mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics


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applied by Sacred Scripture (1) to our Lord Himself, 15<br />

(2) to St. Stephen, 16 (3) to the Apostles, 17 and (4) to<br />

our Blessed Lady. Though infinitely below the Godman,<br />

yet as Mother of God, Mary ranks high above her<br />

fellow creatures. Analogously, her plenitudo gratiae is<br />

intermediate between the fulness of grace peculiar to<br />

Christ and that of the holy Angels and Saints, far out-<br />

ranking the latter. Theologians are wont to describe it<br />

as "plenitudo summae abundantiae" or "plenitudo<br />

redundantiae," but they, deny that it is actually infinite,<br />

since not even the created sanctity of our Lord Him-<br />

self can be conceived as gratia actu inßnita. 18 To obtain<br />

some idea of the high degree of sanctifying grace<br />

peculiar to our Lady, we may assume with Suarez that<br />

it transcends by far the combined sanctity of all the<br />

Angels and Saints. 19<br />

What is true of sanctifying grace, must, mutatis mu-<br />

tandis, also be true of its supernatural effects, such as the<br />

theological virtues, the gifts of the Holy Ghost, and the<br />

infused moral virtues, with the sole exception of contri-<br />

tion, which our Blessed Mother cannot have exercised<br />

because she was sinless.<br />

b) The Schoolmen reduced the truths we have<br />

just set forth to a technical axiom, to wit: "Alii<br />

ad mensuram gratiam acceperunt, Maria autem<br />

gratiae plenitudinem." Being liable to exagger-<br />

15 Cfr. John I, 14: TrXr/prji 19 Suarez, De Myst. Vitae Christi,<br />

Xapn-os kclI äXrjdetas- disp. 18, sect. 4, n. 8: "Si mente<br />

16 Acts VI, 8: "2,Te(f>aovs de concipiamus ex multitudine gratiair\r]pr)s<br />

vapiros. ruin sanctorum {et angelorum) om-<br />

1" Cfr. Acts II, 4: eTrXrjcrOrjffav nium unam intentissimam gratiam<br />

vavres irvevfiaros äyiov. consurgere, non adaequaret inten~<br />

18 Cfr. Pohle-Preuss, Christology, sionem gratiae Virginis."<br />

pp. 230 sqq.

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