In summary, disruption of protein degradation pathway using MLN-4924 inhibitor is able to deregulate cell cycle in cE2 and HCT16 cell lines. Moreover, it affects stem cell properties like expression of CD133 and clonogenic capacity of the single cells. We also found different sensitivity of subpopulations CD44 + CD133 low and CD44 + CD133 high to MLN- 4924 treatment. Thus, interestingly, this data show possible selective response of the cancer cells to the inhibition of neddylation based on their phenotype. Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants IGA MZD NT13573-4/2012, AV ČR M200041203, and by project FNUSA-ICRC (no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0123) from the European Regional Development Fund. Institutional support was provided by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Reference FEDR, R., PERNICOVA, Z., SLABAKOVA, E., STRAKOVA, N., BOUCHAL, J., GREPL, M., KOZUBIK, A. & SOUCEK, K. (2013) Automatic cell cloning assay for determining the clonogenic capacity of cancer and cancer stem-like cells. Cytometry A. KAWAKAMI, T., CHIBA, T., SUZUKI, T., IWAI, K., YAMANAKA, K., MINATO, N., SUZUKI, H., SHIMBARA, N., HIDAKA, Y., OSAKA, F., OMATA, M. & TANAKA, K. (2001) NEDD8 recruits E2-ubiquitin to SCF E3 ligase. EMBO J, 20, 4003-12. SOUCY, T. A., SMITH, P. G., MILHOLLEN, M. A., BERGER, A. J., GAVIN, J. M., ADHIKARI, S., BROWNELL, J. E., BURKE, K. E., CARDIN, D. P., CRITCHLEY, S., CULLIS, C. A., DOUCETTE, A., GARNSEY, J. J., GAULIN, J. L., GERSHMAN, R. E., LUBLINSKY, A. R., MCDONALD, A., MIZUTANI, H., NARAYANAN, U., OLHAVA, E. J., PELUSO, S., REZAEI, M., SINTCHAK, M. D., TALREJA, T., THOMAS, M. P., TRAORE, T., VYSKOCIL, S., WEATHERHEAD, G. S., YU, J., ZHANG, J., DICK, L. R., CLAIBORNE, C. F., ROLFE, M., BOLEN, J. B. & LANGSTON, S. P. (2009a) An inhibitor of NEDD8-activating enzyme as a new approach to treat cancer. Nature, 458, 732-6. P35. SMALL MOLECULE SC3 – OLD STUFF, NEW WNT INHIBITOR Lucie Tůmová 1 , Antonio R. Pombinho 1 , Martina Vojtěchová 1 , Jitka Stančíková 1 , Dietmar Gradl 2 , Michaela Krausová 1 , Zbyněk Zdráhal 3 , Petr Bartůněk 1 and Vladimír Kořínek 1 1 Institute of Molecular Genetics, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic; tumovalmg.cas.cz 2 Zoologisches Institut II, Universität Karlsruhe, Kaiserstrasse 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany 3 Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 62500 Brno, Czech Repubic The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is one of the crucial signaling cascades in cells, controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. Its non-physiological activation underlies variety of human diseases including many types of cancer, e.g. most discussed colorectal cancer. Therefore, inhibition of Wnt signaling became a prevalent theme in human cancer biology. Many studies have been previously reported, searching for Analytical Cytometry VII 129

novel chemotherapeutics with specific Wnt inhibitory effect. However, with such new compounds the examination of the metabolic stability and pharmacokinetics are necessary to be done before the engaging into preclinical studies. Compound SC3 is an antibiotic substance known since 80’s of the last century but only a little was reported about its molecular function within the cell. We identified this compound in our high-throughput screen for modulators of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway using Wnt/β-catenin responsive STF cells. The specificity and efficiency of SC3 was subsequently confirmed in several in vitro and in vivo assays including TOPFLASH activity in luciferase assay and qRT-PCR in human colorectal cancer cell lines, double axis formation assay in Xenopus embryos and intestinal tumor treatment in APC Min mice. Cells cultivated with SC3 compound displayed reduced amount of β-catenin and in transient transfections, TOPFLASH activity of several constitutively active mutants of β-catenin was inhibited by the compound. These results suggest β-catenin-dependent effect of SC3 molecule, although the exact mechanism of action has not been elucidated yet. P36. PPARGAMMA IN COLON CANCER CELL DIFFERENTIATION AND DEATH INDUCED BY FATTY ACID TREATMENT Zuzana Tylichová 1,2 , Jiřina Hofmanová 1,2 , Pavel Krčmář 3 , Nicol Straková 1 , Alena Hyršlová Vaculová 1 , Alois Kozubík 1,2 1 Department of Cytokinetics, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Královopolská 135, 612 65 Brno, Czech Republic; 2 Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic 3 Veterinary Research Institute,v.v.i. Brno, Czech Republic tylichova@ibp.cz Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is nuclear receptor and transcription factor that is involved in regulating glucose and lipid homeostasis, inflammation, proliferation and differentiation. It is expressed mainly in colon and adipose tissues. Dietary exogenous as well as endogenous fatty acids and their metabolites function as PPARγ ligands and thus may affect many cellular events including cell cycle, fatty acid transport and utilization and important signaling pathways. PPARγ is often mutated in cancer cells which may contribute to cancer promotion and progression. Molecular mechanisms of PPARγ action were investigated in colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT-29 after treatment with short-chain fatty acid butyrate (NaBt) produced by microbial fermentation of fibre in the colon and essential ω-3 polyunsaturated docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA). Application of these coumpouds induced changes in PPARγ expression on gene and protein levels and also its significant activation (luciferase assay). The activation of PPARγ was additionaly supported using PI3K/Akt (Akt1/2) inhibitor which increased differentiation as well as cell death. Caspases inhibitor (zVADfmk) decreased paralelly PPARγ activation and cell differentiation but not apoptosis which indicates non-apoptotic function of caspases. Using flow cytometry and methods 130 Analytical Cytometry VII

novel chemotherapeutics with specific Wnt inhibitory effect. However, with such new<br />

compounds the examination of the metabolic stability and pharmacokinetics are<br />

necessary to be done before the engaging into preclinical studies.<br />

Compound SC3 is an antibiotic substance known since 80’s of the last century but only<br />

a little was reported about its molecular function within the cell. We identified this<br />

compound in our high-throughput screen for modulators of the canonical Wnt signaling<br />

pathway using Wnt/β-catenin responsive STF cells. The specificity and efficiency of SC3<br />

was subsequently confirmed in several in vitro and in vivo assays including TOPFLASH<br />

activity in luciferase assay and qRT-PCR in human colorectal cancer cell lines, double axis<br />

formation assay in Xenopus embryos and intestinal tumor treatment in APC Min mice. Cells<br />

cultivated with SC3 compound displayed reduced amount of β-catenin and in transient<br />

transfections, TOPFLASH activity of several constitutively active mutants of β-catenin<br />

was inhibited by the compound. These results suggest β-catenin-dependent effect of<br />

SC3 molecule, although the exact mechanism of action has not been elucidated yet.<br />



Zuzana Tylichová 1,2 , Jiřina Hofmanová 1,2 , Pavel Krčmář 3 , Nicol Straková 1 , Alena Hyršlová<br />

Vaculová 1 , Alois Kozubík 1,2<br />

1<br />

Department of Cytokinetics, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech<br />

Republic, v.v.i., Královopolská 135, 612 65 Brno, Czech Republic;<br />

2<br />

Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 611 37<br />

Brno, Czech Republic<br />

3<br />

Veterinary Research Institute,v.v.i. Brno, Czech Republic<br />

tylichova@ibp.cz<br />

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is nuclear receptor and transcription<br />

factor that is involved in regulating glucose and lipid homeostasis, inflammation,<br />

proliferation and differentiation. It is expressed mainly in colon and adipose tissues.<br />

Dietary exogenous as well as endogenous fatty acids and their metabolites function as<br />

PPARγ ligands and thus may affect many cellular events including cell cycle, fatty acid<br />

transport and utilization and important signaling pathways. PPARγ is often mutated in<br />

cancer cells which may contribute to cancer promotion and progression.<br />

Molecular mechanisms of PPARγ action were investigated in colon adenocarcinoma<br />

cell line HT-29 after treatment with short-chain fatty acid butyrate (NaBt) produced<br />

by microbial fermentation of fibre in the colon and essential ω-3 polyunsaturated<br />

docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA). Application of these coumpouds induced changes in<br />

PPARγ expression on gene and protein levels and also its significant activation (luciferase<br />

assay). The activation of PPARγ was additionaly supported using PI3K/Akt (Akt1/2)<br />

inhibitor which increased differentiation as well as cell death. Caspases inhibitor (zVADfmk)<br />

decreased paralelly PPARγ activation and cell differentiation but not apoptosis<br />

which indicates non-apoptotic function of caspases. Using flow cytometry and methods<br />

130 Analytical Cytometry VII

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