Mobil-Katalog Deutsch - Medium

Mobil-Katalog Deutsch - Medium Mobil-Katalog Deutsch - Medium


48 KNOW HOW ›MOBILE-SOUND‹ TECHNOLOGY The sound waves of the loudspeaker are picked up by the microphone, are further amplified and again fed to the speaker and so on. If the sound coming from the speaker at the microphone has a slightly higher level than the primary noise, self activation by feedback may occur. A noise generated by feedback can cause the destruction of your system. In order to avoid feedback, make sure your volume control is set to 0, when you connect a microphone to your amplifier. Whenever feedback occurs, remove the microphone from the speakers and reduce the volume with the control switch. 1. Make sure that as little direct sound as possible is attained from the loudspeakers to the microphones. 2. Place the microphones in such a way that they do not cross the loudspeakers´ main irradiating direction. (Note that e.g. walls reflect sound) * Wireless microphone systems Wireless systems are especially popular in show business. The artist has complete freedom of movement without leaving the absorbing area of the microphone. The application of wireless transmission is advisable, whenever a microphone cable handicaps the performance, or for visual reasons. Over the past years, the transmission and reception technology of these devices has been improved to such an extent, that today it does justice to nearly all high quality standards and guarantees very high operating safety when handled properly. Main application areas are events and live coverages. For quality reasons, all of RCS´ wireless systems use a HF transmission method with frequency modulation. Nevertheless, disturbances may occur here too occasionally. Reflections at metallic objects occur under unfavorable conditions especially in closed rooms as well as in rooms containing decorations. These reflections can result in socalled field strength alterations at the receiver position. * Installation of a wireless microphone In all areas working with speaker systems, microphones with wireless high-frequency transmission, so-called wireless microphones, are increasingly used for bypassing short distances. The cable connection between microphone and amplifier is substituted by a wireless transmission and receiver system. transm.1 RCS wireless system Moderator Signal Please always proceed according to the basic rules to achieve perfect results: 1. Transmitter and receiver antennas should be fully extracted. 2. Do not place metallic objects near the antennas! 3. Do not touch the antenna of a wireless hand microphone with your hand! 4. Do not coil up the whip antenna of a lavalier transmitter (it has to dangle loosely)! 5. Always start a presentation with full batteries! 6. Always keep the required distance to the receiver! Handling, care and maintenance of a mobile system with rechargeable battery * Moderator & programme Signal transm.2 CD-Unit Tape-Unit Program-Unit ● The battery must not be discharged below its critical discharging condition. This cannot occur with RCS´ systems, as they feature an automatic protection device. ● The battery has to be charged up to 95% with high electricity, the remaining 5% with low electricity. This regulation is also automatically adopted by the implemented RCS electronics. ● Whenever the device is stored, the system´s battery has to be in fully charged condition. Therefore, always store your system in charged condition, or else the battery could be damaged. Operating time per charge The operating time per charge depends on the sort of programme (music/speech), on the volume and on the application of an auxiliary speaker. In order to simulate an average application, tests with music on a 50% service cycle (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off) were made at the manufacturer´s factory. Low volume 6 to 8 hours Medium volume 2 to 4 hours 1 Full volume before clipping /2 to 2 hours PLEASE NOTE: As the durability of rechargeable batteries depends only on the power extraction, do not let exaggerated information in some manufacturers´ advertisements misguide you!



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