My PASSION Magazine

Everyone has a passion. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a voice. And everyone wants to be heard. Because of this, “My Passion Magazine” was birthed. Each article that is written on these pages are articles from the heart. Stories that needed to be heard. Stories that will inspire you. Stories that will make you laugh, but there may be some a little sad. Some will add a little understanding to your life that you may not have had before. Some may add a few calories to your body but some will discuss how to get rid of them. All in all they are stories of someone’s passion. Each writer has contributed these articles so that others will be encouraged. I want to thank each writer for their hard work in putting their passion on paper.

Everyone has a passion. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a voice. And everyone wants to be heard.

Because of this, “My Passion Magazine” was birthed. Each article that is written on these pages are articles from the heart. Stories that needed to be heard. Stories that will inspire you. Stories that will make you laugh, but there may be some a little sad. Some will add a little understanding to your life that you may not have had before. Some may add a few calories to your body but some will discuss how to get rid of them. All in all they are stories of someone’s passion.

Each writer has contributed these articles so that others will be encouraged.

I want to thank each writer for their hard work in putting their passion on paper.


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<strong>My</strong> Passion - Issue 1 - April 2015 | 29<br />

within themselves, they really don’t need you. You are<br />

just a temporary fixture in their life.<br />

Working with John Maxwell feels great, not only because<br />

he is affirming, but I also feel like he needs what I bring to<br />

the table. Therefore, I still have my own sense of identity<br />

by being a part of John Maxwell’s dream. It has its challenges,<br />

being with someone who is high profile, because<br />

when you are a man or woman who is second in an organization,<br />

the temptation is to believe that your identity is<br />

wrapped in that other person. This is not good. Everyone<br />

needs to be their own person. So, I do need John. God<br />

has been very good to me to clarify that I am called to his<br />

vision and I need to stay in that and not make it all about<br />

me. So, I love it, but it does come with its complications.<br />

Working for John is very secure in itself. I have never seen<br />

anything like it when somebody has that much image to<br />

protect, that much authority globally and is that comfortable<br />

in what he does. Because he is so comfortable, for<br />

those that are on his team, it breeds confidence in our own<br />

self. I am very comfortable that I am not the stage guy. I<br />

have spoken on stage many times in my life. I have spent<br />

a lot of time around a microphone and I know how to use<br />

one, but in this current role that is not my strength zone;<br />

that is John’s strength zone and it makes me feel very<br />

comfortable. I don’t feel that aspiration that I have to be<br />

behind the microphone, that I have to be the stage guy or<br />

that I have to write a book, because I am very comfortable<br />

that I am bringing value to the table in what I do. That<br />

is what working for someone who is in their “sweet” spot,<br />

comfortable in their skin, breeds so much security and<br />

confidence in the teammates, that it helps them to achieve<br />

their dreams. I learn that literally on a daily basis with<br />

John and I do my very best to attempt that.<br />

Dr. P: Do you feel that you are fulfilling your destiny?<br />

Mark: Absolutely.<br />

Can I go side bar with you for just a moment? One<br />

of the most pivotal moments in my life was at the age<br />

of 32. Someone told me that I needed to have a personal<br />

growth plan. I had a plan on how I wanted to<br />

grow, but everything “pre-30 years old” was accidental<br />

growth. I just grew because of this natural ability to<br />

lead and a natural desire to grow. However, at 32 I<br />

needed to get really intentional. I went away for two<br />

and half days and did an annual review. I call it an<br />

annual review but that was really my first review so<br />

there was nothing to review – I call it an assessment of<br />

what was going on in my life.<br />

I began to put plans around what I believe were the<br />

intentional areas of my life that I needed to grow in.<br />

The very next year, my 33rd year, I went away again<br />

because for me (and I know that everyone reading this<br />

may not be a person of faith), as a person of faith, I<br />

really needed an answer from God.<br />

MORE>>><br />

As my role as CEO of John Maxwell Company, I must<br />

be comfortable in this role, that I will breed comfortable<br />

security in the lives of those people who are working with<br />

me and for me.

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