Veteran Leaguer - LVRC

Veteran Leaguer - LVRC

Veteran Leaguer - LVRC


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2. By the executive committee. That the rules of racing be changed to those proposals published in the VL Spring 2011 and on the<br />

website at the same time. In fact these changes correct some anomalies and reflect today's conditions. Whilst the meeting agreed with<br />

the proposition in general they passed the motion with the provisio that the executive committee reconsider Rule 13 regarding bunch<br />

sizes.<br />

3. By Region 9 that the race entry to be raised to £10.00 to counter the increased cost of driving expensed/changing rooms and first aid<br />

provision . Motion For 14 against 8 abstained 6. Motion carried.<br />

4. By Mike Amery that the question "how many events does your club promote every year" be removed from the entry form as it is<br />

ambiguous. Motion carried executive committee to amend.<br />

Motions 5 and 8 were ruled out of order as no one was present to speak on them.<br />

7. Proposed Mike Allen, seconded Derrick Woodings. That provision be made in the rules for a proper disputes procedure to be followed<br />

when necessary after races and to consider whether there should be additional rules to cater for the situation of multiple races on<br />

a course at one time and faster races catching slower races. The meeting instructed the executive to sort this out at their next meeting.<br />

Any other business<br />

The Events Coordinator to find out the dates of the BC Masters Championships (if any) so there are no clashes with our championships.<br />

The Meeting closed with a vote of appreciation to the executive for all the work they put in.<br />

Next AGM meeting date to be confirmed but around same time as 2011.<br />

Action Summary<br />

1. Exec to reconsider rule 13 changes. 12/10/11. This is now done and for clarity Championship events should have a minimum bunch<br />

size of 10. All other events covered by Rule / Recommendation 6 in the Organisation and Safety Manual where minimum bunch sizes are<br />

recommended as 20. No further action required.<br />

2. Delete from entry form "how many events does you club organise"<br />

3. Exec to consider dispute procedure after races and the situation where a faster race catches a slower race on at the same time.<br />

4. Events coordinator to consider and BC Championship dates when setting <strong>LVRC</strong> date.<br />

Chairman’s Review<br />

I think its always useful to occasionally remind ourselves why we exist and particularly so when reviewing how our the current year has<br />

gone.<br />

So --- the formal reason for our existence states ---<br />

"The provision of a programme of competitive and social cycling events for male and female members of 40 years of age and over."<br />

Overall I think we do pretty well.<br />

Overall I believe we do pretty well against that objective and what you will hear at the agm will support that view I hope.<br />

As in previous years I am pleased to report another successful years racing for our members with still more to come. At the start of the<br />

year we had a race calendar of 140 races plus the Track Championships and the Cyclo Cross events . That is roughly the same as last year<br />

and seems to be about right for the size of organisation we are. On behalf of all members and riders a big thank you to all organisers<br />

and their helpers for this fantastic effort.<br />

Road 50% -- Closed circuit 50%<br />

Over the year we have lost a few of those races, one or two through lack of entries perhaps one or two due to police objection but most<br />

depressing of all was one in Yorkshire.<br />

Alistair Cameron's original police application was rejected, he then took them at his own expense and with some help from the region<br />

through a process to Judicial review because he thought the police objection was illegal. He won his argument at Judicial Review but<br />

then had to cancel the whole thing anyway because he could not get enough people to come out and help! How ironic and sad id<br />

that.<br />

In 2011 We also lost the Bill Butterworth mid week promotions for the <strong>LVRC</strong> at Hillingdon. Bill took some trouble to explain to me this was<br />

because he had got fed up with doing it almost alone. The races are still being run - for the over forties but under the BC banner because<br />

he get s the full support of the Hillingdon British Cycling orientated infrastructure to support him. You can draw your own conclusions<br />

from these stories but mine are that we will only continue to thrive if we help ourselves and we must therefore be continually vigilant<br />

that we encourage and make it as easy as possible for new organisers to come forward all the time - and then support them properly.<br />

That's down to everybody in the regions as well as us in the centre.<br />

All the events I rode were generally well organised with one or two exceptions that we got away with - just! The exec team is determined<br />

and focussed on doing everything it can to promote safe racing and we are prepared to take a hard line and spend money where its<br />

required.<br />

This may lead to the loss of one or two organisers but if that is the case - so be it. Rider safety must be paramount in all our race<br />

promotions.<br />

For the first time this year we are having to cope with a formal complaint from a rider about the organisation of a race from a number<br />

of different aspects including safety. That is ongoing but it clearly emphasises the need for ever increasing vigilance on safety and<br />

remembering what our fundamental objectives are.<br />

We also have had three complaints recently from Parish Councils commenting on and complaining about road use, standards of riding<br />

etc and w ear dealing with these. It does however emphasise the need for constant awareness of standards of behaviour in the widest<br />

possible sense.<br />

Some organisers also seem to be forgetting that prizes should reflect age group results in the first instance and then the overall race<br />

results if finances allow. We must take some action to emphasise that aspect to our whole organisation and clearly this is fully aligned<br />

with our stated objectives.<br />

External relations<br />

I have maintained personal contact with various individuals in BC and TLI and certainly we and TLI have agreed to be as mutually<br />

supportive as possible and there is a good working relationship between the two organisations. The same cannot quite be said for BC<br />

who whilst acknowledging the value we add - and we have their President riding our races, still do not want to recognise us officially as<br />

a valid organisation in the sport. I reported more fully in the last VL on that issue no more need be said.<br />

Finances<br />

Ian will provide more detail – but we are in a strong position. The invitation to regions to invest in electronic timing equipment still<br />

stands - and we will help finance. We are still waiting for uptake however. I feel the main blocker to making this technology more widely<br />

available is the need for a nominated individual to be guardian of the equipment on a local basis . And therein lies the difficulty - very<br />

few people actually want to do anything for the greater good.<br />

The <strong>Veteran</strong> <strong>Leaguer</strong>: Autumn 2011 Page 7

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