Computational Vision U. Minn. Psy 5036 Daniel Kersten Lecture 6

Computational Vision U. Minn. Psy 5036 Daniel Kersten Lecture 6

Computational Vision U. Minn. Psy 5036 Daniel Kersten Lecture 6


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<strong>Computational</strong> <strong>Vision</strong><br />

U. <strong>Minn</strong>. <strong>Psy</strong> <strong>5036</strong><br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>Kersten</strong><br />

<strong>Lecture</strong> 6<br />

http://vision.psych.umn.edu/www/kersten-lab/courses/<strong>Psy</strong><strong>5036</strong>/SyllabusF2000.html)<br />

‡ Initialize standard library files:<br />

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 3<br />

Illumination<br />

h =<br />

1<br />

Face<br />

s i =<br />

2<br />

One example is in shape from shading. An image provides the "test measurements" that can be used to estimate an object's<br />

shape and/or estimate the direction of illumination. Accurate object identification often depends crucially on an object's<br />

shape, and the illumination is a confounding (secondary) variable. This suggests that visual recognition should put a high<br />

cost to errors in shape perception, and lower costs on errors in illumination direction estimation. So the process of perceptual<br />

inference depends an task. The effect of marginalization in the fruit example illustrated task-dependence. Now we<br />

show how marginalization can be generalized through decision theory to model other kinds of goals than error minimization<br />

(MAP) in task-dependence.<br />

Bayes Decision theory provides the means to model visual performance as a function of utility.<br />

Some terminology. We've used the terms switch state, hypothesis, signal state as essentially the same--to represent the<br />

random variable indicating the state of the world--the "state space". So far, we've assumed that the decision, d, of the<br />

observer maps directly to state space, d->s. We now clearly distinguish the decision space from the state or hypothesis<br />

space, and introduce the idea of a loss L(d,s), which is the cost for making the decision d, when the actual state is s.<br />

Often we can't directly measure s, and we can only infer it from observations. Thus, given an observation (image measurement)<br />

x, we define a risk function that represents the average loss over signal states s:<br />

R Hd; xL = ‚<br />

s<br />

L Hd, sL p Hs » xL<br />

(1)<br />

This suggests a decision rule: a(x)=argmin R(d;x). But not all x are equally likely. This decision rule minimizes the<br />

expected risk average over all observations:<br />

d<br />

R HaL = ‚<br />

s<br />

R Hd; xL p HxL<br />

(2)<br />

We won't show them all here, but with suitable choices of likelihood, prior, and loss functions, we can derive standard<br />

estimation procedures (maximum likelihood, MAP, estimation of the mean) as special cases.<br />

For the MAP estimator,<br />

R Hd; xL = ‚ L Hd, sL p Hs » xL = ‚<br />

s<br />

s<br />

H1 -dd,sL p Hs » xL = 1 - p Hd » xL<br />

(3)<br />

where dd,sis the discrete analog to the Dirac delta function--it is zero if d≠s, and one if d=s.<br />

Thus minimizing risk with the loss function L = H1 -d d,s Lis equivalent to maximizing the posterior, p(d|x).<br />

What about marginalization? You can see from the definition of the risk function, that this corresponds to a uniform loss:<br />

L = -1.<br />

4 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

R Hs1; xL = ‚<br />

s2<br />

L Hd2, s2L p Hs1, s2 » xL<br />

(4)<br />

So for our face recognition example, a really huge error in illumination direction has the same cost as getting it right.For the<br />

fruit example, optimal classification of the fruit identity required marginalizing over fruit color--i.e. effectively treating fruit<br />

color identification errors as equally costly...even tho', doing MAP after marginalization effectively means we are not<br />

explicitly identifying color.<br />

Graphical models for Hypothesis Inference: Three types<br />

Three types of nodes in a graphical model: known, unknown to be estimated, unknown<br />

to be integrated out (marginalized)<br />

We have three basic states for nodes in a graphical model: known , unknown to be estimated, unknown to be integrated out<br />

(marginalization). We have causal state of the world S, that gets mapped to some image data I, through some intermediate<br />

parameters M: S->M->I. So face identity S determines facial shape M, which in turn determines the image I itself. Consider<br />

three very broad types of task:<br />

Image synthesis (forward, generative model): We want to model I through p(I|S). In our example, we want to specify<br />

"Bill", and then p(I|S="Bill") can be used implemented as an algorithm to spit out images of Bill. M gets integrated out.<br />

Hypothesis inference: we want to model samples for S : p(S|I). Given an image, we want to spit out likely object identities,<br />

so that we can minimize risk, or do MAP classification for accurate object identification. M gets integrated out again.<br />

Learning: we want to model M: p(M|I,S), to learn how the intermediate variables are distributed. Given lots of samples of<br />

objects and their images, we want to learn the mapping parameters between them. (Alternatively, do a mental switch and<br />

consider a neural network in which an input S gets mapped to an output I through intermediate variables M. We can think of<br />

M as representing synaptic weights to be learned.)<br />

Regression: estimating parameters that provide a good fit to data. E.g. slope and intercept for a straight line through points<br />

{xi,yi}.<br />

Density estimation: Regression on a probability density functions, with the added condition that the area under the fitted<br />

curve must sum to one.<br />

Hypothesis inference: Three types<br />

‡ Detection<br />

Let the decision variable d, be represented by s`.

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 5<br />

6 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

‡ Classification<br />

MAP rule: argmax<br />

8pHSi » x

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 7<br />

‡ Continous estimation<br />

argmax<br />

S<br />

8pHS » xP (S =sd |x ). This is<br />

exactly like the problem of guessing “heads ”or “tails ” for a biased coin, say with a probability of heads P (S =sb|x ).<br />

Imagine the light discrimination experiment repeated many times and you have to decide whether the switch was set to<br />

bright or not –but only on those trials for which you measured exactly x .The optimal strategy is to always say “bright ”.<br />

Let's see why. First note that:<br />

p(error|x) = p(say "bright", actually dim |x) + p(say "dim", actually bright |x) =<br />

p(s1` , s2 | x)+p(s1, s2` | x)<br />

Given x, the response is independent of the actual signal state (see graphical model for detection above--"response is<br />

conditionally independent of signal state, given observation x"), so the joint probabilities factor:<br />

p(error|x) = p(say "bright" |x)p(actually dim |x) + p(say "dim" |x)p(actually bright |x)<br />

Let t= p(say "bright" |x), then<br />

p(error|t,x) = t*p(actually dim |x) + (1-t)*p(actually bright |x).

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 9<br />

p(error|t), as a function of t, defines a straight line with slope p(actually dim |x)-p(actually bright |x). (Just take the<br />

partial derivative with respect to t.) We've assumed P (S =sb |x )>P (S =s d |x )), so p(error|t) has a negative slope, with the<br />

smallest non-negative value of t being one. So, error is minimized when t=p(say "bright" |x)=1. I.e. Always say "bright".<br />

pHerror<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t<br />

Always saying "bright" results in a probability of error P (error |x )=P (S =sd |x ).That’s the best that can be done on average.<br />

On the other hand, if the observation is in a region for which P (S =sd|x )>P (S =sb |x ),the minimum error strategy is to<br />

always pick “dim” with a resulting P (error |x )=P (S =sb |x ).Of course, x isn’t fixed from trial to trial, so we calculate the<br />

total probability of error which is determined by the specific values where signal states and decisions don ’t agree:<br />

`<br />

p(error)=⁄ i∫j pHsi , s jL<br />

`<br />

=⁄ i∫j Ÿ pHsi , s j » xL pHxL „<br />

`<br />

x=⁄ i∫j Ÿ pHsi » xL pHs j » xL pHxL „ x<br />

Because the MAP rule ensures that<br />

`<br />

pHsi , s j » xL is the minimum for each x, the integral over all x minimizes the total probability<br />

of error.<br />

Ideal pattern detector for a signal which is exactly known (SKE)<br />

In this notebook we will study an ideal detector called the signal-known-exactly ideal (SKE). This detector has a built-in<br />

template that matches the signal that it is looking for. The signal is embedded (by adding pixel intensity values) in "white<br />

gaussian noise". "white" means the pixels are not correlated with each other--intuitively this means that you can't reliably<br />

predict what one pixel's value is from any of the others. Assignment 1 simulates the behavior of this ideal. In the absence of<br />

any internal noise, this ideal detector behaves as one would expect a linear neuron to behave when a target signal pattern<br />

exactly matches its synaptic weight pattern. There are some neurons in the the primary cortex of the visual system called<br />

"simple cells". These cells can be modeled as ideal detectors for the patterns that match their receptive fields. In actual<br />

practice, neurons are not noise-free, and not perfectly linear.<br />

10 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

Calculating the Pattern Ideal's d' based on signal-to-noise ratio<br />

‡ Overview<br />

The generative model is a straightfoward extension of the single variable gaussian model, to patterns. s[i] represents the<br />

signal pattern values at pixel locations i=1..M:<br />

H = signal pattern: x[i] = s[i] + n[i], where n[i] ~ N(0,s), i.i.d.<br />

H = no signal pattern: x[i] = 0 + n[i], where n[i] ~ N(0,s), i.i.d.<br />

(i.i.d. is probability jargon meaning that the random variables are "independently drawn and identically distributed". N(m,s)<br />

means "normal distribution" or gaussian, with mean m and standard deviation s.)<br />

We are going to do two things:<br />

1. Prove that a simple decision variable for detecting a known fixed pattern in white gaussian noise is the dot product of the<br />

observation image with the known signal image: r = s.x<br />

2. Show that d' is given by: d'= m 2-m1<br />


sr<br />

= è!!!!! s.s<br />


s<br />

‡ 1. Proof that cross-correlation produces an ideal decision variable:<br />

Let r be the decision variable. By definition:<br />

d'= m 2-m1<br />


sr<br />

(5)<br />

where u2 is the mean of the decision variable, r, under the signal hypothesis, u1 is the mean under the noise-only hypothesis.<br />

sr is the standard deviation of r, assumed to be the same under both hypotheses (we'll show this to be true below). But<br />

what is the decision variable? Starting from the maximum a posteriori rule, we saw that basing decisions on the likelihood<br />

ratio is ideal, in particular we could minimize the probability of error with the appropriate decision criterion. So the likelihood<br />

ratio is a decision variable. But it isn't the only one, because any monotonic function is still optimal. So our goal is to<br />

pick a decision variable which is simple, intuitive, and easy to compute.<br />

First, we need an expression for the likelihood ratio:<br />

p Hx » signal plus noiseL<br />


p Hx » noise onlyL<br />

(6)<br />

where x is the vector representing the image measurements actually observed. For pixel i,<br />

x[i] = s[i] + n[i], under signal plus gaussian noise condition<br />

x[i] = n[i], under gaussian noise only condition<br />

(7)<br />

Consider just one pixel of intensity x. Under the signal plus noise condition, the values of x fluctuate about the average<br />

signal intensity s with a Gaussian distribution (gp[]) with mean s and standard deviation s.<br />

(Note that s[i] is the average value of a pixel intensity at location i. But m1 and m2 are the averages of the decision variable

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 11<br />

r--our goal will be to calculate these in the following subsection on d')<br />

So under the signal plus noise condition, the likelihood p[x|signal] is the gp[x-s; s]:<br />

gp[x_,s_,s_]:= (1/(s*Sqrt[2 Pi])) Exp[-(x-s)^2/(2 s^2)]<br />

gp[x,s,s]<br />


2 s<br />


2<br />

è!!!!!!!<br />

2 ps<br />


Again, consider just one pixel of intensity x. Under the noise only condition, the values of x fluctuate about the average<br />

intensity corresponding to the mean of the noise, which we assume is zero.<br />

So under the noise only condition, the likelihood p[x|noise] is:<br />

gp[x,0,s]<br />

‰ - ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ<br />

x2 ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ<br />

2 s 2<br />


2 p ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ<br />

s<br />

But we actually have a whole pattern of values of x, which make up an image vector x. So consider a pattern of image<br />

intensities represented now by a vector x = {x[1],x[2],...x[N]}. Let the mean values of each pixel under the signal plus noise<br />

condition be given by vector s = {s[1],s[2],...,s[N]}. The joint probability of an image observation x, under the signal<br />

hypothesis is p(x|s):<br />

Product[gp[x[i],s[i],s],{i,1,N}]<br />

N<br />

Â<br />

i=1<br />


2 s2<br />


2 ps<br />

This is because we are assuming independence (whether we are right or not depends on the problem). But independence<br />

between pixels means we can multiply the individual probabilities to get the global joint image probability.<br />

The joint probability of an image observation x, under the noise only hypothesis is:<br />

Product[gp[x[i],0,s],{i,1,M}]<br />

N<br />

Â<br />

i=1<br />


x@iD2<br />

2 s2<br />


2 ps<br />

12 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

Now we have what we need for the likelihood ratio:<br />

Product@gp@x@iD, s@iD, sD, 8i, 1, M

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 13<br />

s@1D x@1D + s@2D x@2D<br />

(8)<br />

But this is just the dot product of the image x with the signal s.<br />

So in general, to recap using full summation notation, the log likelihood ratio is:<br />

log<br />

i<br />

M<br />

j  k i=1<br />



2 s<br />


2<br />


2 ps<br />

y<br />

z<br />

{<br />

(9)<br />

which is monotonic with:<br />

M<br />

LogA‰<br />

i=1<br />

‰<br />

M<br />

2 xHiL sHiL<br />


2 s2<br />

E = H1 ê s 2 L ‚<br />

i=1<br />

xHiL sHiL<br />

(10)<br />

which is monotonic with:<br />

M<br />

r = ‚<br />

i=1<br />

xHiL sHiL = Sum@x@iD s@iD, 8i, 1,N

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 15<br />

<strong>Psy</strong>chophysical tasks & techniques<br />

The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)<br />

Although we can't directly measure the internal distributions of a human observer's decision variable, we've seen that we<br />

can measure hit and false alarm rates, and thus d'. But one can do more, and actually test to see if an observer's decisions are<br />

consistent with Gaussian distributions with equal variance. If the criterion is varied, we can obtain a set of n data points:<br />

{(hit rate 1, false alarm rate 1), (hit rate 2, false alarm rate 2), ..., (hit rate n, false alarm rate n)}<br />

all from one experimental condition (i.e. from one signal-to-noise ratio, call it dideal ' ). This is because as the hit rate varies,<br />

so does the false alarm rate. One could compute the d' for each pair and they should all be equal for the ideal observer. Of<br />

course, we would have to make a large number of measurements for each one--but on average, they should all be equal.<br />

To get meaningful and equal d's for each pair of hit and false alarm rates assumes that the underlying relative<br />

separation of the signal and noise distributions remain unchanged and that the distributions are Gaussian, with equal standard<br />

deviation. We might know this is true (or true to a good approximation) for the ideal, but we have no guarantee for the<br />

human observer. Is there a way to check? Suppose the signal and noise distributions look like:<br />

S1 S2<br />

σ n σ s<br />

X<br />

c<br />

possible criterion placement<br />

If we plot the hit rate vs. false alarm rate data on a graph, usually we get something that looks like:<br />

16 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

1<br />

Hit rate<br />

0<br />

0 1<br />

False alarm rate<br />

One can show that the area under this ROC curve is equal to the proportion correct in a two-alternative forced-choice<br />

experiment (Green and Swets). (Sometimes, sensitivity is operationally defined as this area. This provides a single summary<br />

number, even if the standard definition of d' is inappropriate, for example because the variances are not equal.)<br />

We return to our basic question: is there a way to spot whether our gaussian equal-variance assumptions are correct for<br />

human observers?<br />

If we take the same data and plot it in terms of Z-scores we get something like:<br />

Z(Hit rate)<br />

slope = σ n /σ s<br />

Z(False alarm rate)<br />

(µ s - µ n )/ σ s<br />

In fact, if the underlying distributions are Gaussian, the data should lie on a straight-line. If they both have equal variance,<br />

the slope of the line should be equal to one. This is because:<br />

Z ( hit rate )<br />

X<br />

=<br />

Z ( false alarm rate )<br />

−<br />

σ<br />

c s<br />

X<br />

=<br />

µ<br />

−<br />

σ<br />

c n<br />

n<br />

µ<br />

And if we solve for the criterion Xc, we obtain:<br />


6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 17<br />

σ<br />

n<br />

Z( hit rate ) = Z( false alarm rate ) −<br />

σ<br />

µ − µ<br />

σ<br />

s n<br />

(I've switched notation here, where s2 = µs, and s1 = µn). The main point of this plot is to see if the data tend to fall on a<br />

straight line with slope of one. If a straight line, this would support the Gaussian assumption. A slope = 1 supports the<br />

assumption of equal variance Gaussian distributions.<br />

In practice, there are several ways of obtaining an ROC curve in human psychophysical experiments. One can vary<br />

the criterion that an observer adopts by varying the proportion of times the signal is presented. As observers get used to the<br />

signal being presented, for example, 80% of the time, they become biased to assume the signal is present. One needs to<br />

block trials in groups of, say 400 trials per block. Where the signal and noise priors are fixed for a given block.<br />

One can also use a rating scale method in which the observer is asked to say how confident she/he was (e.g. 5<br />

definitely, 4 quite probable, 3 don't know for sure, 2, unlikely, 1 definitely not). Then we can bin the proportion of "5's"<br />

when the signal vs. noise was present to calculate hit and false alarm rates for that rating, do the same for the "4's", and so<br />

forth. The assumption is that an observer can maintain not just one stable criterion, but four---the observer has in effect<br />

divided up the decision variable domain into 5 regions. An advantage of the rating scale method is efficiency--relatively few<br />

trials are required to get an ROC curve. Further, in some experiments, ratings seem psychologically natural to make. But if<br />

there is any "noise" in the decision criterion itself, e.g. due to memory drift, or whatever, this will act to decrease the<br />

estimate of d' in both yes/no and rating methods.<br />

Usually rather than manipulating the criterion, we would rather do the experiment in such a way that it does not<br />

change. Is there a way to reduce the problem of a fluctuating criterion?<br />

The 2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice) method<br />

‡ Relating performance (proportion correct) to signal-to-noise ratio, d'.<br />

In psychophysics, the most common way to minimize the problem of a varying criterion is to use a two-alternative forcedchoice<br />

procedure (2AFC). In a 2AFC task the observer is presented on each trial a pair of stimuli. One stimulus has the<br />

signal (e.g. bright flash), and the other the noise (e.g. dim flash). The order, however, is randomized. So if they are presented<br />

temporally, the signal or the noise might come first, but the observer doesn't know which from trial to trial. In the<br />

spatial version, the signal could be on the left of the computer screen with the noise on the right, or vice versa. One can<br />

show that for 2AFC:<br />

d ' = - è!!!! 2 z Hproportion correctL<br />

(16)<br />

If you want to prove this for yourself, here are a couple of hints--actually, a lot of hints. Let us imagine we are giving the<br />

light discrimination task to the ideal observer. We have two possibilities for signal presentation: Either the signal is on the<br />

left and the noise on the right, or the signal is on the right and the noise on the left. There are two ways of being right. The<br />

observer could say "on the left" when the signal is on the left, or "on the right" when the signal is on the right. For example,<br />

for the light detection experiment, a reasonable guess is that all the ideal observer would have to do is to count the number<br />

of photons on the left side of the screen and count the number on the right too. If the number on the left is bigger than the<br />

number on the right, the observer should say that the signal was on the left. Thus, a 2AFC decision variable would be the<br />

difference between the left and right decision variables, where each of these is what we calculated for the yes/no<br />

experiment.<br />

r = rL - rR<br />

(17)<br />

18 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

For example, rL and rR for the SKE observer would be the dot products of the signal pattern template with observation<br />

image vectors on the left and right sides.<br />

So, the probabililty of being correct is:<br />

pc = p(r>0|signal on left) p(signal on left) + p(r

6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb 19<br />

‡ Z-score. You used the inverse of a standard mathematical function called Erf[] to get Z from a measured P.<br />

z[p_] := Sqrt[2] InverseErf[1 - 2 p];<br />

where Z(*) is the z-score for P c , the proportion correct.<br />

dprime[x_] := N[-Sqrt[2] z[x]]<br />

‡ Adaptive procedures for finding thresholds using 2AFC or yes/no.<br />

There have been a number of advances in the art of efficiently finding values of a signal which produce a certain percent<br />

correct in a psychophysical task such as 2AFC. For more on this, see the QUEST procedure of Watson and Pelli (1983) and<br />

the analyses of Treutwein (1993).<br />

Appendices<br />

Figure code<br />

Exercises<br />

20 6.ProbabilityPatternIIb.nb<br />

References<br />

Applebaum, D. (1996). Probability and Information . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Burgess, A. E., Wagner, R. F., Jennings, R. J., & Barlow, H. B. (1981). Efficiency of human visual signal discrimination.<br />

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Duda, R. O., & Hart, P. E. (1973). Pattern classification and scene analysis . New York.: John Wiley & Sons.<br />

Golden, R. (1988). A unified framework for connectionist systems. Biological Cybernetics, 59, 109-120.<br />

Green, D. M., & Swets, J. A. (1974). Signal Detection Theory and <strong>Psy</strong>chophysics . Huntington, New York: Robert E.<br />

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<strong>Kersten</strong>, D. and P.W. Schrater (2000), Pattern Inference Theory: A Probabilistic Approach to <strong>Vision</strong>, in Perception and the<br />

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Ripley, B. D. (1996). Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.<br />

Treutwein, B. (1993). Adaptive psychophysical procedures: A review. submitted to <strong>Vision</strong> Research, (email:<br />

bernhard@tango.imp.med.uni-muenchen.de)<br />

Van Trees, H. L. (1968). Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory . New York: John Wiley and Sons.<br />

Watson, A. B., & Pelli, D. G. (1983). QUEST: A Bayesian adaptive psychometric method. 33, 113-120.<br />

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© 2000 <strong>Daniel</strong> <strong>Kersten</strong>, <strong>Computational</strong> <strong>Vision</strong> Lab, Department of <strong>Psy</strong>chology, University of <strong>Minn</strong>esota.<br />


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