mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics

mariologydogmati00pohl - Carmel Apologetics


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based upon His twofold birth, is strongly em-<br />

phasized in the ancient creeds and conciliar defini-<br />

tions.<br />

The so-called Athanasian Creed 3 teaches : " For the<br />

right faith is that we believe and confess that our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and man : God, of<br />

the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds<br />

and man, of the substance of His mother, born into the<br />

world." 4 And the Fifth Council of Constantinople<br />

(A. D. 553) defines: "If any one do not confess that<br />

the Word of God has two births, the one before the<br />

worlds from the Father, out of time and incorporeally,<br />

and the other . . . from the holy and glorious Deipara<br />

and ever Virgin Mary, ... let him be anathema." 5<br />

The dignity of Mary's maternal relation to the Second<br />

Person of the Trinity cannot be adequately expressed in<br />

human terms. The Fathers try to explain it by applying<br />

to her certain passages of the Psalms, 6 wherein the beau-<br />

ties of the Ark of the Covenant, the Temple of Solomon,<br />

and the great City of Zion are described in exalted terms.<br />

In fact they regard the Ark of Noe, the Ark of the Cove-<br />

nant, the Golden Bowl, etc., as types of the Blessed<br />

Virgin. 7<br />

3 This creed, known also from its not us." (Denzinger-Bannwart, n.<br />

first word as the Symbolum Qui' 40.)<br />

cunque, '<br />

is an admirable resume 5 " Si quis non confitetur, Dei<br />

of the doctrine of St. Athanasius, Verbi du as esse nativitates (ras<br />

but is not his work. It is of 8vo yevvrjaeis) > unam quidem ante<br />

Western origin, and was written in saecula ex Patre sine tempore in-<br />

Spain, against Priscillianism. Cfr. corporaliter, alteram vero. . . . de<br />

Bardenhewer-Shahan, Patrology, p. sancta gloriosa Dei genitrice (0eo-<br />

255. tokov) st semper virgine Maria,<br />

4 " Est ergo fides recta, ut creda- , . . talis anathema sit." (Denzinmus<br />

et confiteamur, quia D. N. ger-Bannwart, n. 214.)<br />

Iesus Christus Dei Filius Deus et 6 Ps. XVIII, 6; XLV, 5 sqq.;<br />

homo est: Deus est ex substantia LXXXVI, 1 sqq., etc.<br />

Patris ante saecula genitus, et homo 7 On these types cfr. the first of<br />

est ex substantia matris in saeculo St. John Damascene's Homilies on

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