Kitesoul Magazine #2 English Edition


116FREESTYLE MOVESBackmobeALBY’S BACKMOBE1Keep your kite at45°, or lower andget ready to edgehard.The take off is the mostimportant part of the trick,you’ll get all the momentumgoing from thepop and spin that you aredoing in this first part.2Watch with yourhead over yourfront shoulder tostart the back rotation.You gotta try anddo more then 180° in thetake off. Stretch yourlegs to get the biggestpop you can!3The kite will flyforward in the windowand you’ll feelthe slack in your lines.So push your wholebody and board towardsthe kite

FREESTYLE MOVES4Keep your bar closeto your hip, leaveyour front headand get ready topass the bar behind yourback.5Grab the bar withthe other hand andfinish your last 180before landing heelside!Smile, you gottafeel proud of you!

116FREESTYLE MOVESBackmobeALBY’S BACKMOBE1Keep your kite at45°, or lower andget ready to edgehard.The take off is the mostimportant part of the trick,you’ll get all the momentumgoing from thepop and spin that you aredoing in this first part.2Watch with yourhead over yourfront shoulder tostart the back rotation.You gotta try anddo more then 180° in thetake off. Stretch yourlegs to get the biggestpop you can!3The kite will flyforward in the windowand you’ll feelthe slack in your lines.So push your wholebody and board towardsthe kite

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