
4pQonT 4pQonT


232 THIS DIFFICULT INDIVIDUAL July 4, 1943. On the Postwar Situation: "Perhaps you will be able to get some employment but that isn't necessary. You are used to not being busy so that will not disturb you. You will not have to think about anything. That will be a comfort to your penury. You never did like to think about anything." July 6, 1943: "John Adams won the American Revolution as a law case before the peculiarly venal and squalid government of England at that time had recourse to arms. "If a man appeals against economic aggression, he appeals to economic justice. Or at any rate he takes grounds from which appeals to economic justice must be eventually made. Now, what is economic justice? Is it based upon property? Do the Communists answer that in the negative? Is economic justice material justice? In modern society I think the answer must be, economic justice means an equitable distribution of purchasing power. It means a living wage for all labor in all places where the means of subsistence exists." July 17, 1943: "I reckon my last talk was the most courageous I have ever given. I was playing with fire. I was openly talking about how the war may be prolonged, by fellows who were scared that the war might stop. I mean they're scared right out of their little gray panties, for fear economic equity might set in as soon as guns stop shooting or shortly thereafter. The stage scenery fell with a flop, simultaneously with some anti-Axis successes. "Mr. Welles trod on delicate ground, but he did make a step forward. I mean when he spoke of economic aggression. How can you prevent economic aggression inside a nation? If you can't prevent it inside a nation, how do you expect to prevent it on the world base? How do you expect to prevent it on the international scale if you can't prevent it internally? "Inside the territory already crushed and defiled by the plutocracy, by the usury system, by the rump end of the mercantile system, which has been diseased and worm-eaten by the cancer of

EZRA POUND 233 usury, at sixty per cent. And by the wheeze of varying the purchasing power of the government's money at the every whim of the financiers. And if you won't, or if a given gang of profiteers, sometimes called politicians, would not even try to prevent it inside their own countries, how the Sam Hill do you expect the rest of the world to do anything about preventing it outside the boundaries of their own oppressed and unhappy countries? "London slums and the rest of it is proof of Churchill's misanthropy, and his contempt for all social justice, his loathing of the ideas of justice and equity. Of the three . . . Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, conscious or unconscious, Stalin is the more open. I think he has never tried to deny his hand in mass murders, assassinations and so on. He'd argue that it is just part of his business. Roosevelt would try to say that a murder today is committed in the hope of preventing your being murdered by your greatgrandchild's nephew. "Mr. Churchill, who is an arrant . . . and clever scene-shifter, has never faced or answered questions. Is there any difference between slaying a man with a sword and killing him with a system of government? Hence the pink popularity of Bolshevist propaganda amongst Lord Professor Keynes' students in Cambridge, England. "Well, part of the world prefers local control of their own money, power and credit. ". . . But I should like them to preserve a few art works, a few mosaics, a few printed volumes. I should like to store or bring to peace what is left of the world's cultural heritage, including libraries, and architectural monuments, to serve as models for one who constructs them. ". . . But there is no accounting for the peculiarities of the American people or for their lack of coherence. They seem to like spending their money on war, destruction and inedible metal. Perhaps the biosophites or some other American votaries of the infinite will, in time, produce some sort of diagnosis of the neurosis of the American sweetheart." On July 25, 1943, the last of the talks was transcribed in Washington, and an indictment for treason returned against Ezra Pound. Of the seven broadcasts specifically cited in the nineteen-

EZRA POUND 233<br />

usury, at sixty per cent. And by the wheeze of varying the purchasing<br />

power of the government's money at the every whim of<br />

the financiers. And if you won't, or if a given gang of profiteers,<br />

sometimes called politicians, would not even try to prevent it<br />

inside their own countries, how the Sam Hill do you expect the<br />

rest of the world to do anything about preventing it outside the<br />

boundaries of their own oppressed and unhappy countries?<br />

"London slums and the rest of it is proof of Churchill's misanthropy,<br />

and his contempt for all social justice, his loathing of the<br />

ideas of justice and equity. Of the three . . . Churchill, Roosevelt<br />

and Stalin, conscious or unconscious, Stalin is the more open. I<br />

think he has never tried to deny his hand in mass murders, assassinations<br />

and so on. He'd argue that it is just part of his business.<br />

Roosevelt would try to say that a murder today is committed in<br />

the hope of preventing your being murdered by your greatgrandchild's<br />

nephew.<br />

"Mr. Churchill, who is an arrant . . . and clever scene-shifter,<br />

has never faced or answered questions. Is there any difference between<br />

slaying a man with a sword and killing him with a system of<br />

government? Hence the pink popularity of Bolshevist propaganda<br />

amongst Lord Professor Keynes' students in Cambridge, England.<br />

"Well, part of the world prefers local control of their own<br />

money, power and credit.<br />

". . . But I should like them to preserve a few art works, a<br />

few mosaics, a few printed volumes. I should like to store or bring<br />

to peace what is left of the world's cultural heritage, including<br />

libraries, and architectural monuments, to serve as models for one<br />

who constructs them.<br />

". . . But there is no accounting for the peculiarities of the<br />

American people or for their lack of coherence. They seem to like<br />

spending their money on war, destruction and inedible metal. Perhaps<br />

the biosophites or some other American votaries of the infinite<br />

will, in time, produce some sort of diagnosis of the neurosis<br />

of the American sweetheart."<br />

On July 25, 1943, the last of the talks was transcribed in<br />

Washington, and an indictment for treason returned against Ezra<br />

Pound. Of the seven broadcasts specifically cited in the nineteen-

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