Sahyadri Farms

Working Brochure

Working Brochure


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We’re for nature and it’s bounties.<br />

We’re for the tillers of the ground<br />

As much for the quality of the produce.<br />

We’re for taking Bharat to India.<br />

With no check-posts in between.<br />

We strive to provide better crops every season.<br />

Not artificially, but with the best natural processes we can access.<br />

We’re simple people,<br />

working hard to bring back goodness into a simple need called food.<br />

We’re against bad handling and contamination.<br />

And processes that can disturb the journey to your plate.<br />

We’re more for purity than for profits.<br />

More for soul and safety, than just sales.<br />

We believe you have the right to know<br />

where your food comes from.<br />

And we’re proud to show it to you.

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02<br />

From the CEO’s Desk 02


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Aliquam lorem augue, lobortis a vehicula nec, ultricies<br />

euismod mauris. Mauris non bibendum ex, in semper<br />

magna. Suspendisse sit amet vulputate mauris, in fringilla<br />

magna. Donec varius urna non metus fermentum, id<br />

vulputate urna hendrerit. Vestibulum pretium leo et<br />

turpis pretium, sit amet pharetra dui luctus. Aenean<br />

tristique faucibus elit eu tempus. Suspendisse vitae<br />

aliquam orci, at elementum arcu. Suspendisse nec viverra<br />

neque. Proin ultrices velit ut lectus luctus, vitae finibus<br />

lorem vestibulum. Aliquam vulputate aliquam ex, ac<br />

ultricies justo hendrerit quis. Nulla odio justo, lacinia<br />

vehicula nunc non, ornare egestas dui. Maecenas et<br />

maximus augue. Morbi pharetra pulvinar ultricies. Ut<br />

rhoncus molestie lacus eget luctus. Quisque eu libero nec<br />

sem tempus pulvinar. Curabitur vel accumsan ipsum, vel<br />

sodales nunc.<br />

Curabitur ultricies lorem sit amet quam scelerisque, id<br />

suscipit est suscipit. Nunc vel lectus lorem. Fusce in elit<br />

mollis, tincidunt massa ac, dictum nisi. Suspendisse<br />

pretium bibendum orci vitae malesuada. Aenean eget<br />

libero vel sem efficitur dignissim. Phasellus tellus urna,<br />

commodo eu magna vel, rhoncus gravida est. Lorem<br />

ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Nam tincidunt orci vel purus porttitor, quis euismod lorem<br />

dapibus. Curabitur sodales augue lectus, quis iaculis eros<br />

consequat ac. Curabitur ligula quam, facilisis laoreet<br />

suscipit ut, mollis pharetra magna. Sed dictum dui nunc, in<br />

condimentum nulla facilisis vel. Quisque augue leo, cursus<br />

eu neque quis, molestie hendrerit nulla. Sed eleifend ac ex<br />

vitae vulputate. Ut at enim id nulla mattis rutrum ac sed<br />

ligula. Curabitur consectetur leo ligula, eu tempus dolor<br />

efficitur vel. Morbi nec tempor elit, et hendrerit leo.<br />

Vestibulum sed ex facilisis, faucibus nisi id, accumsan<br />

felis. Ut et egestas ante. Suspendisse commodo mattis<br />

mauris non consequat. Sed fermentum quis arcu id<br />

scelerisque. Cras congue nibh sed sem fringilla varius.

IT ALL<br />



FROM A FEW<br />

This situation is what got together a group<br />

of like-minded people from Nasik. With<br />

farming backgrounds and education to go<br />

with, we decided it was time to do something<br />

worthwhile for our community. We<br />

understood the basic problem that the<br />

grape growers of Nasik faced. Since most<br />

were marginal farmers (owning farms less<br />

than 2 acres in size) they couldn’t get<br />

enough yield to make profits that could<br />

be put back into processes that would<br />

optimize the efficiency of their farms.<br />

Instead their lands were degenerating,<br />

harvest after harvest. It was a vicious<br />

cycle, with seemingly no way out.<br />

The first step was to stop these farmers from functioning as<br />

individual entities and bring them (and their lands) under one<br />

banner – this meant they were marginal farmers no more. It also<br />

meant more efficiency, access to improved techniques, a<br />

higher yield, considerable profits, and in turn, a better life.

YEARS AGO…<br />

Unlike the cool gun toting, denim-clad, horse-riding<br />

farmer from western cinema, farmers in India were fighting<br />

hard for survival. Though major Corporate Houses<br />

were cashing in on agricultural produce, the real tillers of<br />

the land seemed to be struggling to give their children<br />

basic education, or even two square meals a day. A debtridden<br />

existence that made them question life itself. All<br />

this, while others in the chain were grinning their way to<br />

their banks.<br />

In June 2004, ten farmers together cultivated and exported four<br />

containers of top quality grapes, to Europe. It was the first<br />

harvest as one united entity. And this, was just the beginning.

A root vegetable from the parsley family, that has lacy green leaves and a long slender orange root.<br />

Baby carrots are often more tender, but have less flavor because of their immaturity. Carrots were<br />

formerly every color: red, black, yellow, white and especially purple EXCEPT orange! First cultivated in<br />

Afghanistan, carrots originally had purple exteriors and yellow flesh. In the Middle Ages, the Dutch<br />

developed the bright orange carrot.


THE BEST<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.<br />

Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo molestie id<br />

vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis, vehicula augue<br />

sit amet, varius dolor. Morbi mattis imperdiet ipsum, nec<br />

pulvinar mi rutrum id. Phasellus congue semper eros<br />

eget vulputate. Aliquam ullamcorper erat lectus, nec<br />

laoreet nulla porttitor sit amet. Fusce nec tempus massa.<br />

Quisque sit amet urna eleifend, euismod lectus vel,<br />

vehicula lacus. Sed lacus nulla, ornare vitae lacinia id,<br />

aliquet sit amet augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad<br />

litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos<br />

himenaeos.<br />

Maecenas ut est nec dui mattis laoreet. Nunc ut nisl<br />

egestas, molestie justo vitae, mattis risus. Suspendisse<br />

tristique dolor vehicula, ullamcorper enim eu, pulvinar<br />

elit. Mauris hendrerit auctor semper. Aenean turpis<br />

tellus, egestas vestibulum consequat quis, lobortis in<br />

enim. Pellentesque ullamcorper erat at orci molestie, vel<br />

suscipit arcu finibus. Donec est leo, porttitor quis porta a,<br />

consequat non mauris. Pellentesque varius turpis ipsum,<br />

at porta tortor luctus at. Vivamus vulputate bibendum<br />

mauris, eu sodales augue posuere eget.<br />

Nulla ac leo vitae nunc sollicitudin auctor at sollicitudin<br />

risus. Aliquam at auctor nisi. Sed dapibus velit at sapien<br />

elementum, eu venenatis sem ornare. Sed dapibus<br />

tempor erat, ac sodales lectus egestas sed. Nulla cursus<br />

diam quis venenatis efficitur. Vestibulum eleifend<br />

dapibus velit. Morbi vel tempor augue. Pellentesque<br />

pharetra diam leo, eget commodo mi volutpat ut. Etiam<br />

sit amet nunc eu neque venenatis accumsan in vitae<br />

ligula. Aenean rhoncus varius leo eu vulputate. Praesent<br />

tincidunt odio sed nisi volutpat, a pretium purus<br />

pharetra. Praesent sed interdum nisl. Proin eleifend mi<br />

vel viverra sollicitudin. Integer quis nibh sit amet velit<br />

consequat pharetra.<br />

Fusce accumsan suscipit elementum. Nulla facilisi.<br />

Donec in felis molestie, luctus lacus eget, ornare nunc.<br />

Nam leo diam, porttitor ut convallis eu, viverra at augue.<br />

Proin pretium et quam vitae mollis. Nullam porttitor, est<br />

sit amet hendrerit laoreet, tellus neque ornare purus, eu<br />

ultricies augue tellus in elit. Nam condimentum leo non<br />

est cursus, at fringilla nunc viverra. Aenean at tincidunt<br />

risus. Mauris quis justo leo. Morbi id sagittis dui. Quisque<br />

vehicula, est eget sodales placerat, mauris dolor porta<br />

turpis, et vestibulum magna felis nec erat. Quisque<br />

gravida sed ligula eget aliquet. Mauris varius suscipit<br />

auctor. Ut eu tortor mi. Mauris porta orci vel est lobortis<br />

porta. Pellentesque nec dui nunc.

we are now exporting to<br />

10+<br />

countries<br />

5<br />

serving over large<br />

retail<br />

chains<br />

The years after the first harvest were filled with learnings. Our farmer family was growing.<br />

With an increasing base, there was more access to expert guidance, better machinery and<br />

efficient techniques. 2010 saw the introduction of the Producer Company Act, a hybrid of<br />

the Co-operative and Company Act.<br />

Though the principles were similar to that of the Co-operative Act, the Producer Company<br />

Act required the organization to be run in an absolutely professional manner as the<br />

Company Act mentioned.<br />

With this, we were registered as, and christened <strong>Sahyadri</strong> Farmers Producer Company<br />

Limited (SFPCL). In 2014, under the SFPCL banner, we proudly shipped off 630 containers<br />

of high quality grapes to Europe, the Middle East, Far East and the Eastern Bloc.<br />

And as you read this, we’re only growing.

We believe it’s our people who make<br />

all the difference. A sense of humour<br />

is of utmost importance, be it in our<br />

conference rooms or on the farm.<br />

Jokes apart, we’re blessed to have<br />

some of the best people who by now<br />

have sold their souls to farming.<br />

Though some are from farming<br />

backgrounds themselves, others are<br />

professionals from different streams<br />

and walks of life. This makes <strong>Sahyadri</strong><br />

continually strive towards new<br />

arenas and better ways of doing<br />

things. Over the years, many producer<br />

companies have faded away, not due to<br />

lack of vision, but the lack of<br />

professionals who can’t see it<br />

through. Luckily for us, we’re glad to<br />

be working with highly competent<br />

people who have the right skill sets<br />

and determination to not just dream<br />

big, but turn it to reality.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse<br />

et magna ut sem commodo molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque<br />

ante mollis, vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.<br />

Name of Person<br />

Designation<br />

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing<br />

elit. Suspendisse et magna ut sem commodo<br />

molestie id vitae lacus. Nam scelerisque ante mollis,<br />

vehicula augue sit amet, varius dolor.

100% SAFETY.<br />

PERIOD<br />

At <strong>Sahyadri</strong>, we believe Food Safety is<br />

a right of the consumer, whether<br />

European or Asian. All our growers are<br />

Global Gap certified and our team of 15<br />

Agronomists work with all our 1007<br />

growers to ensure chemical residue<br />

on the final product at the time of<br />

h a rv e s t sui t s t h e d e s t i na t i o n<br />

country’s norms and standards.<br />

Our packhouse is registered with<br />

sedex and is BRC certified. Currently<br />

we’re undergoing TPPS certifications<br />

too. We’ve put in place an efficient ERP<br />

system that enables GSI traceability<br />

standards to be implemented, which<br />

in turn gives you traceability up to the<br />

farm level of every product handled at<br />

<strong>Sahyadri</strong>. It’s a movement we’re<br />

building in India, called ‘KNOW YOUR<br />

FOOD’. Through this, not only are we<br />

empowering the end consumer to<br />

know exactly where his/her food<br />

comes from, we’re also making sure<br />

our standards are up to the mark,<br />



Like a canvas to an artist is a farm to a farmer. The love and<br />

passion which goes into each square inch of our farms is<br />

evident in the results we yield. Our 1007 grape growers<br />

with an acreage of 2500 acres and about 500 acres of<br />

captive plantation work hard, not only because it brings<br />

them money. But because they genuinely love what they<br />

do. Now, that’s<br />

big difference. When you truly love something, you’ll<br />

make sure there are no shortcuts or easy ways. Be it<br />

sowing time, or harvest or every other process in<br />

between, the <strong>Sahyadri</strong> family is at it, making sure our farms<br />

are pampered and given the best treatment. Why,<br />

sometimes we even spot a few farmers having full fledged<br />

conversations with their plants.<br />

And on and off, if you drop by, you’ll hear loud singing on<br />

the farms (in the native tongue Marathi) as our people are<br />

at work. That difference can be seen in every piece of<br />

produce that goes out of our farms.<br />

Our grape varieties, Sugraone, Crimso and Autumn Royal<br />

are new in India, besides the regular Thompson, Flame<br />

and Black Seedless. And now as we foray into growing<br />

fresh fruits and vegetables too, we intend registering an<br />

additional 5000 marginal growers soon. Which means<br />

more farms are on their way too.<br />

Safety is followed strignently on our lands. Hardcore<br />

research takes place before any new implementations.<br />

And every stage is carefully monitored under the<br />

watchfullness of modern machinery and experienced<br />

hands.<br />

Our timely investments and implementations in front line<br />

technology and agronomy ensures we’re not just smart<br />

farmers, but those equipped with the best processes, and<br />

of course the best farmlands.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rhoncus odio ac vestibulum interdum. Donec quis mauris<br />

dolor. Nam accumsan faucibus nunc id vulputate. Nullam nec orci sed nisl hendrerit pulvinar in in lorem. Sed auctor, purus<br />

eget luctus tincidunt, neque mauris luctus elit, eget molestie eros diam eget justo. Vivamus tincidunt eu tortor id<br />

imperdiet. Praesent eu urna ante. In venenatis justo vitae massa sodales, ac molestie dolor feugiat. Etiam a blandit dolor,<br />

vel fermentum risus. Aenean at finibus ante. Aenean in molestie odio, nec mattis nisl. Praesent quis blandit metus, vel<br />

bibendum dui. Ut quis iaculis risus, sed congue nunc. Sed efficitur libero non magna facilisis consequat. Pellentesque sit<br />

amet nibh sed tellus vestibulum facilisis.<br />






Give it your all. Or don’t do it at all. That’s the motto we work with. Be it getting up at 4<br />

am to attend to a tender sapling. Or travelling a few hundred miles to choose the best<br />

fertilizers, we’re up for anything our craft demands. Safety in food is a primary<br />

concern. And we ensure it all across, from packaging our produce on the farm itself, to<br />

ensuring transportation only in our specialised vehicles. All the way, till your plate,<br />

Within the next few years, we hope to not just enrich Nasik’s farmers or provide the<br />

safest produce. We envision an India where farming turns to a profession of hope.<br />

And an embrace that brings Bharat and India together.<br />

We see youth who understand the nuances of our lands. And a nation where the<br />

farmer is respected and revered. For this dream, at <strong>Sahyadri</strong>, we pledge to give our all.


With a vision to improve returns to Indian table grape growers, our fresh fruit pack house is probably the largest in<br />

India. With a capacity to handle 300 MT of fresh F&V and 100 MT of processed F&V per day, the facility also has<br />

banana ripening rooms as well as chambers for freezing and vacuum cooling.<br />

Covers an area<br />

of 165,000<br />

square feet<br />

Capacity to process<br />

20 containers of<br />

grapes per day<br />

Cold storage capacity<br />

of 3,500 pallets<br />

spanning various<br />

temperature regimes<br />

Facilities for<br />

freezing and<br />

vacuum cooling<br />

In a first for India, the use of dual-discharge,<br />

ceiling mounted pre-coolers to ensure proper<br />

cooling of every single carton in every batch

We ensure the best of technology where handling our produce is<br />

concerned. As per climatic requirements and needs of handling, we<br />

have procured and built the best facilities from the best of<br />

manufacturers worldwide.

Central Processing Centre<br />

Our Central Processing Center for Establishing<br />

Fruits and Vegetable Supply Chain has a<br />

capacity to handle 300 MT of fresh F&V and<br />

100 MT of processed F&V per day.<br />

Goodness Wagons<br />

The only way we transport our produce<br />

is in our customised temperature<br />

controlled vehicles. Goodness wagons,<br />

we call them. This is to ensure that<br />

everything reaches the destination<br />

without blemish of any kind.


www.sahyadrifarms.com<br />

<strong>Sahyadri</strong> Farmers Producer Company Ltd.<br />

REGD. OFF<br />

No. 1102/8, Behind Police Quarter,<br />

A/P Adgaon, Nashik 422003<br />

Phone : +91-253-2023497<br />


Survey No. 314/2/, A/P Mohadi,<br />

Tal. Dindori, Nashik 422007<br />

Phone: +91-2557-274937<br />

©SAHYADRI FARMS 2015 69632 10/2012 Printed in INDIA

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