Independence Day Dinner Dance - IASC

Independence Day Dinner Dance - IASC

Independence Day Dinner Dance - IASC


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P.6<br />

Month of May Highlights<br />

Board Meeting May 13, 2010<br />

Once again the month of April had a surplus, even with repairs that needed to be done and much needed equipment purchases. Bills are up to<br />

date and the majority of our dues money remains in the bank.<br />

The board approved the purchase of metal shelves to replace the wood shelves holding our dishes and metal cabinets to replace the wood<br />

cabinets behind the coffee makers, this is due to new health regulations.<br />

Revised Rules and Regulations and By-Law changes have been published in the newsletter for members to go over, so they may be voted on<br />

next month.<br />

John LaCorte reported that with Ozzie’s help, all chairs have been repaired.<br />

Membership Chairperson Marie Galluccio introduced 7 new members at the May 19 th General Meeting. Three of these new members are<br />

rejoins. This brings our total to 691 members.<br />

Health and Welfare sent out 1 get well and 2 synpathy cards.<br />

50/50 & Line Dancing: Jenny Martin reported that to date line dancing has given the club $354 and 50/50 chaired by Felicia Donato has<br />

given the club $2500.<br />

Heritage Chairperson Joe Abitante sent a letter of resignation. He served as chairperson for 2 yrs. He nominated Jane Aulicino for the position.<br />

The board accepted his nomination.<br />

Bingo Chairperson Pat LaCorte reported that bingo continues to do well.<br />

Newsletter: Bernice Groeger informed Secretary Marie Luke that she would like to continue as chairperson. The board unanimously accepted.<br />

Pot of Gold: Chairperson Bridget Passarello should have #28 completely collected by the end of the month.<br />

Building and Grounds Chairperson Chuck Pizer reported that a new steam table is up and running, some remodeling was done in the kitchen,<br />

ice tea table has been revamped, 30 yds of stone and gravel has been spread around the building. The stones look really nice in the front of<br />

our building . Thank you Chuck, Woody, and Roy for all of your hard work.<br />

Festa Chairperson Virginia Esposito reported that plans for Festa are coming along. Vic Paci. Phil Farino, and Malt Shop Memories have<br />

volunteered to play at Festa. Co-Chair Carol Minotti reported that so far we have 6 vendors.<br />

Banquet Coordinators Liz Piettro and Virginia Esposito reported that April had 4 affairs, May 5, and so far June has 3, July 1, and Aug. 3.<br />

Treasurer’s Report: John Scifo reported that for the fourth consecutive month the club had a surplus. The club has a to date surplus of $7,434.<br />

Congratulations to Stephanie Sanguinetti, granddaughter of Brad and Anita Sanguinetti and Kayley Marshall, granddaughter of AnnMarie<br />

Walker. They are the recipients of our scholarships.<br />

There were 192 members at our meeting and 327 votes were cast. The results of our election is as follows Joe Minotti, President, Pat La-<br />

Corte Vice-President, Secretary, Marie Luke, Treasurer, Tom Mayne, and our newly elected directors are Lois Big Mountain, Rosemarie<br />

Corbo, and Honey Maresco. Remaining on the board for another year are directors Pete DiGuillio, Jerry Esposito and Donna Macaluso.<br />

Thanks to Tom Fallon and his committee for a job well done.

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