Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht

Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht

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80G GENERAL INDEX. Rosellini's expedition to Egypt, 630; his archaeological works, 630. " Rosetta Stone" of Assyriology, 71 ; discovery of, 629 ; its inscriptions, 629 ; interpretations of, 629. Ross, Dr., tour of, 54-5"; companion of Layard, 93. Royal library of Nineveh, 121. Saba, in Arabia, 69-, 711 ; inscriptions of, 729—730; queen of, 751. Sabean philology, history of, 732. Sabeans, 742. Sachau = Qumquma, 30. Sacy, Sylvestre de, pioneer in cuneiform research, 23 ; seconds Grotefend's discoveries, 24. Sadlier, his Arabian travels and discoveries, 703. Saft el-Henne, modern name ot Gesem, which see, 650. Saida, in Sidon, discovery of sarcophagus at, 615-616. Said Pasha gives leave to excavate, 636. Sais, excavations at, 636 ; extinction of, 644. Salcah, location of, 596. Salmon ( Gr. Ansalmanos), location of, 595. Samak, see Tylos. Sam'al = Senjirli, 736. Samaria, Hebrew name of Roman Sebaste (modern Sebastive), 586. Sammosata, capital, 59. Sammuramat, statue of, I 30. Samsat, inscriptions of, 757. Samsi, queen of Aribi, 740. Samsi-Adad, stele of, 131. Samsu-iluna, King, tablets of, 3 1 1 ; inscription of, 481. Sanda, Hittite god, 782. Sandwith, Dr., physician, 114. Saphir, Jacob, Arabian journeys of, 706. Saqqara, excavations at, 637 ; pyramids near, 653-654; rich discoveries in, 654; inscriptions, 655. Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar, description of, 616 ; of Tabnith, 61 8 ; of Alexander, 618. Sardis, road from, 755 ; inscriptions of, 757. Sargon, king of Assyria, palace of, 85, 87, ill; tiles of, 106 ; barrel cylinders of, 313, 416; royal steles of, 61 1; wars of, 740; age of, 765, 771- Sargon I., king of Agade, age of, 249, 333, 390; inscriptions of, 51-. Sart = Sardis. Sarzec, De, excavations of, 216-260. Sassaaian seals, 23, 326 ; burials, 422 ; dynasty, 555. Saussave, de la, C, his "Handbook of the History of Religion," 733. Sayce, A. H., Hittite theory of, 758; discovers bilingual inscription, 769--70. Sayings of our Lord, 627. Schafer, H., work of, in Egypt, 643. Schephelah, legion of, 609. Schick, Dr., his work in Jerusalem, 598, 605, 613. Schrader, Eberhard, father of German Assyriology, 280. Schumacher, his East-Jordan surveys, 594- 595; Schweinfurth, Georg, his Arabian excursion, -16. Sebaste (Sebastive), see Samaria. Sebastive, 586; in line of research, 589. Sebennytus, extinction of, 644. Seetzen, his Arabian tour, 702. Sekenyen-Re, coffin and mummy of, 686. Selby, William Beaumont, explorations and surveys of, 66-69. Seleucia, centre of eastern commerce, 12. Seleucidan rulers, period of, 503. Semitic names and people of Palestine, 586. Semitic religion, contributions to, 733. Senjirli, Hittite district visited, 301 ; inscriptions of, 735, 765. Senkere, location of, 55 ; mounds of, 152- 155- Sennacherib, king of Assyria, 8 palaces of, ; III—112; lion-head of, 276; palace of, 771. Sepulchre, Holy, see Church of. Serapeum, discovery of, 634. Serbal, the probable Mt. Sinai, 634. Sesostris, figures of, 755 ; date of, 762. Sethos, sanctuary of, 682 ; coffin and mummy of, 686. Seti I., discovery of temple of, at Abydos, 637. Shalmaneser II., King, title of, 33 ; obelisk of, 106; inscription of, no; palace of, ill ; private building of, 194 ; his bronze gates, 265 ; black obelisk of, 763-764. Shamash, city of, 154; image of, 270; temple of, 272 ; tomb of, 468 ; Babylonian sun-god, 734. Shamiye, "great river," 55. Shammar, Arabian mountain group, 695. Shapira, his Arabian travels, 715. Shargani-shar-ali, brick stamp of 333. Sharon, plain of, 616, 618. Shatt el-Adhem, river, 64. Shatt el-Kar, crossed by Fraser, 55. Shatt en-Nil, canal of, 160 ; location of, 307. Sheba, see Saba. Shechem, Hebrew name of Roman Neapolis (modern Nablus), 586. Shedet, ancient capital of Fay urn, 665, 671. Shenf Khan, excavations at, 126. Shibin el-Qanatir, city of high priest Onias, 651. Shirley, Sir Anthony, locates Nineveh and Mosul, 8.

GENERAL INDEX. 807 Sidon, discoveries in, 615-616. Siloam, conduit of, 588 ; pool of, 604 ; the inscription of conduit, 613-615. Simon, L., liberality of, 282. Sin, Moon-god, temple of, at Muqayyar, 1 74; temple of, at Haran, 273 ; a Babylonian deity, 734. Sinai, in line of research, 587; Peninsula of, visited by Prussian expedition, 634 ; Mount of, identified with Serbal, 634. Singashid, monarch, 146. Sinjir, expedition to, 116. Sippara, identification of, 265. Sirwah, inscriptions of, 722. Skythopolis, see Bethshean. Smith, Eli, his work in Palestine, 586-587 ; the Smith-Robinson travels, 587-588. Smith, George, engraver, 189 ; study of Assyrian monuments, 190 ; discovery of account of Deluge, 1 9 1 ; examines ruins of Nimrud and Qal'at Shirgat, 192; theories, 193; researches at 0_oyunjuk, 194—1955 discoveries enumerated, 198 death at ; Aleppo, 200. Smyrna, figures and inscriptions near the road to, 755, 757- Snofru, predecessor of King Cheops, 663. Soane discovers colossal statue of Rameses II., 665. Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis a pioneer in Assyriology, 290. Socotra, island of, visited, 716. Sodom, overthrow of, 4. Sokaris Osiris, sanctuary of, 636. Solomon, Temple of, location of, 598, see 'Omar, Mosque of; palace of, 600-601. Soudan visited by Prussian expedition, 634. Sphinxes, avenue of, discovered by Mariette, 635. Spiegelberg, work of, near Thebes, 643. Sterret, Dr. J. R. S., accompanies Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 290. Strabo, mentions " Hanging Gardens," 19; mentions "the sepulchre of BT," 459 ; travels in Nile valley, 635. Stiibel, Dr., geological researches of, 595. Sumeria, inscriptions of, 738. Sumerian question, 281. Surghul, German excavations at, 280 5 mound of, 282 ; discoveries at, 282-288 ; cemetery of, 536. Survey of Palestine, geographical, 591—596. Syennesis, Cilician king, 781. Sylvestre de Sacy interprets Rosetta stone inscriptions, 629. Syria, inscriptions in, 755—756. Tablet Hill, 311, 442, 509. Tablets of Tell el-'Amarna, description of, 620. Tabnit, mention of, 616; sarcophagus of, 618. Tahpanhes not identified with Tell Defne, 648. Taima, inscriptions of, 727. Tanis, ancient temple of, 637 ; sanctuaries of, 644 ; condition- of, 644 ; the Bible Zoan, 644 ; Petries discoveries at, 645. Tarkondemos, King, 758 ; character of, 765 ; date of, 765 = Tarqudimme, ; 782. Tarqudimme, 782. Tarz, 782. Taurus, inscriptions near, 780. Tavernier describes Nineveh ruins, 10. Taxeira, reference of, to Babylon, 16. Taylor, J. E., excavations of, at Muqayyar, 171-178. Tell Basta, same as Bubastis and Basta, 646. Tell Defne, site and remains of, 647. Tell ej-[udaida, excavations at, 609—610. Tell el-'Amarna, tablets of, 620 ; famous ruins at, 641. Tell el-Hesy, mound and excavations of, 607- 608, 621. Tell el-Lahm, Taylor's excavations at, 178. Tell el-Maskhuta, location of, and discoveries at, 648-649 . Tell e!-Yehudiya, near probable site of temple of high priest Onias, 651. Tell es-Safi, excavations at, 609. Tell Et-tuba, " Mound of Repentance, " 11. Tell Ibrahim, enormous ruins of, 277. Tell Jokba, location of, 55. Tell-Lakariya, excavations at, 609. Tell Manjur, on Tigris, 65. Tell Medina, excavations of, 156. Tell Nebeshe, sanctuaries and cemetery of, 647. Tello, excavations at, by De Sarzec, 216- 223 ; ruins of, described, 219-220 ; further discoveries at, 232-236, 279 ; inscriptions from, 450. Tell 'Omran ibn All, mound of, 30, 159. Tell Sandahanna, excavations at, 609—610. Tell Sifr, excavations of, 156. Temple of the Seven Directions of Heaven and Earth, 184. Terah, family worship of, 746. Testament, Old, light upon, through Arabic and Babylon-Assyrian inscriptions, 741. Texier, finds figures of gods and inscriptions, 756. _ Thebes, its monuments examined, 638, 641 ; excavations at, and results, 682, 690. Thomas, Felix, architect, 163. Thothmes I., II., III., coffins and mummies of, 686, 689. Thureau-Dangin, studies of, 257-258. Tiberias, in line of research, 587; Lake of, 597-

80G<br />


Rosell<strong>in</strong>i's expedition to Egypt, 630; his<br />

archaeological works, 630.<br />

" Rosetta Stone" of Assyriology, 71 ; discovery<br />

of, 629 ; its <strong>in</strong>scriptions, 629 ; <strong>in</strong>terpretations<br />

of, 629.<br />

Ross, Dr., tour of, 54-5"; companion of<br />

Layard, 93.<br />

Royal library of N<strong>in</strong>eveh, 121.<br />

Saba, <strong>in</strong> Arabia, 69-, 711 ;<br />

<strong>in</strong>scriptions of,<br />

729—730; queen of, 751.<br />

Sabean philology, history of, 732.<br />

Sabeans, 742.<br />

Sachau = Qumquma, 30.<br />

Sacy, Sylvestre de, pioneer <strong>in</strong> cuneiform research,<br />

23 ;<br />

seconds Grotefend's discoveries,<br />

24.<br />

Sadlier, his Arabian travels and discoveries, 703.<br />

Saft el-Henne, modern name ot Gesem,<br />

which see, 650.<br />

Saida, <strong>in</strong> Sidon, discovery of sarcophagus at,<br />

615-616.<br />

Said Pasha gives leave to excavate, 636.<br />

Sais, excavations at, 636 ; ext<strong>in</strong>ction of, 644.<br />

Salcah, location of, 596.<br />

Salmon ( Gr. Ansalmanos), location of, 595.<br />

Samak, see Tylos.<br />

Sam'al = Senjirli, 736.<br />

Samaria, Hebrew name of Roman Sebaste<br />

(modern Sebastive), 586.<br />

Sammosata, capital, 59.<br />

Sammuramat, statue of, I 30.<br />

Samsat, <strong>in</strong>scriptions of, 757.<br />

Samsi, queen of Aribi, 740.<br />

Samsi-Adad, stele of, 131.<br />

Samsu-iluna, K<strong>in</strong>g, tablets of, 3 1 1 ;<br />

<strong>in</strong>scription<br />

of, 481.<br />

Sanda, Hittite god, 782.<br />

Sandwith, Dr., physician, 114.<br />

Saphir, Jacob, Arabian journeys of, 706.<br />

Saqqara, excavations at, 637 ;<br />

pyramids near,<br />

653-654; rich discoveries <strong>in</strong>, 654; <strong>in</strong>scriptions,<br />

655.<br />

Sarcophagus of Eshmunazar, description of,<br />

616 ; of Tabnith, 61 8 ;<br />

of Alexander, 618.<br />

Sardis, road from, 755 ; <strong>in</strong>scriptions of, 757.<br />

Sargon, k<strong>in</strong>g of Assyria, palace of, 85, 87,<br />

ill; tiles of, 106 ;<br />

barrel cyl<strong>in</strong>ders of, 313,<br />

416; royal steles of, 61 1; wars of, 740; age<br />

of, 765, 771-<br />

Sargon I., k<strong>in</strong>g of Agade, age of, 249, 333,<br />

390; <strong>in</strong>scriptions of, 51-.<br />

Sart = Sardis.<br />

Sarzec, De, excavations of, 216-260.<br />

Sassaaian seals, 23, 326 ; burials, 422 ;<br />

dynasty,<br />

555.<br />

Saussave, de la, C, his "Handbook of <strong>the</strong><br />

History of Religion," 733.<br />

Sayce, A. H., Hittite <strong>the</strong>ory of, 758; discovers<br />

bil<strong>in</strong>gual <strong>in</strong>scription, 769--70.<br />

Say<strong>in</strong>gs of our Lord, 627.<br />

Schafer, H., work of, <strong>in</strong> Egypt, 643.<br />

Schephelah, legion of, 609.<br />

Schick, Dr., his work <strong>in</strong> Jerusalem, 598,<br />

605, 613.<br />

Schrader, Eberhard, fa<strong>the</strong>r of German Assyriology,<br />

280.<br />

Schumacher, his East-Jordan surveys, 594-<br />

595;<br />

Schwe<strong>in</strong>furth, Georg, his Arabian excursion,<br />

-16.<br />

Sebaste (Sebastive), see Samaria.<br />

Sebastive, 586; <strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e of research, 589.<br />

Sebennytus, ext<strong>in</strong>ction of, 644.<br />

Seetzen, his Arabian tour, 702.<br />

Sekenyen-Re, coff<strong>in</strong> and mummy of, 686.<br />

Selby, William Beaumont, explorations and<br />

surveys of, 66-69.<br />

Seleucia, centre of eastern commerce, 12.<br />

Seleucidan rulers, period of, 503.<br />

Semitic names and people of Palest<strong>in</strong>e, 586.<br />

Semitic religion, contributions to, 733.<br />

Senjirli, Hittite district visited, 301 ; <strong>in</strong>scriptions<br />

of, 735, 765.<br />

Senkere, location of, 55<br />

;<br />

mounds of, 152-<br />

155-<br />

Sennacherib, k<strong>in</strong>g of Assyria, 8 palaces of,<br />

;<br />

III—112; lion-head of, 276; palace of,<br />

771.<br />

Sepulchre, Holy, see Church of.<br />

Serapeum, discovery of, 634.<br />

Serbal, <strong>the</strong> probable Mt. S<strong>in</strong>ai, 634.<br />

Sesostris, figures of, 755 ; date of, 762.<br />

Sethos, sanctuary of, 682 ; coff<strong>in</strong> and mummy<br />

of, 686.<br />

Seti I., discovery of temple of, at Abydos, 637.<br />

Shalmaneser II., K<strong>in</strong>g, title of, 33 ; obelisk<br />

of, 106; <strong>in</strong>scription of, no; palace of,<br />

ill<br />

;<br />

private build<strong>in</strong>g of, 194 ; his bronze<br />

gates, 265 ; black obelisk of, 763-764.<br />

Shamash, city of, 154; image of, 270;<br />

temple of, 272 ;<br />

tomb of, 468 ;<br />

Babylonian<br />

sun-god, 734.<br />

Shamiye, "great river," 55.<br />

Shammar, Arabian mounta<strong>in</strong> group, 695.<br />

Shapira, his Arabian travels, 715.<br />

Shargani-shar-ali, brick stamp of 333.<br />

Sharon, pla<strong>in</strong> of, 616, 618.<br />

Shatt el-Adhem, river, 64.<br />

Shatt el-Kar, crossed by Fraser, 55.<br />

Shatt en-Nil, canal of, 160 ;<br />

location of, 307.<br />

Sheba, see Saba.<br />

Shechem, Hebrew name of Roman Neapolis<br />

(modern Nablus), 586.<br />

Shedet, ancient capital of Fay urn, 665, 671.<br />

Shenf Khan, excavations at, 126.<br />

Shib<strong>in</strong> el-Qanatir, city of high priest Onias,<br />

651.<br />

Shirley, Sir Anthony, locates N<strong>in</strong>eveh and<br />

Mosul, 8.

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