za<br />

svojo mizo v Kongresnem uradu<br />

Helsinki, si je petindvajset let<br />

nabirala izkušnje v kongresni<br />

industriji, preden so jo povabili, da<br />

se pridruži sekretariatu, ki je bil<br />

zadolžen za tehnične priprave<br />

sestankov za finsko predsedovanje<br />

<strong>EU</strong>. To je pomenilo, da se je<br />

morala septembra 2005 preseliti v<br />

pisarno predsednika vlade, da bi<br />

načrtovala 140 uradnih sestankov,<br />

ki jih je Finska gostila v času<br />

predsedovanja.<br />

»Mislila sem, da vem vse o organizaciji<br />

konferenc in dogodkov,« je<br />

povedala nekdanja direktorica<br />

Kongresnega centra Marina v<br />

Helsinkih, ki je bila, preden se je<br />

pridružila Kongresnemu uradu<br />

Helsinki, vodja PCO-ja in kongresnega<br />

oddelka v centru Tampere.<br />

»Toda zelo sem bila presenečena,<br />

ko sem odkrila, da so vladna<br />

srečanja tako drugačna in tako<br />

zapletena. Bila sem vzhičena in<br />

hkrati nisem mogla verjeti!«<br />

težko se je bilo spopasti s hierarhijo, točno določenimi vzorci vedenja, z<br />

akreditacijo (nikoli registracijo) delegatov, s sistemom priponk, z zahtevami<br />

glede hotelov in izbiro prizorišč ter s tem, da je bilo treba na<br />

vsakem sestanku posneti zbirko »gasilskih fotografij«.<br />

»Mislim, da poznam vse dimenzije vseh sejnih površin v državi,« se<br />

nasmeje. »Konferenčnih in športnih dvoran, starih tovarn … Bili smo v<br />

enaindvajsetih različnih mestih na Finskem, ker se je hotel vsak minister,<br />

ki je bil gostitelj sestanka, pohvaliti z rojstnim krajem. Bili smo kot<br />

velik potujoči cirkus. Nekateri hoteli so se morali posodobiti ali pripeljati<br />

dodatno pohištvo, ali pa smo morali hotelsko osebje naučiti<br />

različnih stvari, kot je na primer 24-urna sobna postrežba. Nekatere<br />

delegacije iz držav izven <strong>EU</strong> in nekateri vodje vlad so imeli glavne<br />

kuharje, ki so vse pripeljali z zasebnim letalom, ki je moralo nekje pristati,<br />

šele potem so lahko prevzeli kuhinje.«<br />

Ustvarjen dohodek<br />

»Varnostnikov je bilo ogromno. Vsakega delegata je na vsakem prizorišču<br />

preverila policija. Mi smo prav tako imeli svoje varnostnike,<br />

tako kot tisti, ki so pripotovali z ministri, in vsi materiali so bili označeni<br />

za zaupne – nekaterih dokumentov nismo mogli poslati po elektronski<br />

pošti, zato smo jih morali pošiljati po staromodnih slih.<br />

Celo kupovanje daril ni bilo vedno preprosto, ker smo morali vsaki<br />

državi članici <strong>EU</strong> poslati javni razpis za zbiranje ponudb, večinoma po<br />

Uradnem listu Evropske komisije, da smo lahko zagotovili lojalno<br />

konkurenco med vsemi dobavitelji. Prav tako smo imeli jasna merila o<br />

vrednosti daril glede na sestanek. Davkoplačevalci države gostiteljice<br />

so seveda plačali račun in to je draga stvar. Dobra stran pa je bila, da<br />

smo pri pripravi končnega poročila zbrali statistiko o ustvarjenem<br />

dohodku – glede na število prenočitev v šestih mesecih za 23.000 delegatov<br />

in druge prihodke – kar je vsekakor dobro za državo.«<br />

21 različnih mest<br />

Kot vodja organizacije sestankov<br />

je bila del ekipe, ki je štela osemindvajset<br />

ljudi, med predsedovanjem<br />

<strong>EU</strong> pa je ta številka<br />

narasla celo na štirideset. Vedela<br />

je, da bo protokol pomemben,<br />

varovanje pa sploh. Še posebej Helsinško sejmišče, pripravljeno na ASEM 6 • Helsinki Fair Centre ready for ASEM 6<br />


Preglavice<br />

Nepredvidljivost je bil še en<br />

dejavnik, ki se ga je gospa Sipilä<br />

morala navaditi. »Do zadnje minute<br />

nismo vedeli, kako velika bo delegacija,<br />

niti imen delegatov. Ministri<br />

nikoli ne potujejo sami, in če jih je<br />

bilo dvajset, jih je zelo verjetno<br />

spremljalo še dodatnih sto oseb -<br />

članov kabineta, sekretarjev, uradnikov<br />

za zvezo, asistentov, da ne<br />

omenjam medijev. Tudi za hotelirje<br />

je bil to čas nervoze, kadar nismo<br />

dobili seznamov prej kot štiri ali<br />

pet dni pred prihodom.«<br />

Število delegatov, ki so smeli na<br />

sestanke in so jih predhodno<br />

najavili po vrstnem redu sedežev,<br />

je bilo strogo omejeno, toda<br />

običajno se jih je hotelo pomembnih<br />

sestankov udeležiti še več.<br />

Zato so bile izdane priponke<br />

rdeče, modre ali rumene barve, ki<br />

jih je uradnik za zvezo odnesel in<br />

razdelil med svoje delegate. »Še<br />

posebej pri plenarnih sestankih<br />

nismo nikoli natančno vedeli,<br />

kakšen bo program,« pojasnjuje<br />

gospa Sipilä. »Vedno smo morali<br />

biti pripravljeni za vrati, če bi<br />

najavili nenačrtovan odmor za<br />

kavo, medtem ko so popravljali<br />

dokumente, kar se je lahko<br />

zavleklo na dve uri. Včasih sestanka<br />

sploh niso nadaljevali!«<br />

Obroki so jim prav tako povzročali<br />

preglavice, celo kadar je šlo za<br />

delovna kosila in večerje, ko so po<br />

mizah ležali papirji in mikrofoni,<br />

toda, kot poudarja gospa Sipilä,<br />

prekaljenih delegatov navidezni<br />

kaos ni preveč motil.<br />

Generalni direktorat Evropske komisije za tolmačenje v Bruslju s svojo<br />

ekipo dobro izurjenih tolmačev ima natančno določena pravila glede<br />

vedenja do svojih ljudi in specifikacije za kabine za simultano prevajanje.<br />

»Če so bile stalno postavljene kabine na določenih prizoriščih samo<br />

za nekaj centimetrov premajhne, smo morali pripeljati izposojene, ki so<br />

bile usklajene z njihovimi standardi,« komentira gospa Sipilä. Pri bilateralnih<br />

sestankih so uporabljali šepetano tolmačenje.<br />

Najpomembnejši sestanki, ki jih je organizirala gospa Sipilä, so bili del<br />

septembrskega vrha ASEM 6, ki se je odvijal na helsinškem sejmišču in<br />

se ga je udeležilo 1500 delegatov iz Evrope in Azije ter spremljevalni<br />

sestanek zunanjih ministrov v okviru barcelonskega procesa<br />

(<strong>EU</strong>ROMED) in se je odvijal novembra v Tampereju. Pomagala je tudi pri<br />

organizaciji sestanka predsednikov držav in vlad, ki se je odvijal oktobra<br />

v Lahtiju, in pri devetih ministrskih sestankih, ki so se uradno imenovali<br />

»neuradni«, medtem ko je skupno 68 sestankov organizirala za različne<br />

ministre. Treba je povedati, da se je na Finskem odvijal samo majhen<br />

del od 3300 sestankov <strong>EU</strong>, ki so jih izvedli v tistih šestih mesecih.<br />

Zdaj, po zelo zasluženem počitku, Leena Sipilä pravi, da je srečna, ker<br />

je dobila svoje življenje nazaj.<br />

»Morala sem celo izstopiti iz članstva v organizaciji Meeting Professionals<br />

International, da sem lahko ostala nevtralna, ko sem izbirala<br />

dobavitelje. Kljub temu je bilo vse skupaj čudovita izkušnja, ki je ne bi<br />

zamudila za nič na svetu.«<br />

»Bila sem zelo presenečena, ko sem ugotovila, da so vladna srečanja<br />

tako drugačna in tako zapletena.«<br />

Angela Antrobus, povzeto po reviji Quality in Meetings; foto: Kabinet<br />

predsednika vlade, Lehtikuva<br />

Bilateralni sestanki<br />

Gospa Sipilä pravi, da so bilateralni<br />

sestanki, ko se predstavniki<br />

dveh držav sestanejo na samem,<br />

vedno popularnejši. Zato je bilo<br />

treba pripraviti dodatne sobe.<br />

Sledilo je vprašanje tolmačev.<br />

Finska ljudska glasba na uvodni slovesnosti za ASEM 6 • Finnish folk music at the ASEM 6 opening ceremony<br />


<strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> - Finland<br />

Oh, what a Circus …<br />

Ever wondered what<br />

it’s like to organise<br />

the meetings when you<br />

country holds the <strong>EU</strong><br />

presidency? Leena Sipilä<br />

thought she knew all<br />

there was to know about<br />

conferences until she<br />

took on the job for<br />

Finland’s six months<br />

in the hot seat.<br />

Leena Sipilä, now back at her desk<br />

at the Helsinki City Tourist &<br />

Convention Bureau, had spent<br />

25 years in meetings management<br />

before she was invited to join the<br />

secretariat responsible for the<br />

technical meeting preparations<br />

for Finland’s <strong>EU</strong> presidency. This<br />

involved moving to the prime<br />

minister’s office in September<br />

2005 to plan the 140 official<br />

meetings Finland would host<br />

during the second half of last year.<br />

“I thought I knew everything about<br />

conference and event<br />

organisation,” says the former<br />

conference director at the Marina<br />

Congress Centre in Helsinki, head<br />

of the congress department at<br />

Tampere Hall and PCO before<br />

joining the convention bureau.<br />

“But I was very surprised<br />

to discover that governmental<br />

meetings were so different and<br />

so complex. I was excited but<br />

incredulous at the same time!”<br />

particularly so, but it was another thing getting to grips with the<br />

hierarchies, the fixed behavioural patterns, the accreditation (never<br />

registration) of delegates, the badging system, the demands made of<br />

hotels and the requisites for selecting venues, even down to ensuring<br />

the set-piece “family photo” was taken at every meeting.<br />

“I feel I know the dimensions of every flat floor space in the country,”<br />

she laughs. “Conference halls, sports halls, old factories…We used<br />

21 different cities in Finland because every minister hosting a meeting<br />

wanted to show off his home town. It was like a huge travelling circus.<br />

Some hotels had to be upgraded or bring in extra furniture or we had<br />

to train them in things like 24-hour room service. There were also<br />

delegations from countries outside the <strong>EU</strong> and some heads of<br />

government had their own chefs who brought everything in by private<br />

plane, which had to land somewhere, and then took over kitchens.<br />

Generated revenue<br />

“The security was massive. Everybody in every venue was checked by the<br />

police, we had our own security people as well as those who travelled with<br />

ministers and all material was security classified – certain documents<br />

couldn’t be sent by email so we had to use old-fashioned messengers.<br />

“Even sourcing gifts wasn’t always straightforward as public tenders<br />

had to be put out to every <strong>EU</strong> country, mainly through the European<br />

Commission official newspaper, to ensure fair competition among all<br />

suppliers. There were also clear criteria about the value of the gifts<br />

depending on the meeting. The tax payers of the host country foot the<br />

bill, of course, and it’s an expensive business. On the plus side, while<br />

making our final report, we collected statistics on the revenue<br />

generated - based on the number of overnights during the six months<br />

for 23,000 delegates and other income - which was certainly good<br />

for the country.”<br />

21 different cities<br />

As head of meeting arrangements,<br />

she was part of a team of 28<br />

people which grew to 40 during<br />

the presidency. She knew protocol<br />

would be important and security<br />

Delovna večerja v Lahtiju. • Working dinner in Lahti.<br />


Headaches<br />

Unpredictability was another<br />

factor Sipilä had to get used to.<br />

“We never knew the size of<br />

delegations until the last minute<br />

and certainly not the names.<br />

Ministers never travel alone so if<br />

there were 20 of them there could<br />

easily be an extra 100 people<br />

by way of cabinet members,<br />

secretaries, liaison officers,<br />

assistants. Not to mention the<br />

media. It was a nervous time<br />

for the hotels, too, if we didn’t<br />

get the lists until four or five<br />

days beforehand.”<br />

There was a strict limit on the<br />

number of delegates allowed into<br />

the meeting room, announced<br />

in advance, as was the seating<br />

order. Colour coded badges were<br />

issued, red, blue and yellow,<br />

which the liaison officers took<br />

away to allocate among their own<br />

delegates. But inevitably more<br />

tried to squeeze in if it was a<br />

major meeting. “Also, especially<br />

with plenaries, we could never be<br />

sure of the programme,” explains<br />

Sipilä. “We had to be on our toes<br />

behind the door in case an<br />

unscheduled coffee break was<br />

announced while papers were<br />

rewritten, which could go on for<br />

two hours. Or the meeting may<br />

never resume at all!”<br />

Mealtimes were another<br />

headache, especially working<br />

lunches and dinners when tables<br />

were strewn with papers and<br />

microphones but, as Sipilä<br />

remarks, seasoned delegates<br />

seemed to cope with the apparent<br />

chaos.<br />

So additional rooms must be available. Then there was the question<br />

of interpretation. As well as its own host of highly trained interpreters,<br />

the EC Directorate General for Interpretation in Brussels has definitive<br />

rules on the treatment of its people and the specification of<br />

simultaneous interpretation booths. “If a venue’s permanent booths<br />

were even a few centimetres too small, we had to bring in rented<br />

booths which met the standard,” Sipilä comments. Whispered<br />

interpretation was used in bilateral meetings.<br />

The most important meetings she handled were the ASEM 6 Summit<br />

in September in the Helsinki Fair Centre, attended by 1,500 delegates<br />

from Europe and Asia, and the Foreign Ministers’ follow-up meeting of<br />

the Barcelona Process (<strong>EU</strong>ROMED) in November in Tampere. She also<br />

assisted with the Heads of State or Government meeting in October in<br />

Lahti and nine ministerial meetings officially termed as “informal”,<br />

while a total of 68 meetings were organised for different government<br />

ministers. And it needs to be borne in mind that what was going on in<br />

Finland was only a small proportion of 3,300 <strong>EU</strong> meetings held during<br />

that six months.<br />

Now, after a well earned rest, Leena Sipilä says she is happy to have<br />

her life back.<br />

“I even had to resign from Meeting Professionals International in order<br />

to remain neutral when selecting suppliers. But the whole thing was<br />

an experience I would not have missed for the world.”<br />

Angela Antrobus, Quality in Meetings; Photos: Prime Minister’s Office,<br />

Lehtikuva<br />

"I was very surprised to discover that governmental meetings were so<br />

different and so complex"<br />

Bilateral meetings<br />

She says bilateral meetings are<br />

growing increasingly popular,<br />

when representatives of two<br />

countries meet in private.<br />

»Gasilska fotografija« z <strong>EU</strong>ROMED-a. • <strong>EU</strong>ROMED “family photo”.<br />


Kolumna: Matjaž Kek<br />

Kdo potrebuje koga?<br />

Kot se je z leti spreminjala<br />

ponudba profesionalne<br />

kongresne dejavnosti,<br />

se je spreminjal tudi obseg<br />

in značaj sodelovanja<br />

organov državne uprave<br />

s ponudniki tovrstnih<br />

storitev.<br />

Matjaž Kek<br />

S ponudbo kongresnih storitev imam v mislih celovite storitve, potrebne<br />

za izvedbo (praviloma) mednarodnega dogodka, ki zajema vse od prevozov<br />

in namestitev pa do cateringa in kulturnega programa (seveda z<br />

vsem organizacijskim in tehnološkim potencialom, ki je bistven za uspešno<br />

izveden dogodek). Z dogodki, ki so jih pripravljali državni organi,<br />

pa lahko svojo osebno izkušnjo omejim predvsem na velike mednarodne<br />

dogodke (kjer sem sodeloval pri pripravi press centrov in prireditev<br />

v počastitev državnih praznikov).<br />

Neposredno po osamosvojitvi Slovenije so bile v »kongresnem biznisu«<br />

le kake tri organizacije, ki so se s tovrstno organizacijo ukvarjale že<br />

prej. Sama kongresna dejavnost je bila v prvi polovici devetdesetih tudi<br />

pri tistih, ki smo bili zadolženi za »promocijo države in dežele« sprejemana<br />

z naklonjenostjo in filozofijo, da naj tujci svojo »izkušnjo« Slovenije<br />

doživijo kar najbolj neposredno – v Sloveniji! Zato smo pridobivanje<br />

mednarodnih konferenc, s čimer so se ukvarjali tako profesionalni ponudniki<br />

storitev kot strokovna združenja, podprli tako finančno kot tudi<br />

s promocijskimi gradivi.<br />

Kar pa se tiče naših izkušenj z organizacijo tovrstnih prireditev, so bile<br />

te nikakršne in smo se od ponudnikov storitev učili tako »obrti« kot tudi<br />

sodelovanja z zunanjimi izvajalci.<br />

Do danes so se zadeve na obeh straneh kar precej spremenile. Na<br />

strani ponudnikov je število specializiranih organizacij zelo naraslo,<br />

pojavile so se nove vrste storitev, ki jih te organizacije ponujajo, dobili<br />

smo neke vrste nacionalnega koordinatorja in promotorja teh storitev<br />

in celo prvo poslovno borzo. V državni upravi pa smo se tudi okrepili s<br />

službami in oddelki, ki se ukvarjajo z odnosi z javnostjo in v okviru tega<br />

tudi z organizacijo dogodkov, kar nekaj ministrstev in služb ima oddelke<br />

za protokol, pripravljamo pa seveda veliko več dogodkov in z vstopom<br />

v <strong>EU</strong> tudi še več mednarodnih dogodkov (posebej v času slovenskega<br />

predsedovanja <strong>EU</strong>).<br />

Kateri so tisti dejavniki na obeh straneh, ki vplivajo na obseg in kakovost<br />

našega sodelovanja?<br />

Naše izkušnje s ponudniki so vsaj pri projektih, kjer sem sodeloval, v<br />

osnovi dobre. Posebej na začetku, ker sami nismo imeli dosti znanj in<br />

vedenj, pa tudi zato, ker so ponudniki v želji, da bi si zagotovili dolgoročnejše<br />

sodelovanje, vlagali več svoje kreativnosti v zasnovo in izpeljavo<br />

dogodka. Mi pa smo imeli tudi manj težav pri spoštovanju pravil javnega<br />

naročanja (ki so zdaj bolj kompleksna in zahtevna).<br />

No, nekaj slabših izkušenj tudi lahko navedem. Posebej takrat, ko je<br />

ponudnik »lokacije« dogodka ponujal tudi agencijske storitve, se je pri<br />

večjih mednarodnih dogodkih zgodilo tudi, da se ni zavedal kompleksnosti<br />

projekta in v začetku ni pravilno ocenil, koliko zunanjih podizvajalcev<br />

bo potreboval, zaradi česar je prihajalo tudi do zamud pri izvedbi.<br />

Današnji čas na strani ponudnikov vzpodbuja nekakšen način ponujanja<br />

storitev (ki pa je nasploh značilen za celotno storitveno industrijo), ki<br />

obljublja uresničitev vseh možnih želja potencialnega naročnika. Hkrati<br />

pa seveda ne upošteva omejevalnega dejavnika – razpoložljivega časa<br />

in denarja, ki včasih izvedbe »sanjskega« projekta ne omogočata.<br />

Ena od značilnosti ponudnikov, ki jim uspe razviti dober model zasnove<br />

in izpeljave dogodka za korporativnega naročnika, je včasih ta, da potencialnemu<br />

naročniku iz državne uprave ponujajo kot zveličaven recept<br />


taisti »model«, ki pa ne more dobro<br />

delovati, ker so nekatere organizacijske<br />

značilnosti v državni<br />

upravi ali pa specifičnosti mednarodnega<br />

protokola in drugih javnofinančnih<br />

pravil take, da oboje<br />

ne gre dobro skupaj.<br />

Zadnje čase v državni upravi svoje<br />

odnose s ponudniki teh storitev<br />

osredotočamo predvsem na dva<br />

tipa naročanja: ali iščemo ozko<br />

specializirano storitev, ki je zgolj<br />

majhen del celotne organizacije<br />

dogodka, ki ga sicer izpeljemo sami,<br />

ali pa želimo cel dogodek izpeljati<br />

z najboljšim ponudnikom<br />

po načelu »na ključ« (teh je manj).<br />

Omejevalen dejavnik pri iskanju<br />

storitev zunanjih ponudnikov je<br />

tudi včasih prisotno zmotno prepričanje,<br />

da bomo prihranili, če<br />

bomo dogodek izpeljali kar sami<br />

(in potem včasih zadnji hip iščemo<br />

pomoč).<br />

Službe, ki se v okviru državne<br />

uprave ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem<br />

in organizacijo dogodkov – bodisi<br />

mednarodnih konferenc, proslav<br />

in slovesnosti bodisi motivacijskih<br />

srečanj ali česa drugega –, morajo<br />

najprej vedeti, kakšna ponudba<br />

obstaja na trgu (še posebej, ker te<br />

storitve opravlja precej novih ljudi),<br />

ter se naučiti, kako se dela z<br />

zunanjo agencijo. Ponudniki pa<br />

morajo bolje spoznati značilnosti<br />

državne uprave in osnovna načela<br />

javnega naročanja.<br />

Gotovo je tudi v interesu ponudnikov,<br />

da na različne načine bolje<br />

promovirajo svoje storitve, tudi z<br />

nadaljnjimi kongresnimi borzami.<br />

Po koncu predsedovanja v drugi<br />

polovici leta <strong>2008</strong> bomo tudi v državni<br />

upravi imeli več izkušenj in<br />

časa, da se bolj načrtno lotimo izboljšanja<br />

medsebojnega sodelovanja<br />

in nadaljnjega skupnega nastopa<br />

v tujini!<br />

Matjaž Kek, sekretar na Uradu<br />

vlade za komuniciranje<br />


Column: Matjaž Kek<br />

Who needs who?<br />

The offer of professional<br />

meeting facilities has<br />

changed over the years<br />

and the scope and nature<br />

of the co-operation of<br />

state administration<br />

bodies with the providers<br />

of such services has<br />

changed with it.<br />

When talking of the meeting services offer, I refer to complete services<br />

such as those required, as a rule, for the execution of an international<br />

event, encompassing everything from transport and guest<br />

accommodation through to catering and the cultural programme<br />

(of course, including all the organisational and technological potential<br />

required for a successfully implemented event). In terms of events<br />

prepared by state bodies, I can mention large international events from<br />

my own personal experience where I’ve participated in the preparation<br />

of press centres and events to mark state holidays.<br />

Only three organisations in the ‘meetings business’ were involved in<br />

such things directly following Slovenia's independence. In the first half<br />

of the 1990s, meeting activities were adopted with the conviction and<br />

philosophy that foreigners should ‘experience’ Slovenia as directly<br />

as possible – in Slovenia! As it was for those responsible for the<br />

‘promotion of the country and provinces’. Thus, we supported the<br />

acquisition of international conferences, with professional service<br />

providers and expert associations, both financially and through<br />

promotional materials.<br />

Our experience in organising such events was basically nil and we<br />

learned both the ‘craft’ and how to co-operate with external<br />

contractors from service providers.<br />

Matters on both sides have changed considerably since then.<br />

The number of specialised providers’ organisations has grown<br />

considerably, as well as the new types of services these organisations<br />

offer. We now have several types of promoters and national service<br />

co-ordinators, and even the first business exchange. We’ve also<br />

fortified our ranks in the state administration, with new offices and<br />

departments involved in public relations and, within this scope, also<br />

event organisation. Quite a number of ministries and offices also<br />

possess protocol departments. Of course, we are also preparing for<br />

many more events following Slovenia's entry into the <strong>EU</strong>, including<br />

more international events, especially during Slovenia's <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong>.<br />

What are the factors, on both sides, that affect the scope and quality<br />

of our co-operation?<br />

Our experience with providers – in the projects I have participated in –<br />

has been good in essence. This was especially true at the beginning,<br />

where we did not possess adequate knowledge or skills. This was also<br />

because providers wanted to ensure long-term co-operation and<br />

invested more of their creativity into the design and execution of an<br />

event. We also encountered fewer problems in following public tender<br />

rules, which are now more complex and demanding.<br />

However, I can also list a few bad experiences, especially where the<br />

provider also offered agency services to the event ‘venue’ and, with<br />

regard to larger international events, did not realise the complexity<br />

of the project, failing to assess initially that it would require numerous<br />

external sub-contractors, ultimately leading to delays in execution.<br />

These days, some type of services from providers are encouraged<br />

(which is, as a rule, characteristic of the entire service industry),<br />

promising realisation of all a potential subscriber’s possible wishes.<br />

In short, this fails to observe the restricting factor of available time and<br />

money, which sometimes prevents the execution of a ‘dream’ project.<br />

One of the characteristics of providers who succeed in developing good<br />


conceptual models and executing<br />

events for corporate clients, is to<br />

sometimes offer a potential client<br />

from the state administration a<br />

generic recipe in this same<br />

‘model’ that cannot function well,<br />

since several organisational<br />

characteristics in the state<br />

administration or, specifically,<br />

those of international protocol<br />

and other public financial rules,<br />

do not fit together well.<br />

Lately, the state administration has<br />

particularly focussed on two types<br />

of orders in its relationships with<br />

the providers of such services –<br />

the search for narrowly specialised<br />

services that are merely a small<br />

part of the entire event, which<br />

it organises itself – or the<br />

implementation of an entire event<br />

using the best provider according<br />

to the ‘turnkey’ principle (of which<br />

there are only a few).<br />

Another restricting factor in the<br />

search for services from external<br />

providers is a false conviction<br />

that we will save money if we<br />

implement the event ourselves<br />

(then sometimes seeking help<br />

at the last minute).<br />

Officials within the framework of<br />

the state administration involved<br />

in event planning and organisation<br />

– whether they are international<br />

conferences, celebrations and<br />

festivities or motivational<br />

meetings or other events – must<br />

first know offers that exist on the<br />

market (especially as there are so<br />

many new people in this field) and<br />

then learn how to work with an<br />

external agency. Providers must<br />

become better acquainted with<br />

the characteristics of the state<br />

administration and the basic<br />

principles of public procurement.<br />

It is certainly in the interest of<br />

providers that they promote their<br />

services in a variety of ways –<br />

including through continued<br />

meeting exchanges. Following<br />

the conclusion of the <strong>EU</strong> <strong>Presidency</strong> in the second half of <strong>2008</strong>, we at<br />

the state administration will also have more experience and time to<br />

tackle the improvement of our mutual co-operation and the continued<br />

joint approach abroad in a more planned way.<br />

Matjaž Kek, Secretary at the Government Communication Office<br />

Kompas Corporate<br />


Kompas Corporate je Kompasova<br />

blagovna znamka za vrhunske<br />

celostne storitve za vse poslovne<br />

uporabnike – podjetja, razli~ne<br />

ustanove in vladne institucije iz<br />

Slovenije in tujine.<br />

Ne glede na to, kaj želite –<br />

letalsko vozovnico ali celotno<br />

organizacijo konference kjerkoli<br />

na svetu – je Kompas Corporate<br />

tu zato, da poskrbi za vse.<br />

telefon: 01 2006 151 • congressesakompas.si • www.kompas.si<br />


Kongresna mesta pod žarometom<br />

Malo doma in<br />

malo preko naših meja<br />

»Zamisel o kongresnem<br />

centru je ukoreninjena v<br />

paradoksu poznega<br />

dvajsetega stoletja. Po<br />

eni strani lahko ugotovimo,<br />

da možnosti elektronske<br />

izmenjave informacij<br />

že postavljajo pod<br />

vprašaj tradicionalne<br />

vzorce dela, hkrati pa<br />

zaznavamo rast globalnih<br />

prireditev, ki združujejo<br />

ljudi zaradi njihovega<br />

skupnega zanimanja<br />

ali stroke. Z družbenega<br />

vidika je potreba po srečanjih<br />

in neposrednih<br />

stikih videti večja kot<br />

kdajkoli prej.«<br />

Sir Norman Foster, sloviti britanski<br />

arhitekt; studio Foster &<br />

Partners je med drugim ustvaril<br />

projekta kongresnega centra v Valenciji<br />

in Scottish Exhibition and<br />

Convention Centre v Glasgowu.<br />

bitve za mesta, ki se spuščajo v tekmovalno okolje svetovnega trga. Ko<br />

se potegujejo za pozornost potencialnih organizatorjev srečanj, se številne<br />

destinacije pri lastnem trženju lahko pohvalijo z novo ali posodobljeno<br />

/ povečano kongresno infrastrukturo. Realizirane investicije v<br />

nova kongresna središča ali napovedi bodočih so se v zadnjem desetletju<br />

razmahnile v skorajda svetovno pandemijo, posebej pa moramo biti<br />

pozorni na razvoj v Aziji. Kljub temu, da v Evropi že nekaj let zaznavamo<br />

rahel upad skupnega deleža mednarodnih kongresnih prireditev, tudi<br />

stara celina ne miruje. Prav blizu nas so v središču Salzburga pred nekaj<br />

leti odprli nov, srednje velik kongresni center, v Zagrebu in Budimpešti<br />

pa v bližnji bodočnosti načrtujejo gradnjo kongresnih centrov večjih<br />

kapacitet.<br />

V iskanju definicije »kongresnega mesta«.<br />

In kaj je pravzaprav »kongresno mesto«? Ali lahko nekaj tako kompleksnega,<br />

kot je »kongresno mesto«, preprosto vznikne? Spomnila sem se,<br />

da mi lahko eno možnih definicij ponudi Evropska federacija kongresnih<br />

mest – EFCT, ki se je nedavno spojila z Združenjem evropskih mestnih<br />

turističnih uradov v novo organizacijo z imenom European Cities Marketing.<br />

EFCT je ob svojem nastanku pred dobrimi štiridesetimi leti pogojevala<br />

članstvo s tem, da mora mesto nuditi ustrezne kongresne zmogljivosti<br />

za najmanj 300 oseb v kino postavitvi, bodisi v kongresnem centru ali<br />

hotelu. Prav tako naj bi imelo kakovostne prenočitvene zmogljivosti za<br />

isto minimalno število udeležencev, dobro prometno dostopnost, izkušnje<br />

v segmentu poslovnega turizma, vključno z referencami vsaj petih izvedenih<br />

mednarodnih srečanj, ter svoboden prestop meja države.<br />

Če se dotaknem zgodovine specializiranih »podpornih organizacij« za<br />

trženje kongresne ponudbe mest, saj so te nastale prej na lokalni kot<br />

na državni ravni, naj kot zanimivost navedem, da je bil prvi kongresni<br />

urad na svetu ustanovljen v Detroitu davnega leta 1896, ko je skupina<br />

Dogaja se tudi čisto blizu<br />

nas<br />

Ob tem, da nas sodobna komunikacijska<br />

tehnologija vse bolj<br />

usmerja v delo v izolaciji je, skoraj<br />

v nasprotju s tem trendom, povpraševanje<br />

po novih prizoriščih za<br />

neposredne diskusije »iz oči v oči«<br />

vse močnejše. Konference in strokovna<br />

srečanja danes predstavljajo<br />

mednarodno industrijo, in kongresni<br />

centri so pomembne prido-<br />

Avtorica članka Tatjana Radovič na obrežju Ljubljanice. • The author Tatjana Radovič on the<br />

shore of Ljubljanica river.<br />


lokalnih poslovnežev ugotovila,<br />

kako donosna so organizirana<br />

srečanja skupin za njihov kraj.<br />

ZDA so za kar nekaj desetletij<br />

prehitevale Evropo, ki se je začela<br />

prebujati šele v šestdesetih letih<br />

prejšnjega stoletja, najprej<br />

skozi investicije v infrastrukturo.<br />

Med najstarejše kongresne urade<br />

se sicer uvrščata finski (izvorno<br />

Helsinki – Finland, 1974) in londonski<br />

(1980), v Sloveniji pa se je<br />

na tem področju začelo premikati<br />

dosti kasneje - v Ljubljani pred<br />

dobrim desetletjem, na nacionalni<br />

ravni pa efektivno šele pred<br />

tremi leti.<br />

Google je zakon!<br />

Ko sem razmišljala, kje najti razlago,<br />

kaj »kongresno mesto« je,<br />

sem iz radovednosti v Google vtipkala<br />

»city for congresses«, »city<br />

for conferences« ter »city for meetings«.<br />

Če se omejim na Evropo,<br />

se je pojavila vrsta zelo podobnih<br />

uvodnih opisov številnih destinacij<br />

z vsemi njihovimi odlikami – v primeru<br />

dveh mest skoraj dobesedno<br />

enakih.<br />

Tako ali drugače zasledimo izraze<br />

kot »idealno, prvovrstno, odlično...<br />

mesto za konference / kongrese /<br />

srečanja,« ki ponujajo sodobne in<br />

večnamenske lokacije za raznovrstne<br />

dogodke, pa tudi širok izbor<br />

namestitev v kategoriji od treh do<br />

petih zvezdic, kulturna doživetja,<br />

kulinarično pestrost, lahko prometno<br />

dostopnost – tudi iz tujine,<br />

izkušene kongresne organizatorje,<br />

zanimive nakupe in dobro zabavo,<br />

in še zmerne cene za povrhu. Za<br />

opisi vsaj dela naštetih karakteristik<br />

najdemo mesta kot npr. Amsterdam,<br />

Bergen, Trondheim, den<br />

Haag, Valencio, Leipzig, Goeteborg,<br />

Glasgow, Torino, Basel,<br />

Helsinki, Bilbao, Reykjavik ali Ženevo<br />

… v to zgodbo pa bi lahko<br />

umestili tudi Ljubljano.<br />

Bežen pogled na kongresna mesta v Sloveniji –<br />

nekoč in danes<br />

Naše glavno mesto uvrščamo med tri pionirje slovenskega kongresnega<br />

turizma, v družbi Bleda in Portoroža. Ljubljana ima sicer med njimi status<br />

veterana, saj je bil prvi pomemben dogodek, ki ga je mesto gostilo,<br />

ljubljanski kongres Sv. Alianse davnega leta 1821, ko so pomembni evropski<br />

vladarji krojili njeno politično ureditev po porazu Napoleona I., tudi<br />

s ciljem preprečitve širjenja idej francoske revolucije. Zanimivost dogodka<br />

je, da je trajal kar štiri mesece in pol, udeležili pa so se ga predstavniki<br />

desetih držav. Takega kongresa se še danes ne bi nihče branil,<br />

za seboj pa ni pustil zgolj političnih dogovorov, temveč tudi imena ulice,<br />

večjega trga in gostilne – slednja v spomin na carsko ljubezen …<br />

Če se ozrem na kontinentalna mesta v Sloveniji, ker bo o Obali in Alpah<br />

govora v prihodnjih številkah revije, kot kongresne destinacije pravzaprav<br />

izstopajo samo tri: ob že večkrat omenjeni Ljubljani (ne morem si<br />

pomagati, imam jo v krvi) še drugo največje mesto v Sloveniji – Maribor,<br />

in cvetoče mesto ob italijanski meji, nastalo po 2. svetovni vojni – Nova<br />

Gorica, ki jo v šali, zaradi močno razvite igralniške in zabaviščne dejavnosti,<br />

lahko imenujemo tudi slovenski Las Vegas.<br />

Zadetek v bistvo?<br />

Ni moj namen, da bi v prispevku podrobno naštevala vse konferenčne<br />

zmogljivosti, adute ali pomanjkljivosti zgoraj omenjenih mest, saj ima<br />

vsako od njih svoje danosti in posebnosti. V mednarodnem prostoru je<br />

zagotovo najbolj uveljavljena Ljubljana, ki je z gradnjo Cankarjevega doma<br />

kot osrednjega kulturnega in kongresnega centra stopila v areno le-<br />

Foto: Zavod za turizem Ljubljana • Photo: Ljubljana Tourist Board<br />


ta 1981. V tem obdobju, z delno<br />

prekinitvijo v prvih letih po osamosvojitvi<br />

Slovenije, si je uspela<br />

ustvariti zelo soliden imidž kot destinacija<br />

za mednarodna znanstvena<br />

in strokovna združenja, in se z<br />

dogodki leta 2004 uspela prvič doslej<br />

prebiti med 50 »top svetovnih<br />

mest« v statistikah mednarodnih<br />

kongresnih združenj ICCA in UIA. Z<br />

gradnjo novejših hotelskih konferenčnih<br />

zmogljivosti je ponudba<br />

postala zanimiva tudi za vse številnejše<br />

podjetniške dogodke, trženjsko<br />

pozicioniranje prenovljenega<br />

Gospodarskega razstavišča pa<br />

mestu prinaša še en kongresni<br />

center z drugačno funkcionalnostjo,<br />

primerno tudi za večje medvladne<br />

dogodke, kot jo ima Cankarjev<br />

dom, ki se je sicer tudi delno<br />

»pomladil«.<br />

Ljubljana je doslej gostila mednarodne<br />

kongrese s preko 2.000<br />

udeleženci, kar nekako postavljamo<br />

kot njeno zgornjo mejo, vendar<br />

lažje diha, če jih je dejansko nekaj<br />

sto manj. Ko bo nekoč v mestu,<br />

čim bližje središča, več hotelov –<br />

med njimi s tremi zvezdicami,<br />

morda en de luxe, pa tudi katera<br />

od močnih mednarodnih verig, še<br />

več direktnih letalskih povezav,<br />

vključno z nizkocenovnimi, in nenazadnje<br />

tudi večje letališče, bodo<br />

naši izgledi v ostri mednarodni<br />

konkurenci še boljši. Sama turistična<br />

ponudba se je v preteklih letih<br />

znatno izboljšala, nastajajo novi<br />

produkti, ambicij in načrtov nikakor<br />

ne zmanjka, prav tako ne raznovrstnih<br />

prireditev. Bližina številnih<br />

atraktivnih krajev, ki so lahko<br />

prizorišča spremljevalnih družabnih<br />

dogodkov ob kongresnih<br />

prireditvah, ali pa številnih aktivnosti<br />

na prostem, je vsekakor dodana<br />

vrednost sami ponudbi mesta,<br />

ki ga številni tuji obiskovalci<br />

radi označijo s pridevnikom<br />

»cosy«.<br />

Maribor se je kot kongresno mesto<br />

začelo uveljavljati predvsem s<br />

pomočjo iniciative privatnega sektorja<br />

v turizmu, saj je investicija<br />

družbe Terme Maribor v izgradnjo<br />

sodobnega kongresnega centra v<br />

Hotelu Habakuk ter manjših konferenčnih<br />

zmogljivosti v njenih<br />

drugih poslovnih enotah dala možnost<br />

za pravi razvoj te dejavnosti.<br />

Največja dvorana v omenjenem<br />

centru, ki je po svoji zasnovi zelo funkcionalen, lahko sprejme do 430<br />

udeležencev. Manjše zmogljivosti na določenih fakultetah, v nekaterih<br />

mestnih hotelih in podjetjih ter v Narodnem domu, ki je prvenstveno<br />

prizorišče kulturnih prireditev, zaokrožijo podobo. Reaktiviranje mariborskega<br />

letališča z rednimi povezavami do določenih evropskih mest,<br />

kakor tudi bližina letališča onstran avstrijske meje, v Gradcu, vse bolj<br />

odpirajo ta prostor tudi tujim naročnikom. Preplet zgodovine v ohranjenem<br />

starem mestnem jedru ob reki Dravi, vrhunske kulture, atraktivnih<br />

zimskih športov in zelenega pohorskega zaledja, odličnega termalnega<br />

in wellness produkta, enogastronomija – s poudarkom na<br />

vinskih cestah, zavito v kompaktnost kraja, lahko izpostavimo kot nekatere<br />

izmed odlik štajerske metropole.<br />

Svojstvena je tudi Nova Gorica – mlado mesto, ki v grbu nosi vrtnico in<br />

premore resnično veliko cvetočih površin, in kjer je glavni generator turističnega<br />

razvoja skupina HIT, ki sodi med največje evropske ponudnike<br />

zabave. HIT je kompleksna igralniško-turistična skupina, ki je dejavna<br />

v številnih krajih po Sloveniji, eno njenih vodil pa je ustvariti visoko<br />

kakovost ponudbe za preživljanje prostega časa svojih gostov, kjer z<br />

inovativnim pristopom v evropskem prostoru zapolnjuje pomemben del<br />

trga igralništva, zabave in turizma. V njihovem hotelu in konferenčnem<br />

centru Perla, kjer sta največji plenarni zmogljivosti za 280 in 350 oseb,<br />

ob tem pa je še nekaj manjših, se je zrvstilo že mnogo poslovnih dogodkov<br />

tako domačih kot tujih naročnikov, med katerimi prevladujejo Italijani.<br />

Bližina reke Soče z neštetimi možnostmi vodnih športov, zgodovina<br />

teh krajev iz obdobja prve svetovne vojne, kratka razdalja do slikovitega<br />

Krasa ter enogastronomija, s poudarkom na odličnih vinarjih v Goriških<br />

Brdih, izvrstno dopolnjujejo ponudbo mesta, ki je z bolj oddaljenimi kraji<br />

najbolje povezano preko tržaškega letališča Ronchi.<br />

Manjša mesta v senci metropol?<br />

In kako se lahko relativno majhna mesta – v primerjavi s svetovnimi<br />

kongresnimi metropolami (ali tudi celotna država), ki jih naročniki srečanj<br />

radi spregledajo, uveljavijo v krogu ostre konkurence? Najprej mora<br />

v mestu in med njegovimi prebivalci obstajati želja, da ne ustvarijo<br />

samo potrebne infrastrukture, temveč tudi živahen utrip in prijetno življensko<br />

okolje na katerega so sami ponosni, obiskovalci pa ga želijo doživeti.<br />

Naravne lepote ali kulturna dediščina predstavljajo prednost,<br />

vendar je nujna tudi lokalna avtentičnost. Nenazadnje pa tudi zelo dobro<br />

razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo, kar nam v Sloveniji tuji organizatorji<br />

radi pripišejo.<br />

Ko infrastruktura že obstaja, je pomemben tudi uglašen pristop do trženja<br />

tako kongresne, kot tudi splošne turistične ponudbe mesta. Uravnotežen<br />

razvoj ponudbe, od nastanitvenih zmogljivosti pa vse do prometnih<br />

(letalskih) povezav, zvišuje konkurenčnost posameznih mest na mednarodnem<br />

trgu. Med zmagovalce prištevamo tista, ki so bila sposobna<br />

ubrati holističen pristop pri razvoju destinacije.<br />

Ta stavek je lahko popotnica za tiste kraje v Sloveniji, kjer napovedujejo<br />

vlaganja v novo kongresno infrastrukturo. Zavedati se moramo tudi dejstva,<br />

da je domači trg za ponudnike zelo pomemben, vendar ni neomejeno<br />

močan, pot do tujih naročnikov pa je bolj težavna in dolgotrajna. V<br />

tem pogledu se ne moremo primerjati z večjimi državami, kjer nacionalni<br />

kongres specialistične medicinske stroke po številu udeležencev<br />

pogosto presega evropski kongres istega združenja.<br />

Kot že mnogokrat rečeno, pa se možnosti Slovenije in s tem tudi njenih<br />

kongresnih mest kažejo v tem, da tuji naročniki dogodkov stalno<br />

iščejo nove kraje, pogosto manj stresne od velemest – skratka, bolj<br />

prijazne, obvladljive in intimne urbane prostore, ki med drugim lahko<br />

ponudijo tudi zmernejše cene in bolj pristna doživetja kraja. In vse to<br />

mi zagotovo imamo!<br />

Tatjana Radovič, vodja kongresne dejavnosti, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana<br />


Conference Towns in the Spotlight<br />

Some at Home and<br />

some just over our Border<br />

The concept of the<br />

conference centre is<br />

rooted in a paradox<br />

of the late twentieth<br />

century. On one hand,<br />

we can see that the<br />

possibilities of the<br />

electronic exchange<br />

of information have<br />

already called the<br />

traditional pattern of<br />

work into question but,<br />

at the same time, we<br />

can see growth of global<br />

events that bring people<br />

together due to their<br />

common knowledge<br />

or professions. From<br />

a social viewpoint,<br />

the need for meetings<br />

and direct contact is<br />

greater than ever before.<br />

Sir Norman Foster, a renowned<br />

British architect from the Foster<br />

& Partners studio, created,<br />

among other things, a meetings<br />

venue project in Valencia and the<br />

Scottish Exhibition and Convention<br />

Centre in Glasgow.<br />

This is also<br />

happening in our region<br />

Contemporary communication<br />

technology is leading us more and<br />

more towards work in isolation<br />

but, contrary to this, inquiries<br />

for new venues for direct ‘faceto-face’<br />

discussions are getting<br />

much stronger. Conferences and<br />

expert meetings are today an international industry and meeting<br />

venues are an important acquisition for places entering the<br />

competitive environment of the global market. As they vie for the<br />

attention of potential meeting planners, numerous destinations can<br />

boast new or improved/expanded meeting infrastructure. Investment<br />

into new meeting venues or proposals for future ones have resulted in<br />

an almost world-wide pandemonium in the last decade and we should<br />

be especially aware of its development in Asia. The old continent is not<br />

static however, despite the fact that we have seen a slight decline for<br />

some years in the total share of international meeting events. Quite<br />

close to us, a new medium-sized meeting venue opened in the centre<br />

of Salzburg a few years ago, while the construction of larger meeting<br />

venues is planned in the near future in Zagreb and Budapest.<br />

The search for the definition of a ‘conference town’<br />

And what exactly is a ‘conference town’? Can something as complex as<br />

a ‘conference town’ simply appear? I remembered that the European<br />

Federation of Conference Towns (EFCT), which recently merged with<br />

European Cities Tourism (ECT) and now bears the name of European<br />

Cities Marketing, could offer me a possible definition. Upon its<br />

establishment a good sixty years ago, the EFCT set up a conditional<br />

membership prescribing that a city must offer appropriate meeting<br />

space for at least 300 people set up theatre-style, either in a meeting<br />

venue or hotel. It should also have high quality overnight accom<br />

modation for the same minimum number of participants, good traffic<br />

access, experience in the area of business tourism, the liberal ability to<br />

cross a national border and should include references of at least five<br />

implemented international meetings.<br />

If I touch on the history of specialist ‘auxiliary organisations’ for<br />

marketing the meetings facilities of cities, which originated at local<br />

level before national level, I should mention as a point of interest that<br />

the first convention bureau in the world was set up in Detroit back in<br />

1896 when a group of local businessmen realised how profitable<br />

organised group meetings were for their region. The United States surpassed<br />

Europe in this activity for several decades, with Europe finally<br />

awakening in the 1960’s, initially through investment in<br />

infrastructure. The Finnish (originally Helsinki – Finland, 1974) and<br />

London (1980) convention bureaus are among the oldest and things<br />

got moving a lot later in Slovenia – in Ljubljana, just over a decade<br />

ago but with effects only felt at national level three years ago.<br />

Google rules!<br />

As I was pondering where to find a definition of a ‘conference town’,<br />

I typed the terms ‘city for congresses’, ‘city for conferences’ and<br />

‘city for meetings’ into Google, merely out of curiosity. Limiting the<br />

search to Europe, a slew of quite similar introductory descriptions<br />

of numerous destinations appeared, describing all their distinctions,<br />

with almost identical descriptions in the case of two cities.<br />

In any case, we see expressions such as ‘ideal, first-rate, excellent...<br />

city for conferences / congresses / meetings’, which offers<br />


contemporary and versatile<br />

venues for a variety of events and<br />

a wide selection of three to five<br />

star accommodation, a cultural<br />

experience, varied cuisine, easy<br />

access – including from abroad,<br />

experienced meeting planners,<br />

interesting shopping possibilities<br />

and good entertainment, all for a<br />

reasonable price... Among cities<br />

possessing at least a few of these<br />

characteristics we find such<br />

names as Amsterdam, Bergen,<br />

Trondheim, the Hague, Valencia,<br />

Leipzig, Gothenborg, Glasgow,<br />

Turin, Basel, Helsinki, Bilbao,<br />

Reykjavik, Geneva … and<br />

Ljubljana.<br />

A quick look at conference<br />

towns in Slovenia –<br />

in the past and today<br />

We put our capital among the<br />

three pioneers of Slovenian<br />

conference tourism, with Bled and<br />

Portorož. Ljubljana, of course, has<br />

the status of veteran, for the first<br />

important event the city hosted<br />

was the Ljubljana Congress of the<br />

Holly Alliance back in 1821, when<br />

key European leaders made their<br />

political settlement after the<br />

defeat of Napoleon I, aiming to<br />

prevent the expansion of the ideas of the French Revolution. The<br />

interesting aspect of the event was that it lasted four and a half<br />

months, with representatives of ten nations attending it. Nobody<br />

would object to such a congress even today, for it not only left political<br />

agreements in its wake, but also a number of streets, larger squares<br />

and inns bearing its name – the latter in memory of the emperor’s love.<br />

To focus on central towns in Slovenia, while future issues of the<br />

magazine will focus on the coast and the Alps, only three meeting<br />

destinations really stand out. In addition to Ljubljana (I can't help myself,<br />

the city is in my blood), there is also Maribor, the second largest city in<br />

Slovenia, and booming Nova Gorica near the Italian border, arising after<br />

World War II and which could in jest be called the Slovenian Las Vegas<br />

for its strongly developed casino and entertainment activities.<br />

A strike into the essence?<br />

It is not my intention to list all the conference facilities, advantages or<br />

deficiencies of these places in detail for each has its own attributes and<br />

features. Ljubljana is certainly the most recognised internationally, which<br />

entered the arena in 1981 with the construction of Cankarjev dom as its<br />

central cultural and meeting venue. In this period it managed to create a<br />

very solid image for itself as a destination for international scientific and<br />

expert meetings, though with a partial halt in the years after Slovenian<br />

independence. Through events in 2004, it managed to win a place for the<br />

first time among the 50 ‘top international cities’ in the lists of the ICCA<br />

and UIA international congress associations. The construction of newer<br />

hotel conference venues has made the offer inviting for an increasing<br />

number of corporate meetings. The market positioning of the renovated<br />

Gospodarsko razstavišče (Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre) has<br />

given the city another meeting venue with a different functionality also<br />

suitable for larger inter-governmental events such as those hosted by<br />

Cankarjev dom, which has also been partially ‘rejuvenated’.<br />

Slovenia has so far hosted international congresses with over 2,000<br />

participants, which about represents its upper limit and it breathes<br />

Globtour je podjetje za destinacijski<br />

management in »incentive«<br />

agencija, ki ima več kot<br />

osemintridesetletne izkušnje<br />

v turizmu. Visoko strokovno<br />

in inovativno osebje prijazno<br />

pomaga in strokovno usmerja<br />

vsak segment dogodka.<br />

Kontakt: Matjaž Triplat<br />

Globtour Bled (04) 574 18 21<br />

E-mail: globtour.bled@globtour.si<br />


easier if there are actually several<br />

hundred fewer. Once there are a<br />

greater number of hotels in the<br />

city, as close to the centre as<br />

possible – including three star<br />

hotels, perhaps one deluxe hotel<br />

and perhaps also a strong<br />

international hotel chain – an<br />

increased number of direct flight<br />

connections, inclusive of discount<br />

fares, and a larger airport, our<br />

chances against our strong international<br />

competition will improve<br />

considerably. The tourist offer itself<br />

has improved over the years, with<br />

new products initiated, and no lack<br />

of plans and ambitions or a varied<br />

menu of events. The number of<br />

open-air activities and the close<br />

proximity of numerous attractive<br />

areas that could be the scene<br />

of social events accompanying<br />

meetings only add to the value of<br />

the city, which numerous foreign<br />

visitors like to describe as ‘cosy’.<br />

Maribor began especially to prove<br />

itself as a conference town with<br />

the help of initiatives from the<br />

private sector of tourism. Terme<br />

Maribor’s investment in the<br />

construction of a contemporary<br />

conference centre in the Hotel<br />

Habakuk and smaller conference<br />

capacities in its other properties<br />

has given it an opportunity to<br />

really develop these activities.<br />

The largest hall in this centre is<br />

extremely functional and can<br />

accommodate up to 430<br />

participants. Smaller facilities,<br />

in specific faculties, smaller city<br />

Foto: Zavod za turizem Ljubljana<br />

Photo: Ljubljana Tourist Board<br />

hotels, companies and the Narodni dom (a first-rate venue for cultural<br />

events) round off the offer. The revival of Maribor airport with<br />

regular connections to European cities, as well as its proximity to the airport<br />

across the Slovenian-Austrian border in Graz, is also increasingly<br />

opening this area up<br />

to foreign clients. The intertwined history in the preserved old city centre<br />

along the Drava River, its superior culture, attractive winter sports venues<br />

and the green Pohorje, the excellent thermal and wellbeing products,<br />

the food and drink (with emphasis on the wine roads) – all enclosed in a<br />

compact region – can be seen as several of the distinctive features of this<br />

Styrian metropolis.<br />

Nova Gorica is another distinctive town – a young place that bears a<br />

rose in its coat-of-arms and has extensive flowery areas where the<br />

main engine of tourist development is the HIT Group, one of the largest<br />

European entertainment providers. HIT is an entertainment-tourism<br />

group present in numerous areas around Slovenia. One of their<br />

guidelines is to create a high quality offer for its guests’ leisure<br />

time and, through an innovative approach in Europe, supplement<br />

a significant share of the gaming, entertainment and tourist markets.<br />

In its hotel and Perla conference centre, with the largest plenary<br />

facility offering capacities for 280 to 350 people, it has already hosted<br />

numerous corporate meetings for both domestic and foreign clients,<br />

with Italians prevailing. The numerous water sports possibilities of the<br />

nearby Soča River, the World War I history of these areas, the short<br />

distance to the picturesque Karst region and the culinary and wine<br />

offer with emphasis on the excellent Goriška Brda wine-producers,<br />

wonderfully supplement the city's offer, which is well-connected to<br />

more distant areas via Ronchi Airport near Trieste.<br />

Smaller towns in the shadow of the big cities<br />

So how can relatively small towns, or even entire countries, that clients<br />

of meetings often overlook, prove themselves in the sphere of sharp<br />

competition from global meeting centres? First, there must exist in a<br />

place and its inhabitants not only the desire to set up the infrastructure<br />

necessary, but also a lively pulse and pleasant ambience of which they<br />

are proud and that visitors wish to experience. Natural beauty or<br />

cultural heritage are advantages, but local authenticity is also a<br />

necessity. Finally, there should also be a good balance between price<br />

and quality, which planners gladly ascribe to us in Slovenia.<br />

Once the infrastructure exists, a solid approach to marketing both<br />

meetings and the basic tourism offers of the city or town is required.<br />

A balanced development of offers, from accommodation to traffic<br />

(airport) connections, increases an individual place’s competitiveness<br />

on the international market. We consider those able to make a holistic<br />

approach as winners in the development of the destination.<br />

This serves only as a guide to those areas in Slovenia forecasting<br />

investments in new conference infrastructure. We should also be<br />

aware that the domestic market is very important for meeting planners<br />

and, while that is limited, the route to foreign clients is more difficult<br />

and takes longer. In this sense, we cannot compare ourselves to<br />

larger countries, where national congresses of specialised medical<br />

professions often exceed the European congress of the same<br />

association in the number of participants.<br />

As often mentioned, the chances for Slovenia and its conference towns<br />

are reflected in foreign clients’ persistent searches for new locations,<br />

often those less stressful than large cities. In short, more friendly,<br />

manageable and intimate urban spaces that can offer, among other<br />

things, a better price and a more genuine experience of the area,<br />

things that we certainly possess.<br />

Tatjana Radovič, Congress Manager, Ljubljana Tourist Board<br />


Mi to znamo. Smo mednarodno uveljavljeno podjetje za podroËje<br />

svetovanja, trženja in managementa v poslovnem turizmu.<br />

Imamo reπitve za uspeπno trženje kongresnih centrov in destinacij<br />

ter komuniciranje vaπih kongresov in poslovnih dogodkov. Pridobivamo<br />

in organiziramo mednarodne kongrese, poslovne dogodke,<br />

motivacijska sreËanja, razstave in sejemske prireditve, pri Ëemer<br />

uporabljamo najsodobnejπa znanja in tehnologije sreËanj.<br />

Pomagamo vam pri upravljanju in vodenju strokovnih in<br />

znanstvenih združenj.<br />

Štihova ulica 4,1000 Ljubljana, T+386 (0)1 430 51 03, F +386 (0)1 430 51 04, info@go-mice.eu, www.go-mice.eu

Zavod – Kongresnoturistični urad<br />

Kongresna Slovenija<br />

Zavod – Kongresnoturistični<br />

urad deluje kot<br />

profesionalni posrednik<br />

med organizatorji dogodkov<br />

in ponudniki storitev<br />

ter podpornimi organizacijami,<br />

katerim skupni<br />

cilj je najti čim ustreznejšo<br />

rešitev za organizacijo<br />

in izvedbo dogodka.<br />

Urad je neprofitna organizacija, ki zainteresirani javnosti brezplačno<br />

nudi strokovne in nepristranske informacije o možnih krajih dogodkov<br />

in ponudnikih storitev. Med našimi dvainpetdesetimi člani so kongresni<br />

centri in hoteli, profesionalni kongresni organizatorji (t.i. PCO) in strokovne<br />

kongresne turistične agencije (t.i. DMC), Zavod za turizem Ljubljana<br />

ter drugi ponudniki storitev. Slovenska turistična organizacija je<br />

naš strateški partner.<br />

Slovenija ima na področju kongresne dejavnosti raznolike možnosti za<br />

izvedbo dogodkov. Naše prednosti so lahka dostopnost, geografska raznovrstnost<br />

in bogata kulturna dediščina, odlična ponudba kongresnih<br />

zmogljivosti, okusna kulinarika, podprta z vrhunsko ponudbo vin, pristna<br />

gostoljubnost in dobro razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno.<br />

Ponudnike kongresnih zmogljivosti (kongresni centri, hoteli s konferenčnimi<br />

zmogljivostmi in prizorišča za posebne dogodke) razvrščamo v<br />

naslednje geografsko – vsebinske sklope:<br />

• srečanja v mestih,<br />

• srečanja na obali in krasu,<br />

• srečanja v alpskem svetu in<br />

• srečanja v termalnih centrih.<br />

Ponudniki kongresnih storitev (PCO, DMC, Event agencije, prevozniki,<br />

ponudniki tehnične opreme, catering in drugih storitev) so zelo pomemben<br />

člen pri planiranju dogodka. Vabimo vas, da si ogledate našo<br />

spletno stran in se obrnete direktno na ponudnike storitev. Če bo odločitev<br />

pretežka, vam bomo z veseljem svetovali.<br />

Za vprašanja nam pošljite e-mail na info@slovenia-convention.com<br />

Podrobnejše informacije lahko najdete na<br />

www.slovenia-convention.com<br />

Miha Kovačič, direktor Zavoda – Kongresnoturistični urad<br />

Terme Olimia<br />


Slovenian Convention Bureau<br />

Congress Slovenia<br />

The Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau<br />

is a professional<br />

intermediary between<br />

event organisers and<br />

service providers,<br />

as well as is supporting<br />

organisations whose<br />

common objective is<br />

to find the most<br />

appropriate solution<br />

for organising and<br />

implementing events.<br />

The Bureau is a non-profit organisation offering expert and impartial<br />

information to the interested public free of charge regarding event<br />

venues and service providers. Our fifty-two members include meeting<br />

venues and hotels, professional conference organisers (PCO's) and<br />

destination management companies (DMCs), the Ljubljana Tourist<br />

Board and other service providers. The Slovenian Tourist Board is our<br />

strategic partner.<br />

In the field of meeting activities, Slovenia has a range of opportunities<br />

to implement events. Our advantages are accessibility, diverse<br />

geography and rich cultural heritage, our excellent offer of meeting<br />

venues, our savoury cuisine supported by a superior offer of wine, our<br />

sincere hospitality and a good relationship between quality and price.<br />

Meeting venue providers (meeting venues, hotels with conference<br />

capabilities and venues for special events) can be classified into the<br />

following geographical-contextual groups:<br />

• meetings in cities,<br />

• meetings at the coast and in the Karst region,<br />

• meetings in the Alpine area and,<br />

• meetings at thermal resort centres.<br />

Meeting services providers (PCOs, DMCs, event agencies, transport<br />

companies and suppliers of technical equipment, catering and other<br />

services) are an important link in the planning of events.<br />

We cordially invite you to take a look at our website or to contact one<br />

of the service providers directly. We will be happy to help you with a<br />

difficult decision. For further information, please send an email with<br />

your inquiry to: info@slovenia-convention.com.<br />

More information is available at: www.slovenia-convention.com.<br />

Miha Kovačič, Director of the Slovenian Convention Bureau<br />

Brdo pri Kranju<br />


Kolumna: Tony Carey<br />

Dokažite<br />

svojo strokovnost<br />

Ena izmed najtežjih nalog,<br />

s katero se sooča organizator<br />

konference, je,<br />

kako izmeriti vrednost<br />

sestanka. Običajno se uspeh<br />

meri glede na govorice<br />

in (pogosto pristransko)<br />

mnenje: »Ljudje so<br />

rekli, da so uživali.« ali<br />

»Predsednik je bil zadovoljen.«<br />

Vendar izvršni direktorji vse pogosteje<br />

zahtevajo oprijemljive dokaze,<br />

da je dogodek zagotovil dobro donosnost<br />

naložbe, in prav načrtovalec<br />

sestanka je tisti, ki mora upravičiti<br />

čas in denar, ki ju je porabil.<br />

Na srečo so zdaj na voljo sistemi<br />

za ocenjevanje dogodka, ki načrtovalcem<br />

pomagajo dokazati njihovo<br />

strokovnost in izmeriti donosnost naložbe. Kot mnogi vidiki vodenja<br />

konferenc zajema postopek več logičnih korakov, ki se začnejo že v<br />

zgodnjih fazah priprav in se lahko nadaljujejo več tednov po zaključku<br />

dogodka. Količinska opredelitev donosnosti naložbe bi zato morala biti<br />

vključena že v proces načrtovanja.<br />

Prva naloga je opredeliti deležnike sestanka; to so tisti, ki jim je v interesu<br />

rezultat sestanka. Ker so to organizacije in ljudje, ki so investirali<br />

svoj čas, denar ali ugled, si želijo, da bi imelo njihovo prizadevanje nek<br />

donos. Deležniki so lahko različni, toda med njimi so vedno organizacija<br />

stranke, pokrovitelji in prisotni – poleg organizatorja, seveda. Če je dogodek<br />

v Sloveniji, želijo biti vsi – tako ponudnik kraja kot vsi dobavitelji,<br />

povezani z uspehom, vendar iz različnih razlogov.<br />

Zadovoljiti toliko različnih interesov je lahko težko, ker samo deležniki<br />

vedo, kaj želijo doseči. Torej jih je treba v drugi fazi to vprašati. V prijavnico<br />

za predstavnike lahko vključite ankete, govornikom lahko pošljete<br />

vprašalnike, se srečate s pokrovitelji, da odkrijete, kaj pričakujejo od<br />

dogodka. Prisotni so se dogodka udeležili morda zato, da bi pridobili informacije<br />

ali vzpostavili poslovne odnose; govorniki želijo morda predstaviti<br />

nove ideje ali srečati potencialne stranke; organizacija želi morda<br />

motivirati, izobraževati ali nagrajevati; manj znano mesto, kot je na<br />

primer Maribor, želi morda izboljšati svoj ugled. Zaslužek je včasih drugotnega<br />

pomena.<br />

Ko razumemo potrebe deležnikov, je naslednji logičen korak oblikovanje<br />

dogodka, katerega cilj je zadovoljitev deležnikov. V ta namen se kot<br />

potrebne lahko pokažejo spremembe zastavljenega programa, na primer<br />

obisk veličastne Postojnske jame, kjer bodo vsi skupaj, namesto<br />

nakupovalnega popoldneva v Ljubljani, kjer se bodo vsi razkropili. Poleg<br />

tega pa je treba vzpostaviti tudi sisteme merjenja. Za pokrovitelje to<br />

lahko pomeni ugotavljanje, v kolikšni meri so predstavniki osveščeni o<br />

izdelku, in sicer med dogodkom in po njem. Na primer, za mnenje o<br />

Sloveniji se jih lahko vpraša, preden prispejo, in ponovno ob odhodu.<br />

Raziskava lahko poteka v več oblikah: med sestankom je mogoče izvesti<br />

merjenje na podlagi odziva občinstva ali s pomočjo študentov z vprašalniki.<br />

Koristno mnenje podajo tudi fokusne skupine. Povratne informacije<br />

dobimo z naknadnimi anketami.<br />

V primeru uvedbe izdelkov in prodajnih konferenc so lahko oprijemljivi<br />

rezultati izraženi na osnovi naknadnih prodajnih rezultatov, ki pa morajo<br />

biti izmerjeni in nato tudi posredovani načrtovalcu sestanka. Na koncu<br />

pa je treba vse te informacije analizirati in obdelati, da so podane v<br />

smiselnem poročilu. Vse to predstavlja dodatno delo za organizatorja<br />

konference, toda prav on je tisti, ki ima največ koristi od merjenja donosnosti<br />

naložbe. Zmožnost, da stranki ali šefu posreduje tiskano poročilo,<br />

v katerem navede, kateri cilji so bili doseženi, koliko denarja je bilo<br />

prihranjenega in kako je bila izboljšana celostna podoba, je znak za<br />

pravega strokovnjaka, ki si zasluži povišek ... ali pa vsaj nekaj dni dopusta<br />

ob magičnem Blejskem jezeru!<br />

Tony Carey<br />

Tony Carey je učitelj, govornik in svetovalec na področju<br />

mednarodnih konferenc. Dosegljiv je na elektronskem naslovu<br />

tonycarey@psilink.co.je ali na spletni strani www.tonycarey.info<br />


By Tony Carey, CMP, CMM<br />

Proving<br />

your Professionalism<br />

One of the most difficult<br />

tasks facing a conference<br />

organiser is how to<br />

measure the value of<br />

a meeting. Traditionally,<br />

success has been based<br />

on hearsay and (often<br />

biased) opinion: “People<br />

said they enjoyed it.” or<br />

“The chairman was<br />

pleased.”<br />

But, increasingly, CEOs are<br />

demanding tangible proof that an<br />

event achieved a good return on<br />

investment (ROI) - and it is the<br />

meeting planner who must justify<br />

the time and the money he or she<br />

has spent.<br />

Fortunately, there are now<br />

systems for evaluating an event,<br />

which help planners prove their<br />

professionalism and measure ROI<br />

Like many aspects of conference<br />

management, the procedure<br />

involves a series of logical steps<br />

that start in the early stages of preparation and may continue for<br />

weeks after the event is over. The quantifying of ROI is something<br />

that should be threaded into the tapestry of planning.<br />

The first task is to identify the stakeholders in the meeting; those<br />

who have an interest in its outcome. This is due to the fact that these<br />

are the organisations and people who have invested time, money or<br />

reputation and wish to see a return on this commitment.<br />

Stakeholders may vary but will always include the client organisation,<br />

the sponsors and the attendees, as well as, of course, the organiser.<br />

And for an event in Slovenia, the town or city, the venue and all the<br />

suppliers will want to be associated with its success, but for varying<br />

reasons.<br />

Satisfying such a range of interests can be difficult because only the<br />

stakeholders know what they hope to achieve.<br />

Thus stage two is to ask them.<br />

You can incorporate surveys into the delegate registration form, send<br />

questionnaires to speakers and meet with sponsors to discover what<br />

each expects from the event. Attendees may be seeking information or<br />

business relationships, speakers may wish to present new ideas or meet<br />

potential clients, the organisation may wish to motivate, educate or<br />

reward; a less well-known city, such as Maribor, may wish to enhance<br />

its reputation. Sometimes, making a profit is a secondary motive.<br />

Once the needs of the stakeholders are understood, it is a logical step<br />

to design an event that aims to satisfy them. This may involve changes<br />

to the planned programme, such as for example a visit to the awesome<br />

Postojna Caves where everyone will be together, instead of a shopping<br />

afternoon in Ljubljana where they all split up. And systems of<br />

measurement should be put into place.<br />

On behalf of sponsors, this may mean researching the delegates for<br />

product awareness before, during and after the event. For example,<br />

they can be asked their opinions on Slovenia before they arrive and<br />

after they depart.<br />

Research can take many forms. During the meeting measurement<br />

may be made via audience response systems or by students with<br />

questionnaires. Focus groups will also furnish useful opinion.<br />

Follow-up surveys provide feedback.<br />

For product launches and sales conferences, tangible results may<br />

be expressed through the subsequent sales figures, but these must<br />

be measured - and conveyed to the meeting planner. Finally, all this<br />

information should be analysed and processed into a digestible report.<br />

All this is extra work for the conference organiser, but it is he or she<br />

who stands to benefit most from measuring ROI. To be able to present<br />

a client or a boss with a printed report which shows that objectives<br />

were achieved, money saved and the corporate image enhanced is the<br />

mark of a true professional deserving of a pay rise, or at least a few<br />

days holiday at magical Lake Bled!<br />

Tony Carey is a trainer, presenter and consultant to the international<br />

conference industry. He can be reached at tonycarey@psilink.co.je.<br />

or via www.tonycarey.info<br />


Primeri dobre prakse<br />

Naslov dogodka: SOA event 2006<br />

Avtorji: Klemen Dragar, IBM;<br />

Irena Jelen, Boris Vrhovec,<br />

Auditoria<br />

Naročnik: IBM Slovenija<br />

Izvajalec: Auditoria<br />

El. naslov nosilca:<br />

boris.vrhovec@auditoria.si<br />

Ključne besede: SOA, event,<br />

dogodek, IBM, Auditoria<br />

Najprej izberemo pravo ciljno<br />

skupino glede na vsebino dogodka.<br />

Nato pripravimo kreativno in<br />

domiselno vabilo, ki vzpodbudi<br />

dodatno zanimanje za dogodek. Na<br />

dogodku poskušamo rdečo nit vabila<br />

nadaljevati in sporočilo prenesti<br />

tako, da udeleženci vsebino povezujejo<br />

z vabilom.<br />

Takšno vabilo smo pripravili na<br />

dogodku, ki je bil namenjen vodstveni<br />

strukturi slovenskih podjetij.<br />

IBM Slovenija, kot naročnik dogodka,<br />

Kako nam lahko vabilo<br />

pripelje več udeležencev?<br />

je udeležencem predstavil sistem storitveno organizirane arhitekture (SOA).<br />

Rdeča nit vabila je bila SOA; slive, orehi, ananas. V zaporedju treh dni (dva<br />

meseca pred dogodkom) je vsak potencialni udeleženec prejel škatlico s slivami<br />

prvi dan, z orehi drugi dan in s suhim ananasom tretji dan, nepovezano.<br />

Četrti dan so prejeli še vabilo s podrobnejšimi informacijami o celotnem<br />

dogodku; kaj, kdaj in kje.<br />

Vodilo dogodka je bilo spreminjanje miselnosti od neorganizirane do organizirane<br />

strukture. Začeli smo z nepovezanim vabilom, nadaljevali pa s<br />

posameznimi delci sistema puzzle. Različne storitve v poslovnih procesih<br />

(posamezne delce puzzla) smo prikazali kot nesmiselno razporejene delce po<br />

prostoru. Udeležence smo vodili po različnih prostorih, kjer so postopoma<br />

dobivali informacije o povezljivosti procesov po sistemu SOA. Na koncu smo<br />

smiselno povezljivost različnih storitev, ki je bila hkrati glavno sporočilo<br />

dogodka, prikazali kot enoten proces, kot sestavljen puzzle.<br />

Dogodek je dobil s strani korporacije IBM (EMEA) posebno priznanje kot<br />

najbolj inovativen dogodek v Evropi.<br />

Kako v natrpan kongresni urnik<br />

vnesti nekaj aktivnosti in svežega<br />

zraka, se obenem zabavati in skozi<br />

novo doživetje spoznati tradicijo,<br />

lepote in znamenitosti Bleda? Za<br />

mednarodno podjetje Hewlett<br />

Packard smo našli izvirno rešitev<br />

– iskanje potopljenega zvona je<br />

team spirit program, ki temelji na<br />

lokalni legendi, ki je močno<br />

povezana z Blejskim jezerom, njegovim<br />

edinstvenim otočkom in<br />

zvončkom želja.<br />

Iskanje potopljenega<br />

zvona na Bledu<br />

Udeleženci kongresa so želeli popoldansko animacijo z zmerno aktivnostjo<br />

in poudarkom na sproščenem druženju. Ponudili smo jim aktivno<br />

doživetje Bleda skozi izviren scenarij in lokalno zgodbo. Iskanje potopljenega<br />

zvona je neke vrste lov za zakladom, kjer udeleženci s kolesarjenjem,<br />

veslanjem, hojo ali kako drugače napredujejo od točke do točke,<br />

kjer nabirajo delčke sestavljanke, vmes rešujejo uganke, spoznavajo<br />

lokalne znamenitosti (ste si že kdaj privoščili kremšnito med veslanjem<br />

po zelenem jezeru?), hkrati pa se v sproščenem vzdušju poglabljajo vezi<br />

med njimi in krepi komunikacija. Program podjetja HP se je zaključil na<br />

Blejskem gradu, kjer je udeležence pred večerjo čakalo še kreativno presenečenje<br />

– skozi daljnogled so morali poiskati začetnice podjetja … in<br />

jih našli na stavbi Park hotela (PH-HP). Bled je uspešna kongresna destinacija,<br />

kjer pa je opazno pomanjkanje produktov, ki bi povezali kongrese<br />


Avtor: Matjaž Žnidaršič<br />

(matjaz.znidarsic@h-bernardin.si)<br />

Izvajalec: Hoteli Bernardin d.d.,<br />

Portorož, Portorož 28. – 29.9.2006<br />

Naročnik: Ministrstvo za obrambo<br />

Republike Slovenije<br />

Ključne besede: Vladno srečanje<br />

Neformalno srečanje obrambnih<br />

ministrov zveze NATO je zahtevalo:<br />

• Celovit prevzem vseh kapacitet<br />

kompleksa Hotelov Bernardin<br />

(complete take-over)<br />

• Začasno vzpostavitev pisarniških<br />

prostorov v skupaj 150 hotelskih<br />

sobah<br />

• Vzpostavitev začasnih<br />

pisarniških prostorov na več kot<br />

700 m 2 površin<br />

• Postrežbo od 1000 do 1500 hotelskih<br />

obrokov dnevno v dnevih od<br />

27.9. do 30.9., skupaj približno<br />

6000 obrokov<br />

• Organizacijo vrhunskega sprejema<br />

za 800 gostov<br />

• Brezhibno podporo informacijske<br />

tehnologije in energetike<br />

• Arhitekturo projekta in signalizacijo<br />

• Celotni inženiring za vse, kar se<br />

je odvijalo v prostoru Hotelov<br />

Bernardin (on-site)<br />

Primeri dobre prakse<br />

Neformalno srečanje<br />

obrambnih ministrov zveze NATO<br />

Vodenje projekta<br />

Uspešna izvedba tako zahtevnega projekta z naše strani ne bi bila mogoča,<br />

če ne bi bil naročnik strokovno tako podučen o projektnem vodenju in tako<br />

dobro projektno organiziran, kot je bil v tem primeru. Prva ugotovitev: o tem<br />

primeru ne bi mogli govoriti kot o primeru dobre prakse, če ne bi bil naročnik<br />

tako dobro organiziran in ne bi do podrobnosti definiral pričakovanj in zahtev.<br />

Od faze ponudbe in pogajanja do končne pogodbe so projektni tim<br />

Bernardina predstavljali štirje nosilci, in sicer: vodja projekta – odgovoren za<br />

namestitev, področje hrane in pijače ter pogajanja; tehnični direktor – odgovoren<br />

za tehnične zadeve; vodja kongresnega centra – odgovoren za delovne<br />

prostore in opremo, vodja IT – odgovoren za področje informacijske<br />

tehnologije. V fazi izvedbe se je tim razširil na nosilce posameznih področji<br />

po rednih procesnih funkcijah, npr. namestitve po posameznih hotelih, sektor<br />

hrane in pijače po posameznih restavracijah, zunanji pogodbeni izvajalci …<br />

Posebnost projekta<br />

Gre za prvi tako obsežen in kompleksen projekt, kjer je naročnik zahteval<br />

od Bernardina inženiring vseh elementov, ki so bili vezani na prostor kompleksa<br />

Hotelov Bernardin. Obseg storitev, ki jih je Bernardin posredoval v<br />

primerjavi s storitvami, ki jih je sam izvajal, je bilo v razmerju ena proti<br />

ena. To je bila izjemna izkušnja, ki smo jo zelo uspešno prestali in si prislužili<br />

najvišje pohvale nad učinkovitostjo in strokovnostjo, kar nedvomno<br />

dodatno prispeva k ugledu Hotelov Bernardin. Ob pomembnem komercialnem<br />

učinku smo si pridobili neprecenljive izkušnje.<br />

Win – Win<br />

Čeprav win – win v naši družbi predstavlja najpomembnejše načelo, še nikoli<br />

ni prednost spoštovanja tega načela tako izrazito prišla do izraza kot prav v<br />

tem primeru. Transparentnost ponudbe in pričakovanj Hotelov Bernardin v<br />

fazi pogajanj je bila nepogrešljiva in je olajšala postopek zelo težkih pogajanj,<br />

predvsem kot posledica zahteve po zapiranju prodaje rednim strankam.<br />

Odstopanje med končnim obračunom in pogodbenim zneskom je bilo pod<br />

enim odstotkom in dokazuje natančnost skupnega načrtovanja in učinkovitost<br />

izvedbe, na kar smo ponosni mi in naš naročnik.<br />

in poslovna srečanja z dogodki, ki<br />

povežejo udeležence in jih aktivno<br />

animirajo. Iskanje potopljenega<br />

zvona je unikaten team spirit<br />

dogodek in je dodana vrednost<br />

konferenčne ponudbe na Bledu.<br />

Primeren je za vse strukture gostov,<br />

vsebinsko prilagodljiv in cenovno<br />

dostopen. In nenazadnje,<br />

združi različne ponudnike turističnih<br />

storitev na Bledu.<br />

Ana Peskar<br />


Case Studies<br />

Event Title: SOA Event 2006<br />

Authors: Klemen Dragar, IBM;<br />

Irena Jelen, Boris Vrhovec,<br />

Auditoria<br />

Client: IBM Slovenija<br />

Contracter: Auditoria<br />

e-mail contact:<br />

boris.vrhovec@auditoria.si<br />

Key words: SOA, event,<br />

happening, IBM, Auditoria<br />

How can one join several<br />

activities and fresh air into a busy<br />

meeting schedule and at the same<br />

time have fun and, through new<br />

experiences, get to know the<br />

traditions, beauty and sights of<br />

Bled? We found an ingenious<br />

solution for Hewlett Packard. ‘The<br />

search for the sunken bell’ is a<br />

team-building programme based<br />

on a local legend, strongly<br />

connected with Lake Bled, its<br />

unique island and its wishing bell.<br />

Participants at the meeting<br />

expressed the wish to have afternoon<br />

entertainment comprising<br />

idle activity and an emphasis on a<br />

relaxed gathering. We offered<br />

them the opportunity to actively<br />

experience Bled through an<br />

How can an Invitation<br />

attract more Participants?<br />

First, we need to select the right target group for the event. Then we have<br />

to prepare a creative invitation that will arouse additional interest for the<br />

event. Elaboration on the primary point of the invitation must be attempted<br />

to the event itself, and the message communicated in a way that<br />

participants link the content of the event with the invitation.<br />

We prepared exactly such invitation for the event hosting managers of<br />

Slovenian companies. IBM Slovenija, as the event’s client, presented a<br />

service oriented architecture (SOA) system to the partcipants.<br />

The main idea of the invitation was SOA: slive (plums), orehi (walnuts)<br />

and ananas (pineapple). Two months prior to the event and over the<br />

course of three days, each potential participant received a box of plums<br />

the first day, a box of walnuts the next day and dried pineapple on the<br />

third day, without any explanation or indication. On the fourth day they<br />

received an invitation with detailed information about the event, with<br />

venue and time information.<br />

The event’s guiding principle consisted of a change in thought<br />

processes, from disorganisation to an organised structure. We began<br />

with unrelated invitations, followed by the individual pieces of a puzzle<br />

system. Various services from business processes (the individual<br />

puzzle pieces) were displayed as absurdly arranged pieces in venue.<br />

Participants were guided through various spaces, gradually obtaining<br />

information regarding the association of the processes according to the<br />

SOA system. Finally, we associated the various services in a logical<br />

manner, which also represented the key message of the event, shown<br />

as a standardised process – a completed puzzle.<br />

The IBM corporation received special recognition, an EMEA award, for<br />

the event as the most innovative event in Europe.<br />

The Search<br />

for the Sunken Bell at Bled<br />

original scenario, based and a local tale. The search for the sunken bell<br />

is a type of a treasure hunt in which participants by cycling, rowing,<br />

walking or other means advance from point to point, collecting parts of<br />

a puzzle by solving riddles. They learned local sights (have you ever<br />

offered yourself “kremšnita” (cream pastry) while rowing along a green<br />

lake?) while at the same time strengthening ties and improving<br />

communication in a relaxed atmosphere.<br />

The program for HP finished at Bled Castle, where before dinner,<br />

yet another creative surprise awaited the participants – a quest to find<br />

the initials of the company using binoculars ... and finding them on the<br />

Park Hotel building (PH-HP).<br />

Bled is a successful meeting destination visibly lacking products,<br />

connecting congresses and conferences with events, bringing together<br />

participants and actively entertaining them. The search for<br />

the sunken bell is a unique team-building event and gives added value<br />

to conference offers in Bled. It’s suitable for all structures of guests and<br />

comprises adaptable contents at an affordable price. Last, but not least,<br />

it combines the efforts of various tourist service providers at Bled.<br />

Ana Peskar<br />


Case Studies<br />

Author: Matjaž Žnidaršič<br />

(matjaz.znidarsic@h-bernardin.si)<br />

Venue: Hotel Bernardin, Portorož,<br />

28 – 29 September 2006<br />

Client: Slovenian Ministry of<br />

Defence<br />

Key words: Governmental meeting<br />

This informal meeting of NATO<br />

defence ministers required:<br />

• the complete use of all the<br />

facilities of the Hotel Bernadin<br />

complex,<br />

• the temporary establishment<br />

of office space in a total of 150<br />

hotel rooms,<br />

• setting-up temporary office<br />

spaces with a surface area of<br />

over 700 m 2 ,<br />

• catering for 1000 to 1500 hotel<br />

meals a day on 29 and 30<br />

September, totalling<br />

approximately 6000 meals,<br />

• the organisation of a high-level<br />

reception for 800 guests,<br />

• faultless information technology<br />

and energy support,<br />

• project architecture and<br />

signalisation<br />

• complete engineering of all<br />

onsite activities in the premises of<br />

the Hotel Bernardin complex.<br />

Informal Meeting<br />

of NATO Defence Ministers<br />

director, responsible for technical matters; the conference centre<br />

manager, responsible for working areas and equipment; the IT<br />

manager, responsible for information technology. During<br />

implementation, the team expanded its pillars to include individual<br />

areas of regular process functions such as accommodation among<br />

individual hotels, the food and beverage sector with individual<br />

restaurants, external contractors and so on.<br />

Project Characteristics<br />

This was an extremely large and complex project in which the client<br />

demanded from the Bernardin engineering team all the elements<br />

of the Hotel Bernardin complex. The services contracted out by<br />

Bernardin, in comparison with services it implemented itself, had a<br />

ratio of one to one. This was an extraordinary experience, which we<br />

successfully mastered, earning the highest praise for our effectiveness<br />

and expertise, and this has undoubtedly positively contributed to<br />

the Hotel Bernardin complex’s reputation. We acquired invaluable<br />

experience as well as significant commercial benefits.<br />

Win-Win<br />

Although the ‘win-win’ scenario is one of the most important principles<br />

in our society, never before has an opportunity to observe this principle<br />

in practice been as marked as in this case. The transparency of the<br />

offer and the expectations of the Hotel Bernardin complex during the<br />

negotiation phase were indispensable, facilitating the extremely<br />

difficult negotiation process, especially as the result of the necessity<br />

of closing sales with regular customers.<br />

Deviations between the final and contractual amounts remained<br />

below 1%, showing accuracy of joint planning and efficiency of<br />

implementation, something that we and the client are both immensely<br />

proud of.<br />

Project Management<br />

The successful execution of such<br />

a demanding project would not<br />

have been possible on our part<br />

without the client’s expertise in<br />

project management and its<br />

effective project organisation.<br />

Initial findings: In this case,<br />

we could not speak about good<br />

practice, if the client had not been<br />

so well-organised, having precisely<br />

defined its expectations and<br />

requirements in detail.<br />

From the offer and negotiation<br />

phase to the final contract, the<br />

Bernardin project team had four<br />

pillars: the project manager,<br />

responsible for accommodation,<br />

food and beverages and<br />

negotiations; the technical<br />


Načrtovanje korporativnih dogodkov<br />

Pravočasno<br />

izberimo lokacijo!<br />

Na področju organizacije<br />

dogodkov se srečujemo z<br />

dvema segmentoma ciljne<br />

publike. Prvi, večji in<br />

največkrat dolgoročno<br />

nastavljeni dogodki so<br />

kongresi, namenjeni strokovni<br />

javnosti, drugi segment<br />

pa so korporativni<br />

dogodki, ki so namenjeni<br />

predstavitvam, izobraževanjem<br />

in promocijam<br />

podjetij.<br />

nočitvah in morda celo aktivnostih za udeležence (»team buildingi«,<br />

športne aktivnosti ...), se število primernih kapacitet nenadoma zmanjša,<br />

nekatere so že rezervirane in podjetje je prisiljeno spreminjati termine<br />

dogodkov ali prestavljati dogodke na lokacije, ki jih prvotno niso<br />

vključili v ožji izbor. Največkrat prav lokacija vpliva na celoten preostali<br />

del dogodka (velikost prostorov, kulinarika, možnosti nočitev, parkiranje<br />

za udeležence, športne aktivnosti ob mestu dogodka itd.).<br />

Pogosto se zgodi, da na lokacijo vpliva tudi vsebina dogodka. Takrat je<br />

še toliko težje poiskati lokacijo za želeni termin, saj mora podjetje, ki<br />

dogodek organizira, pretehtati, kaj so prednosti in kaj slabosti lokacije.<br />

Zato v agencijah, kjer dobro poznamo dobršen del lokacij, dvoran in<br />

ostalih kapacitet na trgu, lažje svetujemo in se dogovarjamo s konferenčnimi<br />

ponudniki, ki imajo primeren prostor za planirani dogodek.<br />

Največkrat je za rezervacijo lokacije potreben ogled, saj podjetja, ki organizirajo<br />

dogodke zase, vseh lokacij ne poznajo. Fotografije na internetu<br />

pa tudi niso tisto, kar prepriča. To pomeni, da se mora nekaj ljudi<br />

iz podjetja (ponavadi to ni le ena oseba) podati na več lokacij in si jih<br />

ogledati ter nato pretehtati, če jim ustrezajo. To zahteva kar nekaj ur, ki<br />

bi jih v podjetju lahko pametneje porabili za delo. Tudi ponudniki kapacitet<br />

nenehno spreminjajo svojo ponudbo (večajo centre, izboljšujejo<br />

ponudbo ipd.) in te spremembe agencije ves čas spremljamo. Vsak trenutek<br />

lahko ponudimo atraktivnejše lokacije in prostore, ki so za podjetje,<br />

ki dogodek organizira, primernejše.<br />

Če imamo pri rezervacijah lokacij več časa, imamo večje možnosti izbire.<br />

S tem bo podjetje – organizator dogodka dobil tisto, kar zares želi.<br />

Podjetja tudi poznajo svoje udeležence in vabljene goste, ki bodo zaradi<br />

njim primerne lokacije toliko bolj zadovoljni z dogodkom.<br />

Na uspešno izpeljan korporativni dogodek pa ne vpliva samo lokacija,<br />

ampak še veliko drugih dejavnikov, o katerih bomo še pisali. Prav zato<br />

je načrtovanje tako zelo pomembno!<br />

Maša Pentek, Auditoria<br />

Za korporativne dogodke je značilno,<br />

da se le redko načrtujejo za<br />

več kot pol leta vnaprej. Seveda so<br />

tudi izjeme, ko podjetja pričakujejo<br />

nek produkt in imajo tudi predviden<br />

termin njegove predstavitve<br />

javnostim. Ali pa gre za konference,<br />

ki imajo kontinuiteto in se dogajajo<br />

v istih terminih že nekaj let<br />

zapored.<br />

Največkrat pa podjetja dogodke<br />

planirajo za dva, tri mesece vnaprej.<br />

Zato imajo težave z rezervacijami<br />

dvoran, prostorov, namestitev,<br />

saj pogosto potrebujejo kar<br />

nekaj časa, da pridejo do pravega<br />

prostora. Če ob tem načrtujejo večje<br />

število udeležencev in imajo<br />

posebne zahteve pri dvoranah,<br />

Bohinj • Lake Bohinj (Foto/Photo: M. Pentek)<br />


Planning Corporate Events<br />

Choose your Location<br />

in Due Time!<br />

We meet two segments of<br />

target groups in the area<br />

of event organisation.<br />

The first, consisting of<br />

larger and often longterm<br />

planned events<br />

includes congresses or<br />

conferences designed for<br />

experts, while the second<br />

segment covers corporate<br />

events directed at<br />

company presentations,<br />

training and promotions.<br />

It is characteristic that corporate<br />

events are only rarely planned<br />

more than six months in advance.<br />

Of course, there are exceptions,<br />

when a company is launching a<br />

certain product, and thus has also<br />

foreseen the date of its presentation<br />

to the public. Or perhaps<br />

there may be a conference held<br />

on an ongoing basis, held on the<br />

same dates several years in a<br />

row.<br />

Most often, companies plan<br />

events two or three months in<br />

advance. Thus, they encounter<br />

problems with reservations of<br />

halls, spaces or accommodation<br />

as they frequently require quite<br />

some time to find the right venue.<br />

If they are planning an event for a<br />

larger number of participants with<br />

specific requirements regarding<br />

halls, overnight stays and perhaps<br />

even activities for participants<br />

(team building programmes,<br />

sports activities, etc.) the number<br />

of suitable facilities suddenly goes<br />

down. Some have already been<br />

reserved and companies are<br />

forced to change the dates of their<br />

events or hold the event at a loca-<br />

tion which was not initially included in their preferred lists. Often it is<br />

exactly the location which influences the overal remaining part of an<br />

event (size of spaces, cuisine, overnight capacities, parking for<br />

participants, sports activities at the event location, etc.).<br />

Often, the contents of the event also influence the choice of location,<br />

making it much more difficult to find a location on the desired date as<br />

the company organising the event must weigh the advantages and<br />

disadvantages of each location. Thus the agencies, which are familliar<br />

with the majority of locations, halls and other facilities on<br />

the market, can better advise and negotiate with conference providers<br />

who possess adequate venues for a planned event. Many<br />

times an on-site check is required to reserve a location since the<br />

company organising an event for itself is not familiar with all the<br />

locations. Besides, photographs on the internet are not the convincing<br />

factor. This means that company stuff (frequently several employees)<br />

must set off to a number of locations to check them and afterwards<br />

decide on their suitability. This requires quite some time which the<br />

company could utilise more efficiently. Facility providers very often<br />

change their offers (increase centres, improve their offers, etc.)<br />

something, which agencies monitor on an ongoing basis. We are capable<br />

of offering perhaps a more attractive location and venue at any moment,<br />

which would be more suitable for a company organising an event.<br />

If more time is available for the reservation, we have a better selection<br />

at our disposal. Thus the company – event organiser will receive what it<br />

actually desires. The company knows its participants and invited guests<br />

who will, having a more suitable location, be more satisfied with the<br />

event.<br />

Not only the location affects the succesful execution of a corporate<br />

event, but also a number of other factors, about which we will write in<br />

the future. This is precisely why planning is so very important.<br />

Maša Pentek, Auditoria<br />

Bled • Lake Bled (Foto/Photo: M. Pentek)<br />


Tehnološki trendi<br />

Komunikacija in<br />

tehnologija na konferencah<br />

Povsod po svetu, pa tudi<br />

pri nas, nastajajo novi<br />

konferenčni in kongresni<br />

hoteli, saj se v zadnjem<br />

času povečuje število srečanj<br />

vseh vrst. Kljub večnim<br />

finančnim težavam,<br />

povezanih z izgradnjo in<br />

obratovanjem, mora vsak<br />

konferenčni center ustrezati<br />

določenim standardom<br />

za kakovostno<br />

izvedbo konferenčnih<br />

srečanj.<br />

Zaradi današnje tehnologije, ki nam omogoča komuniciranje na daljavo,<br />

lahko tudi v manjših centrih organiziramo najzahtevnejše konference.<br />

Internet nam s svojo zmožnostjo prenosa podatkov, zvoka in slike omogoča,<br />

da lahko virtualno povežemo udeležence z vsega sveta s prisotnimi<br />

v dvorani. Ta možnost je uporabna predvsem za izobraževanje na<br />

daljavo, na primer za prenos videoslike zahtevnih predavanj, predvsem<br />

v medicini. Tehnologija omogoča tudi predavanja pomembnih predavateljev,<br />

ki so praviloma prezasedeni, da bi obiskovali konference po svetu.<br />

Pred kratkim je bilo čutiti zelo močne trende v smeri tovrstne komunikacije<br />

»na daljavo«, zaradi katerih so se snovalci konferenc že<br />

spraševali, če bomo v prihodnosti sploh še potrebovali srečanja. Na<br />

srečo ni tako, saj tehnologija ne more nadomestiti človeškega stiska<br />

rok in izmenjave izkušenj.<br />

To pomeni, da je potrebno tehnologijo uporabiti le kot pomoč pri organizaciji<br />

konferenc. Naj na kratko omenim razvoj zadnjih dvajsetih let.<br />

Starejši profesorji se z nostalgijo spominjajo grafoskopskih folij, diapozitivov<br />

in table »piši-briši«. Takratna organizacija predavanj je zahtevala<br />

kar dobro logistiko; predavatelji so s strahom predajali svoje materiale<br />

tehničnemu osebju, saj niso bili nikoli prepričani, da bo prava slika na<br />

pravem mestu, ali, da bodo svoje diapozitive sploh dobili nazaj. Na srečo<br />

so prišli računalniki in kmalu za njimi tudi projektorji. Danes so projektorji<br />

že tako poznani, da si predavatelji ne belijo več glave s tem, kako<br />

se bo prezentacija projicirala. Lahko se mirno posvetijo vsebini, lahko<br />

jo popravljajo tik pred predavanjem, na različnih pomnilniških medijih<br />

pa ustvarijo rezervo.<br />

Razvoj tehnološke opreme teži k temu, da bi predavatelje še bolj razbremenil<br />

odgovornosti za prikaz njihove predstavitve. To pomeni, da so<br />

projektorji tako zanesljivi in vsestransko uporabni, da ne potrebujejo nikakršnih<br />

predhodnih nastavitev in so sposobni projicirati sliko s kateregakoli<br />

medija. Poleg projekcijske tehnologije je napredek hiter tudi v<br />

komuniciranju med udeleženci in predavateljem, komuniciranju med<br />

celotno konferenco in zunanjim svetom, skratka, tehnologija omogoča<br />

širše komuniciranje. V tej rubriki se bomo skušali dotakniti novosti, ki<br />

so že na trgu in splošno uveljavljene, kakor tudi novih trendov, ki mogoče<br />

nikoli ne bodo v uporabi. Na kratko naj ponudimo nekaj tem, ki jih<br />

bomo predstavili v naslednjih številkah:<br />

Komunikacijska tehnologija<br />

• avdiokonferenčni in prevajalski sistemi,<br />

• IP – tehnologija, internet,<br />

• projekcijska in druga AV – tehnologija,<br />

• programska oprema za organizacijo konferenc in dogodkov,<br />

• interaktivnost pri konferencah,<br />

• videokonferenčni sistemi prenosa slike na daljavo,<br />

• tehnologija za obveščanje udeležencev,<br />

• zanimivosti iz sveta komunikacijskih »igračk«.<br />

Proizvajalce in zastopnike vabimo, da v tej rubriki objavijo svoje novosti<br />

in s tem prispevajo svoj delež.<br />

Boris Vrhovec, Auditoria<br />


Technological Trends<br />

Communications and<br />

Technology at Conferences<br />

In Slovenia and<br />

throughout the world<br />

the number of the<br />

various types of meetings<br />

has been growing in<br />

recent years and new<br />

conference and congress<br />

hotels are springing up.<br />

Despite increased<br />

financial problems linked<br />

to their construction<br />

and operation, each<br />

conference centre must<br />

meet defined standards<br />

for the quality execution<br />

of conference meetings.<br />

Modern technology enables us to organise the most complex<br />

conferences in smaller venues with the aid of remote communication<br />

technology. The internet and its capacity to transfer data, sound and<br />

images, allows us to virtually connect participants all over the world<br />

with those in a hall in real time. This option is predominantly used for<br />

distance learning, for example the transmission of lectures, especially<br />

medical ones. Technology also allows important lecturers, who are,<br />

as a rule, over-booked, to give virtual lectures at conferences around<br />

the world. A short time ago, one could feel an exceedingly strong<br />

trend towards such ‘distance’ communications leading to conference<br />

designers asking themselves whether meetings would still be<br />

necessary. Luckily, this is not the case, for technology cannot replace<br />

the human handshake and the exchange of experience. This means that<br />

technology must only be used as an aid in organising conferencćs. Let<br />

me just ˇriefly cover the last twelve years. Older professors remember<br />

the overhead transparencies, slides and dry-wipe boards with nostalgia.<br />

The organisation of lectures at that time required good logistics and<br />

lecturers handed their material over to the technical personnel with<br />

fear, never sure if the right picture would appear in the right place or<br />

if they would even get their slides back. Luckily, computers appeared<br />

and, with them, digital projectors. Projectors are so user-friendly<br />

today that lecturers no longer need to worry about how to project<br />

their presentations. They can calmly devote themselves to the content,<br />

which can now be corrected just before the lecture, and they can<br />

quickly create back-ups on various media just in case.<br />

Advances in technological equipment are reducing the lecturers’<br />

responsibility for the display of their presentations as far as possible. This<br />

means that projectors can be used reliably and in a versatile manner. They<br />

do not require advance setup and they are capable of projecting pictures<br />

from any type of media. In addition to projection technology, progress is<br />

also being made in communication between participants and lecturers<br />

and communication with the outside world throughout the conference.<br />

In summary, technology enables wider communication. In this column,<br />

we will endeavour to touch on novelties that are recognised on the market<br />

as well as new trends that may perhaps never be used. In short, we will<br />

cover several topics, which will be presented in future issues:<br />

Communications technology<br />

• audio conferencing and translation systems,<br />

• IP technology and the internet,<br />

• projection and other AV technologies,<br />

• software for organising conferences and events,<br />

• interaction during conferences,<br />

• video conferencing systems for transmitting live pictures,<br />

• technology for informing participants,<br />

• interesting news from the world of communication ‘toys’.<br />

We cordially invite manufacturers and representatives to publish their<br />

novelties in this column, contributing their share.<br />

Boris Vrhovec, Auditoria<br />


Srečko Koklič<br />

Kulinarični trendi<br />

Težko bi našli boljšega<br />

sogovornika na temo kulinaričnih<br />

trendov doma<br />

in v svetu. Redno se udeležuje<br />

kulinaričnih razstav<br />

in tekmovanj po svetu.<br />

Je eden od gonilnih<br />

organizatorjev Gostinskoturističnega<br />

zbora<br />

Slovenije.<br />

Foto: Vivo Catering<br />

Zaposlen je na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije kot svetovalec na Turističnogostinski<br />

zbornici, Združenju za turizem in gostinstvo. Je sekretar<br />

Društva gostinskih delavcev in njegovih sekcij. Je tudi ustanovni član in<br />

sekretar Društva kuharjev in slaščičarjev Slovenije. Posebno čast mu je<br />

izkazala svetovna kuharska organizacija WACS, ki ga je izvolila za kontinentalnega<br />

direktorja južne Evrope. Sedaj predseduje članicam WACS<br />

za južno Evropo, kamor sodijo tudi kuharske velesile Francija, Italija,<br />

Španija, Portugalska, Hrvaška, Ciper, Grčija, Malta, Romunija, Srbija,<br />

Črna Gora, Turčija in Slovenija.<br />

In ne nazadnje je gospod Srečko Koklič človek, ki ob vsaki priložnosti<br />

s ponosom pove, da je v prvi vrsti kuhar. Poglejmo, kaj nam je zaupal<br />

o smernicah trenutnih kulinaričnih trendov v svetu.<br />

»Aktualne so manjše porcije, kombinacija hladno-toplo, nežni okusi,<br />

uporaba svežih zelišč in dišav, manj pikantnih začimb, reducirane omake,<br />

peneče omake nenavadnih okusov kot dodatek na krožniku ... Takšni<br />

so na kratko opisani trendi v kulinariki.<br />

Predjedi so sestavljene iz različnih skupin živil, komponiranih v celoto,<br />

pomembna je barvna usklajenost kot enotna jed ali sestavljena v hladno-topli<br />

kombinaciji.<br />

Na menije se vračajo čiste, dvojno močne juhe z zanimivimi jušnimi<br />

vložki, ki so lahko že vloženi v juho ali dodani naknadno.<br />

Glavna jed je sestavljena iz osnovne, glavne sestavine (različne vrste<br />

mesa) v kombinaciji s termično obdelano zelenjavo (kuhana, gratinirana,<br />

sotirana) in svežo zelenjavo, ki predstavlja tretji del glavne jedi na<br />

enem krožniku.<br />

Solate, kot jo poznamo Slovenci, v tujini skoraj ni, sveža zelenjava je<br />

vključena v predjed in tudi v glavno jed.<br />

Omake različnih okusov (pomarančna, karamelna, vaniljeva, šampanjska)<br />

se morda za naš okus pripravljajo nekoliko nenavadno z osnovami,<br />

pridobljenimi z dolgotrajnim kuhanjem (reduciranjem). Ob tem se uporabljajo<br />

kakovostna živila in nato dodelajo okusi z omenjenimi dodatki,<br />

zelišči. Seveda ne smemo pozabiti na vrhunska vina, ki zaokrožijo celoto<br />

okusa omake, ki se nato popelje v meni z izbranim vinom.<br />

Sladice prihajajo v kombinaciji z različnim testom, sadjem, kremami in<br />

sladoledom, ki dopolnijo okus in hkrati osvežijo zaključek obeda. Sladoledi<br />

niso kremasti, bolj so podobni sorbetom ali zmrzlini različnih, včasih<br />

zelo nenavadnih okusov in kombinacij.<br />

Tempo dela pa nam žal pogosto omejuje izvedbo opisanega obroka, za<br />

katerega si je potrebno vzeti čas in temu primerno pripraviti tudi mizo.<br />

Na pohodu so kombinacije hladno-toplih lahkih obedov in prigrizki<br />

(snacks), ki zamenjujejo malice in kosila. Vse jedi so pripravljene v obliki,<br />

ki nam omogoča, da jih lahko zaužijemo stoje in brez pribora, potrebujemo<br />

le krožnik in papirnato servieto. Čeravno se sliši kot »sendvič<br />

varianta«, so ti prigrizki pripravljeni izredno domiselno in okusno. Kot<br />

osnova služijo kruhki različnih oblik in iz različnega testa, nanje pa so<br />

naloženi sveža ali popečena zelenjava, pečeno meso ali morski sadeži.<br />

Pri postrežbi obroka, če ta ni med delovnim odmorom, seveda velja izpostaviti<br />

tudi kozarec izbranega vrhunskega vina, katerega kultura pitja<br />

v Sloveniji je na zavidljivem nivoju.«<br />


Srečko Koklič<br />

Culinary Trends<br />

It would be hard to<br />

find a better expert on<br />

the topic of culinary<br />

trends, both at home and<br />

around the world. Srečko<br />

Koklič regularly attends<br />

culinary exhibitions and<br />

competitions around the<br />

world. He is one of the<br />

pivotal organisers of the<br />

Catering and Tourism<br />

Convention held in<br />

Slovenia.<br />

He is employed at the Slovenian<br />

Chamber of Commerce and<br />

Industry as a consultant in the<br />

Catering and Tourism Section<br />

and the Tourism, Hotels and<br />

Restaurants Association. He is<br />

also Secretary of the Association<br />

of Catering Employees and its<br />

sections. Mr. Koklič is also a<br />

founding member and Secretary<br />

of the Association of Slovenian<br />

Chefs and Confectioners.<br />

Photo: Vivo Catering<br />

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WACS) bestowed a special<br />

honour upon him by electing him Continental Director of Southern<br />

Europe. He now presides over WACS members in southern Europe,<br />

which includes cooking moguls such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal,<br />

Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey<br />

and Slovenia.<br />

And, last but not least, Mr. Srečko Količ is a person who says with pride<br />

that above all he is a chef at every opportunity. Let's take a look at what<br />

he shared with us regarding the directions being taken by the current<br />

culinary trends in the world.<br />

»Smaller portions, hot-cold combinations, milder tastes, the use of<br />

fresh herbs and scents, less spicy herbs, fewer sauces, foamy sauces<br />

with unusual tastes acting as a supplement on the plate - that's how,<br />

in a few words, I would describe the current trends in cuisine.<br />

Appetisers consist of various groups of foods, combined to produce<br />

a whole where colour co-ordination plays an important role, served<br />

as a single dish or as a hot-cold combination dish.<br />

Clear, double strength soups are returning to the menu, with<br />

interesting southern additions already included in the soup or ready<br />

to add as a supplement.<br />

The main dish consists of basic key ingredients (various types of meat),<br />

in combination with ‘thermally treated’ vegetables (cooked, au gratin<br />

or sautéed) and with fresh vegetables on the same plate as the third<br />

part of the main dish. Salads, in forms familiar to us Slovenes, are<br />

practically non-existent abroad; but fresh vegetables are included in<br />

both the appetisers and main dishes.<br />

Sauces of various types (orange, caramel, vanilla or champagne),<br />

perhaps somewhat unusually for us, are prepared from a base<br />

acquired through hours of cooking (over a low heat). Quality foodstuffs<br />

are used, to which the additives and herbs mentioned above are added<br />

later. Of course, we shouldn’t forget a superior wine that will round<br />

off the final taste of the sauce, selected from a choice menu.<br />

Desserts appearing on the horizon are a combination of different<br />

pastries, fruit, cream and ice cream, supplementing the taste and also<br />

bringing a freshness to the conclusion of the meal. Ice creams are less<br />

creamy and are more reminiscent of sorbets, with variations creating<br />

quite unusual flavours and combinations at times.<br />

Unfortunately, the pace of work frequently restricts those meals for<br />

which more time is required, along with a well-set table. Thus, hot-cold<br />

combinations of light meals and snacks are on the march, replacing<br />

lunch or morning and afternoon snacks. All dishes are prepared in<br />

forms that we can enjoy standing up and without the need for eating<br />

utensils, requiring only a plate and paper napkin. Although they may<br />

sound like the ‘sandwich variation’, these snacks can be prepared with<br />

extraordinary creativity and are quite delicious. Bread, in various<br />

shapes and made from a variety of dough, serves as the base, which is<br />

then stacked with fresh or fried vegetables, roasted meat or seafood.<br />

When serving meals other than during a break from work, the rule<br />

applies, of course, that a glass of superior wine is also served – which<br />

is a custom at an enviable level in Slovenia.«<br />


Splet in organizacija dogodkov<br />

Že imate dobro spletno<br />

ime za svoj dogodek?<br />

Vsaka spletna prisotnost<br />

dogodka se začne z izbiro<br />

spletnega naslova oziroma<br />

domene. Izbira dobre<br />

domene bo lahko povečala<br />

obisk vaše spletne strani<br />

in s tem prepoznavnost<br />

dogodka. Toda kakšna<br />

je dobra domena za<br />

dogodek? Kaj je boljše:<br />

slovfestmodelarjev.si,<br />

slovenski-festivalmodelarjev.si<br />

ali<br />

slovenskifestival<br />

modelarjev.si?<br />

V vsakem poslu se je potrebno posvetiti<br />

potrebam stranke in splet<br />

ne predstavlja nobene izjeme. Na<br />

spletu stranko predstavlja obiskovalec<br />

spletne strani. V nadaljevanju<br />

bom poskusil podati nekaj<br />

smernic, kako se s pravilno izbiro<br />

domene lahko čimbolj približamo<br />

obiskovalcu.<br />

Pri organizaciji uveljavljenega dogodka<br />

je delo večinoma lahko.<br />

Obiskovalcu se bomo najbolj približali,<br />

če bomo uporabili isto domeno,<br />

kot je bila uporabljena za<br />

pretekli dogodek. Velik delež obiskovalcev<br />

si namreč spletni naslov<br />

shrani med zaznamke. V primeru,<br />

da to ni mogoče, pa poskusimo<br />

slediti vzorcu poimenovanja,<br />

ki se je uveljavil pri organizaciji<br />

dogodka v preteklih letih.<br />

Glavno vodilo pri izbiri nove domene<br />

naj bo, da si jo je lahko zapomniti.<br />

To lahko dosežemo na več<br />

načinov. Eden izmed največkrat<br />

omenjenih je, da naj bo domena čim krajša. Prednost kratkih domen je<br />

tudi v tem, da obstaja manj možnosti napake pri vnosu v naslovno vrstico.<br />

Nekaj koristnih napotkov<br />

Velikokrat pa zaradi dolgega naziva dogodka, ki je sestavljen iz več besed,<br />

nimamo možnosti izbire kratke domene. V tem primeru se ponavadi pojavi<br />

vprašanje, ali v domeni za deljenje besed uporabimo vezaj (dogodek-zvec-besedami.si)<br />

ali zapišemo vse skupaj brez ločil (dogodekzvecbesedami.si).<br />

Vsaka izmed različic ima svoje prednosti. Ločevanje besed z vezaji<br />

pomaga pri boljši uvrstitvi spletne strani v iskalnikih. Različica brez vezajev<br />

pa je lažje izgovorljiva, kar nam precej olajša komuniciranje. Najboljša<br />

rešitev v tem primeru je registracija obeh različic domen ter uvedba preusmeritev<br />

z ene domene na drugo. Ob strošku manj kot 15 eur za enoletno<br />

registracijo domene s to potezo pridobimo prednosti obeh možnosti.<br />

Veliko obiskovalcev si domene niti ne poskusi zapomniti, ampak spletno<br />

stran poišče preko iskalnikov. Prav zato je potrebno upoštevati, da<br />

iskalniki nadgrajujejo spletne strani z nazivi domen, ki vsebujejo iskane<br />

ključne besede. To pomeni, da je pri določeni vrsti dogodkov smiselno v<br />

domeno vključiti tudi naziv kraja ali leto dogodka.<br />

V okviru tega se je potrebno dotakniti tudi vključevanja kratic v naziv<br />

domene. Slednje je priporočljivo le, če je kratica uveljavljena v strokovni<br />

srenji, ki se bo udeležila srečanja. V tem primeru obstaja možnost,<br />

da bodo kratico obiskovalci vpisali v iskalnik, v nasprotnem primeru<br />

obiskovalcu le otežujemo delo tako pri poskusu, da si zapomni domeno,<br />

kot pri njenem vpisu v naslovno vrstico.<br />

Pojavlja se tudi vprašanje, kakšno končnico izbrati za svojo domeno.<br />

Odgovor je spet v obiskovalcih. Če je dogodek mednaroden, je primerna<br />

izbira domene s končnico .com ali .org, v primeru le slovenskega dogodka<br />

pa je primerna izbira končnice .si<br />

Da nam domene ne bi ukradli<br />

Za konec še opozorilo glede ugrabljanja domen. V primeru dogodkov<br />

obstajata dve osnovni možnosti. Zavedati se moramo, da domene v bistvu<br />

nikoli ne kupimo, ampak jo najamemo za določeno časovno obdobje.<br />

Ko to časovno obdobje preteče, je domena spet na voljo za registracijo,<br />

kar v primeru, ko je na tej domeni veliko obiska, dobro izkoristijo<br />

nepridipravi. Tako so leto dni po koncu svetovnega kongresa čebelarjev<br />

v Ljubljani domeno apimondia2003.com registrirali ponudniki pornografskih<br />

vsebin in objavili spletno stran s svojimi vsebinami.<br />

Druga možnost »ugrabitve« domen pa je, da nepridipravi izkoristijo<br />

svojo priložnost z dobrim predvidevanjem. Če se dogodek ponavlja v<br />

enakih intervalih in uporablja obliko domene, ki vključuje ime dogodka<br />

ter leto, lahko nekdo registrira domeno z namenom, da jo bo kasneje<br />

dražje prodal naprej. Vse zgoraj našteto nam kaže, da je smiselno domeno<br />

registrirati takoj na začetku projekta, čeprav morda še ne potrebujemo<br />

spletne strani. Nekaj vloženega truda in razmislek glede domene<br />

na samem začetku lahko kasneje prihrani marsikatero težavo ter<br />

tudi poveča obisk naše spletne strani.<br />

Uroš Čimžar, RSKLAN.com<br />


The Web and Event Organisation<br />

Is Your Web<br />

Address Effective Enough?<br />

The Web presence of<br />

each event begins with<br />

the selection of a website<br />

address or domain name.<br />

The choice of a good<br />

domain can increase the<br />

visits to your website and,<br />

thus, the awareness of<br />

the event. However, what<br />

makes a good domain<br />

name? Which of the<br />

following is better:<br />

slovfestdesigners.si,<br />

slovenian-festival<br />

designers.si or slovenian<br />

festivaldesigners.si?<br />

In every business, it is necessary to focus on the needs of your<br />

customers, and the Web is no different. The Web host presents our<br />

website to visitors. We will endeavour to provide some guidelines on<br />

how to get as close as possible to visitors through the correct choice<br />

of domain name.<br />

The organisation of an established event is easy, to a large extent.<br />

We can reach visitors as closely as possible by using the same domain<br />

used for previous events. A large percentage of visitors simply save our<br />

website addresses among their bookmarks. If this is not possible, then<br />

we should attempt to follow a sample of the name used in organising<br />

the event in previous years.<br />

The chief guideline in the choice of a new domain should be to make<br />

it one that is easy to remember. We can do this in a number of ways.<br />

One of the most frequent is to select as short a domain name as<br />

possible, which also reduces of the likelihood of mistakes occurring<br />

when typing the name into the address bar.<br />

Several useful tips<br />

Due to an event having a long name, perhaps several words, we<br />

frequently do not have the option of choosing a short domain. In this<br />

case, the question often arises whether dashes should be used to<br />

separate the words (event-word-word-word.si) or if all the words should<br />

be written together without separators (eventwordwordword.si). Each<br />

version has its advantages. The separation of words with separa- 3 tors<br />

improves its ranking in the result pages of search engines.<br />


Versions without separators,<br />

however, are easier to pronounce,<br />

making it easier to communicate<br />

them to others. The best solution<br />

in this case is to register both<br />

versions of the domain and set<br />

one up as a parked domain for<br />

the website. At an annual cost of<br />

under €15 for the registration of<br />

a domain, this option allows us to<br />

enjoy the advantages of both.<br />

Many visitors do not even attempt<br />

to remember domains, but simply<br />

search for a website using search<br />

engines. For this reason, one must<br />

realise that search engines<br />

respond well to websites with<br />

domain names containing the<br />

sought after key search terms.<br />

This means that, for specific types<br />

of events, it is sensible to include<br />

the name of the place or the year<br />

of the event in the domain name.<br />

It is also necessary to cover the<br />

use of an acronym in the domain<br />

name. This is only recommended<br />

if the acronym is a recognised<br />

term in the expert community who<br />

will be attending the event. If this<br />

is the case, then it is possible that<br />

visitors will enter the acronym<br />

as a search term; if not, we only<br />

interfere with peoples’ ability to<br />

remember the address, as well<br />

as its entry in the address bar.<br />

Another question arising is the<br />

choice of suffix of one's domain<br />

name. Again, the answer depends<br />

on the visitors. If the event is an<br />

international one, a domain ending<br />

.com or .org should be chosen;<br />

if it is only a Slovenian event,<br />

the ending should be a .si suffix.<br />

Beekeepers’ Congress in Ljubljana, the domainprimondia2003.com was<br />

registered again by a provider offering pornographic content, publishing<br />

their website and its contents under that domain name.<br />

The second possibility of ‘hijacking’ a domain consists of hijackers<br />

exploiting opportunities provided by good forecasting skills. If an event<br />

appears at regular intervals and uses a domain that includes the name<br />

and year of the event, then people can register that domain in advance<br />

with the intention of reselling it at a higher price. All this indicates that it<br />

is wise to register the domain as early as possible, even if the website<br />

might not be needed immediately. A bit of investment of effort and<br />

thought regarding domains from the start may save quite a bit of trouble<br />

later and also increase the number of visits to your website.<br />

Uroš Čimžar, RSKLAN.com<br />

How to prevent<br />

someone stealing<br />

your domain name?<br />

Finally, a word of caution regarding<br />

the hijacking of domains: two<br />

things may occur in the case of<br />

events of this sort. We must<br />

remember that domains, in<br />

essence, are not purchased. They<br />

are simply leased for a defined<br />

period of time. When this period<br />

expires, the domain becomes<br />

available for registration once<br />

again and, if it was highly visited,<br />

that would make it sensible to take<br />

advantage of this traffic. For<br />

example, a year after the World<br />


Organizacija kongresnih in incentive dogodkov je velik logistični izziv.<br />

Kako prepeljati številne udeležence do kraja vašega dogodka ?<br />

Adria Airways, slovenski nacionalni prevoznik, omogoča zanesljiv, hiter in udoben prevoz na svojih rednih linijah, s<br />

katerimi povezuje Ljubljano s 24 evropskimi mesti ter vas večkrat dnevno popelje do glavnih evropskih letalskih stičišč.<br />

S pridružitvijo največjemu globalnemu letalskemu združenju Star Alliance vam zagotavljamo<br />

dostop do svetovne mreže poletov 17 letalskih prevoznikov, ki z več kot 16.000 leti dnevno povezujejo 855 destinacij v<br />

155 državah. Ob usklajenih voznih redih, prijavi na let do končne destinacije in udobju letaliških salonov je pot do cilja<br />

prijetno doživetje.<br />

Z bogatimi dolgoletnimi izkušnjami uspešno organiziramo charter prevoze<br />

za najzahtevnejše domače in tuje kupce.<br />

Za udeležence in spremljevalce kongresnih in incentive dogodkov nudimo prevoz na rednih linijah po<br />

ugodnejših pogojih.<br />

Poiščite nas, veselimo se sodelovanja z vami!<br />

Prodaja redni promet + 386 1 3691317<br />

Prodaja charter letov + 386 1 3691252<br />

E-mail: events@adria.si<br />


Trženje v kongresnem turizmu<br />

MICE-marketing:<br />

kako se ga lotiti?<br />

Ali bi želeli zasloveti kot<br />

gostitelj mednarodne<br />

konference in udeležence<br />

s celega sveta s ponosom<br />

povabiti v katerega od<br />

čudovitih slovenskih kongresnih<br />

središč? Mislim,<br />

da je odgovor na to vprašanje<br />

za večino potencialnih<br />

organizatorjev srečanj<br />

jasen. Vendar – ali<br />

to vprašanje slovenski<br />

kongresni ponudniki že<br />

znamo postaviti pravim<br />

osebam, ob pravem času<br />

in na učinkovit način?<br />

Kongresna ali MICE (Meetings –<br />

sestanki, Incentives – motivacijska<br />

potovanja, Corporates – poslovna<br />

srečanja, Exhibitions –<br />

razstave, sejmi) dejavnost pomeni<br />

organizacijo komunikacije. Nagel<br />

gospodarski razvoj, širitev mednarodnih<br />

integracij, razvoj znanosti<br />

in sama globalizacija so ključni<br />

dejavniki, ki so aktivno sprožili<br />

potrebe po hitri izmenjavi informacij<br />

in utrjevanju mednarodnih<br />

odnosov med državami ter med<br />

posameznimi poslovnimi subjekti.<br />

Motivi in razlogi za srečanja so<br />

različni. Lahko so povezani s širjenjem<br />

znanja, z izmenjavo izkušenj,<br />

z urejanjem pravic in obveznosti,<br />

z oblikovanjem zakonov, s<br />

širitvijo političnih programov ali<br />

tudi z zabavo (Peterlič, 2003). MI-<br />

CE-dejavnost je torej izredno<br />

kompleksna in raznolika veja turistične<br />

panoge. Zaradi hitre rasti,<br />

donosnosti in širših gospodarskih<br />

učinkov slovi kot zelo privlačna.<br />

Rezultati tega se kažejo v opa-<br />

znem in stalnem večanju obsega ponudbe kongresnih kapacitet in storitev<br />

tudi v slovenskem prostoru, kar po eni strani stopnjuje konkurenco,<br />

po drugi strani pa povečuje potrebo po sodelovanju in skupnem nastopu<br />

na mednarodnem trgu.<br />

Tri ciljne skupine organizatorjev srečanj<br />

Kot zanimivo izhodišče za razmišljanje o možnostih trženja MICE-storitev<br />

bi lahko vzeli rezultate raziskave, ki jo je leta 2004 v okviru kongresne<br />

borze IMEX izvedla revija CIM. Ti so med drugim pokazali, da večina<br />

(68,46 odstotka od 1000 vprašanih) prirediteljev najraje sodeluje s svojimi<br />

izbranimi partnerji – z uveljavljenimi in preverjenimi kongresnimi<br />

hoteli ter z nekaterimi agencijami oziroma PCO-ji. Zanimiva je tudi ugotovitev,<br />

da 61,54 odstotka vprašanih organizatorjev sprejme višjo ceno<br />

storitev po načelu »raje izberem lokacijo (hotel, kongresni center), ki<br />

ga poznam in mu zaupam«. Ni presenetljivo, da je 78,48 odstotka prirediteljev<br />

pritrdilo, da sta poleg stroškov odločilnega pomena prav zaupanje<br />

in zvestoba (Zidanski, 2005, str. 38).<br />

Trženjskega komuniciranja s potencialnimi organizatorji srečanj se je<br />

torej potrebno lotevati segmentirano in zlasti slediti zakonitostim neposrednega<br />

trženja, ki temelji na odnosih, ter osebne prodaje. Osnova<br />

vsakega trženjskega pristopa je v prvi vrsti skrbno načrtovanje ciljnih<br />

segmentov, ki se razlikujejo po mnogih specifičnih značilnostih, zato jih<br />

je potrebno na trgu obravnavati posamično ter k njim pristopati na različne<br />

načine. V MICE-industriji pri tem lahko pomagamo s tematsko<br />

razvrstitvijo kongresnih prireditev. Tako lahko govorimo o treh ciljnih<br />

skupinah potencialnih organizatorjev srečanj. Prva skupina so organizatorji<br />

znanstveno-strokovnih prireditev, ki so praviloma člani različnih<br />

V Sloveniji imamo veliko novih kongresnih kapacitet: dvorana Jupiter, Sava Hoteli Bled. • A number<br />

of new meeting venues are available in Slovenia: the Jupiter Hall, the Sava Hotel Group in Bled.<br />


strokovnih, gospodarskih ali interesnih<br />

združenj. Velikokrat so to<br />

predstojniki, profesorji in raziskovalci<br />

na fakultetah, inštitutih ali v<br />

bolnišnicah. Po navedbah mednarodne<br />

organizacije ICCA je za<br />

znanstveno-strokovna srečanja<br />

značilno, da prav vsako interesno<br />

združenje organizira srečanja, da<br />

se srečanja ponavljajo in da se destinacije<br />

menjajo. Čeprav destinacijo<br />

izbere mednarodna organizacija,<br />

pa mora pobudo za organizacijo<br />

srečanja v določeni državi vedno<br />

podati lokalen član. Pri pridobivanju<br />

znanstveno-strokovnih<br />

prireditev je tako pomemben stik<br />

s slovenskimi strokovnjaki, zlasti<br />

s tistimi, ki so včlanjeni v različna<br />

mednarodna združenja.<br />

Drug segment so organizatorji<br />

gospodarsko-podjetniških prireditev.<br />

Po določilih mednarodne organizacije<br />

ICCA je zanje značilno,<br />

da se večkrat vračajo na isto lokacijo,<br />

da podjetja sama izbirajo destinacijo<br />

in da so srečanja manjša,<br />

na razpolago pa je več finančnih<br />

sredstev. Organizatorji takšnih<br />

srečanj so največkrat oddelki trženja<br />

in kadrovske službe. Kar<br />

petdeset odstotkov podjetij nikoli<br />

ne organizira srečanj v državah, v<br />

katerih nimajo predstavništva.<br />

Ravno zato je ključnega pomena<br />

vzpostaviti stik s predstavništvi tujih<br />

podjetij v državi in preko njih<br />

pridobiti kontakte v matičnem podjetju<br />

oziroma v drugih predstavništvih,<br />

predvsem v državah, ki za<br />

kongresnega ponudnika predstavljajo<br />

ciljne trge. Takšen pristop bo<br />

omogočal pridobivanje regijskih<br />

srečanj in motivacijskih potovanj.<br />

V tretjo skupino lahko uvrstimo<br />

organizatorje prireditev vladnih in<br />

političnih organizacij. To so predstavniki<br />

različnih ministrstev, državnih<br />

uradov, tujih veleposlaništev,<br />

mednarodnih političnih integracij,<br />

inštitucij Evropske unije<br />

ipd. Srečanja vladnih in političnih<br />

organizacij so vedno zelo natančno in strogo načrtovana, povezana s<br />

togim državnim protokolom, medijsko odmevna ali velikokrat tudi tajna,<br />

predvsem pa operativno in izvedbeno zelo zahtevna. Za pridobivanje<br />

tovrstnih prireditev so pomembni stiki z različnimi uslužbenci v<br />

javni upravi, katerih kontaktne podatke lahko zelo enostavno poiščemo<br />

tudi na internetu.<br />

Posebna ciljna skupina, ki ni povezana s klasifikacijo kongresnih prireditev,<br />

pa so t.i. PCO-ji (Proffesional Congress Organizer), AMC-ji (Association<br />

Management Company) in DMC-ji (Destination Management<br />

Company). To so posredniki med prireditelji srečanj in kongresnimi hoteli<br />

ali kongresnimi centri. Velikokrat so v odnosu do kongresnega naročnika<br />

odločilen vmesni člen pri iskanju in izbiri lokacije prireditve.<br />

Tudi s to skupino poslovnih partnerjev je smiselno vzdrževati pristne in<br />

dolgoročne poslovne odnose. Velika podpora celovitemu neposrednemu<br />

trženju so seveda kakovostne baze podatkov o kupcih, ki naj bi bile po<br />

možnosti podprte z informacijsko tehnologijo CRM.<br />

Kako do informacij o potencialnih strankah?<br />

Informacije o potencialnih strankah in dogodkih je možno pridobivati<br />

tudi s pomočjo spremljanja vrste množičnih medijev (obvestila, oglasi in<br />

vabila k udeležbi na različnih konferencah, prispevki iz gospodarstva,<br />

članki v strokovnih revijah, internet itd.). Lastno prodajno osebje je potrebno<br />

motivirati k učinkovitemu in ažurnemu zbiranju notranjih podatkov<br />

o potencialnih naročnikih, s katerimi imajo kakršenkoli kontakt. Veliko<br />

informacij je mogoče pridobiti tudi preko predstavništev STO v tujini<br />

in tudi preko članstva v mednarodnih združenjih, ki razpolagajo z bazami<br />

podatkov o mednarodnih dogodkih in njihovih organizatorjih.<br />

Kako napolniti vse kongresne stole preko celega leta?<br />

• How to have every seat occupied throughout the year?<br />


Članstvo v mednarodnih združenjih<br />

vpliva na prepoznavnost posameznega<br />

MICE-ponudnika v tujini,<br />

prinaša pa mu tudi možnost dodatnega<br />

izobraževanja kadrov. Najpomembnejši<br />

dve organizaciji sta IC-<br />

CA (International Congress & Convention<br />

Association) in MPI (Meeting<br />

Proffessionals International).<br />

V prvi vrsti je predvsem nujno tudi<br />

članstvo v nacionalnem kongresnem<br />

uradu, ki je pomemeben vir<br />

informacij in pomeni povezavo z<br />

akterji doma in v tujini.<br />

Največji kongresni ponudniki se<br />

pod pokroviteljstvom kongresnih<br />

uradov praviloma udeležujejo tudi<br />

specializiranih MICE-borz in sejmov<br />

v tujini, ki so idealna priložnost<br />

za navezovanje poslovnih<br />

kontaktov, omogočajo osebna srečanja<br />

s potencialnimi kupci in tudi<br />

koristne stike s konkurenti. Glavni<br />

evropski sejemski dogodki te vrste<br />

so IMEX Frankfurt (The Worldwide<br />

Exhibition for Incentive Travel,<br />

Meetings and Events), EIBTM Barcelona<br />

(Eeuropean Incentive Business<br />

Travel and Meetings), BTC<br />

Firence (Borsa internazionale del<br />

sistema Congressuale ed Incentive)<br />

in EMIF Bruselj (European Meeting<br />

Industry Fair).<br />

Podpora neposrednemu trženju<br />

mora biti seveda tudi dejavnost<br />

oglaševanja in odnosov z javnostmi.<br />

Oglaševanje kongresnih kapacitet<br />

je priporočljivo zaradi<br />

ustvarjanja prepoznavnosti in podobe<br />

blagovne znamke destinacije.<br />

Organizator srečanja pa je v<br />

končni fazi tisti, ki je z vidika MI-<br />

CE-ponudnika najpomembnejši in<br />

pri katerem je poleg začetnega<br />

zanimanja potrebno vzbuditi predvsem<br />

zaupanje. Kongresni organizator<br />

si želi, da bi bil njegov dogodek<br />

odmeven in uspešen ter da bi<br />

udeleženci odšli zadovoljni. Seveda<br />

je to v končni fazi prva in najboljša<br />

reklama.<br />

Avtorica Elvira Krupič, 27 let, je doma na Bledu, zaposlena v službi za<br />

prodajo in marketing v Sava hotelih Bled kot vodja kongresnega trženja,<br />

po izobrazbi univerzitetna diplomirana ekonomistka – diplomirala<br />

je na Ekonomski fakulteti v Ljubljani leta 2006 na temo »Možnosti trženja<br />

MICE-dejavnosti v Sava hotelih Bled«.<br />

»Pred nekaj leti sem se še kot študentka udeležila ene od diskusij o turizmu,<br />

ki jih večkrat na leto organizira dr. Tanja Mihalič na Ekonomski<br />

fakulteti v Ljubljani. Tema je bil kongresni turizem, o katerem takrat nisem<br />

vedela še čisto nič. Predavala sta nam gospod Srečo Peterlič in<br />

gospod Gorazd Čad, dva izmed vodilnih slovenskih strokovnjakov s tega<br />

področja. Radovedno sem ju poslušala, niti slučajno pa takrat nisem<br />

vedela, da bom o tej temi kasneje celo pisala v svoji diplomski nalogi in<br />

da se mi bo kmalu ponudila priložnost, da svojo kariero začnem ravno v<br />

tej t.i. kongresni industriji. Vendar me je prav kongresna industrija zelo<br />

hitro povsem zasvojila. Ena od prelomnic je bila zame gotovo tudi udeležba<br />

na lanski poletni kongresni šoli EFCT v Berlinu, kjer sem ugotovila,<br />

da je delo na tem področju v Sloveniji za vsakogar ogromen izziv.<br />

Nešteto je še neizkoriščenih možnosti in ravno to je tisto, kar privlači.«<br />

Uporabljeni viri in literaura:<br />

1. Elvira Krupič: Možnosti Trženja MICE dejavnosti<br />

v Sava Hotelih Bled. Diplomsko<br />

delo. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta,<br />

2006.<br />

2. Srečo Peterlič: Prosojnice predavanja o<br />

Kongresni dejavnosti, 2003.<br />

3. Majda Zidanski: Kongresna dejavnost –<br />

Organizacija kongresov. Bled: Albatros,<br />

2005.<br />

Elvira Krupič<br />

Kongres je organizacija komunikacije med ljudmi.<br />

• A meeting is the organisation of communications among people.<br />


Marketing in the Meetings Industry<br />

MICE Marketing:<br />

How to go about it?<br />

'Would you like to be<br />

known as a host of<br />

international meetings,<br />

proudly welcoming<br />

participants from all over<br />

the world to one of the<br />

wonderful Slovenian<br />

meeting venues?' I am<br />

certain that the answer<br />

to this question is clear to<br />

the majority of potential<br />

organisers. Nevertheless,<br />

the question is whether<br />

providers of Slovenian<br />

meeting venues know<br />

how to contact the right<br />

people, at the right time<br />

and in the right way.<br />

Meetings or MICE activities<br />

(Meetings - meetings, Incentives –<br />

incentive travel, Corporates –<br />

business gatherings, Exhibitions –<br />

exhibitions, fairs) cover the<br />

organisation of communications.<br />

Rapid economic development,<br />

the expansion of international<br />

integration, the development of<br />

science and globalisation are key<br />

factors that have actively triggered<br />

a need for rapid information<br />

exchange and a reinforcement<br />

of international relations between<br />

nations and individual business<br />

bodies. The motives and reasons<br />

for meetings vary. They can be<br />

directed towards expansion<br />

of knowledge, the exchange of<br />

experience, the arrangement of<br />

rights and obligations, the shaping<br />

of legislation, the broadening of<br />

political programmes or even<br />

entertainment (Peterlič, 2003).<br />

MICE activities are thus an extraordinarily complex and varied line of<br />

tourism. Due to their rapid growth, profitability and wider economic<br />

effects, they are considered quite attractive. The results are reflected in a<br />

visible and ongoing increase in the scope of offers for meeting capacities<br />

and services in Slovenia, which steps up competition on the one hand and,<br />

on the other, increases the need for co-operation and a joint approach on<br />

the international market.<br />

As an interesting starting point for thought on the possibilities of<br />

marketing MICE activities we could use the results of a study carried<br />

out by CIM magazine in 2004 within the scope of the IMEX meetings<br />

exchange. Among other things, the results show that the majority<br />

(68.46% of 1000 surveyed) of organisers prefer to co-operate with their<br />

chosen partners – namely with validated and verified hotels and with<br />

several agencies, or PCOs. The discovery that 61.54% of the organisers<br />

surveyed will pay a higher price for services following the rule that<br />

“I'd rather choose a location (hotel, meeting venue) that I know and<br />

trust” is also quite interesting. It is not surprising that 78.48% of the<br />

organisers confirmed that, in addition to costs, it is trust and loyalty<br />

that prove to be of key importance (Zidanski, 2005, p. 38).<br />

Three target groups of meeting organisers<br />

Marketing communications with potential congress organisers must<br />

therefore be handled by segment, especially following the principles of<br />

direct marketing, which is based on relationships and personal sales.<br />

The basis of each marketing approach firstly consists of the careful<br />

planning of the target segments, which differ in numerous specific<br />

characteristics, making it necessary to treat them individually and<br />

utilise various approaches. In the MICE industry, we can aid our<br />

endeavours by thematically ranking meeting events, and so we can<br />

Domina Grand Media Hotel<br />


speak of three target groups of<br />

potential congress organisers.<br />

The first group are the organisers<br />

of scientific/expert events who<br />

are, as a rule, members of various<br />

expert economic or interest<br />

groups. Often these are heads,<br />

professors and researchers at<br />

faculties, institutes or hospitals.<br />

According to information from the<br />

international organisation ICCA,<br />

a distinguishing feature of<br />

scientific/expert meetings is that<br />

each interest group organises<br />

meetings and that these meetings<br />

are held on a repetitive basis, with<br />

changes of destination. Although<br />

an international organisation<br />

chooses the destination, the offer<br />

for the organisation of the event in<br />

a specific country should always<br />

be entrusted to a local member.<br />

When acquiring scientific/expert<br />

events, contact with Slovenian<br />

experts is important, particularly<br />

those who are members of<br />

various international associations.<br />

The second segment consists<br />

of the organisers of economic/<br />

corporate events. ICCA defines<br />

these as events that frequently<br />

return to the same location,<br />

where companies themselves<br />

choose the destination and where<br />

the meetings are smaller and with<br />

more financial funding available.<br />

Organisers of these meetings are<br />

often marketing departments and<br />

personnel offices. Fifty per cent of<br />

companies decline to organise<br />

meetings in countries where they<br />

do not have a representative<br />

office. This is why it is of primary<br />

impor- 6 tance to establish<br />

contact with the representative<br />

offices of foreign companies<br />

within countries and, through<br />

them, obtain contact with their<br />

parent companies or other<br />

representative offices, particularly<br />

in countries representing target<br />

markets for suppliers of the<br />

meetings industry. Such an approach will enable the acquisition<br />

of regional meetings and incentive trips.<br />

We can classify the organisers of events for state and political<br />

organisations as the third group. These are the representatives<br />

of various ministries, state administrations, foreign embassies,<br />

international political integrations, European Union institutions and so<br />

on. Meetings of state and political organisations are always extremely<br />

precise and strictly planned and associated with rigid state protocols.<br />

They either have wide media coverage or are often in secret, and they<br />

are especially demanding in terms of operatives and implementation.<br />

To obtain such events, contacts with various civil servants in public<br />

administration are of extreme importance, and those contact details<br />

can quite easily be found on the internet.<br />

Special target groups, not associated with this classification of meeting<br />

events are the so-called PCOs (Professional Meeting Organisers),<br />

AMCs (Association Management Companies), and DMCs (Destination<br />

Management Companies). These serve as intermediaries between<br />

congress organisers and congress hotels or meeting venues. They<br />

often represent an excellent go-between in the relationship with the<br />

client in the search and selection of event locations. It is also advisable<br />

to maintain genuine and long-term business relationships with this<br />

group of business partners. Of course, quality databases on customers<br />

are a good support for your entire direct marketing activity, which<br />

should be supported using CRM information technology if possible.<br />

How to acquire information on potential customers<br />

Information on potential clients and events can also be obtained by<br />

monitoring the numerous varieties of media available (announcements,<br />

advertisements and invitations to participate in various conferences,<br />

Predsedniški apartma, Grand Hotel Toplice • Presidential suite, Grand Hotel Toplice<br />


economic contributions, articles<br />

in professional journals, the<br />

internet, etc.). One must motivate<br />

one's own sales people to the<br />

effective and concurrent collection<br />

of internal data on all potential<br />

clients with whom one has<br />

any contact. A great deal of<br />

information can also be • A<br />

meeting is the organisation of<br />

communication among people. 7<br />

obtained from STO representative<br />

offices abroad and through<br />

membership of international<br />

associations who possess<br />

databases on international events<br />

and their organisers. Membership<br />

of international associations is<br />

beneficial for raising the standing<br />

of an individual MICE provider<br />

abroad, as well as providing the<br />

possibility of additional training<br />

for personnel. The two most<br />

important international<br />

associations are ICCA (the<br />

International Congress &<br />

Convention Association) and<br />

MPI (Meeting Professionals<br />

International). Membership of<br />

a national convention bureau is<br />

also important, providing an<br />

important source of information<br />

and connections with active<br />

entities both at home and abroad.<br />

As a rule, the largest meeting<br />

venue providers also participate<br />

in the sponsorship of convention<br />

bureaus in specialised MICE<br />

exchanges and in fairs abroad,<br />

which are an ideal opportunity to<br />

establish business contacts and<br />

personal meetings with potential<br />

customers – as well as giving<br />

useful contact with competitors.<br />

The main European fair events of<br />

this type are IMEX Frankfurt (The<br />

Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive<br />

Travel, Meetings and Events),<br />

EIBTM Barcelona (European<br />

Incentive Business Travel and<br />

Meetings), BTC Florence (Borsa<br />

internazionale del sistema<br />

Congressuale ed Incentive) and<br />

EMIF Brussels (the European<br />

Meeting Industry Fair).<br />

Support to direct marketing must,<br />

naturally, include advertising and<br />

public relations activities.<br />

Advertising meeting venues<br />

is recommended to create<br />

awareness and brand name<br />

destinations. From the viewpoint<br />

of a MICE provider, the congress organiser is the most important<br />

factor in the final phase, in whom one must also awaken trust as well<br />

as initial interest. The meeting organiser wants their event to be a<br />

resounding success and wants participants to leave pleased. Of course,<br />

this is ultimately the best form of advertising.<br />

Literary sources:<br />

1. Krupič Elvira: Možnosti Trženja MICE-dejavnosti v Sava Hotelih Bled (Possibilities of<br />

Marketing MICE Activities at the Sava Hotel Group in Bled). Diploma thesis. Ljubljana:<br />

Faculty of Economics, 2006. 47 pages.<br />

2. Peterlič Srečo: Prosojnice predavanja o Kongresni dejavnosti (Transparencies from<br />

a lecture on Meeting Industry Activities), 2003.<br />

3. Zidanski Majda: Kongresna dejavnost – Organizacija kongresov. Bled (Meeting Industry<br />

activity – Organisation of Congresses in Bled): Albatros, 2005. 115 pages. 9 April.<br />

Elvira Krupič<br />

(Author: Elvira Krupič, 27, from Bled, worked in the Sales and<br />

Marketing Office of the Sava Hotel Group in Bled as Congress<br />

Marketing Manager. She has a BSc in Economics and graduated from<br />

the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in 2006 with the thesis: 'Možnosti<br />

trženja MICE-dejavnosti v Sava Hotelih Bled' (Possibilities of Marketing<br />

MICE activities at the Sava Hotel Group in Bled). Several years ago, as a<br />

student, I attended an EF discussion on tourism organised by Dr Tanja<br />

Mihalič at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. The topic consisted of<br />

the meetings industry, a topic that I had no knowledge whatsoever of at<br />

the time. Mr Srečo Peterlič and Mr Gorazd Čad, two of the leading<br />

Slovene experts in this field, gave lectures. I listened with great<br />

interest, not knowing then that I would later write my diploma thesis<br />

on this topic and that I would soon be given an opportunity to begin my<br />

career in precisely this field, the so-called meetings industry.<br />

Nevertheless, it was precisely the meetings that quickly took me over.<br />

One of the turning points for me was surely my participation in last<br />

year's EFCT summer congress school in Berlin, where I established<br />

that work in this field in Slovenia was a great challenge for everyone<br />

involved. Numerous possibilities remain that are not yet exploited and<br />

this is what I find so enticing.<br />

Mestni muzej Ljubljana • Ljubljana City Museum<br />


Kongresna statistika<br />

Slovenska<br />

industrija srečanj 2005<br />

Na podlagi statistike<br />

Kongresnega urada Slovenije,<br />

pridobljene od<br />

glavnih ponudnikov kongresnih<br />

kapacitet v letu<br />

2005 (brez univerz, ipd.),<br />

je bilo v Sloveniji organiziranih<br />

6.505 dogodkov,<br />

od tega 21 % mednarodnih<br />

oz. slovenskih dogodkov<br />

z mednarodno udeležbo.<br />

Upoštevajoč to dejstvo,<br />

vrsto dogodka<br />

(združenje, podjetje, politično),<br />

trajanje dogodka<br />

in število udeležencev je<br />

kongresna dejavnost<br />

ustvarila prihodek v višini<br />

225 milijonov eur (ali<br />

16,07 % skupnih turističnih<br />

prihodkov v višini 1,4<br />

milijarde eur).<br />

Glede na strukturo v Sloveniji prevladujejo prireditve gospodarsko – podjetniškega<br />

značaja (51 %), sledijo znanstvene in strokovne prireditve z<br />

29 % in prireditve mednarodnih in političnih organizacij, ki so dosegle<br />

12-odstotni delež. Manjši del prireditev predstavljajo motivacijska srečanja,<br />

ki so zastopana v višini 8 %.<br />

Tabela 1: Število in delež dogodkov glede na število udeležencev<br />

Vrsta dogodka Število dogodkov Delež v %<br />

do 50 udeležencev 4.190 64,41 %<br />

50 – 99 udeležencev 1.117 17,17 %<br />

100 – 249 udeležencev 791 12,17 %<br />

250 – 499 udeležencev 287 4,42 %<br />

500 – 999 udeležencev 78 1,20 %<br />

1000 – 1999 udeležencev 34 0,53 %<br />

Nad 2000 udeležencev 7 0,11 %<br />

Skupaj 6.505 100 %<br />

Vir: Kongresni urad Slovenije, 2006<br />

Iz tabele je razvidno, da je več kot polovica dogodkov manjših od 50<br />

udeležencev, medtem ko je slaba tretjina dogodkov gostila med 50 in<br />

250 udeležencev in samo dobra polovica odstotka dogodkov več kot<br />

1000 udeležencev.<br />

V Ljubljani se je odvila več kot polovica dogodkov, natančneje 3.719, z<br />

več kot dvema tretjinama udeležencev, natančneje 346.500. Na Obali in<br />

Krasu je bilo v letu 2005 organiziranih in izvedenih manj kot 10 % dogodkov<br />

(513) s 14 % vseh udeležencev. V alpskem svetu je bilo izvedenih<br />

skoraj 15 % dogodkov oz. 953, s 7 % vseh udeležencev. V wellness in<br />

spa hotelih so bili izvedeni slabi 4 odstotki dogodkov (239), z 2 % udeležbo<br />

oz. 11.161 udeleženci.<br />

V kongresnih centrih je bilo izvedenih dobrih 7 % dogodkov, natančneje<br />

480, medtem ko je bilo v hotelih s kongresnimi oz. konferenčnimi kapacitetami<br />

izvedenih preko 92 % dogodkov oz. preko 6.000.<br />

Z nestrpnostjo pričakujemo rezultate statistike za leto 2006.<br />

10 najbolj perspektivnih destinacij<br />

1. Estonija<br />

2. Kitajska<br />

3. Hrvaška<br />

4. Indija<br />

5. Litva<br />

6. Oman<br />

7. Vietnam<br />

8. Abu Dhabi<br />

9. Namibija<br />

10. Slovenija<br />

Vir: C&I C&I Agents’ Survey 2007<br />

Corporate and Incentive<br />

Travel Magazine, UK<br />


Meeting Statistics<br />

Slovenian<br />

Meeting Industry 2005<br />

Based on statistics<br />

from the Slovenian<br />

Convention Bureau,<br />

obtained from key<br />

providers of meeting<br />

venues in 2005<br />

(excluding universities),<br />

there were 6,505 events<br />

in Slovenia,<br />

of which 21% were<br />

international events<br />

or Slovenian events<br />

with an international<br />

attendance. Taking into<br />

account the type of event<br />

(association, corporate<br />

or political), the duration<br />

of the event and the<br />

number of participants,<br />

this meeting activity<br />

created revenue<br />

exceeding eur 225 million<br />

(or 16.07 % of total<br />

tourist revenues totalling<br />

eur 1.4 billion).<br />

In terms of the structure in Slovenia, corporate events prevail (51%),<br />

followed by association events (29%) and events of governmental<br />

and political organisations (12%). Incentives were a smaller share<br />

of events (8%).<br />

Table 1: The number and share of events by participants<br />

Type of Event Number of Events Share in %<br />

up to 50 participants 4,190 64.41 %<br />

50 – 99 participants 1,117 17.17 %<br />

100 – 249 participants 791 12.17 %<br />

250 – 499 participants 287 4.42 %<br />

500 – 999 participants 78 1.20 %<br />

1000 – 1999 participants 34 0.53 %<br />

over 2000 participants 7 0.11 %<br />

Total 6,505 100 %<br />

Source: The Slovenian Convention Bureau, 2006.<br />

From the table, it is evident that over half of the events had fewer than<br />

50 participants, while slightly under a third hosted between 50 and 250<br />

participants. Only slightly over a half of a per cent hosted over 1000<br />

participants.<br />

Over a half (3,719 to be precise) took place in Ljubljana, more than two<br />

thirds of the participants, or 346,500 people. Less than 10% (513 events)<br />

were organised on the coast or in Karst in 2005 and comprised 14% of<br />

all participants. Almost 15% of the events (or 953), comprising 7% of all<br />

the participants, were held in the Alpine area. Slightly less than 4%<br />

(or 239), consisting of 2% or a total of 11,161 participants, were held at<br />

heath centres and spa resort hotels.<br />

A good 7% of all events (480) were held at meeting venues, while<br />

around 92% (over 6,000) were in hotels with meeting or conference<br />

capabilities.<br />

We are impatiently awaiting statistical results for 2006.<br />

Top 10 Overseas Destinations to watch<br />

1. Estonia<br />

2. China<br />

3. Croatia<br />

4. India<br />

5. Lithuania<br />

6. Oman<br />

7. Vietnam<br />

8. Abu Dhabi<br />

9. Namibia<br />

10. Slovenia<br />

Source C&I Agents’ Survey 2007<br />

Corporate and Incentive<br />

Travel Magazine, UK<br />


Kako prepeljati udeležence do kraja vašega<br />

dogodka po ugodnih cenah?<br />

Tel.: + 386 1 36 91 317<br />

Fax: + 386 1 23 01 325<br />

kongresi@adria.si<br />

events@adria.si<br />

www.adria-airways.com<br />

<br />

<br />

Globtour je podjetje za destinacijski<br />

management in »incentive«<br />

agencija, ki ima več kot<br />

osemintridesetletne izkušnje<br />

v turizmu. Visoko strokovno<br />

in inovativno osebje prijazno<br />

pomaga in strokovno usmerja<br />

vsak segment dogodka.<br />

Kontakt: Matjaž Triplat<br />

Globtour Bled (04) 574 18 21<br />

E-mail: globtour.bled@globtour.si<br />

Kompas Corporate<br />


Kompas Corporate je Kompasova<br />

blagovna znamka za vrhunske celostne<br />

storitve za vse poslovne uporabnike –<br />

podjetja, razli~ne ustanove in vladne<br />

institucije iz Slovenije in tujine.<br />

Ne glede na to, kaj želite – letalsko<br />

vozovnico ali celotno organizacijo<br />

konference kjerkoli na svetu –<br />

je Kompas Corporate tu zato,<br />

da poskrbi za vse.<br />

telefon: 01 2006 151 • congressesakompas.si • www.kompas.si<br />


Hotel<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Robotrade je vodilni dobavitelj opreme za simultano tolmačenje (do 31 jezikov) in konferenčno-diskusijskih<br />

mikrofonov v Sloveniji. Trenutno predstavlja edinega ponudnika IR prenosov v digitalni tehnologiji (IR digital)<br />

ter kabin, ki ustrezajo ISO 4043 standardu za mobilne kabine v Sloveniji. Paleta njihovih storitev vključuje<br />

tudi najem sistemov za vodenje (tour guide systems), sistemov za šepetanje, ozvočenj ter projekcijske<br />

tehnike (LCD projektorji, platna, plasma zasloni ...), osebnih in prenosnih računalnikov. Od leta 2006 je<br />

Robotrade tudi predstavnik/član CRN (Congress Rental Network-a) za Slovenijo. Robotrade sodeluje s profesionalnimi<br />

tolmači ter nudi popolne strokovne storitve najvišje kakovosti na katerikoli destinaciji v Sloveniji.<br />

T: +386 41 707114 • F:+ 386 4 5765 001 • E: info@robotrade.si • www.robotrade.si<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Ko pomeni<br />

poslovnost!<br />

udobje<br />

Ferrarska ul. 30<br />

6000 Koper<br />

Slovenija<br />

Tel.: +386 5 61440 00<br />

Fax: +386 5 61440 40<br />

Gsm: +386 51 347231<br />

E-mail: hotel@luka-kp.si<br />

Marketing:<br />

mojca.rojc@luka-kp.si<br />

www.pristan-koper.si<br />


Organizacija dogodkov,<br />

butična korporativna srečanja<br />

in motivacijska potovanja.<br />

Agencija LIFETREK je eden vodilnih ponudnikov korporativnih team building in team spirit<br />

dogodkov, ki jih izvajajo v vseh letnih časih. Programi so unikatni , vedno usmerjeni k novim<br />

izkušnjam in izvedeni z visoko stopnjo motivacije. Podjetje odlikuje tudi organizacija butičnih<br />

korporativnih srečanj in kongresov, ki temeljijo na dobri ideji in efektu presenečenja. Velik<br />

poudarek dajejo tudi motivacijskim potovanjem, ki jih za poslovne skupine organizirajo<br />

na vse celine sveta. LIFETREK trži in izvaja programe pod znamko zmagovalec.si in<br />

spiritowin.com na trgu <strong>EU</strong>. Odlikujejo jih strokovna izvedba, celostni servis in dobre ideje.<br />

LIFETREK d.o.o., Partizanska cesta 18, 4000 Kranj • T: 00 386 4 20 14 875 •<br />

F: 00 386 4 20 14 878 • M: 00386 40 50 88 35 • E: info@zmagovalec.si •<br />

www.zmagovalec.si / www.lifetrek.si • Kontaktna oseba: Ana Peskar<br />

predstava kulinarike<br />

Vivo, d.o.o.<br />

Pot na Fužine 2,<br />

1000 Ljubljana<br />

T: 01 54 61 65<br />

F: 01 54 61 659<br />

E: catering@vivo.si<br />

jerneja.kamnikar@vivo.si<br />

jerneja.kamnikar@siol.net<br />

www.vivo.si<br />

kontaktna oseba:<br />

Tea Gmeiner Zupančič<br />

Zakaj GR?<br />

• na‰e kapacitete: 14 do 17 multifunkcijskih dvoran<br />

in sejnih sob<br />

• najveãja kongresna dvorana v Sloveniji za 2.200<br />

udeleÏencev<br />

• najveãja banketna dvorana za 1.200 udeleÏencev<br />

• najsodobnej‰a tehniãna oprema<br />

Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o., kongresni in razstavni center, Dunajska<br />

cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, T: 01/300 26 11, F: 01/300 26 28, E: info@gr-sejem.si;<br />

www.gr-sejem.si, kontaktna oseba: Rastko Aleš (rastko.ales@gr-sejem.si)<br />

Zavod za turizem Ljubljana je vaš profesionalni partner in<br />

najboljši vir informacij o turistični in kongresni ponudbi slovenske<br />

prestolnice. • The Ljubljana Tourist Board is your professional<br />

partner and best source of information on the leisure tourism<br />

and convention offer in the Slovenian capital.<br />

www.ljubljana-tourism.si<br />

Terme SPA Rogaška d.d., Stritarjeva 1, 3250 Rogaška Slatina<br />

T: +386 3 811 2794 • F: + 386 3 811 2790 •<br />

E: marketing@terme-rogaska.si; www.terme-rogaska.si<br />

www.slovenia-convention.com<br />

• Skupna kapaciteta kongresnega centra: 2.600 sedežev<br />

• Kapaciteta največje dvorane: 1.100 sedežev<br />

• 767 hotelskih sob v treh hotelih • Sodobna tehnična oprema<br />

• Izkušeno tehnično osebje n destinacijski management<br />

• Motivacijska srečanja in prireditve<br />

HOTELI BERNARDIN d.d., St. Bernardin, Adriatic Resort & Convention Centre<br />

Obala 2, SI – 6320 Portorož • www.h-bernardin.si<br />

• Total seating capacity: 2.600 • Largest convention hall<br />

seating capacity: 1.100 • Total hotel rooms: 735 in 3 hotels<br />

• State of the art technical equipment • Experienced technical<br />

and destination management Breathtaking event locations<br />

• Teambuilding’s and incentives<br />

HOTELI BERNARDIN d.d., St. Bernardin, Adriatic Resort & Convention Centre<br />

Obala 2, SI – 6320 Portorož • www.h-bernardin.si<br />


*<br />

HOW DO LJU DO?<br />

* KAKO SI KAJ?<br />

www.slovenia.info<br />

Plečnik`s Watergate (detail).<br />


LJUBLJANA is celebrating the year offamous architect Jože Plečnik in 2007.<br />

For this occasion numerous events are taking place throughout the year.<br />

Read more on: www.ljubljana-tourism.si<br />

Ljubljana<br />

Tourist Board

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