PBS 140 Child Care Center Design Guide - The Whole Building ...

PBS 140 Child Care Center Design Guide - The Whole Building ... PBS 140 Child Care Center Design Guide - The Whole Building ...


INDEX Natural light 5-3 , 7-9 , 7-11 Nature study 7-11 Nests 7-12 Noise sources 5-3 Nursing 3-1 , 3-3 , 7-1 , 7-17 Nutrition and Food Service 4-2 O OCCDP 9-6 Office 8-9 Older Toddler and Pre-school Cubbies 7-10 Older Toddler Classroom 8-5 Open Activity Area 7-11 Organization of the Guide 1-2 , 1-3 OSF 5-1 , 7-3 Other Applicable Documents 1-2 Outdoor Play Yard 8-10 P PAC 2-4 Paper towel 10-8 Parent 4-1 Parent/Teacher Conference Area 7-1 , 7-4 Parents 3-1 Parking 6-1 Partitions 7-7 PDS 1-2 Personal computer 7-4 Platform 6-8 Play activities 7-11 Play Equipment 8-2 Play superstructure 6-7 Play Yard 3-4 , 3-5 , 6-1 , 6-3 , 7-1 Play yard space 5-2 Playhouses 8-3 Plumbing fixtures 7-9 Poisonous plant 5-4 , 6-8 Porch 6-1 , 6-4 , 6-9 , 7-2 Index-4 Pre-school 1-4 , 3-3 Pre-School Classroom 7-6 Pre-schooler 3-5 Private toileting facilities 3-6 Program 1-3 Props 6-4 Protective barrier 6-9 , 7-13 Public transportation 5-4 R Radon 1-2 Reading/listening 7-11 Reception 3-1 , 7-2 Reception area 7-1 , 7-2 , 10-5 Regional Child Care Coordinator 1-1 , 2-3 , 8-3 Resilient surface 6-6 , 6-9 Role playing 6-5 Rooftop equipment 7-21 Rugs 9-3 S Sand and water play 7-11 , 7-12 Sand and water table 6-5 , 8-3 Satchel 3-5 Scale 3-4 , 3-5 , 7-11 School-Age 1-5 , 3-3 , 3-6 School-Age Classroom 7-7 School-Age Lockers 7-10 Science 7-11 Sealed concrete 9-3 Seating 8-2 Secure perimeter 5-4 Security 5-4 Security alarm 10-12 Security device 7-2 Separation of Spaces 7-7 Service access 6-2 Service area 7-19 Service dock/entrance 7-1 Service Entrance 7-20 PBS-140 - July 2003

Service entry 5-4 Service Personnel 3-2 Service Space 7-1 Shades 10-8 , 10-10 Shading 6-9 Sheet vinyl 9-3 Shut-off valve 10-8 Sick Bay 5-5 , 7-1 , 7-19 Signage 6-1 Sill height 10-7 Sleeping and Napping Areas 7-17 Slides 8-3 Slope F-5 Slotted fee box 7-2 Soap dispenser 10-8 Socio-dramatic 7-11 Staff 2-3 , 4-1 Staff Areas 7-1 Staff lounge 7-1 Staff Qualifications and Development 4-1 Stair 7-14 Standards 2-2 Storage 7-5 , 7-11 , 8-1 Stroller 8-1 Summer program 8-2 T Tables and Chairs 8-2 Teacher Lounge/ Resource Room 8-10 Teacher Storage 7-1 , 7-18 Telephone 7-4 , 7-19 , 7-21 Temperature 10-9 Texture 9-2 Three Year Old Classroom 8-7 Tire chips 6-9 Tire swings 8-3 Toddler 1-5 , 3-5 Toddler & Pre-School Lofts & Platforms 7-13 Toilet seat height 7-15 Toilet training 3-3 , 3-5 Toileting and hand washing 7-1 Transfer of Noise 10-6 Transition 6-1 Transition area 7-1 , 7-2 Trees 5-4 Tuition drop box 7-10 PBS-140 - July 2003 Index-5 U UFAS 1-2 , 2-2 , 7-5 , 10-8 Umbrella strollers 7-10 United States Code 40, Section 490b 2-3 Unrestricted space per child 5-2 Upholstered Furniture 8-2 Utility Room 8-9 V Valances 10-8 Ventilation 10-9 Vestibule 7-1 , 7-2 Video equipment 7-4 Video monitor 7-4 Views 5-4 Vinyl wallcovering 9-2 W Walk-off mat 7-2 Wall configurations 7-8 Wall Finishes 9-2 Waste 10-8 Wheeled toy 6-4 , 8-3 Windows 10-7 Wood chips 6-9 Woodworking 7-11 Workroom 7-5 INDEX

Service entry 5-4<br />

Service Personnel 3-2<br />

Service Space 7-1<br />

Shades 10-8 , 10-10<br />

Shading 6-9<br />

Sheet vinyl 9-3<br />

Shut-off valve 10-8<br />

Sick Bay 5-5 , 7-1 , 7-19<br />

Signage 6-1<br />

Sill height 10-7<br />

Sleeping and Napping Areas 7-17<br />

Slides 8-3<br />

Slope F-5<br />

Slotted fee box 7-2<br />

Soap dispenser 10-8<br />

Socio-dramatic 7-11<br />

Staff 2-3 , 4-1<br />

Staff Areas 7-1<br />

Staff lounge 7-1<br />

Staff Qualifications and Development 4-1<br />

Stair 7-14<br />

Standards 2-2<br />

Storage 7-5 , 7-11 , 8-1<br />

Stroller 8-1<br />

Summer program 8-2<br />

T<br />

Tables and Chairs 8-2<br />

Teacher Lounge/ Resource Room 8-10<br />

Teacher Storage 7-1 , 7-18<br />

Telephone 7-4 , 7-19 , 7-21<br />

Temperature 10-9<br />

Texture 9-2<br />

Three Year Old Classroom 8-7<br />

Tire chips 6-9<br />

Tire swings 8-3<br />

Toddler 1-5 , 3-5<br />

Toddler & Pre-School Lofts & Platforms 7-13<br />

Toilet seat height 7-15<br />

Toilet training 3-3 , 3-5<br />

Toileting and hand washing 7-1<br />

Transfer of Noise 10-6<br />

Transition 6-1<br />

Transition area 7-1 , 7-2<br />

Trees 5-4<br />

Tuition drop box 7-10<br />

<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>140</strong> - July 2003 Index-5<br />

U<br />

UFAS 1-2 , 2-2 , 7-5 , 10-8<br />

Umbrella strollers 7-10<br />

United States Code 40, Section 490b 2-3<br />

Unrestricted space per child 5-2<br />

Upholstered Furniture 8-2<br />

Utility Room 8-9<br />

V<br />

Valances 10-8<br />

Ventilation 10-9<br />

Vestibule 7-1 , 7-2<br />

Video equipment 7-4<br />

Video monitor 7-4<br />

Views 5-4<br />

Vinyl wallcovering 9-2<br />

W<br />

Walk-off mat 7-2<br />

Wall configurations 7-8<br />

Wall Finishes 9-2<br />

Waste 10-8<br />

Wheeled toy 6-4 , 8-3<br />

Windows 10-7<br />

Wood chips 6-9<br />

Woodworking 7-11<br />

Workroom 7-5<br />


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