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<strong>BENNI<strong>ON</strong></strong> <strong>ON</strong> <strong>STATUTORY</strong> INTERPRETATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Fifth Edition Updating Notes (Version 24, 25 Mar 2010)<br />

The first complete paragraph at the top of page 823 was applied by the Supreme Court of New<br />

Zealand in Lisa Cropp v A Judicial Committee and Bryan McKenzie [2008] NZSC 46 at [26].<br />

Part XVII. Principle against doubtful penalisation<br />

Section 271. Principle against penalisation under a doubtful law<br />

Page 825 Relevant Index entry: doubtful penalisation, principle against<br />

In R v T [2008] EWCA Crim 815 at 4, Latham LJ referred to „the well-known passages in<br />

<strong>Bennion</strong> Part XVII entitled The Principle Against Doubtful Penalisation‟.<br />

The principle against doubtful penalisation was relied on in Perrin and another v Northampton<br />

Borough Council and others [2008] EWCA Civ 1353, [2008] 4 All ER 673, at [34].<br />

Code s 271 was applied to delegated legislation by the Federal Court of Australia in Hanna v<br />

Migration Agents Registration Authority [1999] FCA 1657 at [22], [23].<br />

The principle against doubtful penalisation was discussed in Gordon, Re Application for<br />

Judicial Review [2006] NIQB 20 at [21].<br />

Page 826 Relevant Index entry: doubtful penalisation, principle against:nature of<br />

To the authorities listed in footnote 3 on page 826 add: Revenue & Customs v Walsh [2005]<br />

EWCA Civ 1291 at [10]; Crofts & Ors v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd & Ors [2005] EWCA Civ<br />

599 at [22]; AG’s Reference 004/2003 under s 36 of Criminal Justice Act 1988 v Suchedina<br />

[2004] EWCA Crim 1944, [2005] 1 WLR 1574, at [12].<br />

Page 828 Relevant Index entry: doubtful penalisation, principle against:nature of<br />

As to the passage at the beginning of p. 828 see Re An Application for Judicial Review,<br />

Landlords Association for Northern Ireland [2005] NIQB 22 at [46]. The passage headed<br />

Where other factors are stronger was followed in Council for the Regulation of Health Care<br />

Professionals v General Medical Council & Anor [2004] EWHC 527 (Admin) at [39]. Another<br />

relevant authority is Bowers v Gloucester Corporation [1963] 1 QB 881 at 886-887, where<br />

Lord Parker CJ referred to „having applied “all the canons of interpretation”„.<br />

Pages 828-829 Relevant Index entry: legal policy:property rights and<br />

For an Australian case where the principle of no deprivation without compensation was<br />

disapplied by clear words see Mount Lawley Pty Ltd v Western Australian Planning<br />

Commission [2004] WASCA 149 at [296].<br />

Section 273. Statutory restraint of the person<br />

Page 836 Relevant Index entry: doubtful penalisation, principle against:physical restraint of the<br />

person<br />

Sir Igor Judge P: „The starting point is the hallowed principle that each and every detention<br />

must be justified by clear, unequivocal, legal authority‟: R (on the application of G) v Chief<br />

Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2008] EWCA Civ 28, [2008] 4 All ER 594, at [29].<br />

Page 837 Relevant Index entry: habeas corpus<br />

„Scott Baker LJ said that it would require the strongest words . . . to remove the ancient remedy<br />

of habeas corpus . . .‟: per Lord Hope of Craighead in Re Hilali [2008] UKHL 3, [2008] 2 All<br />

ER 207, at [21]. Nevertheless that case decided that, as respects extradition decisions against<br />

which there is a right of appeal under the Extradition Act 2003 (European arrest warrant),<br />

habeas corpus is excluded by the clear and unequivocal wording of s. 34. Baroness Hale of<br />

Richmond said at [32]: „For better or worse we have committed ourselves to this system and it<br />

is up to us to make it work‟.<br />

www.francisbennion.com/5th-edn<br />


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