
4pQonT 4pQonT


208 THIS DIFFICULT INDIVIDUAL people such as the United States of Americans. You are in it and Lord knows who is trying to get you out. As the late Lord Rothermere, who was not much, as you might say, to write home about, finally decided that the English public was unteachable, wholly unteachable. Well, I don't know whether you can learn anything from history, I mean, I don't know whether you are even yet in a state of mind where you want to learn anything from history or from any other source whatever. A way to get yourselves out might be discoverable. It might be more discoverable if you first had a faint inkling or a curiosity as to how you get yourselves in. ". . . How well you can learn from the disasters of England I do not yet know. But I would lay it down as an axiom that empires do not get knocked apart from outside until they are plumb gone to rot in the middle. The laws of right government have been known since the days of You and Shun, old Chinese Emperors, and from the time of King Wong was a thousand years, and from Wong to Confucius was more than two thousand years ago. "And those days when the policies of Chun and of Guan were slipped together, compared, they were as the two halves of a peel. Or it might be the two parts of a talley stick. And for nigh on to four thousand years I think no one has dodged the fate of those policies. Then from the time of Confucius, every dynasty in China has learned from Confucius—I mean he learned it from looking at history—talking of Chun and Guan. And after him whenever a great man learned it he started or upheld some sort of imperial order." February 19, 1942. Power: "The President hath power. The president has no legal power to enter into serious and secret agreements with foreign powers. He has no legal power to cook up policies with Jones? Borkin? and sign the nation's name on the document. The United States treaties are valid when ratified by the Senate and not before. The President has no legal power to enter into condominiums with foreign governments for a misconduct of scandalous islands off the China coast or in proximity to distant Oriental or any other damn harbors. The President has no more legal right to do these infamies

EZRA POUND 209 than you have to sign my name on a check or I yours. There is no darkness save ignorance." March 8, 1942. Gold: ". . . Arthur Golding's namesake and four generations over descendant, points out that even in the time of Queen Elizabeth, the Earl of Oxford was fallen. He was handing over his rents to some shyster in return for a fixed income. Ten thousand, or whatever it was, a year, and then the shyster had to squeeze what he could out of the peasants and out of men working the land. The return of the feudal system. Old Fordie used to talk about that. Liberty is not a right but a duty. Rot and laziness got men under, too lazy to function as lords and proprietors. The nobility sold out to the shysters. In my twelve years in London, how many people did I meet, I was meeting, as you might say, the flower of the writing class in your island. How many people did I meet who had read their own history? How many who had read Anthony Trollope?" March 19, 1942. Time Lag: ". . . Now if American students will recognize that universities are there to prepare students for life in a given country, and in a given time and insist on finding out what will happen to life in that place and time, they can get their four years' work [worth?]. Nobody can do this for those students, they have got to do it for themselves. Ma Hopkins on one end of the log, and the students on the other. When Abe Lard [sic. transcriber] was kicked out of the University of Paris, five thousand students followed him out into the country. There were no dormitories or million-dollar gymnasiums. That is the sort of thing that builds the revival of learning, or intellectual re-birth." March 30, 1942. Pattern: "The place to defend the American heritage is on the American continent and no man who had any part in helping Franklin D. Roosevelt to spill out—get the United States into it—has enough sense to win anything. If Roosevelt were not below the biological level at which the concept of honor enters the mind, below the


people such as the United States of Americans. You are in it and<br />

Lord knows who is trying to get you out. As the late Lord<br />

Rothermere, who was not much, as you might say, to write home<br />

about, finally decided that the English public was unteachable,<br />

wholly unteachable. Well, I don't know whether you can learn anything<br />

from history, I mean, I don't know whether you are even yet<br />

in a state of mind where you want to learn anything from history<br />

or from any other source whatever. A way to get yourselves out<br />

might be discoverable. It might be more discoverable if you first<br />

had a faint inkling or a curiosity as to how you get yourselves in.<br />

". . . How well you can learn from the disasters of England<br />

I do not yet know. But I would lay it down as an axiom that<br />

empires do not get knocked apart from outside until they are<br />

plumb gone to rot in the middle. The laws of right government<br />

have been known since the days of You and Shun, old Chinese<br />

Emperors, and from the time of King Wong was a thousand years,<br />

and from Wong to Confucius was more than two thousand years<br />

ago.<br />

"And those days when the policies of Chun and of Guan were<br />

slipped together, compared, they were as the two halves of a peel.<br />

Or it might be the two parts of a talley stick. And for nigh on to<br />

four thousand years I think no one has dodged the fate of those<br />

policies. Then from the time of Confucius, every dynasty in China<br />

has learned from Confucius—I mean he learned it from looking<br />

at history—talking of Chun and Guan. And after him whenever a<br />

great man learned it he started or upheld some sort of imperial<br />

order."<br />

February 19, 1942. Power:<br />

"The President hath power. The president has no legal power to<br />

enter into serious and secret agreements with foreign powers. He<br />

has no legal power to cook up policies with Jones? Borkin? and<br />

sign the nation's name on the document. The United States treaties<br />

are valid when ratified by the Senate and not before. The President<br />

has no legal power to enter into condominiums with foreign governments<br />

for a misconduct of scandalous islands off the China<br />

coast or in proximity to distant Oriental or any other damn harbors.<br />

The President has no more legal right to do these infamies

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