Edition 9


LOVE DOCTOR 16 WWW.NBGONG.NET WOMEN GUIDE TO SEDUCTION. ountless surveys have shown that the majority of men said that the scent of a woman made them Ceven more attractive. Do a little research and find a fragrance your man likes. Once he smells you, all hopes of resistance will fly out the window. erhaps join him in the shower one morning when he isn't expecting it. Offer Pto wash his hair and back . Nothing like sharing a shower to get the day going - besides it's better for the environment. en are like big kids! There are many games for partners to play. You could Mchoose a board game or even dice. Make up your own set of rules that add a bit of adult appeal.

LOVE DOCTOR 17 WWW.NBGONG.NET ou can flirt with him in many ways. Look vulnerable by blinking your eyes Yand make him feel you are hard to get. Slightly touch him on the wrist and shoulders while talking funny. Always give your perspective instead of nodding your head continually in any conversation. ow, back off a little. While seducing men, it is necessary to remember Nthat they like the game of chasing and you need to let them enjoy it. However, do not become so cold that they start thinking of pulling away. onfidence has been found to be a key ingredient when seducing a man. CSpend a day pampering yourself and walking the 'sexy and sensuous' path. Go to the spa; get a bikini wax or get a new hairstyle. Whatever it takes to make you feel sexy all over. The effects will be noticeable right away! e daring and different. This is a great way to seduce him because neither of Byou expect something like that. If you can't use your imagination to come up with ideas, Go online or pick up your favorite girlie magazine to help you get your creative juices flowing.

LOVE DOCTOR 16<br />


WOMEN<br />

GUIDE<br />

TO<br />


ountless surveys have shown that the majority of<br />

men said that the scent of a woman made them<br />

Ceven more attractive. Do a little research and find<br />

a fragrance your man likes. Once he smells you, all hopes<br />

of resistance will fly out the window.<br />

erhaps join him in the shower one<br />

morning when he isn't expecting it. Offer<br />

Pto wash his hair and back . Nothing like<br />

sharing a shower to get the day going - besides<br />

it's better for the environment.<br />

en are like big kids! There are many<br />

games for partners to play. You could<br />

Mchoose a board game or even dice.<br />

Make up your own set of rules that add a bit of<br />

adult appeal.

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