History of Armenia, by Father Michael Chamich; from B. C. 2247 to ...

History of Armenia, by Father Michael Chamich; from B. C. 2247 to ...

History of Armenia, by Father Michael Chamich; from B. C. 2247 to ...


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HT:ST0RY <strong>of</strong> ARMENIA. 205<br />

s<strong>to</strong>od. They seized, in the city <strong>of</strong> Duin, Shavasp<br />

the Arzrunian, and put him <strong>to</strong> death. They<br />

burnt Vundoy, and hanged his son Sheroy. They<br />

bu.lt also in<br />

the capital a new church, entirely<br />

<strong>of</strong> wood, and dedicated it <strong>to</strong> the Illumina<strong>to</strong>r, in<br />

<strong>to</strong>ken <strong>of</strong> the renewal <strong>of</strong> the religion with which<br />

they had first become acquainted <strong>by</strong> his means.<br />

During these events, many miracles were<br />

wrought, exhibiting the favour and protection <strong>of</strong><br />

the Almighty <strong>to</strong> the xAnnenians, which many <strong>of</strong><br />

the Persians observing, became believers in<br />

Christ.<br />

Whilethe <strong>Armenia</strong>ns were thus engaged<br />

in clearing the country <strong>of</strong> the infidels, melancholy<br />

intelligence was received <strong>from</strong> thcxAluans,<br />

who had sent messengers entreating the former<br />

<strong>to</strong> afford them assistance, as Hazkert had sent<br />

them also Magi and troops <strong>to</strong> turn them <strong>from</strong><br />

their relio^ion. When the <strong>Armenia</strong>ns learned this,<br />

they held a council, <strong>to</strong> take<br />

in<strong>to</strong> consideration<br />

what was best <strong>to</strong> be done. Having decided<br />

opon the measures they were <strong>to</strong> adopt, they<br />

forthwith dispatched ambassadors <strong>to</strong> Theodosius<br />

the younger, beseeching him <strong>to</strong> assist them.<br />

B-ut this emperor died immediately after, and his<br />

successor, Marcianus, did nottihoose <strong>to</strong> interfere,<br />

beinsr afraid <strong>of</strong> the Persians, and at that tinie<br />

^engaged in extinguishing the confusion created<br />

<strong>by</strong> the followers <strong>of</strong>Eutyches, for which purpose<br />

% large assembly was convened in Chalcedon.*<br />

• See Hist. Book III, c. 10 and 19.<br />


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