Statement by His Excellency Mr

Statement by His Excellency Mr

Statement by His Excellency Mr


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<strong>Statement</strong> of the State Secretary for Political Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs and European integration of Montenegro, Ambassador Nebojša Kaluđerović<br />

Second Ministerial Review Conference on the Geneva Declaration on Armed<br />

Violance and Development<br />

Excellences, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,<br />

It is my pleasure to address this important meeting on behalf of Montenegro as a<br />

member of Geneva Declaration.<br />

I am very glad to see that the increasing number of states support the common goals<br />

and objectives of the Geneva Declaration, the UN Programme of Action to Prevent,<br />

Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its<br />

Aspect, as well as other relevant documents limiting the illicit trade in small arms and<br />

light weapons.<br />

The consequences of armed violence can not be confined within the borders of one<br />

state. The use of weapons always causes vast and irreparable consequences for the<br />

entire international community.<br />

Easy availability and the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons contributes<br />

to prolonging conflicts, and is detrimental to efforts to achieve negotiated settlement of<br />

conflicts. All these represent major obstacles to development, and cause social<br />

inequality, unemployment, uneven access to resources, unregulated urbanization,<br />

various forms of marginalization etc.<br />

In the recent past, Montenegro has experienced the consequences of armed conflicts<br />

that left a strong mark on the whole region of Western Balkans. Although it hasn’t been<br />

involved in those conflicts, Montenegro still struggles with a large number of refugees<br />

and internally displaced persons, and faces certain obstacles to overall development.<br />

Today Montenegro is firmly devoted to European and Euro - Atlantic integration<br />

processes and is committed to strengthening democracy and rule of law, protecting and<br />

promoting human rights and freedoms, respecting international law, and working<br />

towards economic and social wellbeing of its society.<br />

My country is a member of all important international instruments in the field of<br />

control of trafficking and possession of small arms and light weapons, and stands<br />

strong for the elimination of its illegal trade. To this end, Montenegro has established<br />

effective system of control of foreign trade in arms, based on the strict implementation

of international obligations and respect of the common criteria contained in the EU<br />

Common Position.<br />

Furthermore, we have adopted a number of national documents, in order to create the<br />

unified national system of control and reduction of small arms and light weapons in<br />

possession of citizens, police and armed forces and others.<br />

Montenegro has implemented many projects on demilitarization and safe storage<br />

capacities for the SALW, in cooperation with UNDP, OSCE and other international<br />

organizations. The Government of Montenegro works on developing ammunition<br />

management systems and building facilities for safe storage of ammunition.<br />

<strong>Mr</strong> Chairman,<br />

We are confident that the international community led <strong>by</strong> the UN, through active<br />

participation of all its members, will continue the work on solving these complex<br />

problems.<br />

To that end, we call upon all states to promote cooperation at regional and global level,<br />

in order to support common goals and objectives of the Declaration, and there<strong>by</strong><br />

strengthen peace, security, development and respect of human rights.<br />

In conclusion I would like to thank in particular the Swiss Government for the leading<br />

role and commitment to this issue and for hosting, together, with the UNDP, this<br />

important Conference.<br />

Thank you.

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