mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics


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The Bull "Ineffabilis" cites two important texts,<br />

which certainly point to the Blessed Virgin as the<br />

recipient of some extraordinary spiritual favor,<br />

—a favor which cannot be fully explained by any-<br />

thing short of the dogma of her Immaculate Conception.<br />

True, the exegetical argument from<br />

these texts, taken by itself, scarcely exceeds the<br />

limits of probability; but the lack of Scriptural<br />

evidence can be abundantly supplied from the<br />

writings of the Fathers.<br />

a) The so-called Protevangelium (Gen. Ill, 14<br />

sq.) runs as follows: "Et ait Dominus Deus ad<br />

serpentem: . . . Inimicitias ponam inter te et<br />

mulierem ( n ?^7), et semen tuum et semen illius:<br />

ipsa conteret caput tuum, et tu insidiaberis cal-<br />

caneo eins—And the Lord God said to the ser-<br />

pent: ... I will put enmity between thee and<br />

the woman, and thy seed and her seed; she shall<br />

crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her<br />

heel." The Hebrew text has: "he [jan] shall<br />

crush thy head, and thou shalt crush his heel.' 5<br />

The only difference between the two versions is<br />

that, whereas the Vulgate describes "the woman"<br />

as crushing the serpent, the original Hebrew text,<br />

by employing a male pronoun, ascribes this act to<br />

"the seed of the woman." The Septuagint<br />

agrees with the Hebrew, rendering the passage<br />

as follows : avro

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