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English - REDD - VietNam


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Minutes of: <strong>REDD</strong> Working Group Meeting<br />

Date & time: May 10, 2011<br />

13:30 – 17:30<br />

Venue:<br />

Chair by:<br />

Dai Viet Function room<br />

Flower Garden, 46 Nguyen Truong To, Ha Noi<br />

Madame Pham Minh Thoa, Director, Department of<br />

Science, Technology and International Cooperation,<br />

Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST).<br />

Agenda items:<br />

1. Reports on activities of each sub-tech working groups (MRV, LI & BDS) and action plan<br />

until the end of the year<br />

2. Discuss agenda for National <strong>REDD</strong> Network, content, participants, and timing<br />

3. Discuss development of National <strong>REDD</strong><br />

1. Reports on activities and action plan of:<br />

• MRV Sub-technical working group – Akiko Inoguchi, FAO<br />

• Local Implementation STWG – Adrian Enright, SNV<br />

• Benefit Distribution System on <strong>REDD</strong>+ – Vu Thi Hien, CERDA<br />

• Challenges on development of MRV – Pham Manh Cuong, VNFOREST<br />

Discussion:<br />

1.1. MRV<br />

- Work plan of MRV through 2011: Development of a framework document including<br />

the following (not limited to MRV, but also covering other areas for montiroing,<br />

including Safeguards and Policies and Measures: PaMs);<br />

• Key components of Safeguards information, PaMs monitoring and MRV<br />

• What are the institutional arrangements?<br />

• What are the existing capacities?<br />

• What are the capacity building needs?<br />

- 1 st draft of this framework document will be shared very soon (shared on 17 May).<br />

A STWG-MRV meeting is planned after the document is shared to get<br />

comments/feedbacks.<br />

- There are many cross-cutting issues which will require the different STWGs to look<br />

at respectively, but not to be regarded as overlaps. MRV STWG may look at for<br />

example BDS but from a different angle than that of the STWG-LI, or BDS.<br />

<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Office 10 Nguyen Cong Hoan Str., Hanoi, Viet Nam<br />

www.vietnam-redd.org<br />


- Currently the STWG-MRV is operating on a non-cost basis, but will require some<br />

funds when discussions require participants beyond Ha Noi. The STWG needs to<br />

think about size of the group, size of the component participants at the local,<br />

grassroots level. If expantion comes it will require some logistic support. Under the<br />

FAO agreement, UN-<strong>REDD</strong> Viet Nam could support this STWG.<br />

1.2. Local Implementation<br />

- For the moment, DoSTIC will work with LI STWG. But in the future the co-chair<br />

will be rotated. The final decision will be announced through the <strong>REDD</strong> Network.<br />

- STWG is a service provider of information and ideas to feed up to the national level<br />

and national <strong>REDD</strong> programme. There is a need to focus efforts on discussing key<br />

outputs that can produce advice to help the government in designing the <strong>REDD</strong><br />

process.<br />

- Collection and dissemination of lessons learned:<br />

o Very important<br />

o How much funding needed? UN-<strong>REDD</strong> Viet Nam Programme can fund this<br />

activity with funding from UNEP under the communications and information<br />

sharing compartment.<br />

o document all the success lessons learned in paralle with the process of<br />

document lessons learned from <strong>REDD</strong> programs, projects of international &<br />

national NGOs.<br />

o Contact LEAF about funding for Viet Nam to document lessons learned.<br />

o Technical working group should think about specific activities, propose TOR<br />

for this activity: the consruction of lessons learned, successful lessons of<br />

implementation of <strong>REDD</strong> in Viet Nam and in the region if we have enough<br />

information.<br />

- How to send recommendation of STWG to GoV?<br />

o Technical working group as a channel for communication could bring<br />

discussion/recommendation from STWG to the GoV.<br />

o Decisions from the STWG subsequently brought to the WG for further<br />

discussion and decision-making is not compatible to the way decisions are<br />

made at other levels. Keep the STWGs what they are, very fruitful technical<br />

discussion on specific issues but the formalization of any decisions that are<br />

made at the STWG are maintained at the STWG and the National <strong>REDD</strong><br />

network.<br />

o Technical WG based on specific requirements to create STWGs to have more<br />

in depth discussion to make general recommendations to the Techical WG <br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Network GoV to make decisions relating to <strong>REDD</strong><br />

initiatives in Viet Nam.<br />

<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Office 10 Nguyen Cong Hoan Str., Hanoi, Viet Nam<br />

www.vietnam-redd.org<br />


o Chairman of National <strong>REDD</strong> Network is a senior official of MARD so our<br />

recommendations will be able to reach the GoV.<br />

- What is the mechanism to send the discussions/recommendations of the STWGs to<br />

the GoV.?<br />

o It has to be a written report not minutes. The report must be practical, concise<br />

and give necessary recommendation to the GoV on the development of<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong>+ Strategy, as well as in the process of negotiating <strong>REDD</strong>,<br />

bringing the voice of Viet Nam to the international community to ensure that<br />

the idea conveyed here is not only for Viet Nam but it will be shared at the<br />

international level.<br />

o Each STWGs must bring their written report to Technical WG meeting.<br />

o Mr. Cuong will develop the format for the report and circulate to network<br />

members by May 20th.<br />

o Written reports will be send to H.E. Hua Duc Nhi. All reports will be<br />

uploaded on <strong>REDD</strong> Viet Nam website.<br />

- Discussion through email or forum vs regular meeting:<br />

o There is google group for network members to share information.<br />

o Extranet – looking into this option for the <strong>REDD</strong> network members but need<br />

to discuss this further to see if we really need it or not.<br />

o what language will be used in the extranet? You might create a tool that may<br />

exclude some people from joining the group.<br />

o bulletin email from each STWG with key points in both languages and easy<br />

to distribute.<br />

1.3. BDS<br />

UN-<strong>REDD</strong> Viet Nam did a study on BDS. The report outlined a number of principles<br />

realted to the design of BDS for Viet Nam but some core issues still need to be added to<br />

the list. Fund management? Direct or indirect payment? Currently, Viet Nam is proposing<br />

pay as remunerate. Community cannot wait 5 or 10 years to get pay for their results. To<br />

strengthen capacity in this interim period, we need to pay to encourage community to<br />

continue to participate in forests protection. We called it participant payment, and try to<br />

have the pay rate the same as the pay rate of the 5 Million Hectares program, about 15-20<br />

USD/year. This could be understood as a advance payment for the final result payment<br />

later.<br />

2. Governance STWG<br />

- This STWG closely realted to FLEG-T and LACEY Act. EC encourages FLEG-T, &<br />

<strong>REDD</strong> work more closey together.<br />

- <strong>REDD</strong> & FLEG-T have a comment goal: use legal timber. Need to protect forest<br />

sustainably to have legal timber. VIFORES (Vietnam Forest Products Association)is<br />

an NGO and a network of enterprises that import and processing timber. Vifores<br />

<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Office 10 Nguyen Cong Hoan Str., Hanoi, Viet Nam<br />

www.vietnam-redd.org<br />


closely relates to the forest and especial production forest. Enterprises in Vietnam<br />

imports 4 – 5 million cubic meters of timber/year.<br />

- This STWG will discuss issues those have not discussed by the other STWGs. To<br />

date, FLEG-T & <strong>REDD</strong> iniatives in Vietnam are parellel but not connected. Viet<br />

Nam is participating in the process of negotitaions on FLEG-T VPA.<br />

- Under the FLEG-T VPA negotiation, three researchs have been conducting<br />

o Timber flows Timber legality definition: issues covered include existing legal<br />

framework related to land use community’s rights, import and export.<br />

o Stakeholder analysis<br />

VIFORES and Forest Trends have been conducting the research on stakeholder<br />

analysis.<br />

- Viet Nam may sign a voluntary partnership agreement with EC in late 2012 or early<br />

2013. Signing VPA and implementing it will greatly affect forest governance in Viet<br />

Nam.<br />

- Some common issues both <strong>REDD</strong> and FLEG-T are addressing:<br />

o Stakeholder groups. FLEG-T is doing research on stakeholder groups: GoV.,<br />

private enterprises, and civil society.<br />

o What is the motivation of the parties involved in the process of FLEG-T? Of<br />

<strong>REDD</strong>? Are there any contradictions?<br />

o Implementation process and outputs<br />

o MRV (<strong>REDD</strong>) and TLAS, Timber legality assurance system, (FLEG-T) have<br />

several elements in commonLeakage<br />

- If Viet Nam signed the VPA, a join implementation committee has to be set up with<br />

the participation of EC, Viet Nam, and the national and international civil society.<br />

- Existing legal framework in Vietnam does not require environmental and social<br />

assessement if the harvesting area is less than 1,000 ha.<br />

- A specific date for the kick off meeting of this STWG needs to be set up. Vifores and<br />

Forest Trends will chair this STWG. There’s no need a STWG on<strong>REDD</strong> & FLEG-T<br />

linkage as this linkage could be a part of the STWG on Governance.<br />

- In term of state management: how can we make sure people working on FLEG-T<br />

will participate in this STWG? Because the discussion here is in the context of<br />

<strong>REDD</strong> not FLEG-T? VNFOREST will send out invitation to people working on<br />

FLEG-T to invite them to participate in the meeting.<br />

- Develop communication plan or strategy to identify key actives in Vietnam to<br />

strategize how to get information flow to decision makers to help the STWG.<br />

<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Office 10 Nguyen Cong Hoan Str., Hanoi, Viet Nam<br />

www.vietnam-redd.org<br />


3. National <strong>REDD</strong> Network Meeting<br />

- Date: June 21, 2011<br />

- Place: Ha Noi<br />

- Agenda:<br />

o Updated on the negotiation process of <strong>REDD</strong>+<br />

o Discuss about network’s presntation in Oslo<br />

o Report from Technical WG (include STWGS): meeting reuslts, plan activities<br />

o Recommendations for Network to send to MARD<br />

o Action plan of Technical WG and STWGs to the end of 2011<br />

o Discuss about linkage and coordination among Ministries<br />

o Commetns/ suggestion for the Viet Nam <strong>REDD</strong>+ Strategy document<br />

o Plan for next meeting: location, time and agenda<br />

4. Work that needs to be done after this meeting:<br />

- Mr. Cuong<br />

o<br />

will make a report template for Technical WG & STWGs to use after each<br />

meeting. Requirements: simple, easy to use, concise, the necessary<br />

recommendations to be sent to Technical WG and network, results of the meeting<br />

and plan activities for next meeting.<br />

o Deadline: 1st draft May 20 send to network members for commets<br />

May 31st: officially circulate the report template to use<br />

- Ms. Phuong: gather all information on <strong>REDD</strong> and send to VIFORES<br />

- Draft of Viet Nam <strong>REDD</strong>+ Strategy will be sent to Network member through email.<br />

Comments to be submitted through the STWGs on their focus area (need to work out<br />

this among the STWGs) <strong>REDD</strong> office report at the National Network meeting.<br />

- STWGs send comments on the draft of Viet Nam <strong>REDD</strong>+ Strategy to <strong>REDD</strong><br />

Network secretary COB 13.6.2011<br />

<br />

National <strong>REDD</strong> Office 10 Nguyen Cong Hoan Str., Hanoi, Viet Nam<br />

www.vietnam-redd.org<br />


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