Edition 9


WHERE DO YOU LIVE? 12 WWW.NBGONG.NET STRESS MANAGEMENT III Dr. Marcus Manns Managing stress is a daily activity. We have learnt in the last month, we must reduce the stress in our lives. Much of the stress in life is self-imposed because of daily choices. Follow these stress minimizing guidelines in order to find the way to leading healthier, happier and more productive lives. Analyzing our schedules and daily tasks, let's distinguish between the things we should do and those we must not do. Then we can prioritize and even eliminate the non-essential items. Saying “no” to someone's request does not make us mean. Most of us are willing to take on more whenever we can, but when we do, we run the risk of becoming overwhelmed and not delivering. Avoid Negative Nancies: If someone consistently causes stress in our lives and we can't turn the relationship around, we must limit the amount of time we spend with them or end the relationship completely. If we can't avoid a stressful situation, let's try to change it. Ask yourself, ”What can I do to change things so the problem doesn't persist.” Often, this involves changing the way we communicate and operate in our daily lives. If the evening news makes us anxious, let's turn the TV off; If traffic get's us tense, let's take a longer, but less-traveled route. Instead of bottling them up, if something or someone is bothering us, we must find an open and respectful way to discuss it. We can also share our concerns with a trusted friend or a professional. This will help us address and eliminate the stress associated with the challenge sooner rather than later. If we get upset over a particular topic, let's take it off our conversation list or we can excuse ourselves when the topic comes up. If we ask someone to change their behavior, we must be willing do the same. Hopefully we can find a happy middle ground. Accept the fact that we live in an imperfect world. People make mistakes. Let go off anger and resentment. Free ourselves from negative energy. Many things in our lives are out of our control often unavoidable. In such cases, the best way to cope is to accept things as they are. MANAGE YOUR TIME Our emotional well-being is as important as our physical health. Take time out to meditate or sit still for a few minutes throughout the day to clear our minds and relax. People with good emotional health have an ability to bounce back from stress and adversity. This ability is called resilience. Be proactive. Poor time management can cause stress. Being stretched too thin or running behind makes it hard to stay calm and focused. Plan ahead and don't over-extend yourself. Always remember that stress will always be with us. What we have to do is manage it. Next month we'll take our final look at stress.

WHERE DO YOU LIVE? 13 WWW.NBGONG.NET Ghana Material Resource here comes a time in almost everyone's life when the eyes do not perform as they usually Tdo. Are you at the point of not being able to read unless you hold the material at arm's length? Is squinting a regular part of your reading? Reading the Bible, hymn book, newspaper is constantly becoming a tedious task? You may as well consider visiting the optometrist for a pair of reading glasses. There comes a time in almost everyone's life when the eyes do not perform as they usually do Life they say begins at 40 and so is PRESBYOPIA. Most people from age 40 experience blurred vision when doing near work like reading, sewing or using the computer. This general ageing condition that affects all but a few, is called PRESBYOPIA. With age, the lenses in the eye thicken and begin to loose their flexibility. The flexibility allows the lenses in the eye to bend and focus on objects. Once presbyopia sets in, the eye is not able to focus as well as it used to and the vision becomes blurry, and in the case of reading, the print may seem too tiny or they run together. This is because images are focused behind the retina instead of directly on it and as a result leaving close vision blurred. Though presbyopia is a natural part of ageing it needs to be treated with the urgency every eye condition demands. Neglect and not seeking early remedy can lead to headaches and eyestrain. Regular eye checks and paying attention to your eye needs will help you detect presbyobia early. Presbyopia does not mean you are loosing your sight or on the verge of becoming blind. It is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. As they say, it is all part of growing up. The condition can be corrected by wearing prescribed reading glasses for all your near work. WHEN TO SEE THE OPTOMETRIST: When you begin to hold things at arm's length before you read When near work becomes blurry When your eyes feel tired after reading or using the computer When you get headaches after reading or near work Get a pair of reading glasses today and enjoy life after 40!




Dr. Marcus Manns<br />

Managing stress is a daily activity. We<br />

have learnt in the last month, we must<br />

reduce the stress in our lives. Much of<br />

the stress in life is self-imposed<br />

because of daily choices. Follow these<br />

stress minimizing guidelines in order to<br />

find the way to leading healthier,<br />

happier and more productive lives.<br />

Analyzing our schedules and daily tasks,<br />

let's distinguish between the things we<br />

should do and those we must not do.<br />

Then we can prioritize and even<br />

eliminate the non-essential items.<br />

Saying “no” to someone's request does<br />

not make us mean. Most of us are willing<br />

to take on more whenever we can, but<br />

when we do, we run the risk of becoming<br />

overwhelmed and not delivering.<br />

Avoid Negative Nancies: If someone<br />

consistently causes stress in our lives and<br />

we can't turn the relationship around, we<br />

must limit the amount of time we spend<br />

with them or end the relationship<br />

completely.<br />

If we can't avoid a stressful situation, let's<br />

try to change it. Ask yourself, ”What can I<br />

do to change things so the problem<br />

doesn't persist.” Often, this involves<br />

changing the way we communicate and<br />

operate in our daily lives.<br />

If the evening news makes us<br />

anxious, let's turn the TV off; If<br />

traffic get's us tense, let's take a<br />

longer, but less-traveled route.<br />

Instead of bottling them up, if<br />

something or someone is bothering<br />

us, we must find an open and<br />

respectful way to discuss it. We can<br />

also share our concerns with a<br />

trusted friend or a professional.<br />

This will help us address and<br />

eliminate the stress associated with<br />

the challenge sooner rather than<br />

later.<br />

If we get upset over a particular topic,<br />

let's take it off our conversation list or<br />

we can excuse ourselves when the<br />

topic comes up.<br />

If we ask someone to change their<br />

behavior, we must be willing do the<br />

same. Hopefully we can find a<br />

happy middle ground.<br />

Accept the fact that we live in an<br />

imperfect world. People make<br />

mistakes. Let go off anger and<br />

resentment. Free ourselves from<br />

negative energy.<br />

Many things in our lives are out of<br />

our control often unavoidable. In<br />

such cases, the best way to cope is<br />

to accept things as they are.<br />


Our emotional well-being is as important as our physical<br />

health. Take time out to meditate or sit still for a few<br />

minutes throughout the day to clear our minds and relax.<br />

People with good emotional health have an ability to<br />

bounce back from stress and adversity. This ability is<br />

called resilience.<br />

Be proactive. Poor time management can cause stress. Being stretched too thin<br />

or running behind makes it hard to stay calm and focused. Plan ahead and don't<br />

over-extend yourself.<br />

Always remember that stress will always be with us. What we have to do is manage it.<br />

Next month we'll take our final look at stress.

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