Read the text. Remember what you can.

Read the text. Remember what you can.

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2. Correct <strong>the</strong> wrong sentences.<br />

1. All <strong>the</strong> great lords and ladies of <strong>the</strong> country were ga<strong>the</strong>ring toge<strong>the</strong>r in St Paul’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral.<br />

2. There was a noise in <strong>the</strong> market.<br />

3. Edward couldn’t answer any question about his family and <strong>the</strong> palace.<br />

4. Tom began to fight with Edward and threw him down to <strong>the</strong> floor.<br />

5. Tom didn’t remember anything about <strong>the</strong> Great Seal?<br />

3. Why?<br />

Complete <strong>the</strong> sentences.<br />

1. All <strong>the</strong> great lords and ladies of England ga<strong>the</strong>red in Westminster Abbey because ...<br />

2. The man who was sent to find out <strong>what</strong> was happening at <strong>the</strong> gate thought that <strong>the</strong> boy<br />

at <strong>the</strong> gate was mad because ...<br />

3. Tom was happy to see Edward because ...<br />

4. Lord Hertford asked Edward a lot of questions about his family because ...<br />

5. Edward was crowned King because ...<br />

4. What happened when ... ?<br />

1. When <strong>the</strong> boys exchanged <strong>the</strong>ir clo<strong>the</strong>s ...<br />

2. When Prince Edward heard about his fa<strong>the</strong>r’s death...<br />

3. Miles and Edward came to <strong>the</strong> gate of Westminster Palace when ...<br />

4. Tom ran and threw himself down on his knees when ...<br />

5. When Tom remembered <strong>the</strong> letter that Edward had brought ...<br />

5. Which words and expressions are suitable to describe Tom?<br />

Dirty, miserable, well-dressed, mad, kind-hearted, honest, loyal, neat, cruel, liar<br />

6. Agree or disagree.<br />

1. Soon King Henry died and poor Tom prepared to become King of <strong>the</strong> country.<br />

2. Prince Edward travelled about <strong>the</strong> country, suffered from cold and hunger and thought<br />

about going back to London.<br />

3. Prince Edward and his friend Miles Hendon reached London on <strong>the</strong> day when <strong>the</strong> new<br />

king was going to marry.<br />

4. In <strong>the</strong> Palace of Westminster Tom was ready to put on his fine clo<strong>the</strong>s in which he<br />

would go to Westminster Abbey to be crowned.<br />

5. Tom had to leave <strong>the</strong> palace as he was <strong>the</strong> King’s enemy.<br />

7. Talking points<br />

Edward VI was a very good king as he knew <strong>the</strong> life of people in <strong>the</strong> county.<br />

8. Which person<br />

prepared to become King of <strong>the</strong> country<br />

travelled about <strong>the</strong> country and suffered from<br />

cold and hunger<br />

turned to one of his men and said, “Go and see <strong>what</strong> is happening”<br />

thought that <strong>the</strong> boys were so like each o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

suggested asking Tom questions<br />

Sir Humphrey<br />

Lord Hertford<br />

Tom<br />

Lord Somerset<br />

Edward<br />


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