Annual Report 2010 03 August 2011 - Banka Qendrore e ...

Annual Report 2010 03 August 2011 - Banka Qendrore e ... Annual Report 2010 03 August 2011 - Banka Qendrore e ...


Annual Report 2010 CBK (23.0 percent of total FDI). Another important sector with regard to the amount of received FDI consists of the financial sector, which absorbed 22.1 percent of total FDI in Kosovo. The FDI in the financial sector are mainly composed of reinvested earnings of financial institutions that operate in Kosovo. The real estate sector (15 percent of total FDI) and the construction sector (15 percent of total FDI) also represented important sectors for the attraction of FDI in Kosovo during 2010. The origin of foreign investors in Kosovo is mainly from the EU countries. Germany continues to be the country where most of the FDI come from, followed by Slovenia which represents the second country in terms of the volume of investments in Kosovo. An important share of FDI in Kosovo also comes from Austria and China (Figure 44). Portfolio Investments, Other Investments and Reserve Assets Portfolio investments abroad recoded a considerable growth in 2010, reaching at euro 231.0 million (euro 56.5 million in 2009). Out of euro 231.0 million, 66.9 percent consist of the investments of pension funds, while the remaining 33.1 percent are investments in international financial markets by commercial banks operating in Kosovo. These investments are mostly oriented in money market instruments (for example, in securities), while a smaller part of them is invested in other instruments of capital markets. The recovery of global financial markets can be considered as the most important factor that resulted in the increase of portfolio investments during 2010. The balance of “other investments” in 2010 was positive, amounting at euro 390.4 million compared to euro 116.2 million in 2009. Within the other investments category, assets represented 62.1 percent of total investments, while liabilities composed 37.9 percent. A considerable growth within the other investments category was recorded in the side of assets as a result of the higher level of investments abroad, mostly in money market instruments invested by commercial banks, monetary institutions and other sectors. Liabilities, on the other hand, continue to be dominated by the trade credit, which represents 43.1 percent of total liabilities within the other investments category. In the end of 2010, the amount of trade credit was euro 63.7 million, which compared to the previous year represents a decline of 39.9 percent. The decline of the trade credit may indicate a better solvency of firms in Kosovo during 2010, compared to year 2009. Reserve assets of Kosovo in the end of 2010 recorded an annual growth of euro 46.9 million. 56 |

CBK Annual Report 2010 4. Supervision of Financial Institutions As of its establishment, CBK has a licensing, regulatory and supervising authority over all financial institutions in Kosovo, and as such it contributes towards development and modernization of financial sector in Kosovo. Currently, the financial sector in our country consists of banking industry, insurance industry, pension funds and other financial institutions (microfinance institutions, non-bank financial institutions, exchange bureaus for currencies and payments and money transfer institutions). Even in 2010, taking for granted the best international standard in financial sector development, CBK continued to invest in promoting licensing effectiveness and efficiency and the financial supervision regulative aiming at further promotion of a competitive financial sector based on economy market. Based on Basel Core Principle on effective supervision of banking system, in 2010, steps have been take towards capacity building for risk profile-based supervision in banking sector, aiming at a supervising synergy which is expected to be reflected in a more effective coordination of micro-prudential and macro-prudential supervision. Also, with purpose to establish as fair as possible the risk-based solvency, good steps have also been taken in the insurance industry towards adoption of basic principles set forth under Solvency II framework. In accordance with its duties and authorities established by law, CBK in 2010 initiated a revision of legislation relating to all key constitutive systems of financial sector. Law on Deposit Insurance System in Kosovo was adopted in the end of 2010, while the functionality of deposit Insurance Fund will be completed in 2011. Also, the first versions have been drafted for the law on commercial banks, microfinance institutions and other financial nonbank intuitions, then the draft law on compulsory motor third party liability insurance, the draft law on general insurances and it is worked on the amendment o law on pensions. 4.1. Licensing and Methodology One of the main CBK functions is to ensure supervision and regulation of financial institutions, with purpose to establish a sound, sustainable, competitive and reliable financial system and which provides a wide range of financial services. The direct responsibility for accomplishment of this mission falls on directorates, such as Licensing and Methodology Directorate, Bank Supervision Directorate and Insurance and Pension Supervision Directorate. 4.1.1. Licensing Criteria and conditions to obtain a license for exercising banking and financial activities by banks and other financial institutions in the Republic of Kosovo are established under Law No. 03/L-209 on Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo and other sublegal acts adopted by the CBK. Pursuant to legislation governing it statutory functions, CBK has authority to set criteria for licensing of financial institutions and to reject those which do not fulfill these standards. Licensing criteria established under legislation, aim at ensuring a fair financial market and regulated through a process based on the principle of justice, honesty and equality. Licensing conditions and criteria are of supervising character and do not intend creating barriers against investors. Entry of foreign investors in financial market of the country | 57

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

CBK<br />

(23.0 percent of total FDI). Another important sector with regard to the amount of received<br />

FDI consists of the financial sector, which absorbed 22.1 percent of total FDI in Kosovo. The<br />

FDI in the financial sector are mainly composed of reinvested earnings of financial<br />

institutions that operate in Kosovo. The real estate sector (15 percent of total FDI) and the<br />

construction sector (15 percent of total FDI) also represented important sectors for the<br />

attraction of FDI in Kosovo during <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

The origin of foreign investors in Kosovo is mainly from the EU countries. Germany<br />

continues to be the country where most of the FDI come from, followed by Slovenia which<br />

represents the second country in terms of the volume of investments in Kosovo. An<br />

important share of FDI in Kosovo also comes from Austria and China (Figure 44).<br /> Portfolio Investments, Other Investments and Reserve Assets<br />

Portfolio investments abroad recoded a considerable growth in <strong>2010</strong>, reaching at euro 231.0<br />

million (euro 56.5 million in 2009). Out of euro 231.0 million, 66.9 percent consist of the<br />

investments of pension funds, while the remaining 33.1 percent are investments in<br />

international financial markets by commercial banks operating in Kosovo.<br />

These investments are mostly oriented in money market instruments (for example, in<br />

securities), while a smaller part of them is invested in other instruments of capital markets.<br />

The recovery of global financial markets can be considered as the most important factor<br />

that resulted in the increase of portfolio investments during <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

The balance of “other investments” in <strong>2010</strong> was positive, amounting at euro 390.4 million<br />

compared to euro 116.2 million in 2009. Within the other investments category, assets<br />

represented 62.1 percent of total investments, while liabilities composed 37.9 percent. A<br />

considerable growth within the other investments category was recorded in the side of<br />

assets as a result of the higher level of investments abroad, mostly in money market<br />

instruments invested by commercial banks, monetary institutions and other sectors.<br />

Liabilities, on the other hand, continue to be dominated by the trade credit, which<br />

represents 43.1 percent of total liabilities within the other investments category. In the end<br />

of <strong>2010</strong>, the amount of trade credit was euro 63.7 million, which compared to the previous<br />

year represents a decline of 39.9 percent. The decline of the trade credit may indicate a<br />

better solvency of firms in Kosovo during <strong>2010</strong>, compared to year 2009. Reserve assets of<br />

Kosovo in the end of <strong>2010</strong> recorded an annual growth of euro 46.9 million.<br />

56 |

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