Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht

Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht Explorations in Bible lands during the 19th century - H. V. Hilprecht

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622 EXPLORATIONS IN BIBLE LANDS have also brought to light an epistolary tablet which in form and contents belongs to this correspondence. It can therefore confidently be affirmed that we stand not at the end but only at the beginning of discoveries on the soil of Palestine. With lively satisfaction the friends of the Holy Land must therefore have heard of the recent inauguration of two new and extensive movements in the interest of Palestinian research. The American Institute of Archaeology and a number of other scientific organizations of North America (universities, colleges, theological seminaries) the means for establishing a " School " have provided at Jerusalem, which during the first year (1900-01) was under the direction of Professor Torrey, of Yale University. A somewhat older project, but likewise not yet fully carried out, is United Evangelical Churches that of the of Germany to found an Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Abundant means have been provided for this, and it is to begin its operations in the autumn of 1901. These institutions will supply a long-felt need. Their primary purpose is to introduce young scholars into different branches of investigation, and to encourage them to undertake researches of their own. At the same time they will serve as a local centre for all the operations. Well provided with libraries and collections, they will in the future place the necessary scientific apparatus at the disposal of every scholar. Finally, so far as their means will allow, they will themselves engage in making researches, arrange for excavations, study the countrv and its characteristics, the people and their customs, etc. The favorable attitude which the Sultan of Turkey and the Ottoman government have in the last years generallv exhibited towards such endeavors, affords good reason to believe that by these combined efforts Oriental study will be greatly promoted, and diligent search be rewarded by corresponding discoveries.



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