Viking Age Clothing Class Handouts pgs 21-26 ... - Olvik Thing

Viking Age Clothing Class Handouts pgs 21-26 ... - Olvik Thing

Viking Age Clothing Class Handouts pgs 21-26 ... - Olvik Thing


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Underdresses<br />

Very few textile remains of women’s<br />

underdresses survive. Still, there is plenty of<br />

evidence they wore long dresses under their<br />

apron-dresses—the gold foil figures, the<br />

valkyrie figures and the Oseberg Tapestry all<br />

show the women wearing long dresses. The<br />

underdresses were most likely made of linen,<br />

which does not survive well in graves. To<br />

make a <strong>Viking</strong> underdress, a simple t-tunic<br />

works fine, especially for earlier period<br />

<strong>Viking</strong>s. Take the side waste pieces, flip them<br />

over, and add them to the skirt sides for a more<br />

full skirt. You can also try following the<br />

pattern directions for the location-appropriate<br />

men’s tunics (rounded or straight sleeves, for<br />

instance), adjusting the pattern to make a<br />

longer, fuller-skirted garment.<br />

The backside of a bronze tortoise brooch found<br />

in Birka, with some of the pleated linen underdress<br />

still visible (Harte and Ponting, p. 318).<br />

The 1000 AD Eura, Finland underdress was made of<br />

wool. Because of the Baltic propensity to wear a lot<br />

of bronze jewelry, enough of the dress survived for us<br />

to know the length of it (because of the coiled bronze<br />

wire appliquéd to the bottom of the apron), and the<br />

length of the sleeves (because of the coiled bronze<br />

bracelets). The Finnish reconstructors based this<br />

cloth-conservative pattern on a Danish Iron-<strong>Age</strong><br />

leather tunic (Priest-Dorman, p. 60).<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 <strong>21</strong>

Apron-Dresses<br />

Apron-dresses are the quintessential <strong>Viking</strong><br />

woman’s garment; the largest surviving example<br />

of an apron dress is the fragment from Hedeby.<br />

The apron-dress fragment recovered at Hedeby,<br />

dated to the 10 th century. The shaded area in the<br />

drawing represents felting on the garment, which<br />

likely indicates a belt was worn. The darts point<br />

towards a fitted style overdress. The cloth was a<br />

fine tabby wool that was dyed brown The seam<br />

was covered with a four-string braid that was<br />

laid down over it. The dress fragment measured<br />

approximately 23cm across, with the bottom<br />

piece measuring almost 25cm across (Hägg,<br />

Haithabu, p. 39 and Shelagh Lewins’ website for<br />

translation of Hägg’s text).<br />

The evolution of the <strong>Viking</strong> apron-dress from<br />

peplos to fitted 10 th century apron-dress found in<br />

Birka and Hedeby (Priest-Dorman, p. 45).<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 22

Reconstructed Eura, Finland, Dress<br />

Apron Dress from Birka<br />

This outfit from Eura, Finland, dates to 1000<br />

AD (Fitzhugh & Ward, p. 111). The peplos<br />

style overdress is made of a large rectangle<br />

that wraps around one side of the body and is<br />

left open on the other. This style of overdress<br />

pre-dates the fitted style of overdress found at<br />

Birka. The apron with coiled bronze appliqué<br />

decorations and bracelets are uniquely Baltic.<br />

An interpretation of the Scandinavian Hängerock<br />

(hanging skirt), often called an apron-dress or<br />

overdress in English, based on the 9 th -10 th century<br />

finds from Birka as described by Agnes Geijer (Owen-<br />

Crocker, p. 29). The overdress evolved from the<br />

peplos style (left), but lost the flap and gained straps.<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 23

Brooches and Straps<br />

The oval brooches were worn slightly differently depending<br />

on the woman’s clothing. In the Eura, Finland, find, the<br />

brooches are worn up by the shoulder and they have no straps;<br />

they are pinned directly to each side of the folded-over peplos<br />

style dress. In the Birka finds, however, the majority of the<br />

overdresses had thin straps attached to the back and the front<br />

of the overdresses. The brooches closed the gap between the<br />

straps. In the grave finds with pleated linen underdresses, the<br />

brooches are often pinned through the underdress layer.<br />

Back view of brooch showing the overdress<br />

straps (Geijer, Birka III, p. 155).<br />

Detail of the sketch of Birka Grave 824 showing the way the<br />

brooches and the silver brocaded tablet-woven bands lay in<br />

situ. Though the woman appears to have been buried with a<br />

ship, there were few other grave goods near (Arbman, p. 296).<br />

Sketch of brooch configuration of Birka Grave 824, showing<br />

the silver brocaded tablet-woven bands attached under the<br />

brooches. It appears that the bands were decorating the edge<br />

of a piece of clothing, perhaps a cloak tied at the throat with<br />

more tablet-weaving? (Geijer, Birka III p. 149).<br />

Side view showing detail of cloth under<br />

and over brooches. Note how the loops<br />

attach to the brooch on top and bottom<br />

(Hägg, Kvinnodräkten i Birka, 128).<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 24

The Layers of Cloth Found in a <strong>Viking</strong> Woman’s Grave at Birka #1<br />

1. tapestry<br />

2. silk (samitum) and fur<br />

3. tweed [wool]<br />

4. silk<br />

5. oval brooch<br />

6. lozenge twill [wool]<br />

7. linen<br />

8. remains of body<br />

9. tweed [wool]<br />

10. fur<br />

11. tapestry<br />

12. wood (?)<br />

The chart made up by Inga Hägg, above, gives us great insight into just how many items of clothing<br />

<strong>Viking</strong> women in 10 th century Birka wore. Some layers might be missing. Linen does not survive well in<br />

graves. The linen and silks survive here because of proximity to the brooch; there were most likely other<br />

layers of that same cloth under the body that did not survive the centuries (Harte and Ponting, ed., p. 325).<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 25

The Layers of Cloth Found in a <strong>Viking</strong> Woman’s Grave at Birka #2<br />

1. tapestry<br />

2. tweed [wool]<br />

3. oval brooch<br />

4. silk<br />

5. lozenge twill [wool]<br />

6. linen<br />

7. remains of body<br />

8. lozenge twill [wool]<br />

9. tweed [wool]<br />

10. wood<br />

11. sand<br />

According to Hägg’s description of the cloth remains, this grave contained a woman dressed in a linen<br />

underdress, a lozenge twill wool apron-dress which was decorated with silk bands on the front side only, and<br />

a tweed wool garment worn over the apron-dress (possibly a shawl or coat). She also had a woolen wrap<br />

spread over the top of her body.<br />

From this and the previous page, we can make a rough guess of the basic Birka women’s clothing layers:<br />

1. linen underdress<br />

2. lozenge twill wool apron-dress<br />

3. shawl or other outer garment of wool<br />

4. possibly a second outer garment of wool<br />

This set of clothing items matches those seen on gold foil figures, some of the valkyrie figures, and the<br />

Oseberg tapestry figures—which pre-date the Birka finds by 100 years or more (Harte and Ponting, p. 332).<br />

Sunnifa Gunnarsdottir (Charlotte Mayhew) crmayhew@comcast.net September 2011 <strong>26</strong>

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