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IT’S J<strong>US</strong>T THE LAW<br />

JURY DUTY:<br />


[ B Y K . L . J A M I S O N ]<br />

A retired sergeant major<br />

wanted out of jury duty, but<br />

appeared as ordered and was<br />

fascinated, although he could<br />

never get those people to<br />

march in a straight line.<br />

The sergeant major was selected<br />

at random from a cross section<br />

of the local community. At one<br />

time, statutes excused vast sections of<br />

society from jury duty. The Missouri<br />

Constitution still contains a clause<br />

allowing women to opt out of jury<br />

duty. 1 One convict complained that this<br />

denied him the right to a jury drawn<br />

from a cross section of the community.<br />

Shirts bearing slogans will prompt<br />

questions during jury selection.<br />

The United States Supreme Court<br />

agreed. 2 The triumphant defendant<br />

was promptly re-convicted by a jury of<br />

the entire community. In 1935 a white<br />

defendant’s lawyer objected to the jury<br />

panel because it did not contain any<br />

minorities. 3 The objection was overruled<br />

as a silly obstruction of justice; now it is<br />

the law.<br />

<strong>This</strong> cross section is drawn primarily<br />

from driver’s licenses, voting lists, and<br />

property records. 4 Failure to report<br />

is punishable under statute or as<br />

contempt of court. The offender is still<br />

called for jury duty.<br />

Jury commissioners have some<br />

latitude to delay jury service in case of<br />

hardship. During the 1993 flood the Ray<br />

County, Missouri jury commissioner<br />

announced that Orrick residents were<br />

excused because their town was being<br />

evacuated. Several people got up and<br />

left; floodwaters were rising around<br />

their homes but they had reported for<br />

jury duty. <strong>This</strong> provides a standard of<br />

hardship. However, in order for a judge<br />

to excuse persons in cases of hardship,<br />

they must first report for jury duty.<br />

A Missouri juror went home for<br />

lunch and found a new jury summons<br />

in her mailbox. The judge relieved<br />

her of the summons and passed it on<br />

to a less experienced member of the<br />

community.<br />

Evading jury duty leaves justice to<br />

persons who may be less qualified. On<br />

occasion, a juror is discovered who does<br />

not speak English. 5 A borderline retarded<br />

man was a juror in a case involving<br />

an accident between a sheriff’s patrol<br />

vehicle and a police squad car. He could<br />

remember nothing about the facts, the<br />

issues, or who won. 6 A stabbing case fell<br />

to jurors who knew nothing of knives,<br />

and few had ever been in a fistfight<br />

much less a life or death struggle. 7 When<br />

the supply of jurors fails, courts have<br />

ordered sheriffs into the streets to drag<br />

in replacements. Missouri law wisely<br />

allows litigants to refuse the product of<br />

such press gangs.<br />

Potential jurors are first assembled<br />

in a hall with eccentric heating and<br />

cooling, where they are oriented to the<br />

process, and then they wait until they<br />

are called. A cushion and sweater are<br />

often welcome; books and knitting pass<br />

the time. Crisp dollar bills prove useful<br />

for the vending machines.<br />

Generally, a jury panel consists of<br />

forty persons or more. The venire [the<br />

panel of prospective jurors] will be<br />

taken to a courtroom to have a jury<br />

selected from its number. <strong>This</strong> process<br />

is called voir dire—old Norman French<br />

meaning to “speak the truth.” The jury<br />

panel will be questioned, usually by<br />

attorneys but sometimes by the judge.<br />

These questions determine if anyone<br />

has preconceived attitudes about the<br />

facts or issues in the case. For example,<br />

to ask a person who has suffered from a<br />

fire to dispassionately consider an arson<br />

case is more than can be expected of<br />

human character. Some questions will<br />

be personal. It is perfectly acceptable<br />

to answer these questions at the bench<br />

before the judge. If questions are not<br />

answered honestly it might force a<br />

retrial and a new jury. In that event,<br />

there will be at least twelve people who<br />

truly dislike the dishonest party. If the<br />

prosecution loses a conviction due to<br />

juror misconduct it is possible that<br />

they will be looking for revenge. Perjury<br />

charges are possible.<br />

One character thought that he had<br />

a clever way to evade honest answers.<br />

When the panel was sworn to tell the<br />

truth, he answered, “no,” his negative<br />

obscured in a chorus of “yes.” He then<br />

felt justified in lying. 8 His scheme<br />

violated the covenant of good faith.<br />

Fortunately he was more interested in<br />

parading his legal opinions, and was<br />

not selected.<br />

People who use jury selection to make<br />

speeches are never selected. Lawyers<br />

do not pick who they want for the<br />

jury; they pick who they do not want.<br />

Persons with strong feelings regarding<br />

a party, the subject, or the system of<br />

justice will be excluded. Exclusions may<br />

be for “cause” in which the judge rules<br />

that a juror cannot be fair or the juror<br />

has prior knowledge of the parties or<br />

the case. Each party will have a certain<br />

number of “strikes” which are used to<br />

exclude jurors for almost any reason.<br />

46<br />


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