Sep 1895 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1895 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Sep 1895 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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faitbrui<br />

Btendayio<br />

the,<br />

propoTOoriate blesalbp. Tiiere was n<br />

mtatatiog that.. filornlng, noon, m<br />

night during (he : penitential: season<br />

; t and many luferijiu^gS^rieBuffl<br />

were givept Ar 10.80<br />

e= "*"was prcttchhig by R#¥, J, JP,<br />

aMV , , t pairti <strong>of</strong> the Central Frabj 1 '<br />

^^'^jSslM^lHJjnehj Bfoyklynj H.Tf,, The<br />

,it,;v>- > , =s ^^apig^jj crowdedI and the eougrega«<br />

ii - ^<br />

tyeatsf to a rare eshi bition af<br />

pulpit preaching.<br />

Both<br />

ministers declared that Mr.<br />

And,sow that thflf labors<br />

were at an end, they found superabuu*<br />

dan t evidences that, they had nol<br />

worked In valn^ihat God had beet<br />

among aud with them and -had op*<br />

provtd (jf'their work, Their prayers,<br />

exhortations aod aioglng demonstrated<br />

the gladness that was In their hearts,<br />

aiid tbsir laeti fWriy glowed with so<br />

expression <strong>of</strong> delight which language<br />

could not convey. The people; too,<br />

for ii<br />

was well worth hear*<br />

tttttaetian at the even!PH<br />

fffyidfs tu ibe AUait<strong>of</strong>lum was the ad=<br />

-," ^ - J - *- ^ia j g i h<br />

pant prominent aa ftpoil T<br />

lawyer, and fat (lie eeeeutrli<br />

tula, uotwlthabout<br />

i o'clock bad left tlie<br />

f<br />

the fuel that ibe lieavy rain<br />

damp sad chilly, and de-<br />

IRIS<br />

urJog beyond thi (shelter <strong>of</strong><br />

the hotel aiid cottage verandahs, Tlie<br />

audlencB niere not disappointed, for<br />

MJoi and soul euice he gut to know f be<br />

tef all wha'Wf re;iruly<br />

lprddueied<br />

Ijjpol^jplw<br />

bi had<br />

|o loveaud<br />

gp w^lt«pt^iW((»;! ft<br />

IbeniOiuiB, tbrppgh the divine<br />

ging back many wetid erliig<br />

j.««i,fi,i J • s =i. ••.. i* : -i •'•• •• /-- .•• •«.<br />

manifested<br />

satisfaeLJou,<br />

Uad been beueflted by the services,<br />

they had found eoDsotatlou t^ud en<br />

eoufagemeoi, and Iearne4 tdkhow thai<br />

it la not a difflc'ult tblng to fludGod, t<br />

obtain salvation wbeu<br />

hgiititl><br />

the<br />

Bearch<br />

conducted, Every bodyYvvas glad aud<br />

in thorough sympathy wilb;the joyous<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the occasion. The closing<br />

exercises would liave been more<br />

camp grgundi made more brllliaut bu<br />

fur the rain storm whlsh came up abou<br />

i<br />

8 d'qloeii, wetiiag the grass aud dieatjii<br />

ing the numerous variegaled Ian tenJH<br />

Which hung from the trees, and were<br />

intended to lend beauty and addiUouaJ<br />

brilliancy to theevejiu Consequenlly<br />

the usual march tlinjugh the ground<br />

was abandoned, Bm as ihe evenlug<br />

wojfe 011 thi weather became more<br />

pitiouii.BBd thi huriiKds <strong>of</strong> peopl<br />

were unable to gain admlsalon to the<br />

AudlturTum building fuiiud no<br />

forl .in Btrfudlng flUtolde and llBteiilng<br />

to the prayes, pF^ehibg; iiiiginf aod<br />

ejihortalion.<br />

through<br />

tbe opeu doorwayB aud ample window<br />

open lugs tbe "etlrrlug eeenes belag<br />

enacted within. Later the mooii appeared<br />

from behind the clouds and<br />

shed her g#BtieViiivery I<br />

a pleastug picture <strong>of</strong> religious enthusi<br />

asm ae is seldom wltuasseVi in atje'sllfetline,<br />

* Long after the exerclseis closed<br />

t d lid<br />

groups oLnieu aud women lingered<br />

near the Auditorium building, cpintneutlng<br />

upon the sueeess<strong>of</strong> the meet<br />

Ing, and expressing their fiailsfaellon<br />

and it was near midnight before th<br />

last lolterera Were rfeniiiided by the ei<br />

lingufahtnerit <strong>of</strong> the electric lights thai<br />

the stern realities <strong>of</strong> life demanded real<br />

retirements ' , , ;<br />

The day's exorcises commenced<br />

Usual<br />

It was a helpful, prayeriul ailebrallon,<br />

during whjoh many testimonies were<br />

J<br />

<strong>of</strong> the : power <strong>of</strong>: God's<br />

grace>nd mercy. The attendance was<br />

tiBly limited by theiMpael^ <strong>of</strong>v ibj<br />

^ <strong>of</strong>v<br />

seFylces wile<br />

held, and %?etyp<br />

than he has ever appear- availing themselves.pf tM fagtfadlng<br />

their abandonment, <strong>of</strong> i<br />

things write1, UBtb joli tbat<br />

and elBawiete, when, like<br />

s epjatle under a<br />

^iinor,fgr whose pr<strong>of</strong>lperity he had<br />

BO faithfully while<br />

Mll^M#4jp<br />

fate v<br />

okaew that their names were<br />

<strong>of</strong> v forgivenesfl. He de that by virtue uf<br />

their own strength alone, Qud'u aid<br />

sbould be iioeerely Suvuied, nod tuen<br />

the work ef aalvaUon would be a lai "<br />

<strong>of</strong> pleasure; hardship and BuBerjug<br />

would be turned Ju£o joy aud peace<br />

aud God Would receive tiie in ainuni<br />

thseltet.<br />

''*•'•;<br />

The Twilight sirvies at i P> m<br />

bwiight together an inameiiBO gathering<br />

mauifysttug much" entiiUiiusaD<br />

They terminated with BiBfiny "Wt'i<br />

never iay good bye," during whiqh the<br />

eougregatiou ftied gut uf ihe. buitdint<br />

and crossed in pnicesajoB to the Audi<br />

loriufn, wbleh was aready half full o<br />

people waiting for tue iliiilug cferenjoulei.<br />

With the: adveut <strong>of</strong> t"<br />

Temple: wonhlppera/whs<br />

entered<br />

headed by the You tig Feopla'a ulioir<br />

uf King's . TemVlara aud all Stil<br />

with gi^ful<br />

voiyes "Wetf<br />

never say good bye," tbe Audi tori tlni<br />

soon tilled up, and in a Hhort apaw o<br />

tlnle not a Btiut was vacant,' the alKie<br />

becariie urowded * and the doorwayh<br />

blocked, :BO- eager^were the ixsople, to<br />

the closing scenea, f The sight<br />

presented when Bev, • Thomas<br />

rlson anuounced. the' opening hymn<br />

was Inophsalve lo the txtWiae,' Afier<br />

p fleaflijngf 'alngitig, r ttev% J, B,*,Gmw<br />

delivered a ,1 ' prayef v ,. as king the.<br />

Savior to come aniong them with 'all<br />

Ills healijig power , and reveal life<br />

great :ldve;tp let bis spirit eaia# Iiito<br />

the heart* U&fcesought-Godls bieit^<br />

p<br />

everybody pieseiit wild^fiad,<br />

tietpated, In the, camp flitttingV and<br />

p^^iy; lurJ th*JUinlt<strong>of</strong>at <strong>of</strong> the VUEO<br />

; lurJ t<br />

mlses'HehasInadB^^<br />

mug as a solo, "Away Beyond the<br />

^ ^ b i U ^ ^ h i f b h<br />

auto=harpV-Therendition <strong>of</strong> this beau<br />

liful hymn-wa« most<br />

flUJVlt<br />

Lake, presldiiig minister<br />

then anubunei&d that a eoileeiiou'wcfult<br />

be "aiid, fliVthev<br />

V[4ht<br />

tobt<br />

the expense? <strong>of</strong> thi meeting having<br />

been unUHuaily heavy, he' liLhiidtLiu<br />

congregation" w«M Id be moat generous,<br />

It la safe to saf (hat the reppu^fiiily<br />

It la safe to saf (hat the<br />

p<br />

p<br />

iip; "to the 'requirements,-<br />

lAJif later iinaniiou need I hat Rev,<br />

jphiiadei phla/ fiwuieifiy 1<br />

dent uf Ihe Aft*uclatlon, .would preach<br />

next ^uuday In the Auditbrlum, uiorubig<br />

aud evening; He tlienturutkl over<br />

g<br />

ihe leuderuhip <strong>of</strong>. the feervlcei "it<strong>of</strong> ReVi<br />

Thomai* Harri&ju, Afitr a hyniu waa<br />

iuaft;'Mr'^i, ^rriMa^ prayfedi ''iayjug<br />

that petiple wanted /mbN <strong>of</strong> heuveu in<br />

their hertrt and asking a blesiig oii<br />

heir heartrt and asking a<br />

tue; cijugregatiou. He espressed j his<br />

eouyIctiuu that the bells were ringing<br />

out in glory over the nuinher <strong>of</strong> heurts<br />

that bad been con verted. He was sure<br />

and Inflanie their eouk with love whilo<br />

he wwuid endeavorit<strong>of</strong>teli, them tome<br />

dlscourBe which wag based oh J the text<br />

wi ttfjhli BwtfJTO^i .,^<br />

knew <strong>of</strong> a rnmstelier who never laid<br />

down at. nighf without saying hit*<br />

prayers and yet all d% long that man<br />

hiid been Bending BUUIB to, hell, Home<br />

wouIQ answer the question, Psyiug^ "J<br />

think BO" oiheri "t hope,ia,' ? Boine "!<br />

j." Th^ ^r<br />

show H|iprebeupit'u nf safety^ "O<br />

falhei," he e?iclaujtd ( , "send • hum<br />

tbe truth to night; J kuuw I an<br />

Biived." Air, HarriHOQ theu lead in ijng.<br />

Ing tbe hymn, "Is My Name Writteti<br />

There?" He then called foruHlinwo<br />

hiiutii from (boae who had KO- doub<br />

ihey am anved. The greuter part <strong>of</strong> the*<br />

audlt'iife rtipouded (iiJinnatlvely<br />

Then hu itwited all who desired tiiu<br />

<strong>of</strong> prayers iiod a flpecinl biiji.<br />

to ciiiite fbrwnrd to tiie altar nil<br />

while tbe people prsaed, for ward<br />

Hie hyiniij ''There Is a Fouutuin<br />

PI]led- with BlOtft; pi ;raitg tiihiughuui<br />

the building, . ; •• '.-<br />

Key, .DrrBpoiieer, (iflered prayer that<br />

each one would rt-«ive the dlyiiitoHrtiflcate<br />

<strong>of</strong> saiictifluation find that tliey<br />

would'receive the uftHUfauee <strong>of</strong> theli<br />

Halvatioi!, He BshWd Ootl to 'reach out<br />

Ilia liniid to tbpfeo wbo were, yet unaatisfied<br />

and hi*tow Salvatiori upuifr tilt<br />

lii na«d Of It, to, havfi uierey upon their<br />

pour, darkened. hearts, and bflug them<br />

to J^aus. He wautt-d theia to undcr-<br />

*itoiid tbat now In tlie day uf sal vat ion<br />

They wuuted .more <strong>of</strong>.the^ ipirlt o<br />

PHiteupst to fit them for Hit battle a<br />

lit ti, nud, he.; iioped t hat a Fu u teeosta<br />

flre, ilife reiiiiliig flrea <strong>of</strong> heavenly wjs<br />

1 *'--'- ^aud^gfaM^would^Bauetiiy ^tliilr<br />

' The feelliigH <strong>of</strong> Hie congregatlnti bad<br />

b#6B worked up by tlila tlftie to a fever-<br />

Ish pltetii and sobs, slghH aud Bioaji<br />

froui the qFiiwd at tUu altari»il, wltl<br />

esciiimutiouB <strong>of</strong> prate froni the body<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe hall,Bhuwed<br />

h ^ i t i i<br />

f iht l<br />

ihut previuled tbe>aHta^enibly<br />

ljl ht di<br />

d<br />

"Ijaai m glajl that dm»i saved me,*<br />

' 11b' t t i d<br />

l w11b' great neetnim, aud was<br />

foU»wyd with ^GiorytXl<br />

i l<br />

M ' if<br />

d<br />

Mr.; ' ifarriHtui diBppy#>pd^ a 'sorrow<br />

iiiM :; sister_; |uv oueJ <strong>of</strong>r" Iba; fjtetrt<br />

seats, liJ'aiiilv^g^jg y besldy. ^liei<br />

her alluijuistered^as^aliqa aud ; eii;<br />

etiuragemen t. BeAvas iiMliited by^Rev><br />

WW@iVSllmr^:fe<br />

GunHJiii; ^f[- t Breokiyn^<br />

iir^(Spencer<br />

Ojg^^l iuaidea;: pawerf^Jl • #«hrit\^<br />

^^l iuaide\ a;: pawerf^Jl • #<br />

^<br />

and intrtHlueed ill his reaonaut volcei<br />

tBeuliyfflBv: "AtPiiffi ^'rpss^:: ; Bhigi<br />

li/gaiidpniyirjg^ftiid exhortation was<br />

^<br />

exhortation was<br />

kept ; . up ;u Btji) the ; ciu§e v ! j 1, fl^W<br />

iwheis "iufler rend#ii^ the ; byrnn wh<br />

eadi, »A¥e»ir Ai^ai^;Hali!ulh<br />

Heaven By<br />

h and theti Mr.HurrlHon<br />

bi=t fit re well In a patlieile, eatneat<br />

eatlun fur the diviiie bltssing. '•• ,:r T i<br />

aud who bus drine berQuiea'u WijrB<br />

lug lih^r^vyftil l^ft<br />

lists<br />

<strong>of</strong> a,stuff<br />

right for,<br />

Autiimh<br />

wear and<br />

thi price<br />

attached<br />

h unique.<br />

The story<br />

,iv (i :\6f.the •=".•<br />

the iitory<br />

<strong>of</strong> tlie.<br />

helpful gathering When,<br />

markets were> best for biiyurs<br />

we dlBCQuntyd the then current<br />

priees/by ruasoh <strong>of</strong> the heavy<br />

lots we fclt justifiyd in moving.<br />

Thouiands <strong>of</strong>. yards• <strong>of</strong>• proper<br />

stu ffs, The. goodi svoii id make<br />

moniiy for us' il = held hacfe to<br />

take the .m\v . values.<br />

That<br />

isn't our way.<br />

(dtliUe—no lyuii rune) ;<br />

» wool niiscil t-liecka iitiil<br />

f iTet'ts; sevpn fiillt-ri'iit coinbinuiltujs.<br />

At afc^flfl inch Fiitie,? MU«I Ohert<strong>of</strong>c;<br />

At SSe-HMJ iiiBli WnrelHl Udveri t:\nt\t,<br />

jf! l J0 c.lK.Ii t-V.,i,.r iilii/^ A iiiftttirLil<br />

, tpf leiUjekilliUilt wfiiih BTjjt KUO*ip,<br />

At Spe-^fii! i ink FH my Aituure Hu! M tig,<br />

ill twojimi il)ri«ctil(jrc!iiiiliinistlon3,<br />

tlif tjftimj 1 <strong>of</strong> it<br />

d<br />

f<br />

. 11=<br />

billot<br />

: ' atifl bhiivim'hi<br />

S7Megimlk ,<br />

At ylsf=4(J inch.Knni'y M I K W I L M ,<br />

: vfovetf wity bFJsjht toioH-ii j-nrns? hi<br />

.Mcnlnr eoiiiliinutinii"*,<br />

SOB i^b<br />

ChpviotH in tet]<br />

tlouai > B<br />

At 31^40 inoii' N<br />

,. i()t* - til lie.<br />

A f f h h<br />

1*iu«eli AruiiiHi, in<br />

<strong>of</strong> bfmvn f<br />

J<br />

in gniy.lilile: nM<br />

S k l •<br />

inlstuns*.<br />

^ \ ;<br />

At 4Qe-^5fi inch nlMvyel Dpess Clotlis,<br />

jiriiii tnialiuiii tini) darkiiiAnriaiwti\tm\<br />

jllftl Figlit fop suftfiL'HiljiiS WBflf in<br />

nmcky wont liPF, tirt^guiMls,<br />

:<br />

At SOss-HQ(ijtli TwiiVil Suhim<br />

inpleii<br />

Ing teler mlsisi • tin<br />

hkU<br />

" kkl<br />

At<br />

JMtlH-i* (jrlffli<br />

lop<br />

tiitf ' Kuli and<br />

eoinbi Biit I oris<br />

VTlaterilnifH,<br />

At Y^<br />

' In rJelj,,wariii tultif<br />

'<br />

f in h(yltrt t<br />

ril<br />

In ft .<br />

or exchaiiga, t Hotises ; to*<br />

ld;<br />

Ajiuaiber <strong>of</strong><br />

811<br />

to the<br />

Ave. r <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

;<br />

riefi<br />

I lipli *ti! i|ih ifsiiglj Cherfot,<br />

the , dpjlology<br />

= v ;l r iftit;h=Bust<br />

utiiiW a:|M; part <strong>of</strong><br />

dlhe| j>ic^ iwijiHi<br />

keep hliH truv'tiiiig uutjj<br />

O^f^H'<br />

tfllj tt<br />

Ootp^uf^•;He'i tfllj :;•<br />

aud afterwartis et|rt for tiie<br />

hlaabseiicehewill attend, H<br />

merit but ;isanxious<br />

fefencw, sind Vl£j§;_jtiBerary ^III- mity<br />

him<br />

thrUiBtiSjjktIfbk<br />

him<br />

thrgUKiiBoutitSjjak«tB.Ifebraakn<br />

bjuy iinens\$<br />

teLblou Society<br />

iljtb ti<br />

bacMIIder to * heart shall hfe flllM<br />

.eftrrisd<br />

iat^beuttii^a<br />

sometime<br />

all called,<br />

eiamiDBtlon<br />

^1 Corner S«in.1l"Bn(l' WM- ':''/*?^ife<br />

SIiDcbBnow<br />

'MMrKftipiai<br />

inch lilt'iicb<br />

wli at leugth^be; would:: inert<br />

eusv-FIeniish OTamaik : w£s<br />

glorious time ea^<br />

»BB»<br />

Brurtsls tiptn- 56c a<br />

i from age a<br />

MAWINBS-<br />

'<br />

A window Aill i look at them*<br />

(IOUCHIS-<br />

Good ones at #3,95.<br />

Bptter, in corduroy, $695 and S7.95;<br />


Solid Oak, gio.oo.<br />

.' ••<br />

CORSON &<br />

m XXigli Street, MlUviUep-<br />

I<br />

R. R. SOOY, Proprietor<br />

OCFAH•<br />


NEW<br />

ON THE BEACH, ^<br />

WM, LAKE, JQ.<br />

e uiSHtn uity bulltJtiiji ittid limit<br />

" ' " IJlSl'ljB,<br />

f Heeds, NfilJiiy Publle.<br />

latloh, Ijots fo Mile di«<br />

l \<br />

reui, lurp^uwi^r u«niFnuii«« ij^ds, J)ou>u!iJ?it«i •'' 7 :" "<br />

aiia nil jjarlii ef tbe city. 'W^pi<br />

ra ;«d communicatloriB <strong>of</strong> hitoreat<br />

Ibis .community - and our i^<br />

or Cnurer's HIli; but<br />

aoa ! <strong>of</strong> ailbtrt Tufngr, fell dowp the<br />

^nt them aklbimlug over the;<br />

oho <strong>of</strong>: (hefinest yioUBginehioT<br />

Wyhsn, .. ;;, ;<br />

ll ptjajmunioatlour shoutd be a®,<br />

a)rapaafod with tbe fellHams aad M-<br />

4rw <strong>of</strong> the writer, not neesiarily for<br />

WbllKtlon but a guaraaits <strong>of</strong><br />

^<br />

i Hnmm lm building a cottage<br />

eii Centra! avenue, near First alreet,<br />

•Aliffl f hf^eii, <strong>of</strong> Ceulra| aveiiue, wili<br />

. |iv# a "tea" flits afierauun Mm '4 to fi,<br />

JIlL'hard Smith, <strong>of</strong> Btecliaaiivllle, was<br />

here on Tuesiiay ioQkltig uner his pni<br />

• erly, • . . >• . ~. '.-'•''..<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> Uiiy Volunteer Fire Coio=,<br />

paiiy will meet in K t <strong>of</strong> P. Hail i<br />

niorrow.sveuiag.<br />

Wi have had a Four Huudrea la our<br />

midst all Hummer. But who woiiid<br />

, ! « • * •<br />

.. EL J. Blekihg, one <strong>of</strong> PhilBdelphlti'is<br />

employlDg prlutera, is ipeadliig a fuw<br />

d<br />

hi<br />

^<br />

this resort;<br />

Miss Anuls B, taw top, j p f ^ ,<br />

K. J,, Is spending her, vaCBiiuu wiih<br />

iier iiHter r Mrt. Fred klapp.<br />

Our publii! Huhuolij will open ou<br />

^ h l p<br />

whlcU will be bae day Jnter. ,' .'<br />

Xiewla JeflrleajOf May^Luiidjug, bun<br />

l<br />

aveaim,<br />

Mr. aod<br />

J, ,M, Mcpiijfj, .<strong>of</strong><br />

Fbilndelphla, are vlslilug at tile<br />

deuco <strong>of</strong> tlietr<br />

Qroiuenili'law,<br />

Rapp,<br />

William JJridgyWBtQr boa<br />

eigbt,lot» beiuwBlsteetilh mtmi mid.<br />

two betwepn<br />

Bo veil t h ui id Elgin li<br />

' streets, ' . , . • ,<br />

Godfrey A tig aud wife<br />

Mm, FulrbroYlier, <strong>of</strong> Hmlfh'rt Liiiidlng,<br />

nud Mrs, JJijKjb.<strong>of</strong> Cuitideu,a Tew d\iyu<br />

lost .week. . , '<br />

Ilev. Ezra^nl Lake coutcmpinteB a<br />

vacation,lour; which wjli (ftksin Oeeait<br />

, Grove, Asbury Park and, the Afluntlc<br />

Hlghlatids, : ,, . ,' :<br />

t'outrautor ALel D, gqull lias eomrjieiiecd<br />

the erecclub <strong>of</strong> a cgUage bit<br />

WfSiey avenUB betSVccB Teiilli iiud<br />

Elovfiilli htreeLa.' , '<br />

, '/•!<br />

- illss Olteiys Pfiwell, daughter <strong>of</strong> W.<br />

Powell, ftrtUileei <strong>of</strong> the Publie Bulldf<br />

Inp, Pljllndelpblu, Is the guest <strong>of</strong> Miss<br />

Ht'lcti Bl'ljcrnieriiorn.<br />

,. Alexander lltiardlnaii,<br />

bns [turehasod the lot corner o<br />

^street aud C*ntnd «veuue, whiiiii belonged<br />

tb'H, BVHowfeirj 6f 'Jreutau.<br />

The cleetrk'al disptay, uiuler\ [he<br />

ffiatiagemetit <strong>of</strong> H. M; KulbaGli, at thi<br />

Audltiirlum, tfuesday evening, SIUH u<br />

_ grfl!idaflair. L<br />

'rLetld<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Iumim\i,<br />

dftukljteF <strong>of</strong><br />

James L, Iupnoll, <strong>of</strong> tbl» city, was'<br />

ruiirrled ou Huaday eveulng is Charlt*<br />

OifJord, Jbv; L. (i. T<br />

fpHfled the cerei!!uu>'.<br />

'•; Tiie OeMiri <strong>City</strong> k<br />

i <strong>of</strong>fllfe^beduje abituf tbe 10th o<br />

^pmbir ^iirjie,: it IN ^1^11(<br />

; <strong>of</strong> (£<br />

i SpenKrV wht» are eottn^iig IhU<br />

' OH Niatii Btrrtt, betweea X^atrai = fliid<br />

vBui wiii'r^rflalajlier^ UttsOgJi<br />

;itir liia i<br />

Hii"<br />

on<br />

<strong>of</strong> DiW A. Wett, h j h<br />

Ydungii&riqiii; .Mr.<br />

" n riitlpge eii tjift lot<br />

i Ti hll !<br />

lyt<br />

ageiiey o<br />

will 'ii<br />

I;> A:'; } ' /, f* coMog^ 9 1 ' J! 1 * lot duriii^ UiBjyliiftjr/<br />

£\^V> '*:^; ;Tiis higueet prlWeyef attabied futjia<br />

:':-'•• :;;V.. =; ^pjt^lat'w^' thalti'p'ftlU;by> tteubea WL<br />

;'^•''•;*;• dayjto W,:Ei;MaiBfyfor^a lot• at tlie<br />

E A; ; /"r.f : _.',' Bouthwcflt Mrner <strong>of</strong> ifinth arid, t^nirai<br />

ayeiiift, :<br />

iiave beea^ stopping at Iiierxjiilpiilui<br />

. fiUfllly buruted/ Buafuafliiiig,<br />

ib<br />

^ ^ ^ h 1 i J ^ g q<br />

i tbe bfjiel liitehen, She Was<br />

wllnr staSrs at tbe<br />

M<br />

brtakiyg<br />

l t<br />

Mre. WUjiiim Sshubert^ and Miw<br />

SiaHoa MeOjain, <strong>of</strong> Phlladelpbia, a»<br />

making an extended visit with their<br />

auqt, Mrs.^avidBteelBiaii, , ., i"<br />

Hunt? O, Lwcsj apd m yeari, <strong>of</strong><br />

^n, wan brought here %<br />

liefuiheuie, Sunday morijiag<br />

aud imi^d in. ihe county jali,<br />

charged wltti feloalouiiy assaulting hla<br />

A stepdaugliteri Emily H,<br />

The charge .was preferred Jby<br />

Lere'g wife, the mother <strong>of</strong> the young<br />

gjfl'by a forai4r BiarriBgi. Lori eBn-<br />

Frpfksi-or Wilson aafl family irnvs r#-<br />

turuL-d to their home at East Orange,<br />

fE<br />

dl<br />

<strong>of</strong>Eer<br />

a aienth with Mri.<br />

The.<br />

Aid;wiii<br />

J»<br />

nt Bt¥, J,<br />

Kiuu<br />

Pubite<br />

;<br />

-thIp (TliursilBy>) eveqlng,<br />

d^iihuol guvea piealclast<br />

.wuH qultB a success,<br />

3d, : with<br />

te.ithur. ,<br />

ou Tua.<br />

Prdfetaor<br />

Key, IT/airBmilh guve a Bible read*<br />

tug on Sunduy oveuiug on "Clirlfliiaii<br />

," which waw fjiilte iutefestiug,<br />

j, E: Bijeiury called a ".Wheo aud<br />

Where Meeting," led by D,T. Steelniau,<br />

whleh wus enjoyed by thuBe piir=<br />

week,<br />

, nebeeea Cooper aiid graadiqo',<br />

have beea' vldlthig Mr». jowyli<br />

retiiriiCMl to Philadelphia last<br />

lin» returiied to<br />

Charlntlo iMerritt made a few calls on<br />

frjf ndg Ja this -iilaee Baturday,<br />

•.<br />

• A nunibW' <strong>of</strong> ,nu| people atteiideil<br />

fiimp tii(K*iiu(f at Oceiiii <strong>City</strong>, nod eauJe<br />

to the. Loiieiiiniuu that <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Is a<br />

gmiid |iioce.<br />

|<br />

B, Lane Povvel!<br />

= sf<br />

and<br />

MJHH<br />

, were gucsUt<br />

<strong>of</strong> Slra, Annie Powell on Sutiduy,<br />

Mrs, Aiiiile WatBon and eblldrsD, <strong>of</strong><br />

iwUliigii)!!,' D/p,, returned homo on<br />

But u «1 ay af (er "Npsad I lig a' dfllgatfui<br />

sMsa berei the gtiesta <strong>of</strong> the former's<br />

Enoeli Chulnpiou and.wife,<br />

,, (Jb&rapkin seeiiatpaiiled them to<br />

h l t , where iljs will remuiii for<br />

a few<br />

Miss Core-na Franibea, who pjBUt a<br />

sftwttf'lit-- th'rWBite Buiphiir Spriugs,<br />

has returned home.<br />

4<br />

, .<br />

Captatu Frank Babeock, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

• " ? Absl a JlabcbohdB -' •'•<br />

a few duyH at borne ivlille hla VCSBB! la<br />

ubluudhigiee In Pliiliidelpbla.<br />

>• Sirs,; Itebieca<br />

Obiimplau, M/Ifs <strong>of</strong><br />

biiiiiul Ubainplon, was burled from the<br />

<strong>of</strong> her husband un Tnesday <strong>of</strong><br />

last week. Death.gamekuddeiily,' I)ekiHitlug<br />

trlends In Atlantic<br />

n: stricken with the mpega<br />

ovwl VBIMI In ksa (bau four<br />

Bhe had iiiauy friends here, 1<br />

began here ouMohfJay morning<br />

last.<br />

MIHS, Mary AVartl, prluclpat,<br />

pl'4 v Bridg*i f atffft<br />

utit,IMa thought tbat we have good<br />

teutihtMii this year,; =;-.;' v. : *•;;f; "_•'':;• : jh.<br />

•'/MIHSLou Bhaw, who (jagbeen visiting<br />

Tu'rjiUl, who ha>t been to the niouutalnB<br />

hi gearch y heiiltbi is home for a gbort<br />

tiitiei^ I^IH «b^ tttt ^,,p,^ Wd vyill<br />

eoiriin eiiM<br />

aft<br />

somewhere as lobu<br />

a*i his beultli wlli perialt, : > i l;';;-;, -J<br />

^uarWrl^ • ibeeting;:al'• tife<br />

•pue (w far dswa as Sllehigaii avenue,<br />

kud form one <strong>of</strong> tiie g'raodeat prottienadea<br />

In the world.i. It will be the<br />

widest and longeat <strong>of</strong> Its kind to be<br />

found at any seaside re*ort, and will<br />

cqii ilOQ,COO, The present" wallj Ut<br />

twenty-four tett wide,<br />

Wiliiam Jordan, an aged resident <strong>of</strong><br />

North Eleventh street, Philadelphia, ig<br />

has beeu etopplng at the hotel for iems<br />

tlpe, ,but li auppoeed to havs<br />

aflllcted with another stroke <strong>of</strong><br />

^<br />

j from whlcb he nullered some tide<br />

, aad is upablo to s tell .Whirs hf<br />

belongs, HIi clolues and valuables are<br />

flllll at the Herman, • :<br />

Petit Jurora taw ftepteiubsr Term,<br />

The fullowliig Is a Hut <strong>of</strong> petit jurorH<br />

drawn for the <strong>Sep</strong>tember ttrm <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cape May Muniy Ceurte:<br />

Upper townghirj=*2ebulou T. Gaudy,<br />

James L. Marshall, William Barrowp,<br />

Ffederiek lualeott, HoUW\P. "• ' "<br />

James Llttie, WhlHdin B. Sh'av<br />

son J, C<strong>of</strong>son, Frunk Abbmeadaud<br />

HuptWiGaod^1<br />

tgwashlp-Elmer T,<br />

John S, BtownVUbarlesG<br />

Q<strong>of</strong>l, George'Norton, Jr., qharlen Gqr><br />

son, Jefse Pri0#,='Edw<strong>of</strong>d C, Wheaton,<br />

mt|iau|ij : Hqlrnei,; Enoeb B, H d<br />

Fraufaifl Crejae, ; - =• :<br />

peuuifl towuflhip—StephcD T.<br />

man, Carltou WcHteott, M l h t a g<br />

George f. Wcntzell, Major H<strong>of</strong>linaii,<br />

Wilbur Hand, t*wifl Edwurds, Jehu<br />

Bon bam and jfialah B, Garifitlan.<br />

. Lower township—Jonathan B. Hdfl«<br />

inaB, Herbert BhftwVHarry Learning,<br />

George pleklaiOB, jr., gahiuel Day,<br />

Dennis Fiiher, iSarik WeeRBr Lkamlog<br />

d<br />

, Edward Learning ahd.Wil<br />

iium 0, Rutherford, • , v<br />

, Cape May <strong>City</strong>—Charles Bellangey,<br />

William White, Moses Wright, FiiiUp<br />

Stiles and J.Hnrry Hughea.<br />

^ Aaglsea-^Oeorge; Bat, ^<br />

i<br />

h<br />

^a Ida,<br />

LtwU ^<br />

'. jparie May<br />

H, 'Gardner,<br />

aM BlcbarS'H.<br />

;<br />

Bertratri Rogers, the youngest #on <strong>of</strong><br />

Heury M^Bftftri,'<strong>of</strong>, ftFor^*flrat aafl<br />

LeUf s ^ ^)l<br />

^<br />

street^; ^h)ladf I phla f ^¥a^ very<br />

BerJoUaly woundt'd-whilo giinuhig at<br />

Soniera? Point, last Friday afternooD,<br />

j ^ ^ UK th> Brig<br />

about £ p'eipek'fo indulge in lilfl<br />

favorite ' pafltime,' He • weat .alone<br />

In I = hia/<br />

occurred<br />

pkced ;t<br />

t^ i<br />

[ acetdent<br />

'abSut 4<br />

;<br />

aad<br />

to attend to some naaHehj u . The boat<br />

rooked eoDiiewhat, the pn J waathro\yn<br />

do^i the 1s4orid^a gji ploded[ and -Ui^<br />

p<br />

^i the 1s4orid^a gji ploded[ and - T U<br />

conteutH there<strong>of</strong> Blruek him in the rear<br />

side, in - the region <strong>of</strong> ihe Hyer,<br />

ug a ghastly wound,' ^ppe <strong>of</strong> the<br />

* JroUit ateaniboiilH wag lioarby,<br />

,totib/ tiie)wounded • laH; tashorej<br />

where lie was bulged In the Brad ford<br />

Hoiiifi itZ? : *iSV'''?/<br />

''^v ; %•'•::'<br />

siBieit';MrSlul, B^amlaMidii it<br />

win afleerlained that the Bbdt'bflil<br />

igiyjvbul ;j aet; : !<br />

j flesh wound, and<br />

man la; aoW on the road,;to<br />

It waaiatfirBt thought the<br />

hMentered the liver, and da this<br />

p^ilUon^basM tbe; rumor that the.<br />

accident w6uld terminate fatally. 1 >><br />

Another S«ti«a|laiial; »e|iBrt*trei<br />

aee ipf builnefts was ou Asbury<br />

Sey en til ttVhii''Siif<br />

and, ; Herman KmuBe, and quietly etele<br />

awa^& i^w^uNf /newiiieayiagbebirid<br />

UiwMlt<br />

had cheeked over<br />

^ahf^bu^lSiwiil<br />

^-^^--^whtah'hfi<br />

B,IVeaeott^hWpastor, bffleiatid at the<br />

ffti Jod p t <strong>of</strong> the OfSoil<br />

a,<br />

, J , p<br />

Ebarii <strong>of</strong> that ehureh followed the<br />

i l i t thi lt t l l ^ '<br />

imalui to their last reatlnp place, The<br />

fafflHyand^frlenda<br />

<strong>of</strong> Jtbis community in their great<br />

John S: VanGllderj wlft and-Bliter,<br />

<strong>of</strong> KnoxvlliOfTean,, left forihelf home<br />

on Mondnj' after BpebcJIiig lik weeks<br />

h e r * * . " * " • " - ' " • ,"••<br />

:<br />

••' • ; - ; • ;<br />

JeremiaU8teelman*8 three daugbtere,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Frankford, are making a VIBII With<br />

thdr<br />

grandinother, Hffi, Elizabeth<br />

Bteelman, . '<br />

Mre, Jaiuee Bhoemaker ii Bpendlug a<br />

hw days-with friends In Haddonlleld<br />

uud Philadelphia,<br />

'..'.'.'•••<br />

<strong>On</strong> Sunday even lug there was a union<br />

teiBperanee meeting <strong>of</strong> the Methodist<br />

and Pre»byterlan cbngregatlonB under<br />

tbe direction <strong>of</strong> the Woman'BCbrlstIan<br />

Temperanco Union. Thti meeting was<br />

very Interestlugr^ Rov, 8, H, Hann and<br />

Rev. D/T, (TJanipolHelaUjd.<br />

Uapiato Ed. Taylor aud family are<br />

spending a few weeks at <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

Hoaea Madden, <strong>of</strong> Abiecoo, la Bpend-<br />

Jag n'faw dayj4 at the<br />

etead, •' j , . ;<br />

Mrs, Emma Brooka, Mr§. Mary Button,<br />

Alias'Bertha Brooks, aud Aiaiter<br />

Uutreane Brookfl, <strong>of</strong> Cape May <strong>City</strong>, on<br />

Monday visited*Joseph Button, who, la<br />

80 years old, • = '<br />

Mrs. Sarah Ingorsoll is away assistthg<br />

her daughter, ftlra, Clara Sbaw,<br />

wliit hiui raoved to Aihlahd, '<br />

The public aehooli will open on ftlon*<br />

day'; next, Misa. Ligzle Blizzard : will<br />

teach an the Atiaiitleside, * '. ,<br />

'. ttbn Into by a Trolley Car.,' ,.<br />

'MriiFliher.wirj} <strong>of</strong> Eebert Fisher,<br />

the Moyor.laud MM, \V. S. Graham <strong>of</strong><br />

Plll P h b h ' if M<br />

i, Pa.i-hef bfother'a wife. Met<br />

an untoward accident wlille out<br />

driving WedneBday foreuonii which fortunately<br />

resulted In only aligbf injury<br />

to (he ladies, -. They .were uu Wesley<br />

aveijuo, near Fourth street, and Mrs,<br />

FIBIJUE had itopped ihi hugg^ to. to'<br />

gaga iu ebavewatlon with a passing<br />

ncquaiutauce,; Seeing • a trolley car<br />

approaching Mrs, Fjaber urged the<br />

horse forward, intending to turn Into<br />

Fourth street. "But the horse backed<br />

HO<br />

close to the • railroad: tracks<br />

that "the itrplley car' atruck the<br />

<strong>of</strong>f the near Wheel<br />

gg^<br />

g<br />

and upBetlSiig'thevehtDle, The twbladies<br />

were thrown out, and Mrs, Graham<br />

received a severe itr^Iil In one <strong>of</strong> her<br />

qiifeles, and Mm Fisher received a<br />

bther rough ahaklug. The horse happily<br />

did not neuoMe. alarmed but stood<br />

still, otherwise the ladles might have<br />

heeii Horlouflly hurt, l-^rv '' ; ; V<br />

^r'ayor Flshir inveatjgated<br />

^ }<br />

tletiti and elaluiH that the tfolloy peo|ile<br />

nre to blame, because; althoughj- 1 thay<br />

could see that the biiggy was danger,<br />

oualy^ciose te the traeks; (hey aaatli an<br />

attempt to Hlaeken the speed "<strong>of</strong> the'ear,<br />

and that the; elaoglug <strong>of</strong> 'the motorman's<br />

bell dlHtracted and eonf used the<br />

ie ;^pp,<br />

All Lengths Gut to Ordor,<br />


#84 ASBURY<br />

,',:, •. OCBAH Clf V, H, J.<br />

ED. *.<br />

s<br />



Set Bresie, Cottage, Owan CKj, H, J s *<br />

-ION<br />

Esiltnitai ehBftrfuili gttati.<br />

Jobbing a tpaalallj.<br />


FOR f HlMSILVIil<br />

Volumai filled wltb pertinent pdlntR; nil<br />

^palau art,well takes,'too; Amd HO seeuro<br />

plttnty <strong>of</strong> Inkers for our ihoos. gucbfl)iMorft><br />

lory ilirreaUtllilq.andpreaenlaainUUItude<strong>of</strong><br />

foot tlgtes well Wurth HludylBtf.<br />

HicuUDllBg<br />

hedlth is hoiue tlio f«t MUhfortabiy la a -pair<br />

<strong>of</strong>ihoM thfttiireftlwftjJi tLo very Ideii for the<br />

MJU«n; ihe eatKQi tllinK is Sijti, and lho<br />

•'Jurt whnt 1 WRBi M<br />

brand-Tor everybody,<br />

Whiit n ihoo Odgbt to be |s Jliit Whilt fliif<br />

khtaat are, nH(l Just what ft Blioe ought to HSdl<br />

!»what ouFBLoea do cost, • '. ' ,<br />

iiBUBi mm m mm STHEET.<br />

We DM Ifll!?. p«p»#i ta 'tate chafpi flf<br />

dani- PmladslBBln Bad * local fubfjHils,<br />

K la" toutli wltli one or tlie b*«t Lfader-<br />

H<strong>of</strong> the former city,' •- - , .: .<br />

State Convention.<br />

Tbe I.<br />

will me<br />

Hiieu lneimnn!), m vim rB»pec-uv« SOWBHOIDS,<br />

and boreughi! Add nt Lam Mty CHy on flie<br />

evening <strong>of</strong>, ' •!" i 'r : : '!:.i' :.^' .'\ :^\<br />

.'.v.','.-;'<br />

Saturday, August' 31 St. <strong>1895</strong>,<br />

at I p.JH'i aniif I«t (Jelegutesto a etiitCo<br />

venflon to be lietd In tbe euy <strong>of</strong> Trenton, pt<br />

12uion ••"/''V ; '"' ; i'' V '"<br />

pp<br />

tat the purt)(B» df UdmlnaLlDK B<br />

fur Oovernor, to be supported'ut<br />

e!c$tlon-r : / • vT : : - : ;<br />

e!c$tloni.r :/..:, ..^vTv : ;; . .:,<br />

•The Township <strong>of</strong> Middle will he onlltled to<br />

IffP a#leglit«rBJld eaoK <strong>of</strong> the Other towtl-<br />

Dhlps abd bdFOttghit and CaWs MnJ* <strong>City</strong> to<br />

Obu^lelOKDtD IB tbd above Btnlli OailVSIitttn<br />

•, ijJWtsE pritieii aod best<br />

iitmMtjiiQi•- J 9^p^iiifi£i<br />

Beit quality <strong>of</strong> Ne\^ York and<br />


Alio 12 and" 16<br />

guaranteed. Lowest price.<br />

H.H,<br />

rlr youliavoalsirtliitig to disriose<strong>of</strong>at a ba<br />

to mo, and If you waut a<br />

Best Home and<br />

p Gonipariies<br />

la at liiiBdi. If you vvaiit a surnmer' liome/ wHte<br />

tt|*^p^<br />

F i lt i Iyert;: tl^^^S<br />

and pHm liitr Eree carriage service-to proposlug luVeartrii^^^'ljJ^^^^^^^Q^^

-S% Greek • Mii;i<br />

looraich ont n Mtfta<br />

jsnown-TOaideiit<strong>of</strong> UhiCJigo, Biiefllooa<br />

i l thdStoek Elig8 iraUdlng<br />

The porelT plqteriflqus ap<br />

Exel)aiig8 iraUdlng,<br />

h bH<br />

ni<br />

t<br />

Hero the venerable inventor, who btiH6<br />

h li i tbt it f<br />

lotef,<br />

atoudness foif tho ehureh? 'It<br />

pai!|iAto!(MW»ttniitf •-ipwi^whei^<br />

, and went bonnfliag; : and;<br />

a|tunplag ; iwiii'tte : lBgg<br />

went there/the Iierntd and the foreran*<br />

i rebu <strong>of</strong> Demetrlqs \vai<br />

events—all vflti fingers pointp<br />

gp p<br />

to:Wmself. ail ike splendors<br />

g<br />

godi Oiey piled sp<br />

f<br />

i th<br />

itt| ^ehBMblm and:; seraphim dad<br />

arite3-that-oil laymen, as ^vell as all<br />

liy i;^ iisald ring<br />

toentito^<br />

'justification, Biihctiflcation,<br />

j- <strong>of</strong> works an^oovenant) <strong>of</strong><br />

•:pro$enta the game<br />

"i^ u<strong>of</strong>chiag ^to -a<br />

Tfers from lie; grais r Uao<br />

f<br />

p<br />

uO ouo fiver dayed to put<br />

It on, tut"tliifi robe <strong>of</strong> Ctoist, richer<br />

than that, the portatMd ^ie%^jBiW<br />

tod theyortt oiay wtm, "Where iia<br />

abormdqd' graoo aa; fficoh more<br />

"Oh, nay sins, my.sins 1" eaid Martin<br />

Luther to Btnupitz, "ay iini, ay<br />

ilnalM<br />

Jjiefart ii,that the bfswny<br />

/Qenuan , student had found a Latin<br />

Bible Oat made him quake, and noth*<br />

ing else ever did pake him qnako, and<br />

p t a | p g<br />

ttlBgg<br />

glad to go to J^gBs, aad to dJe fot- hint<br />

Sir Charlei Hare, in lii# last moments,<br />

hod nisjn Hpturoud vision tbHt he cried,<br />

MJBiM upward, ^ i "<br />

h<br />

p<br />

greatwaa<br />

dlll<br />

cine <strong>of</strong><br />

gatthepec<strong>of</strong> cine <strong>of</strong> ChriitS<br />

dlwlplog tbat ho pnpljii finger opoa the<br />

i i hi irt d<br />

td U d<br />

p pp g p<br />

poise in hii wrirt and oonnted U and<br />

ohserred it; andeogreat^athii placid<br />

t^ 'tht<br />

tto" iUl t la<br />

that atto<br />

-ti<br />

q ,<br />

whea h# foond Ubwj through Chrirt, he<br />

jffii parfouod and saved lie wrote ton<br />

d^gajiug: "Ckjnie over and join BS<br />

great and avvnil sinnurg safed by the<br />

f Qd f<br />

b l<br />

<strong>of</strong> Qod. f on<br />

to be unlv a<br />

d<br />

h<br />

p<br />

slender siunor t aud yon don't inneh<br />

extol the ffietvy <strong>of</strong> God. but we that<br />

have been such T?ery awtui, sifaners ptiiise<br />

his grace the inors nuw that we have<br />

been redeemed,"<br />

COB it 1» that<br />

aro so desperately egotiBticai that je<br />

feel jonrself is first rate Bpirlrtal trim,<br />

and that (ran! thewotel tlis hab to the<br />

"Stopped f" and Ma life bad ended here<br />

is begin ia heaven. Bat. grander than<br />

that -waa the ttstimony <strong>of</strong> the -worn out<br />

fit il h I h M<br />

first ffi<br />

maculate? What yon need Is a looking<br />

glass, and here it is In the Bible, Poor<br />

sad -Wretched and jnlEflrablOpjjnd blind<br />

and naked from the crown <strong>of</strong> the head<br />

to the sole <strong>of</strong> the foot, fall <strong>of</strong> wonnde<br />

and putrefying sorefl. Bo : health In na<br />

And then take thi fact that Christ gathered<br />

apaU the notes ugainst ns and. paid<br />

them and then uiTered BB the receipt!<br />

And how much we need him in onr sorrows<br />

I Weare Independent <strong>of</strong> circnmstances<br />

if wo Jiavo hii grace.<br />

Why; he<br />

made PaniBiug ju the dungeon, and under<br />

thutfroee at, John from desolate<br />

Patmos heart the blast <strong>of</strong> the apoca3yp=<br />

tjs tram pets, After all other candles<br />

hate been snuffed "put, this Is the'Dght<br />

thai'gey bngiitiF and hrIght|Br = Bnfo the<br />

perfect day, awr after, nudw the hard<br />

ho<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> calamity, all' the pools <strong>of</strong><br />

worldly enjoyment have been trampled<br />

Into deep iuire at the foot <strong>of</strong> the eternal<br />

rock the Christian, from caps ef granite<br />

lily rimmed, pntt eat tie •- thirst; <strong>of</strong> his<br />

' Again, I Mffiark that Christ la chief<br />

ID dying alleviations, I have not any<br />

Sympathy with the morbidity abroad<br />

about onr demise, Thi omperoi ; 'gf Coa*'<br />

Utantihoplo arranged that on the day <strong>of</strong><br />

his: coronation the stonemason ehonld,<br />

come and consult him about, this tomb=<br />

etons that after awhile he weald need.<br />

And there anS/BiKU who are rnouonianlsal<br />

? J9B tthe'^bji^t W'depari^'fitm;<br />

life, by death, and the wore<br />

when, in<br />

tine dungeon, he cried, 'M am<br />

ready to be <strong>of</strong>fered,: asd the time <strong>of</strong> toy<br />

departure is at hand; I have fought the<br />

goodfight, Ihavefiulshed mycourfle, I<br />

have kept the faith; henceforth there<br />

{g laid np for mo a brown <strong>of</strong> rigbteomnesa<br />

which the Lord, the righteons<br />

Jndge, will give me In that day, and<br />

not to ma only, bat to all them that<br />

JOTO his appearing!" Do yon sot see<br />

that Christ is chief in dying alleviations?<br />

. ,* ;••-•. •<br />

Toward the last hour <strong>of</strong> onf earthly<br />

residence we are speeding.<br />

When I gee<br />

the inaset, I Bay, "<strong>On</strong>e dtiy less to<br />

Hero t v ,<br />

thft flrst telegMr*h lines in tbti, pit <strong>of</strong> :<br />

f " hi fei<br />

pnlmoiiarf<br />

theif beueflcial Eesnltt do<br />

a, extent with those <strong>of</strong> thai<br />

iootiori which lies at an :altitndtTary»<br />

Ing from 8,600 to 8 t 00D feet abovO thft<br />

sea, knmm as the high and dry Rooty<br />

Mountain belt, whoefl heart IB Colorado,<br />

p<br />

er bnroon rciBrt little idea eonld be<br />

lonoM <strong>of</strong> this climate, for In these eempMatl¥B<br />

Btatementa the dry and rarifled<br />

ffijnditlonjif t]jo'atr ia cot fnUy appre«<br />

dated, The dominant fohtnre ef this<br />

Ugh altitude ii light, dry and electrical<br />

atmoaphcre, with lU abnndant sunshine<br />

and, clear weather, This la true <strong>of</strong> all<br />

ieajons at the 0,000 fooE level, orwUti§<br />

tain falla In torrents far an honr nearly<br />

ff<br />

y jpSlay,. JBHB, July and<br />

Angnst, UID mi alwayi ihines tbo nit<br />

fth d d fe i f th<br />

JHfe*t-rWh8n,I tee tha spring biumuuiB<br />

Bcattered, I say, "Another soasgn gone<br />

forever,"<br />

When I close, the Bible on<br />

_ "AnojuWiabbath<br />

When I bury a friend, I<br />

_Jt earthly attraction, gone<br />

Wtat nimble* f«'t the years<br />

have I The roebucks and the lightnings<br />

run not sp fast From decade todecade,<br />

from sky to sky, they go at a bonnd.<br />

There is a place for, us, whether marked<br />

j . , y q , mere tissy<br />

think <strong>of</strong> it UIB lesa thej are prepared to<br />

Thi i<br />

l<br />

thej are prepared to<br />

. This is aannmmiljHesa not worthy<br />

^sVMsi werihyef uie. ',<br />

h<br />

^ V y ,<br />

, ' Baladin, the grtatesE cuuqneror pf fail<br />

d ill di a h h<br />

day,<br />

p<br />

that fhe<br />

y, w yg, a that fhe<br />

tnnlo he had on Win beeatTied after hit<br />

death on lu^ spear at' the head <strong>of</strong> his<br />

; r todtht^ i<br />

p<br />

? that'; thin ^hs is?ei<br />

j ; ? ^ iidis; i<br />

and anon, should stop ttia - say i ^?Be<br />

bold; all that is left <strong>of</strong> Saladiu, the emporor<br />

and oouqneror! Of all the states<br />

he eflB^aea pi •: all the iMiltli h& as<br />

^ , p all the i<br />

ganjnlatefl, nothiug; )?M he wtafn but<br />

tois ehroui 'f • I havs uh ifniputhy with<br />

^<br />

such absurd denion-<br />

!<br />

thhi<br />

HjcuebVibafe;<br />

gtodopartnre<br />

life ie; tbo nest, H Them ;i'|i a common<br />

netd ! te consideriithira<br />

g8!^||S|i|pilihp!s<br />

bbick In the face for fear he'll give be<br />

t^ ninehi.' After'that tjipy'li^alk <strong>of</strong>f<br />

and stick eat theij ehestsaa though the^<br />

had dona a go^ actioH, ;They iealli it<br />

.t^ik gifQgg ininfledi r/s^pose" and rtrfei<br />

• • ' " ' ' " " ' ' ^ • •<br />

ji (<br />

f £p MainiB^4<br />

mean,'I ealls • it, / ;Slcrs than once I've<br />

driyow BL well' ape^d man down towa<br />

and had hint jump out and go into onf<br />

Vthbffflliiai; !<br />

Queen Victoria has one eloefc wlijcli<br />

the indolent. niBbC envy her, espeeiaiij'<br />

the nan Matthew Mears, abon£,.\vhom<br />

ths verses <strong>of</strong> the eight day gleek were<br />

written, 1<br />

The timepiece <strong>of</strong> toyaity is a<br />

flai) esample<strong>of</strong> Louis Seize work by the<br />

celebrated Lepanta ef Parfi, .--l'is eais<br />

is ebouiied with ormola monots. The<br />

movement, Whichis in perfc*iE Order, raqnireg<br />

winding but onpj> a Tfnr, ,<br />

R» tfrtii* JF'ife and W^<br />

should be<br />

rain water is caught for fanii<br />

/Ulbratidsp! Eeaay Mi«<br />

PaSnta, , -<br />

f<br />

Window Glass <strong>of</strong> all %<br />

andpafterna. Referencegi<br />

NTORE ON AlBllB 1 ATE--<br />

OCEAN crfv<br />

vfli<br />

^ * • • * • *<br />

f<br />

NO. 108 MARKET<br />



AM<br />

is THK UAEUf ,<br />

,Ki ! »f:<br />

Full pRVored Teas,<br />

Chifid <strong>of</strong> all G<br />

Canned<br />

Pickles, Spices* Raisins,<br />

Beef, Butter and Land,<br />

Hami clj Beit Quality, ||§<br />

Weighed When Purchiiid 6j'"""""<br />

Customers.<br />

No Loss "|p"'<br />

Weight Charged to Purehaseri ^<br />

ft#piBHinkkBHi«y«p tnm us* Mil<br />

—'"— J *—intiweklDEiiiUariphis.<br />

jiui pfompUy Mi«H&€ ta M* ,<br />

frwi<strong>of</strong> Gh«nf» Uii| HBHF<br />

ibtelif, , , ..'<br />

^B. pT^ PO,<br />


are yea empl<br />

g y j e t<br />

mitMhis<br />

p p,<br />

them as by JOIQJ all: 'the Vqices. w<br />

come together into a, great choras,v[-hiGli<br />

will make thq arches eubo and re=«ho<br />

with' thai ftfernal' reytarberatlou dE •; ^jaiud6ns<br />

to go tb tig<br />

hia h wa Wt to<br />

i<br />

w<br />

hail^<br />

; ••* * Wei I say i jf I'd waited till he e^s<br />

ost I'd bo there jtfc All thenj buiJdiDgs<br />

hM two or tiirea enfeihe^, ^i ha gaa<br />

infoaeaudSIIJB?bats' * 1 '**'"* 1 *"' ' ••" I =<br />

.p:' ! :\^hy. : h tnan BhonM<br />

'tewawhtn; lie's : hard<br />

s he eaa't fool tlii ^7<br />

p^ i ; i&s \m§ fear oat e£<br />

;a, nickel, but ho can do me out <strong>of</strong> a dol>,<br />

^BE ;{,Senitf et< 'w ! will git flh^ej a cab<br />

o<br />

^ ;<br />

will git flh^ej a cab<br />

in ioine BiyBterioHi way whia they gets<br />

to whore they, iwaat to gtt / Tea diif a en=<br />

i i b M<br />

theyIse:told yen,<br />

fth<br />

d<br />


• m<br />

SON,<br />


.Repiiring^ specialty. ,<br />

Bath Tybs and Plumbers*<br />

' venue, ; ia<br />

AMoral<br />

•ass<br />

!-K" : Kii|<br />

-,- ,» ---- -whnt4Had;ai;a gMis<br />

- Ynttttrt .Mail (with iipeotatldnJi •' -~^<br />

a .elderli 1 rilatiw's: ti<br />

" ' Eaehil,<br />

i^tnty^nnl ttehil, iriis<br />

the best girl alivo I She phiya the piano<br />

beaiitifnljy, she ean'. paint 4 'tti'-. chiua,<br />

speak French lite a hatdvo and-—<br />

• •-<br />

y y n , Utajy<br />

10 or 13 Blocks farther on, and find your<br />

eat[ enipt^ !How, thty 60 it^ebs too<br />

I<br />

^<br />

tia oatf, if<br />

ihey dol t ;<br />

: it's mnvin, bn|<br />

Wpaiii dwa'ibfatten beat a<br />

y<br />

pai w<br />

Imanont<strong>of</strong> tisfiie^bnt"tti^rtvMi<br />

baa aboat payin '4ui, V 1*4 rattier tale<br />

ffly chunces buy day on blnffia<br />

nly chuncea aijy day on blnflla a aiin<br />

pot <strong>of</strong> / Bipre'a his: larp iiwa n woriaa,'<br />

Son can't ratflea ^OHIBB - imtt m s^<br />

ind she's twice as obstinate/:!., = V ;r\>l<br />

: --•'- titai we'life a sineo<br />

p<br />

^iJireji k« bi!a^<br />

arpnnO, There ain't any tali then nbont<br />

flrivin' to^thq; Btatjon faonie and aakin<br />

the eergennt at the deik what's the tars<br />

{FOB ' T«;yn^*thiM: ttfv'<br />

Mit^I^ith'<br />

Takeir aiLrbnni, ii cahnfin'a<br />

a degV Jifwli itiiii;, ^t i<br />

V j<br />

aj;. aB^iyw'rtiliif-ijvicib Vyi in n<br />

1<br />

. • ; : •<br />

iliiiliiii<br />

add crar'* efittri^p, sln<br />

; the;igan carrla<br />

d<br />

g<br />

andwe njny die a patove'<br />

sty lbs ^ departure^-the death'<br />

he was nboBt to<br />

tiOO.OOO to have<br />

s hearty Ufter his deoeaee, taken to<br />

Hl; I l Aii mi0 d i<br />

t that Ivhontbat hoar comes tl<br />

11 Aiia; mi0, and his<br />

; 0<br />

c<strong>On</strong>iplifed isntbj; Baj' this<br />

^^^|dhj^j^|^^n|'itefgrrik(ta^ pl j j<br />

are hnndretis'today whc*e hearts are al<br />

rfMy;ia :^Ue H^^^nd' <strong>of</strong>Sbwii<br />

^;le»a^wnit: the light to ypnr;<br />

m 5^;s^*.' rtat;VtaveS long* i re<br />

long* i reflected<br />

#; tHt<br />

^<br />

leva ^^XoB^Bnt ;yd#; roep<br />

ypaijo iaot wantBnyMr.ioj«i itraneen<br />

glimpso <strong>of</strong> that place, and in<br />

^ ^ I heard in e»f (l r £\ r ^ -<br />

ua-hte\better and onf<br />

ay, dream, and, lo I the bells <strong>of</strong> the cig<br />

^<br />

^I as<br />

the gMjlfc(lilt[iniiM niea«I'^<br />

j the city<br />

s thftfall?nCan<br />

h h blj^in after; them, and; lo j the city ebons<br />

liks thy iBtUd ^ thii t f<br />

earthly' friends hold ns up when th<br />

te^^^^th^H<br />

^hi<br />

ty<br />

liks thy iBtUD,;aiid ^ thoii were Btreeta <strong>of</strong><br />

gbld and ;rn lkd i th h<br />

gbld, and ;rnen walked qri them, horps<br />

* *^^— * J &i i i h ill<br />

the troops and • ©ffletta,• hafl fa<br />

n tlieJi^i %jih no ^<br />

ed,^ B-^B •: bit(iir) y ecp;<br />

gritn weM" vffii^ ^wot<br />

^^^^^<br />

^: gs<br />

Can nurnaBtoicecharm:jopen;heaven's<br />

^^{|^J^^h"d|nC h<br />

, <strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong><br />

'i was'ai ioMIft'<br />

thep<br />

hood 1 ever eaw><br />

y<br />

fellows ^ h o beeaing J ^ ^<br />

marchca e*?wiio r -gankfiiiidra*<br />

SBffltt wntfon for:<br />

ihe gr&ea<br />

Mail man'llbe round yw^?!V was asked<br />

«Mtfflrtag^tti BanBBn=whii|;v«T call. a<br />

olling along<br />

WmplntlpD to<br />

wasirrMiatiblei.^Thssoldlei'IhaTeiiipn.<br />

He^^lMdWis^i^Wiffip; nienr t$li<br />

hepat OB^his fbbft ftad m}m fastaitt^ii<br />

mm$%m»m wWflat,elf|vflnd' lie Jsailk ^«! greaiKf<br />

a mairaedfTilialteied ; ar^1g^?f^ Ilti^<br />

Hiflf:"«~«i.:aasst"':-VH:is-,v;.«ii,j5:o ! ;i<br />

; • ;^; fulf; supjSy'\ c&rtstahy y: pn<br />

m&mwm<br />

lui<br />

HP^<br />

VOL, OCEAN GITY^ m J fS THtlKSBJLY, SEPTBMBBft 12, ';:-^'-:-ir'V-^V:--<br />

OdAN CITY. K. J<br />

itttd<br />



1321<br />

Tlir«« SHH EUI <strong>of</strong> siir HBII,<br />


rao« e ii it,<br />

Good Baait Din nera, with threg V#g#»<br />

IBWH, torJS eente. Turkey or Ohieken<br />

Dinners, B5 cents, -<br />

- IM^1 Bobm up-aiairi'with hoinelike<br />

comforlfl, ' .<br />

!<br />

;<br />

PURE SpEW<br />

ALL NlGUT<br />

BAKERY,<br />

801 South TwentjiSiooha Street,<br />

, Frozen<br />

FralU<br />

Weddings god Evening EnterUiiuments<br />

a Specialty. Everything to fufniih<br />

the table and set free <strong>of</strong> charge,<br />


H<br />


Orderi left kt KB Ailjurjf BTOBBB will :<br />

'^<br />

••*:'':';.:::'?' V s ;"; v;.'^i v -iV:p : .¥i" ; sew»Aet*B'Hf7 •>.": ''::"• 7 .;' ••<br />


BAKERY<br />

COUNSKI.I.OB AT li<br />

CAPE MAY C, H. f N.L<br />


Ilffffiarlief aiij Cfuna«n, STJ.<br />


Attorney-at-LaWj<br />


Nptfliy Puhlie, .<br />

CAPE >IAY. COURT; HOUSfl, l?<br />

Offlea gpntmito l^ibllo BuHdisAi Wiii be is<br />

eeenuiiT etEFf Wrdn*«isj«(oni8 on EJglnti<br />


CAPI Mt COURT HDUli,<br />

gUGENE C, COLE,<br />



will bo in Oeeaa <strong>City</strong> on Fridays' <br />

t 1. ,<br />

Gontraotor and guilder.<br />

He, 305 rbartb si oeesn citf H»*.<br />

roBflptlf (Utended to.,<br />

wgrklaf 4nwiBf« run<br />




•:, • •.: <strong>Ocean</strong> -<strong>City</strong>*. IF.]. J.-;. :: - -<br />

.liana, fipoclflqatlons and Working Dr»w|ng»<br />

drnlsriisd " gsthfislM gt*»n on Appilentinn<br />

ngunmnnfii:<br />

".;' Nicholas Corson, ~ : yf;<br />


. BuitfiBEa put up bj geaifMtor a«j<br />

; II*'<br />

GEO. A. BOURGEOIS * ^M,<br />

Carpenters and Bnilders,<br />

jihseirt<br />

10.VI1HJ10R W1I<br />

Fhysidam, Druggists, Mo*<br />

.0R.J/S. WAGGONER,<br />

sad<br />


, J, E. PRYOR,<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> Cit jy H. J. •<br />

ffifflT aT'fihs<br />


HomceopatUist,<br />

Tenth St* an'dVAsbury Ave,,<br />

Resident Fhysieian,<br />

Late <strong>of</strong> Phila,<br />

pR. WALTER l« YERKES<br />

be {n Oc**BCil|-ftl65aAsbury<br />

Heaue<br />

;.c. E, EtoWAliDi,<br />

j,p,cUBitv.<br />


_. IS, Hueitiiieltuliiiinf,<br />

Tifie EleTafer.<br />

- ' 141BpheaMiH'Bl ii<br />

Pa,<br />

Plasterers add J<br />

G, Oi ADAim<br />


Baage Setting,<br />

Brick Xaying^ dec V<br />

Ul ICBtti In vuqn lint<br />

'" ' f a , '"<br />

OCBAH<br />

, W, J^<br />


bury<br />

Ormmenlal Work <strong>of</strong> Eyerj Description.-"<br />

Ail kinds <strong>of</strong> eamw.tiog werli Mi<br />

i tdrf t *•<br />

-BY-<br />

1629 A«h SL, Phllad'a, Pa.<br />

; -: 1 = ! . .• ^ ; - | "; •. ,'i<br />

*»aif,<br />

Jirb^f^^0mini0:^<br />

^<br />

' It- hM hoen in BH ftr BMfiy iii(U»Hap'6f ;••<br />

from tlisM wboiisiTe tried ltiPubiiih*d with tfce<br />

jprew psrtn'MloB In wriUnR^f ihe iwittentt; X<br />

rnr thu<br />

BSTflBBSFfL,<br />

tnd SUIDIMHI ih« tliBOgnipoUBd Qjfjp-n J<br />

iSri* i-li *«ii iBhsritfil,. Af idre ys«ri J ma<br />

eonBnsJ Ainat ooBuwtlv toth« leHuge, For<br />

r. to tot* some rmrt m damn<br />

H<br />

A MONbAiNI'i VilW OF VINU&'<br />

Hen wlil nil iboot ths VMM—<br />

& f M l i k h Il<br />

j<br />

g<br />

VgQid drive HJ WOSBB q<br />

If she eunldn'Umva 11 Inaxt<br />

Ettflh p»pO»teroilS prOportlOBl<br />

May do won eneBgUB art,<br />

J3nt fan really «n't I<br />

l<br />

V<br />

looking U<br />

in; F»B£]t uetJiHtu will toll rcfa<br />

That *hv> liivtir fopld bo ohid<br />

mih that Vfaist; I vaw 'tis ncai-lj<br />

If HOtqniUj, iibalf JanJ tfiiek,<br />

' ©B» St tmgaa the "fM<br />

Entiho'dhhrdlJrbeaUUl<br />

las'»BBWB-<br />

¥pu'dnover<br />

i Is modo aho'd bd ft MOMtefi • .<br />

, Wonia ihQ sodium, and it gfi6T«<br />

Win da jitflio HS!I io tissf<br />

T e p p l V i B i l j .<br />

And tbo MOB Who F&ipaodUs<br />

• •<br />

' O'<strong>of</strong> tier form Wuttld, WtiFaise incftaj*<br />

, So.tfee flirt to critiBiio,<br />

Were tha Bwiapw gewued In faahloa<br />

_. Thou, for Bll bur n<strong>On</strong>d'»Ba fnos,<br />

Hi^ weoia flna tor fi iti» " raliK" =<br />

Ana dMtow sbe'd tatter !DCO.<br />

. • • • J : , : •.., -•' ; , =Boatea Qle'bet"<br />


At tha time wlica ths tot Open court<br />

<strong>of</strong> la-w *was ostabllaliea In Rnfflia a<br />

Oressed with tlio utifl<strong>of</strong>it elegance,<br />

walking" on the Moseow,' piotnenade,,<br />

Isantag npon b<strong>of</strong> bnHband'i ran sd<br />

letting the long Cnita <strong>of</strong> hqr rich 4«sg<br />

B#eep the Bat <strong>of</strong> the street. /<br />

A young qfflgsF, coming hastily from<br />

a eida etreot, ^vas so cnroloaa aa to eatoh<br />

ono <strong>of</strong> Wa Bpnra in the lady's train,<br />

ia sa infitaut n great piece was torn out<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cestif tiflt' frail material <strong>of</strong>, tibs<br />

g<br />

mid the <strong>of</strong>ficer, wifh a polito tow,<br />

then was about panlng ou when ha was<br />

detaip<strong>of</strong>l>y the lady's hnflbaud;<br />

"ion iiave iusBlted my wife,"<br />

farth<strong>of</strong> ttpm mjinim<br />

% ] oar d»si, !rto<br />

blame for the accident, which I aiaoeHlyTOgrot,<br />

•ndl-'beg ybttmbsmort to<br />

rooeite my apalogiii isr any. careless*<br />

ness on jny part." Thereupon he at><br />

tenapf<strong>of</strong>f to hasten on, '<br />

;M¥ett ilia.n iet escapeie," laid the<br />

lafly^ "foday la the flrat time I hwe<br />

worn tliJB dress, asd it cost 300 rabies,<br />

Whlfjh yfln mait iBako good,"' '; - . = .; =<br />

''%' '*My deaf njadaino, I l*g you not to<br />

detain me. I hm obliged to gdoa duty<br />

ai mee, V Ai to tht 300 rabies,. I »ally<br />

caunot hulp the length <strong>of</strong> year 4<br />

fat .1,teg yonriiiarfon;fcf no*<br />

: t i , | v slti Mat yon<br />

a» obliged' to go on fluty is nothing to<br />

S" 'Jtfy : ,iHfaj'ti'Tight; • Sfa di^ irt<br />

nafeEOotl''Wi<br />

, Ths o f f i c e r ' g ^<br />

••Son forea BIB to bre f g f<br />

roles <strong>of</strong> the service; andl<br />

BhallnoelvB<br />

;The qnlekly^nBgihg^plor.^0 ffle<br />

yoBBg inan'fl face betrayed how inww^*<br />

he .was,- but; Btepplng.close<br />

up to them hothhe paid, -wjUi apparent<br />

§&lf cornmand: '.;.;'wl^; 5 '.'V \;' \;t. v : !( pjV auybbdy conlfl say^ all ttiat<br />

We'U mii it's t^a& ^Ws'ii ftni s<br />

^ ^'ii ftni sat if<br />

yen haye nQthtafi bntV year fHy.;" I'd^<br />

blarg mysalf, not witisned with you ex-<br />

OBsiBi imd I defnaad ay jaonoy;•?;•. jp^<br />

eiited: tlii ! lady, in; the hiird TOIOS <strong>of</strong> a.<br />

tlioropghly uufeeliDg woman.; ><br />

'V thei<br />

: AiS^a> 4i : ' trnB-^fni" ira v ^fbl,'V thei<br />

hngband added, > dutifully Bnpporring<br />

heft^; 'fByjedd* InekWjHafe ths#A<br />

,<br />

fByjedd* ;InekWjf<br />

eattrt now jB jMiieB. flawith<br />

|hs jadge* and<br />

s ,All proteitatlonj on th't <strong>of</strong>lles's part'<br />

tlwt hewaspoor, wnaejpMte4flpadttty,<br />

avoidaHoppa see who went with them<br />

to tho conrtroom f •where the gallery •was<br />

^tWp<br />

y to amwer to tif«F'<br />

eaid- thia'judge, toraiag to the, <strong>of</strong>floet,<br />

1 taehonr; and being lO^oired<br />

_ Jnf loafthe g l<br />

nayflpuralaitmd had ^<br />

to tear her drew Madame woaldn6t ra^<br />

fflightflaB Koreelf fipa ^poiM^ts'f^<br />

e^iltf^^i^kld^ip^tf^Htt<br />

'<br />

•* xba hear, coinpiaimiat, tbat tile aefendant<br />

fs not able to pay the sum you,<br />

doroand <strong>of</strong> him. Do yoa Btill wish h<br />

coinphiint to itond?"<br />

••I wish It to stand.<br />

y ;<br />

Thew fas. tknBgb the rows gf people<br />

a mnnuttr bf jndigqation that isBsded:<br />

like amsljlng <strong>of</strong> water, ' '<br />

. "Coiiflidor, coaaplaiaflBt! the coas&><br />

qaeaoe <strong>of</strong> year deinand, The defendant<br />

can be pnniihid only throogh being doprived<br />

<strong>of</strong> hit personal liberty, aad by<br />

that JOB can obtain uo Batlafaction,<br />

^hilatqthe<br />

def®|t_tiSJ^<br />

the greatest injury in his rank and p<br />

tion aa as <strong>of</strong>tcer who' is poor aad de<br />

pendent nponbls pay. bo yoo still in-<br />

Siii spoa your eomplaiiitj"<br />

" l i U i i l ' '<br />

The oonrw the affair was taking<br />

sevmed to havobworoo painful to tfio<br />

lady^s hnsbtiud, Hosjioko with hii wife<br />

nrgcntly, but without effect, The jndge<br />

was going, ou to farther consideration<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho case, when a load yoiqa wag<br />

henfd from the uudieueo:<br />

"I will place tl^e 200 rnbloaat the<br />

Berrico tf the defonthmtr *<br />

Daripg the ailcjice wHch fallowed a<br />

gentlenjan forced his way thrungh thi<br />

crowd and placed himself a| the young<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer's slda ' .•' . " °<br />

"ilf, 1 aai thi ftiaea Sf-r— aafl btf<br />

yon will accept the lean <strong>of</strong> the 200 rnbl<br />

ja qnestioii," : • ' = :<br />

M PfInee, ! I ,am act westhy <strong>of</strong> year<br />

! ' k<br />

, , y y<br />

kindness, for! dqa't knowff IBIIIIU ever<br />

beabhj topay the loau," answered tbe<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer in n Tpieo trernnloBS with emo*<br />

ffl, r v :<br />

"Take the money at all events, I can<br />

w^it natil ysnViuii .ahle: to fet'it' 1<br />

Therenp th pice held o<br />

Therenpon the prince held oat twocotes<br />

<strong>of</strong> 100 fnbl<strong>of</strong>l nat'h, nnd coming Bible io<br />

hiai .whispered a few words very .s<strong>of</strong>tly,<br />

the?e was a sqdttsb iightiug - np in the<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficer's face. He irijmediatelj took the<br />

two notes, and turning to tho lady haiMi"<br />

,ed them to her with a polite bow.<br />

"I hope, rniflnnje, yea are sath<br />

With a EQaiiyioas smile,she roauhed<br />

out hw handL tor the inoney,<br />

"../:.!'.<br />

WithaBcomfol glaase <strong>of</strong> er the erqwd<br />

<strong>of</strong> spectators she propured to leavo the<br />

room on herhnsband'a iirni, -<br />

Stop, sadanie,"finid tiieo(Hco!r,who<br />

had snddejjly boeoaie like another man.:<br />

" J "" yonwiuit?"*uid the latly,<br />

y . r y<br />

easting a look npon him Hsliimltiug as<br />

myvdMsi<br />

with* S| Hlight hnt H<br />

11 Give mei<br />

0 j:y:.\^<br />

address ;iiHd I<br />

ffind ittrtyqB;v<br />

;.;,:;;ulL,w;<br />

'\"Ohj ao ( ,m?dfiw nsdiJaiuo, 1 ufa;in<br />

tlit h'sbit/<strong>of</strong>, taking nty pnrchafies with<br />

me at sase,' Frivpr BIB «lth' the d<br />

y; V ^V \. .,/^y- ;V. \/K<br />

A aboat <strong>of</strong> Bpprabation cunio bop the<br />

; ".What an insune deianiid !•,! snid the<br />

idy'fl hniaandii. ''My wife ;fflinnpfe an*,<br />

dresaheraelf htaPt"^V : ;-V (\ :.^R}y^'f'•"<br />

;, ;"i have .nothing: tbdowith pin1 in<br />

ttii' natter 1 sir, bat eu^ with the eom*<br />

plalnaht ; Be so good aa to give me the<br />

drew immediately, madama My aEfaira<br />

are ; nrgeat^" ^Hf.^"-' : .;<br />

readytrpdileii thecarrscVfind thlseffpeif<br />

Wats <strong>of</strong>• ospcotatipul;- Then •fjroin^tiiawindowaeonld;bo'sesin<br />

ft!painirpro^oS-;<br />

siba winding| np ihf) .asceat; Fa; ttgiit<br />

wero twOhorEeinen r bd on tho ME a liDfcle<br />

rnaa well knowa,io all ihg tfateheft<br />

In :t«o chamber, and'. bii..-'.fiib right - ilie<br />

Sheikh al Jflljim, aliininH in t<br />

with his robes <strong>of</strong> pnro wijitq<br />

Ia the.pBSsiHg <strong>of</strong> : !i bry'ufli tlie<br />

p^:iKeteiinkr.Snifl flflt.fRreil'.retiJirt . : .<br />

Sponii and tt fa# mariieuts Infer; Qib ijevpT<br />

and ^iislei'who. liiirt = ' ••'- k *"* :<br />

_ BO- thr<strong>of</strong>lih- th<br />

stodlngin thecenuir <strong>of</strong> .....,„,„<br />

OBp. JOTwh'pdrewifrejn.hiihreaW ft'<br />

green gilb bag, aiidostriictnig: Crohi |t<br />

meat to his lip^ and f oroheai'.fflie dark<br />

bearded eheikh repeatea tW« hbuiaga to<br />

the .words <strong>of</strong> ,hii iiapBrial 'sisite^ anrl<br />

%% '•: lintt y?s,i '•: hajaded to the *¥fak ninf<br />

dirit or keeper bf the, nrehivts, who rend'<br />

aland that hia imjicrrnl innjesty th& iiul*<br />

tm, : kt owing "th'e/devptipu jswpfl pr&vpdj<br />

<strong>of</strong> jftaid ..'Posiiii,',' in irriit cd'•• to ! 'Mm;; the<br />

fall eo'nQdeiico in thu pj^ty (tf<br />

ill Isliiin; hdprujpupd biB^<br />

flnj 1 bsiB jf aniiongJu/811 i things ^e<br />

best welfaroot h.is pooplq, and might Al*<br />

•Bjigli#,Qed,;blcf8..tliejf sffsifta<br />

g hands; and beridttig heiidfl,went<br />

fonnd, aad tho fllieikhi inVfnili-deep<br />

tonesj <strong>of</strong>fered np g prnfa? forthosifltaa<br />

and flit enipl(a,^Iaya nteilfe the dSHn-<br />

^ ^ ; y<br />

plaoo, and IJIO pblitioiaus.pitshas atid<br />

eeribes, with;'iipitatned'. p^lBig^jHeaiq<br />

to' tafe; fb^goiSHi'i«" a ^p^'Uii.Wwlti<br />

ibafbard to<br />

k^^tbaa<br />

a porfnaptory cabinfct council,, fl<br />

fa^flialbld^(j;aow^*ii|tti;i<br />

^ ^ p ) ; ; ^ ; f P ^ U^<br />

first or.hwttospeots to tbblr^ord.; Mean'.;<br />

hil iJttlid if^^ti^<br />

p ^ ;<br />

while |noTijeF,JiattliBd ninf^^stiBi^i,:<br />

woitby pair withdrew pmld hlssM fr<strong>On</strong>i<br />

i-M^tbtai^tio<br />

wayi<br />

law; ^vas lall<br />

andsntwith Ilia ejeaat<br />

jd ; ttward^ia^^^i<br />

is wiitoh the Q^njb1^:fi<br />

iJddtl ^^lt^<br />

that had Bold<br />

jHtniehi, jjr* £-/*z&?M><br />

i^ii^<br />

cKit asid,e, BnSSa the sherfifetvl<br />

iMpn*thpt;^lie<br />

ali'ostpnislisd*<br />

_ _^___<br />

•tk¥ mmaa • Iritt: skill, aM : ®^^®ES|iPl WiH<br />

: -"The storailinymWa^pi^itotleasS^^te<br />

hSffl^cut^^he^ledM^i^SlSi<br />

them apd ? bewed his'.^I s *' nB an *"fe'' ?;^!fs^'^<br />

fe tiia mea^fho-wejel<br />

elsnii'ged thftebtiv^atieiiip'I<br />


$&i&.m<br />

^feA-77'1^S'<br />

laTnesday<br />

19 1U<br />

4 10<br />

icy<br />

5 60<br />

f 65<br />

8 81<br />

IDS<br />

11 «l<br />

1148<br />

u<br />

0 01<br />

0 4U<br />

1<br />

3S<br />

5 1!<br />

JHtt<br />

4 Si<br />

IN<br />

ssi<br />

isa<br />

JOS<br />

1 40<br />

7 22J<br />

SOU<br />

5 8!<br />

fiS<br />

6SI<br />

683<br />

58<br />

fiss<br />

SB<br />

SI<br />

fija<br />

Judgw aiid mads tliem elective.<br />

act was to have gone into elleet iramo»<br />

dfately after tbo new judgw were<br />

chosen at the general election IB Nov<br />

ember, *<br />

* proceedtnga to teat Hie<br />

new law w#» bmyght by Lay Judp<br />

Sbalk, <strong>of</strong> Ess#i eounty, agnlnat James<br />

b<br />

i , equnlr elerb, tb<br />

the latter from having printed on tin<br />

ballat the oimaaf the ^soa<br />

who (should be nominated in pursuanca<br />

late<br />

ID this lall's primaries; jtak In a<br />

1 ens, but tosee that<br />

fa, the conventioaa,<br />

1 wllllfli to do wbatevgr, upou<br />

tip and calm d l i t e<br />

Im bttt ft? tie party,<br />

U meets tLeir own<br />

atxt General Conference <strong>of</strong><br />

Ij^.vv • *lBr JtL^ ehuren, eflotfe will be made<br />

MB®?!*'•:;'' : &iianffiH§;aJ| restrictions ill regardto<br />

said<br />

«:;••«,-„v r ..,. - '*?W?tty"ipBaMagj the. limit «r an aa<br />

HTff;5ui/7 7 W^7*pitni6ni 'tea be no<br />

'•fefff&TV 1 •—??:?-'[ Bflt^jgiois- aiiS annually given an ap»<br />

work, They may<br />

wort or<br />

within<br />

ap»<br />

tbe eanie charge there<br />

gftj 7W. Jj/i" >' ; T* ,,' ~~V,,<br />

effecUvg mfnlatry ths time<br />

ifeay ronipved. <strong>On</strong>ly about<br />

their flltU yar.<br />

, jpliafge. All the othera<br />

Baio^ forothirltmitatlonH than<br />

almost nine out <strong>of</strong>.<br />

was<br />

^JdQiiiilifi?'~vijp i in ibs/ '* fe^mitEisiiind •<br />

a fitrerigth that SMuas ta be IF*<br />

^M^it^&<br />

constitutional,<br />

This decision Jg• welcome news to tbe<br />

law and lay Judgea Ihjnugliuut the<br />

State who would have bi#n, legislated<br />

sit <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice. They art appointee qf<br />

ths Governor ana* witli tew eKeptious,<br />

are Democrats, It also disarranges the<br />

tbe' polltlciiins, aad<br />

the ground the uopcs'i>f ambitiaui law*<br />

who. were making a canvas "for<br />

election to, the bench. In aoniu <strong>of</strong> the<br />

counties delegates had beea elected ta<br />

the juttielary eeavfiatioiii and they will<br />

find tbtir occupation goti(;.<br />

Wfilirthe XlielilenTbr II<br />

Court is liable to be carried to the Court<br />

<strong>of</strong> Errors arid Appeals for final review,<br />

it stands at, present as superseding the<br />

law so that no iiomlnatloiiH for judgts<br />

wi|i be made, rrtlB, not at all likely,<br />

that the Court <strong>of</strong> Errors with 1U strong<br />

BetnocmUclay element, would<br />

turn Judge Van Sycle> const ruction <strong>of</strong><br />

the eonstituUoii,<br />

piles to Essex county<br />

ijyybut la view piUs conclusion t<br />

other county clerks "will lake <strong>of</strong>lletul<br />

notlw <strong>of</strong> It, and If they do not,<br />

jaf Jwritr<strong>of</strong> nmndftintrt OOUUi; be<br />

eutmi against therniiu abort notiee/<br />

-y;'; '[/<br />

:i ' ! '; : r : |V;'';" /^w -:<br />

heavy and weicome;ralu Friday<br />

morning put an end to the glgauUe<br />

forest fires: that bad ' been rugiug in<br />

Cumberiand, Atlantic and Cape; May<br />

for";<br />

" pait;<br />

moat vyonderfur thing in eoutiecOon<br />

with these flrea tas; b«Qiihe faettbat)<br />

i j b<br />

BOfirafl known jab lives have been lout<br />

or houaes biirned<br />

aithough teVeml<br />

r houaes biirned, aithough<br />

oiuios iayin their: pattj; and a uumbtr<br />

<strong>of</strong>;.; vil!ages-=May'a Landing, • Eldom,<br />

Tucliahoe and Halberton—wsre thrtatped<br />

with destruction;<br />

Lceshurg, ^ p<br />

more wooatand, vessels and<br />

ihan m^^.bthei^ one man in<br />

Cumbeiland county, When asked about<br />

he amount <strong>of</strong> datdage done! lie said he<br />

tiKb ^ i t<br />

g !<br />

would notilKfttb ^e'atiy'figures<br />

he had gone over the bu rued district,<br />

ti'li-esUttiaiM•<br />

thataO^OO adres-liaye<br />

b'^bHd^<br />

ll.Gumbe rlaud, A<br />

autle nd'Z€&pfil<br />

U&"mmtMi'[<br />

that at .one time the-dewrted<br />

pillage <strong>of</strong> Hnlbtrton, on (he Wat<br />

Jersey rtllroad.^as In great: danger; <strong>of</strong><br />

being; Wiped <strong>of</strong>f the fact>f thij|rthi<br />

The vlllago cbnstsls bf./about •: thirty*<br />

five d^Velltng^ hoyMS,'a -large ciothiiig<br />

teclory^: auU an expensive public school<br />

bulJdlng,7 Ifqt a soul lives in the town.<br />

fire to<br />

f:!railroad;<br />

?rtt'<br />

s, outt'^o JSW-iryJte put<br />

but/la 'tijiti* fl the<br />

Saturuayeveiling, Besiiies tho& already<br />

fi^^ tb ^iit i^ bJBii<br />

man * IJO:, lumberdealers, [a thlBcity;<br />

59SAa?" *%\t!'i!tli-Js?J\' 1 **iF ! '£M*.' i l.0>'*<br />

mate,Wfla.a good one, and jhe<br />

CaiUHfmKiralTltief^ ~,<br />

Sallle Morton baa been quit<br />

slek, but,Is now' greatly Improved.' ;<br />

X^<br />

HA,V mym<br />

, The amnty fair goes down Ju to hktory:<br />

aa a auceesa, I ta Bixlal feature was<br />

particularly notuwdrthy, there s being,a<br />

big rcuniou <strong>of</strong> couri^ faulllles naturally<br />

hnjkeu by theehauge<strong>of</strong> businessteda<br />

lion, by marrlafe and qther<br />

p<br />

Mr. Cbbb lyas deposed, and appuluted<br />

to aehargiln Mtlivine.<br />

He did uot give up his resliloueo at<br />

AtlfttiUb tilfe;, Hawerer, biit went to<br />

MlllvllJe every Sunday to bold services.<br />

His (rieuda, by way <strong>of</strong> rebuking the<br />

iMnftsrence, seceded fn>ni the cbureh<br />

and argauised what was Riiown us tire<br />

gerond MethodiBt church, holding twrvices<br />

weekly in the basement <strong>of</strong> an<br />

Arctic avenue' private rcHideiiCe, ll«v<br />

TuvorllB p<br />

The Captain lifti been oul In<br />

Blesp yacut, the BcgSua May, aud was<br />

trylug to d«k ]iei,M the Jnlet wharf.<br />

In roimdltig to about flfly yartls from<br />

shore, the boam gibed iuddealy, strlkiug-the<br />

njd Joaft acroea thp forehead<br />

und knocking him dyerb<strong>of</strong>lrd,<br />

party on bsafd threw yarloularUeiei<br />

luto the water lo asijst the Uajitaiu-In<br />

.keepjug afloat,- He had been itiiiined<br />

by' the blow,* However, fliid was fast<br />

h Cth L i F h<br />

Aeood tliinff to piiih alorig^cyar<br />

S<br />

^<br />

1<br />

•••!>•<br />

enpiaiu j ths*ve<br />

aud founded <strong>of</strong> the AtUsritiei<br />

i's Affloel^lon, the a^tor <strong>of</strong> the In<br />

mmmmmim<br />

let eaptaluii narrowly^eajped drownat<br />

AilBUtle Ulty^ Thursday,, In his<br />

time, and the deeisfpo 1« • a ^ traniplng. dyer' ihe ni<br />

geto al^Va^^^b ^ ^<br />

last fiUl ».t\v6 delegations attpndcd fraiii<br />

the Meth»atat 1<br />

Protcstaii^ church <strong>of</strong><br />

part it the<br />

u|H*d by the Ilepulibeai<br />

liothlng to boast "<strong>of</strong>, aa t b<br />

ctAj^t|M^^id&til^@<br />

ttel Interest bf<br />

aud the ether<br />

favored !<br />

ent pastor.<br />

^ ^ 4<br />

now euscbflcediii- the Jesse Hand ait<br />

i tis<strong>of</strong>c from the Goyeraor<br />

county law<br />

. Me jubl!e,JcUwls e<br />

, . thetumstyie<br />

ou Tburaday, goiag to make it the io^mt<br />

day in the history <strong>of</strong> ihe orgnniza<br />

iibn,<br />

••• '<br />

The fuotraii <strong>of</strong> Uriah Hewitt took<br />

place on Friday afternoon, Interment<br />

mnde In the SI, E, L-emeiory,<br />

ltev, George A, SoweH, <strong>of</strong> ei<br />

oeeupled the pulpit at ,lhe Jlaptist<br />

ohurcli last Sunday;<br />

'<br />

RAPE<br />

Mauifal tralnliig, raufltc and : language*<br />

will be introduced this year.<br />

appointed<br />

by tho <strong>City</strong> Council has been liiatrao!erH wiiiiln ISO feel <strong>of</strong> the bd^<br />

walk i-the oilier, plnci'i! uiireatrleted<br />

iivyr the pjnceH at<br />

in the Mnyor's Imnda,<br />

If |iassed, the flrst will cause the re*<br />

oyaUsf- jMjveral douce halla and «ou».<br />

eort Kardisii« frisiu'lliu lowMP^iid <strong>of</strong> the<br />

boardwalks while ;tho other gpeclflea hi<br />

particular eojih u'tiiUMemimt whfeh cauiibt<br />

oiienite OH iuiidftj*. Thpse will<br />

permit Mayor gtoy to mainiaIu a re*<br />

spectuble iibf*cryaiice <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Day hereafter<br />

Ready fpf= £h& "buying; and<br />

fcetteriri^ 7. cprrio^ *ad vwitage<br />

that toticHSeyurylh^U^ incl<br />

:Cdfrier7P^7 the7'biisIneihi77:Np<br />

1<br />

' m" tlie worl^ sliall sery^<br />

so^eUVrvp store §hail deal<br />

ry-cheerfully {to;;<br />

7;sr^cliy"thiir<br />


',<br />

A window fully look at them,<br />

1<br />

COUCHES^ .<br />

- 1 • ' *<br />

Good ones at $i>Q$* \ ,<br />

rj in c6rduroy ? #6.95 and $7,95,<br />


SUITS-<br />

Solid Oak, $10,00,<br />

GORSON & WABB3,<br />

Street, MilH lllo, IN<br />

?B *~' i "<br />

h•:;&: i 'i.'3V&':The^'fiteflriier ;<br />

LboKDort. Ulj^<br />

^<br />

j jwoprlitors <strong>of</strong> ,th#<br />

Trayniore, hsve purchased four lota on<br />

the oaau side <strong>of</strong> Wesley avenue, below<br />

Eighth street, fWni tne Oceaa <strong>City</strong><br />

A i t l<br />

\ " ''<br />

Oontractor Leander H. Condfl has<br />

eonameneed theerectlon<strong>of</strong> a cottage on<br />

AHbury uvenuB, betweea Eleventh and<br />

Tweiftb itrteli, for Themai Parker, <strong>of</strong><br />

PhilwIelphiB, 7 ' ,<br />

At anieetiugflf theOeean <strong>City</strong> Volunteer<br />

Fire Cflmpauy on Friday evening,<br />

a eifjniriilttee- was appointed to confer<br />

with Uouncli and draft plans for the<br />

erection <strong>of</strong> a hose housa. *<br />

Youngs Coreon has sold a lot on C*utral<br />

avenue, between Ninth and Tenth<br />

streets, for Mrs, Mary A. Hand, to<br />

Jaihee S, iimmaui, <strong>of</strong> aiillvllle. The<br />

purobascr will soou begiu the erection<br />

<strong>of</strong> a cottage thereon.<br />

Mies M&rrlnger, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, lias<br />

purehaBed a lot on Wesley avenue,<br />

south <strong>of</strong> Fourth htreet, through the<br />

agency <strong>of</strong> Rubert Fisher. She Inmates<br />

purchaBed one from Wililaiu J, Dnidley,<br />

nil AHbury avenue, north <strong>of</strong> Seventh<br />

street, tliBiiiKli Ihe Bijine apn^r, 7<br />

Thu days are huiislbly growing Bhorter,<br />

aiid long evenliigH ol tfec pleasant<br />

wtullierrtUnl upois us with a sense <strong>of</strong><br />

contentment and enjoyment which<br />

renders them v£ry, attmetlve. -Time<br />

Iltcfl rajitdly, nnd It ailrpflses ua-to Hud<br />

that we are already far advniiced in the<br />

latMri iittlf 6f a year ihataleini Jq bave<br />

UH but<br />

The IIOQH'JI Bellpae, .<br />

A total eclipse <strong>of</strong> lbs moon oecarred<br />

\m% Wedniday nlgutj autt notwlth-<br />

Htiiudlng the uuBeafiouiibleueHs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hours when it was to be seen, was wit*<br />

ueflsed by a large number <strong>of</strong> people In<br />

this vicinity, U began In this iseetlou<br />

<strong>of</strong> the country at 11 «'ejock, and c<br />

]tltig, MIBS ^ihir ;bWng<br />

^<br />

member <strong>of</strong> that deiidtnluatlon,'•• IiiteVjtS<br />

isade/iu iMft'Vernon' Ceine*<br />

at<br />

yor Btoy and a: dele;<br />

gation=bf; CbuiiellihenfWd newspaper<br />

y<br />

and vialtAsbury P^rkiA; At<br />

the band<br />

af music," a : jimly!' hip<br />

'EIberon : jpyfer-.the'^ new?t<br />

Dinner waijieivrt Bt/ ; ,tf •<br />

abdijrtien^iba, tijiy»bby<br />

auotlier iidei^'CuUnei<br />

^jBled Ujs Mayor (n,dej|ng the hono*<br />

4^^^ii|ibs^^*^ovtit^ffWlde<br />

a^7clian::;^eiii7ah7 pnoNt^ted<br />

board walk, and; Biidti ^d8«ne;houia<br />

andjiiaiiiliii; tbrAUwiis^ii^people<br />

ad denying that (hey j^ad i gbpS, tlin^<br />

aL'i'S* maert'traetor<br />

b ; jt ; hthW St|<br />

^jdivjwgi;^}^^^<br />

Jwti Hid '• l^iw^nf 8Md^adJpSnH lyiiiii<br />

aud anliaWj^W^I^BoM^M^<br />

alpiai^Udit<strong>of</strong>fiidJiq ;J^^py<br />

suitedi"to" small ^ftUlti^^igeiablft/jand<br />

5^^^^ ^ ^. ^S • . J-'TI '»tt^S - ^" " -"S ^ •<br />

A new' Preflby terlanrchur^riSs, to be<br />

erected^';%';; ll: " '"! / ' '\jV<br />

The aiiniiiil <strong>Sep</strong>tember esoduB <strong>of</strong> Atlantlo<strong>City</strong><br />

summer realdtifatB has begtin.<br />

Captain John D.lAdami, <strong>of</strong> BalUorfi,<br />

baa joined li!s fanally,^vrho have<br />

been spndlng the SUlnraur In Bakers.<br />

vllte ^th ^ptola A4amif pMtrito :<br />

/ ^<br />

Charles, Berger and ; D, George were<br />

driving a wagon loaded with garbage<br />

ncross the meadows Suuday night.<br />

Pulling aside to lit-A buggy pass at the<br />

turnpike erosfllng, their wagon become<br />

fastened In the sand. In fteelni? It,<br />

their horse got upon the tracks sf the<br />

Weit Jeney railroad just as a motor<br />

train came spinning along. The horse<br />

was killed instantly, and Berger wa§<br />

thrown about twenty feet, hjs right leg<br />

arid two rlbe Were broken, and It fa<br />

thought he may be Injured interuaily.<br />

He was taken to bis home In llargatu*<br />

town, Hlfl companion was nothijured,<br />


Public Bebbqla eommenoed one, week<br />

ago under theauipiees <strong>of</strong> Praf, Mlleh&li<br />

and his assfstaut, Miss ithtKies, froni<br />

New York, A pertlneiit qiieHllon was<br />

asked last week in ths PlenMatilville<br />

Press, why our native teachera are<br />

crowded out to make room for thewe<br />

Item ethir i tates ? Before we atteoipt<br />

to-answer that questlmi, M us ank this<br />

one:<br />

Are there any uative teacliers<br />

with a teaclier'H cerUrlcate who desire<br />

a Reboot that have none ?<br />

If no, tlieu<br />

the Pres queatioii can and will be answered.<br />

We ho[>e this year's fkrhoyl<br />

will be a successful cue for pupibj as<br />

well<br />

C&KEK.<br />

Clark English and lady friend, ftoni<br />

CanuJen, spent Butiday with hia slater,<br />

MraB;B,Seuil t = = ,<br />

^¥ 4 P. A, Hpwell, our former paatbrj<br />

and family, who have been spending a<br />

seastjii^here with hia"two, daughtem,<br />

Jeft on Friday for their home lit Forked<br />

ttlver, ."."' ""• "\r v : , . " '>' •••"<br />

, Mrs, k W, WldkwaBl ,1M in, PWla^<br />

delphia, atliiudlug the wedding <strong>of</strong> her<br />

niece,, , ', .=v. . .'. "' '. ,..•-<br />

• ifffe Gtorp Bcull, <strong>of</strong> Atlantid<br />

who, has been apetidlng the itimnief<br />

here, returned to her home an Walugs»<br />

d a y , , , . a ,,"•; .••"*•' , •'• ,, _''.:<br />

S.'B, flciili, who Is ninning a yatslit<br />

between <strong>Ocean</strong> city aud Soniera* Poldt,<br />

speut Suuday with his family. ..-<br />

Miss Nora English, is quite ill rat tills<br />

writing; ^ : .<br />

,Our publie school opened on Monday<br />

with William Campbell, principal,<br />

and Eugene SciiM, assistant. , .<br />

, Nlchnlas tJlay ton, met with a pninM<br />

aeddfeaf f whlitffpltehlug Jiay In'^the<br />

barn, the fork-handle striking him In<br />

the eye, ' :,-. ' _'.'.V ] $... , • :• \;<br />

Harry and Charles' Ingorsoll have<br />

purohased pew wheels,<br />

=<br />

NichplaB Somers, fiitolliiirty<br />

called Aunt Potiy,lfl qiiite sick at tbiM<br />

Writing, aiid -has been for the last leu<br />

ai" 7 7 7 7 L ; : i 7 7 7 ;<br />

7 Miss i "B. i '-WiiMton;-:and MJw- 0.:^<br />

Lewis were the guiita <strong>of</strong> Mr/stid Midi<br />

B^jB, SUtts, at peeauiUlty, N;J;;M<br />

thB 20 III aud 80th <strong>of</strong> lust mbn t h. They<br />

bad a dellghtru! vlstf with thoir Ijpat<br />

i ^ ^^| h ^i<br />

that were vlaitltig<br />

!yl<br />

met several, old friends 4n the city, and<br />

enjoyed the-: camp nice ting. After an<br />

alujbijce <strong>of</strong> two yeam they; eould Bee a<br />

marked injprovemeu t thKiugliout the<br />

city, which bids fair to become one <strong>of</strong><br />

li ii 7<br />

'. pur public ijehho! opened on Tuesday<br />

Bt^t<br />

#wW*7MhHajdricU,:Of'Hflin?<br />

moiitou, la: the teacher, and etarled In<br />

with a good atteiidaueeV J ;. K/7,7!"^<br />

«V The feet!val for. the benefit <strong>of</strong> ;FrI#nd<br />

sli|p7M* ft* ehurtih, j«id-"l^ tbe woods<br />

near the church, begiiiulug on the 29tb<br />

<strong>of</strong> August, and-ending on tbo first <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Sep</strong>tember with an all-day meoHng,<br />

^ill'Dttendod t and<br />

tiumAtt<br />

Pttachersffomadktauce were lii. Bttoaj<br />

;<br />

i<br />

IU§iatt<br />

.WilllaniJB«fettj iwas pawriW obi) ''AMB*<br />

ust Bpth, to i 5!r. Marsbail, who Ifl em<br />

pikjffsi'ilqf! the^^iallr<strong>of</strong>td: €fiinipny7a<br />

f gfiqwlug<br />

moraiogl Judgeiudlovv^r theifl<br />

li^'^dlii^^Ti^ dtirt ?d^<br />

lime^pr^dliaig^^r<br />

showed }raiM?(.&Bm<br />

tourt, .eighteen^<br />

the' oeremonyifl: thf2 P raeae^vef /|tft(<br />

anf TlfKT^Miuy ^anoau<br />

, ^daughter <strong>of</strong>^ei^J<strong>of</strong>lnty 1 Clerk<br />

^^^^iito^^Sl^lsJtt^ttdliy<br />

Rev^ J. W: Munday; - The brldMmalds<br />

wewMIssAWeCufrleHtaBai»h : E<br />

A@S0n»<br />

Wool tea, Miss' Jjaiira Down, Miss<br />

Elisabeth BOIE^ ftDd Mi^ Mldm<br />

Captain Jjewlfl T. Bryaut an4 pr, E. O.<br />

Chew, Charles N.Iiodgeftjjted as tot<br />

iiian. Several hundred f&vited guests<br />

were present. Including many PbUadelplila<br />

vlsltorn.<br />

',*''•*'.""<br />

Heory Turpin, a colored eseurslon 1st,<br />

was fined, IS ana costs by Beeorder<br />

Gouldey Thursday night for asaaultiug<br />

apaeser hy on the street,<br />

Theiult <strong>of</strong> Maaon m Bteelman, the<br />

rent cose, will be tried again this<br />

(Thursday) 'afternoon • befiire Jiiatlce<br />

Frftduflek Hemsloy, <strong>of</strong> the Hotel<br />

Brighton, bop purehased the Dlkston<br />

Villa, on Indiana avenue below Paeiflc.<br />

It WBB bought m a speculation and'will<br />

.probably be Sold ou* In bulldiiig lota, "<br />

Hielinrd F, Lnper has uotd hia recent<br />

purehuMj my Hoiitli Peuusylviiuja ave<<br />

nue. Including the lot which' his cottngo<br />

ts on, to a syndkate for 1100,000,<br />

which will erect a hotel there, Mr.<br />

IjOper reserves the cottage, whleh will<br />

bo removed to aiiotber site. . ; .<br />

A HyndiData ta afier the liotel site In<br />

ChelBea. The property, which tiaa a<br />

ffontiige on - the ocean <strong>of</strong> 350 feet,<br />

Iti the market recently for 138,000, but<br />

the price baa been raided tn $m,(\m,<br />

nnd the syndicate bad uaercd $40,000<br />

for It,<br />

Unlled States Marshol Pfolfll'r, *f<br />

Caniilea, sold tlie yac>ht Emuia oa Friday<br />

to, Matlify a lien claim'for repairs,<br />

on which the- owner <strong>of</strong> tbe boat had<br />

tieloultedJ • ,<br />

The gpeeial commit lei <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Ctmucil, end prominent<br />

appointed to promote, the paving <strong>of</strong><br />

AUantie avenue naet Friday night, and<br />

by resulutioii recommeiided to Gouncll<br />

that the oiler <strong>of</strong> the Camden and At<<br />

lantie Eallroad Company to pay $40,'MC<br />

toward the coiti<strong>of</strong> paViug the avenue*<br />

which Is. estimated at f 100,00, , be*<br />

rejected. The railroad com pany'H qflep<br />

n<br />

made, In reply to Council's propoHitloii,<br />

that, the company pay 50 per<br />

rant, <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> paving the avenue,<br />

and bear the oiitlre espeuBe <strong>of</strong> rftpajr,<br />

In return for the valuable electric ralU<br />

way frauehlse It enjoys,<br />

Maggie Powers, a<br />

womun, who, her husband asserta, in<br />

much <strong>of</strong> the time under the Influence<br />

<strong>of</strong> liquor, was arrested on Saturday at<br />

the instBuce <strong>of</strong> her husband, who eharg<br />

M bji athletle mate wtlh gating him<br />

without efliise. VReeflFderGouldey held<br />

the huBbiiud-beater in' ball to keep tbe<br />

IKaco, and she Was looked up in default.<br />

, .• . ',' •-77 :i •-.•-.".. 7'<br />

, The bfjdy <strong>of</strong> an iLfunt wai fuund in<br />

an outhouse in the lower sectlou <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

city on Saturday, by Polieeindn Uollinf>.<br />

The police HUB pet Iufanticide7aiid iirt?<br />

mnk}agah Inyestigatlou,<br />

,, .-,< 7,: i<br />

Fuurbdye, among _whom were John<br />

Ray (Bond and John Boat, felll. *hiie,<br />

and confirmed • thieves <strong>of</strong> tender agej<br />

who have several times escaped punishinent<br />

on this deeouiit, eutifed'tbe mii=<br />

I Inery «tore <strong>of</strong> SI ft,Blulln, on A tlan tie<br />

avenue,' uearrOhlo7in broad day light, 1<br />

Baturdayafternoon, and .began gathering<br />

together jiatH : and otber goods on<br />

; y<br />

indued; OHlesr COIIIUB, aud Raymond<br />

and Host were captured wll h yalauble<br />

goods in iliei*' fiM«essIoiii v^v'; \ i ; - 7 7^ '<br />

WWhat eame" lieix ibelfig; a 1 : diswitidOp<br />

lire at the electric railway ahops oil<br />

SaturUayatmidulglit waa averted by<br />

liard^Work^; A workman/entef^: llie<br />

repUr cat, ,wh(eh waa :•' BfttetMiyk©i; In<br />

the midst <strong>of</strong> a tot <strong>of</strong> summer cat*, to<br />

nUa torch with gasoline. He set dowp<br />

his lantern r turued Oil the;spigot <strong>of</strong> the<br />

gasoline can ahd inHtarilly tho re ¥?&» a<br />

&erm #x pldeiBnv^ The repal r fear bartt<br />

Into ilamos and burned furiously. The,<br />

Wtirktneii managed to subdue the blaze<br />

after;If00, Worth <strong>of</strong> tipalr inaehlnery<br />

JtA b ' i i i i d 1<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' W<br />

Jtl9fA beenrilijiid;,:,,;:^^^^^^ ^-j;;• W<br />

IX A flre-ttW COttsiderable damage at the<br />

bultdldg v^hepo the F i o Q I l l l l '<br />

nior," In Phlladt<br />

/this ilty^was held<br />

JiUtfiip^<br />

fa^rr<br />

the<br />

^rr<br />

, o f j ^ j ^ £ ^ ^ ^ ^<br />

ltepetto claims he went to tbe worriau's<br />

hoiise to collect money for a number <strong>of</strong><br />

jpta she iiadiojd ifw bilfi^d^tfii^<br />

flamehivolved,'in.<br />

•vTlieeitlboated n umber <strong>of</strong> viaitore he<br />

ftt^Ue^Wents^d?7MurB : widKig;<br />

frem; all s^tlonaot the'eoudtrj*, over<br />

th&;tli«e:wii^B;; an^t^&fTOJ^F^<br />

c!uded;4000 eieurslonlahs from Central<br />

ka-Jxtt^gte<br />

Pennsylvania towns/ Tiiii<br />

the flflbr <strong>of</strong> the Cindeii" and ^Atlantic<br />

, ,rrlTsj Oau O,, SJ49 *, n,<br />


me plucked the ripe<br />

midnight<br />

__ T aer;Wl!a|:<br />

the plaea<strong>of</strong><br />

Shall ba put ionder the paws and teeth<br />

;MlkwIag * till the eai&<br />

devotions <strong>of</strong> Daniel, the<br />

cin <strong>of</strong> Uio ages,<br />

i'te t&t In tts AM,<br />

and the JBuniigbt <strong>of</strong> an ntmospljero whieb:<br />

510 Singly despot has ever breathed, they<br />

ittes ; to' optt ,tha. window;<br />

I not sweep ocross a garden<br />

They eonW not scans him<br />

"" ot fnojaeea, mi they caa=<br />

the lions. Ai<br />

tfiis enactment<br />

•*"j;Jy he lenves hii <strong>of</strong>flta <strong>of</strong> leeretary <strong>of</strong> state,<br />

• wi^,itannholsteiy <strong>of</strong> crlmfon nud gold,<br />

end cbmes down tiio whita marble iteps<br />

p<br />

| p his<br />

the • ilrattefi ^aek sad<br />

• "<br />

Ho wonder that* (hi eon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

when far atvay from home, Leering the<br />

national aSf f pi', his country snug, tha<br />

inaliidy cf borneaickneEfl comes on him<br />

dopowerfnlly astoqansohisdeatb. Yon<br />

have .the example <strong>of</strong> heroic Daniel <strong>of</strong><br />

toy test for keeping early memories<br />

fresh. Forget not the old, folks at home.<br />

Write ef tea, and if yon hwm turplni <strong>of</strong><br />

means end they aw poor make practical<br />

contrfbution, and, rejoice that America<br />

is bonnd to nil the world by isa^ef<br />

easgalnity as in no oH« nation, 'Who<br />

oindonbt but it is appointed for the<br />

eTan'geliHitlon <strong>of</strong> other lauds!. Whatg.<br />

BtiHing, melting, guspeliziug taeory<br />

that all the doors <strong>of</strong> cither nations are<br />

open toward BJ, while oar windpJvi.nfB<br />

open toward thena! , *<br />

Bnt Daniel In the test kept this portbols<br />

<strong>of</strong> bis rfsffleati<strong>of</strong>ortreea unoloseil<br />

the capital <strong>of</strong><br />

the gBeriflee, There'was ttii<br />

holies,<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

was the ark <strong>of</strong> the eoy=<br />

d h t<br />

l W<br />

euaat, Thew Btood the temple. Wea»<br />

all tempted to keep e<strong>of</strong>wiadBWi<br />

on the opposite Bide; toward i<br />

h<br />

d h<br />

that we<br />

;<br />

iffld hear aad appro*<br />

Wh d th<br />

that we ffioyise ffl pp<br />

prlate t£i aflvruitflgea . What does the<br />

world say? What does tli'o World think?<br />

Wbai d<strong>of</strong>i tJW world do?, .Woribipera<br />

<strong>of</strong> the-world .instead <strong>of</strong> wOTHhipers <strong>of</strong><br />

OWL Winflbwiepra townfafBubl<br />

WlndcrWB open toward' Corinth.<br />

dowi open toward Athens. Window!<br />

epta toward Sodons. ; Windows open to*<br />

ward tbe flats instead <strong>of</strong> wisdows open<br />

toward tilt hills. Sad miitake, for tbii<br />

world aa a god Is like eomething I saw<br />

l h<br />

<strong>of</strong> gtraabnig, Gennany<br />

=tha figure <strong>of</strong> a vlrgia Us wood f<br />

i ffltt in olden tipsi<br />

hi fi<br />

pj tT<br />

p<br />

brought there, and this figure would<br />

open its urnis to rocelvo Jjijn, and once<br />

enfolded tte figureclosed with, a baa.-<br />

died kalvea and lances upon him,' and<br />

^rikthiib a<br />

ISO ftb d<br />

kt him drop J80 fqet<br />

thoworkl first embraces its idoLmnB,<br />

' tipon thejui ?wjth' manytbf»<br />

The Mgheit'heagr tbt world<br />

could confer was to make a msa Roman<br />

empeioT, but out <strong>of</strong> OB emperora it al»<br />

lowed only six to die peacefnlly la their<br />

b t d i v ^ - , .-• :;: j :.'-' :..•,•••" .'• ".. ".<br />

The dominion <strong>of</strong> thii world orer multitudes<br />

Is illustrated by the names <strong>of</strong><br />

cqlna <strong>of</strong> tuauy countriei<br />

They have<br />

ttii f hib th «U<br />

Bioatj whieb<br />

dhl<br />

«*U<br />

;and;half Crowns,<br />

Kiiffl I*a<br />

^ g ^ ; ;<br />

Ifapoleona and half', Kapoiesiffl,- I<br />

Icta and doublo Fredericia nnd daeata<br />

and IiabellinM, all <strong>of</strong> ,wai§b: t names<br />

mean net so much usef ulaeas m doniin-<br />

Ian, The most' <strong>of</strong> oar windows open<br />

townrd tie eachanger tbwara theealon<br />

ffihiiritswari . the fed <strong>of</strong>, this<br />

ti<br />

th l t i f th<br />

nib ci a wedding Jday Ayhen thobri<br />

eiBteraadiffiaidwaaVliriving gaE<br />

nnd' jewels strung<br />

• ^ • • " • - • • • ^ • • - • • ^<br />

ii flaw the ^oly. ?<br />

^iw;^BEaptaB(i eoininK ilewa ftpai<br />

3o4 but flfheayon prepflred as tid<br />

ad'ondff<br />

hw hBibihdC" Toward<br />

lhat bridal Jerusalenj ere our windows<br />

We -would do well to think more <strong>of</strong><br />

heaven. It is not a mere auuei <strong>of</strong> earth.<br />

It is not a dftsolato untiiost As Jerosawas<br />

the api^il <strong>of</strong> Jedta, and<br />

rlon tiie capital <strong>of</strong> the Babylonian<br />

monarchy, and London is the capital ef<br />

Great Birtain, and Washington JB the<br />

capital <strong>of</strong> em own repnblic, the<br />

Jornsalem is the capital <strong>of</strong> the n'nii<br />

The king lives thert', and thoroyal fam<br />

ily <strong>of</strong> the redeemed taia their palaces<br />

there, and there Is a congress <strong>of</strong> many<br />

natione and parliament <strong>of</strong> all the world,<br />

•which ho=describea as a plain otttio" end<br />

<strong>of</strong> the earth or beneath, with no snow<br />

nor rainfall, and the enn never goes<br />

down,,and Bhadaaianthni, the jnstst<strong>of</strong><br />

men, rales, flesiod's heaven isi what be<br />

calls the iBlaiids<strong>of</strong>. ths blesfitd, lathe<br />

the ocean, three times a year<br />

bloonning with most exquisite flowers;<br />

and the ai'r is tinted with,purple, while<br />

gumes nnd music and horse races oocupy<br />

tho time, The' ScanfliBBTittn's heaTeni<br />

WBI the hall* e£" WsfiaUa, J wheie the<br />

god Odin gave unending wfnesnppers<br />

to earthly heros and lieminea. The JSlehammedan'a<br />

heaven paasaa its disiiples<br />

iu QYer :the biiflge Ai'Siiaf, whleU is<br />

finerthiui a hair and sharper than B<br />

sword, and then they •are,let loose into<br />

a riot <strong>of</strong> e?erListiBg!<br />

/The American<br />

In oldea times<br />

<strong>of</strong> the<br />

g<br />

; yard' whs fl»*4 hj ihe Itp^h <strong>of</strong><br />

f Ki H I d<br />

4<br />

g Henry ,I« jyjd; we ass<br />

apt to Bneasme iblngs -by -a<br />

" h<br />

p<br />

g y<br />

"standard and by the hninan arm that in<br />

tha^eatcjliqanf life can give ni no.<br />

^ Wsflesd, likeDaJiieJi toppereor<br />

wlndowB toward Opd and religion.;" : • •;• •<br />

lat good lion tamer<br />

ii-friflfe p&nduig-rii' tha window,, 'bat'<br />

ineeling while he IOOJH onf Most photographs<br />

are taken <strong>of</strong> thwe in staading<br />

or pittinH postnra, I uow* reiriemDer hot<br />

one picture <strong>of</strong> a mea kneeling, 1<br />

*""' * "'<br />

Bivor crystalline, gate crystalline and<br />

ikies cryHtaliiuo because everylliing Is<br />

blear and witbont ilonbt. White robes, 1<br />

in the etreet<br />

nyprisdnif,".<br />

(ispfflperdf ths law, dropping p"<br />

fctaifi h h M f t h ^ l<br />

glaring eyes sf<br />

r r qad they lick his hand<br />

, while tao king that;<br />

3<br />

all' flashed<br />

toekk<br />

43har!ot T - haatenJag to t<br />

g^d^^Wd^di<br />

"<strong>of</strong> tfa© age to<br />

b«onie <strong>of</strong> ewin\me Bin<br />

Bonrid!''l ^<br />

dSTpsed, flafl the<br />

tha pboF-man' ami<br />

DBt,<br />

it h blown tbJrringh the erevangiily<br />

to aeaiand ths canse<br />

tiiff prophet, wnfcing<br />

Wl thtf psbiji <strong>of</strong> his<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hif: heart lie hud Ms<br />

h l<br />

;Sstf thfoaglijUjatp<br />

Jerusalem t ;sawallbetiveen it,<br />

^5phjg:fcJm^|jtoBTi!h^ym^aHe4t;|i«6^qaE<br />

piiJy knows haw somer<br />

to immortal haaltli, tliropgb *ai gjj<br />

ayi inrpagn tningiterreatniiita<br />

p<br />

Celestial—yqu will not see;them till yoa<br />

y<br />

take Daaier? posture,, No cap <strong>of</strong> botia to<br />

the jointfl <strong>of</strong> the elbow, bat<br />

th k i I b<br />

the ktieei,ffla(Io<br />

i ttjftj ipj ^f<br />

: physiqioglcal Htruotore joins<br />

e,&& /^ri^<strong>of</strong>^<br />

do nefd to pray becanite<br />

& r i t t ^<br />

•ivlrtinfnilv ^rffiiinW::ViTTfin7'<br />

:,.g9 DgnJd bad juadrcd is<br />

km <strong>of</strong> whom he, <strong>of</strong> tea thought, f hoogh<br />

he. left hpaia wheii a ferf<br />

fenng inaa,<br />

perhaps father and mother and brothers<br />

and Bisters still living, and was home-<br />

Biok tolee them, and they boIoHgod to<br />

the high circles <strong>of</strong> royalty, Daniel bim=<br />

eelf huvlng royal blood in hii veins, 10<br />

wo have in tht New Jerusalem a great<br />

kindred, and we are<br />

homesick to see thenij, and they ureaii<br />

princes, .and princesses, in thein the<br />

Wood imperial, and'Wi fdo'wellto iteiep<br />

<strong>On</strong>r windows qpea tcnvartf "their eternal<br />

raidcuee, ' ,, ^ * , •<br />

If is a joy for,ns to beliefs that while<br />

we are interested in them thrf are interested<br />

la OS, Mneh tbounht olhsateu<br />

makes one heavenly. The airs that 'blow<br />

through that open window are charged<br />

with life, and uweop np to ns arouius<br />

frtjm guldens' Umt never wither, under<br />

skies that never cloud, in a spring tide<br />

that never termluutea. Compand with<br />

it all other faeaveiiiard duud failures. .<br />

Homor's heaven wai an<br />

look forward<br />

to a heaven <strong>of</strong> illimitable hunting<br />

ground, partridge an^ deer and wild<br />

dock more tbnn plentifnl, /and the<br />

hounfls never <strong>of</strong>f the ieent. mi tiie<br />

gunj never, mjgsing fire, But the geogimpher"<br />

hba followed 'the"^eMh;'—"'- J<br />

and fonnd no H<strong>of</strong>fler's elyginm.<br />

gws have trnvereed tbo deep in all aireotions,and<br />

fonnd no Hesiod's islauds <strong>of</strong><br />

tha blessed; The Mohammedan's celestial<br />

debanghery and the- Indian's eternal<br />

hunting ground far vast. maltitndes<br />

have no charm, Sot here rolls iu the<br />

Bible heaven. Ko more b&i—that is, no<br />

-wi& feopwotion. ;,Sb more night—that<br />

is, DO iiisoninia, 'So aieie' tears^that<br />

is, BO haiTtbreat .:>Ho more puin-=thftt<br />

jij dian isBal <strong>of</strong> • Tanagi• and bitter draft<br />

and iniSBma and bauiFhrflent uf<br />

gias and eataiepiiefl. and<br />

All colors in the wall excejjt; gloomy<br />

Old German coupiet attrlbntod 'to 118*-<br />

Ijt^theiiiiaqi/wbish "' ' " *<br />

'into English<br />

and<br />

is as<br />

_ Wife'Md »Hf .<br />

V rieriiulM a fool his wjiQio Ufa lost*.<br />

this suppbged Bintimeut <strong>of</strong> the great<br />

reforiner has been quoted thsosaads<strong>of</strong><br />

timea as Ws, and ite authenticity was<br />

not qnertieflert, - Bnt aow wmerfTj-^ti<br />

competent an'thority-rTflo Lntiioranqb-<br />

6erver--aud stoutly insists that Lqther<br />

never wrote UiS, Uue*, and that, in fact,<br />

they made their first npppanuica m<strong>of</strong>e<br />

than SOP years ftftcx his death,<br />

Acconling to The Observer, in <<br />

year i?l?, a well known Qerinan poet,<br />

John Beniy Vos, pnbiiihed at Bant<br />

bargaimall rolame eutltled "MBSI<br />

ahnanach (" The Atmnnao <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Muses 1 *), At the end <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

poems in this book he plaeed the oonplet<br />

In (Sermon: -,<br />

. WrraJehtlk'btWt.lfl, ireibnnc] jfcsang<br />

• To this effusion Vogsafflied the nnm<br />

<strong>of</strong> Luther, This caused a gojad deal <strong>of</strong><br />

oomment and excitement, Vosswa<br />

candidote for the poaitiuu <strong>of</strong> teacher In<br />

the Hnmburg gymnasinm, The Luther*<br />

an jailers:et the. city protested agaiue<br />

his appointment beeaBKO letter S?nsi!ot<br />

ths anthop<strong>of</strong> "the couplet" whieb had<br />

been attributed to liini, and -becunsd<br />

Vess had thus niadQ Lnther enconrnge<br />

Ip<br />

Btnpiieefttihthat<br />

could bo dpue la the wuy <strong>of</strong> don sal nnd<br />

eiphmatioa the lias literally clung to<br />

thegnat name and refnsad to beeeps<br />

rated, and we teatare te say tbai caai<br />

parativoly few down ta the preseat flaj<br />

over doabted that Lather was their- roa<br />

ftutJior, — . •.'..-.'<br />

Aa theeonplec eijtrjeses<br />

l<br />

t f CJ<br />

Sentiments(<strong>of</strong> ajany Ueriiiaiig it is pfobable<br />

that It was u conHiina picc^ <strong>of</strong> unwritten<br />

Germiin folklore even before<br />

Luther's tinie, gome EugHih wriferB<br />

hftvo niade the lines into ft bMcchufiuJ<br />

rhyme, with n Binjeter meaning, bnt the<br />

true version, coupling "wine, wife arid<br />

dgf" etpressos tlio prevailing get<br />

meat and custom aniong Germans in<br />

taking theff, wivea mid childreu witu<br />

them' to the gardena nnd other social n><br />

somfor recreation, aad amaeement—<br />

BLICTRiClTY At<br />

Frjjra That tha<br />

Some interesting esi«riment8. hsiye<br />

been made on the viMbi hty <strong>of</strong> the sled*<br />

trio Ught at sea .hy = tht gnvsrumentfl «!<br />

the United States, Uetm;my and Uto<br />

NetberiaadB, The word<br />

h<br />

ia the<br />

report oa the tests rucaqs vtainlo on n<br />

dark' night with a clear atmosphero.<br />

The reenit <strong>of</strong> tho experience <strong>of</strong> tho German<br />

committee ^ai that a whitff light<br />

<strong>of</strong> one candle, power vena visible \i,4<br />

, p<br />

j)B4 dajk, elear sight nad, bae<br />

aattiijyBight<br />

'<br />

yg ,<br />

l 3Se Ajnerlcan tefita ; »euHe4 OS^ fol<br />

lowi i jta very eloar- weather a light <strong>of</strong><br />

,086 candle powefwagpkiaiy iHsfble at<br />

onenantical mile? oao<strong>of</strong> three-caudle<br />

pawef at,two miles* ono ef tfa caridlf<br />

ppwer wffl seen by the aid( <strong>of</strong> u- j «*»^-i,^•'*-u-'- 'after year is simply common but term ilk-,<br />

,aiihsvered b? Uie bisea, praying,;. The. neeting autiphnu, and |troph^. jDiiuug. & ^ j t M |^|,^ n^^j^. j t _jn*w<br />

^te; Babjioni; and'the CTaat J AkMaa. ^?VJ<br />

aom^fted^'sBadsi'betwim;thenij WoBd^w^^niidWhand rnb oal otu-/ gy a;i^^i^<strong>of</strong>tindwh^a^nkl<br />

bloe^/<strong>of</strong>^^<br />

tiaV Md^vith=;th S ' stberwoandid baud:<br />

^igopri-theabJiagportoli:!:<br />

ewth and jaw h<br />

'" «e<br />

eins: to pardon, throngh<br />

; tafOre 1 retiring .far tho night.<br />

^^the<br />

tMagiuT^Bi<br />

£*An ingenJOM ; ^ ;<br />

flejsvealy, furlongs as mentioned In Kev-;<br />

elation' and, has /calculated that thera<br />

^<br />

j ^ v p l p ^<br />

sqaare foe each ascending soal,<br />

^ U ^ J d a l d ^ J JOO<br />

j^pyp jj<br />

qf all the palace*<br />

ealem will<br />

eyen y the;<br />

M^ad 5 fQB w&gB0 np;thflWp> 6f<br />

p ^ a ;<br />

pnt your hand oa;tb4<br />

iide^f tta the, aad ;sit dffwri' beside<br />

Ihe ^fawBepotdintf ttfctbT pHml&l; i *^9<br />

I<br />

1<br />

i<br />

1 m SSSm Mi<br />

mkm wm M<br />

i i Wm<br />

m<br />

:,<br />

DrBeliott'smasimnin'iHJuisE^Bfeet Be<br />

believes tliaiingrcirtteaipesU waTp <strong>of</strong><br />

aiffifi; than COifeet' are; rpre, and! that<br />

i<br />

'jwen Bp feet ara la<br />

^ p ^p<br />

the OTilinarytiafie\vini1stJie height jfl fl<br />

W:6 fett Thf rutio <strong>of</strong> hoife'ht to lengta<br />

Ii nbbnt 1,80 'in, a moderata.wiadj i. IS<br />

^a:© Btrong.wind and ;i\i%; ia a sil'<br />

f ' U i h i fll<br />

^ g % a l<br />

from'wUieh ij follows that the inclination<br />

<strong>of</strong> *; the.waYe i§ sepfttitflly aboat §,<br />

10, Jl jaegrtoi; ^Tiii'rritio^f the height<br />

<strong>of</strong> vthe wave4tft^/ihe ! for« <strong>of</strong>'toil,id<br />

AN ANCIINf<br />

Jhsuqart<br />

lite <strong>On</strong>ly <strong>On</strong>e In<br />

ill ^<br />

iu apt iji extijipnee in' itho" ;<br />

b<br />

pia ojigiiial' blockhotiKes unilt<br />

thp lievolotiuii anil still in a per-.<br />

tf ef prqaor*at!QB»'jAil theptberi 1<br />

l<br />

I'erls IJaqueauo and<br />

Pitt art) tliiijga if; the past-, but the iedoabt'<br />

ef Colonel Bouquet staads t£A£f<br />

BE i^gtijfl^aO/years ago; ($6 the fittoi<br />

fM D b f Ui<br />

i^gpj^aO/years ago; $6 the fitto<br />

iarg • chapter <strong>of</strong>;;Me: Duagbteri.^f jUia<br />

^felBWeajwaiireJiiidebted; fer itilroi^<br />

toration,'Ij hag'been owaefl: by.-thbia<br />

^.' ,i8iS» flati 1 : thiit-< yeas, tha: old<br />

bief'Boaiiiiet'aait is cnlle'l,'tvns<br />

occupied aa a, tdnant<br />

its walls \yan bb.KU Pi<br />

. _ , . en'a.atipe^,<br />

dirtylittlostreet ml.loa Fort street,^yhrrqunded<br />

by tnuibledfiwu bniidjnp nearly<br />

as old as'itself, is^ a)^l(ttlo;/fltti sided<br />

building <strong>of</strong>" stone OHdlirickerecteil by<br />

"-'----' *^--"-' Jit ^TW;:!!i'a defense"<br />

p q<br />

Bgajart tLelndian^;;<br />

<strong>of</strong> Btonq aiiil j h ^ briek^ la'both<br />

., _ ,, c -JargS: lfXqJholes, tlirongh<br />

j^eh^e^a^BdfM^nWViflie^iUi'.<br />

y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^<br />

blB: /miignihjde'., ^ ^ ^(pe<br />

ereotion eosc the eeksiy?<strong>of</strong> ;Vifginiii, 6f'•<br />

^a^gliih^y6VeHm&Ht|iflftooo?tt<br />

BiBe,? , ^<br />

baiy todayi Bat if jisa have"aothiBg to<br />

do^aitf aloagwiUi Jiie.'* •'Whorpare<br />

yon BOingf* "I have been Pummoaed<br />

to the palace," They W <strong>of</strong>f tpgether,<br />

M the palace bae was uuiinueted to the<br />

presence <strong>of</strong> the q«cen, while,tho othoi<br />

waited ia tho anterooni, .There watO<br />

lengthy fitting ill the qnee'u'B cabinet,<br />

a now ministry being in esorga<strong>of</strong> for*<br />

mutiou,<br />

'•''•'<br />

It wai very cold, aad draf^f in tha m'<br />

teroom, and the inan who wai waiting<br />

began togrow Very impatient, as ho felt<br />

a eoM ia the liead comiag en,. "Wh<strong>of</strong>fl<br />

'shall we iippoiat to the excJiequeir?<br />

Whom ta the FeaierteK Wbdatpthe,<br />

war, dopurtmentf", naked the queen,<br />

QraJnaliy afreF BBBJI diEeasaiDB tie<br />

ministry wns built ap bit by bit. There<br />

wri8:Uow only the coioninl minister<br />

to be njjpoiatt'd,<br />

"laiHit haven colonial<br />

fflfufFter." said the qneML "Whoni<br />

ahall we anpahiScQlonini.miaiiter?" Ho<br />

one cpaid b& tliaught <strong>of</strong>. All at oueom<br />

loud Fupesg^vas lieiird iji iha anteroom.<br />

^<br />

iS M,X, f<br />

The teiy iuna=tie_ vwy'sjan foith'e<br />

coloiiinl niliiifTori Tell M, X. totsimo<br />

•<br />

ii<br />

S. hetsime colonial<br />

g<br />

f p<br />

iipuii a tliif hurfucti u<br />

T<br />

larger<br />

minister—far limiug<br />

tf. Citan fllii JjApb I'latrt,<br />

Qhr.biKik likit<strong>of</strong>iiat i<br />

beeuiyjuteii by yge siiifl Hiiutfi prtiqeed<br />

H9 follows:<br />

djoet <strong>of</strong> white<br />

iMs the prine to be cleaned, <strong>On</strong>refnlly<br />

datnpdii the print nu troth sides with a<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t, wet iponge, aud then gatnrate it<br />

with a misruro <strong>of</strong> chloride <strong>of</strong>. lime and<br />

oiali<strong>of</strong>icicl diBsolved innbost eqhul proportions<br />

in a ptiii ef cold water. Yea<br />

can toll wliou Hie miitnro ]H right by<br />

its tumiujj uiugeiita color, Ooiiifijne tn<br />

apply it .Butil svety gtitin iw Nptit hiw<br />

digy|j|Kured, aiid iheii wliji y. qleim'<br />

gionge wash tlib prjiifcfti*Iy wjth eolu<br />

water, =,4rt Aliierlgjiu,<br />

At the end <strong>of</strong> lifawe diBcbvi'r ljittt,w«'<br />

hft^e passed' iiDhrly oiio-liMlf al it.iu being<br />

happy without m'tHsiiig it, ami the<br />

other iii iuiagiuitig Ihut wo wura Juiser*<br />

ahie;<br />

and<br />

itp<strong>of</strong>s<br />

Ipj<br />

(and<br />

other should be used 1M<br />

rain water is caugKt for Jam!<br />

use),<br />

= rt<br />

All brands <strong>of</strong> Ready<br />

Paints, ,,,:.<br />

Window Glass <strong>of</strong> all<br />

and patterns,<br />


OCEAfT CITY N, j, |<br />

a THOMAS*"<br />

NO. lOSMARKlTSTRiB^l<br />

'..'• . 'PHILADELPHIA.<br />

FAMILY G r aGEH|ES.<br />

*LW*Yfl flfg FKE-li*<br />

,\itt> BEST TO m<br />


Full Fhivored Teas,<br />

^<br />

<strong>of</strong> ^<br />

Supirs pi* all ^j<br />

Canned Fruits,<br />

i Spices, Raisins, Dries<br />

Bed, Butter and Lard,<br />

Hams, erf = 'Best Q<br />

Weighed when I'urchascd<br />

C<br />

' IST L<br />

g<br />

Ct^tomers. Loss !P<br />

WeigKt Chafed to Purchaseii ^1|<br />

Bleb (n ftnd flikte tfieeUSBa (Hi Iflt &H| :<br />

md<br />

'OtSfffhj<br />

fnAli proiTiptl* utcaAd Is<br />

•! *Q tb* qlty, ' , s<br />

LUWPHI€m<br />

est riiliifalllHiiear Hie eqaa<br />

tor aad'diuiiuiihea-. gteftdilyjii the lati<br />

. DEALERS IN ..;•• H<br />

:."Ocdia^. :^:?-'.. : ''v<br />


Window Framei,<br />

Ha^d, jintiUiinaer: coyer^ '<br />

hiiry ayinueJ will- rttielve<br />

dn<br />

MARKL/KE,<br />

i<br />

h j,i«f Iff,-, y^pfi<br />

;^V,,!; K.'VJ.i V; * J •_• ':<br />

::££;i,tt>;<br />

J.N.JOWNSON,<br />

PLUMBER,<br />


Rctpairing a specialty.<br />

Bath Tubs; and Plumbers*<br />

• / • '<br />

facilities foi<br />

^ ,<br />

L L . ' " • - . " • .<br />

. - ; • ' " "= : = J<br />

; • , - : : ' '<br />

=' : -'. I ' : -'' 1 :<br />

'•:<br />

'"''jiy<br />

* * *<br />

i^1<br />

•'•••;•,<br />

;:;y"M<br />

:*;!$$<br />

;4 •;.-"• f ':-8i<br />

]••:!. ;^0$<br />

^The;LlqUqr;<br />

klriared :-eyilf { : mre:'ib^aver Vfirov^<br />

•i-'-:>A;;;?;.'• ^••?•.•*'?s,i'?•;• *:•:*&''£?&£!;$$^"-v n*^<br />

• !^' : '.-i J - r '?:-:^'<br />


PDBLlSilfip WEBELY if<br />


HAND,<br />

ATL4W<br />

CAPE MAY c!tt!*Wj*<br />


FOJI<br />

No, 1821 Market Street,<br />

Three D«grtEul ef eiijIlnll,<br />

•••• \ .-.I-,. OH SUNDAY, • •- •;.-.•;<br />

yAtriv<br />

t - •••- ,-<br />

i ; lpErfER l ;;MtJRDypCHv^^:: i :<br />

; p<br />

*t SOS A*bdry,.*iUo will re<br />

Ufla, ;:;,•;• ;\' •^•;: t \'-',<br />

^in\. :•; V*_,.•'. ;:; ....<br />

ipor coiiBompdou, Asliidtini, nrpu<br />

! Headacne,<br />

••• • • • • • ' • S t * ^ : ^ ;<br />

fc«n ib uis-left•"neiriy a'anirt^oj a-<br />

' TBwiiiBil* Qf: pftljiihii. hate";<br />

muted, ,*nd iriy« tJiM.lOPQ phjfjciina<br />

'is is<br />

nor<br />

< Wei life Mow n few sr Hio fffeat<br />

i<br />

f«m th6§« whs h»tB tried (t,pHbiisiied WSiJi tlie<br />

jprBHpenn'wJqflln wrfline<strong>of</strong> tlispatlohta,,<br />

igppiniTUi'ftnil hmlllt ntid Tljfor,<br />

nstwrnilWeot hippinriuiftnil health fttiil TljfOi<br />

and UHfnlneu IBaf HIS Compound Ol> g^n Hal<br />

hilel W<br />

^hiii, I **s kn<br />

iood,. Jtw»i<br />

fldl<br />

s<br />

lt<br />

ppHe Frsfts<br />

r fir s years I =W<br />

lha loiiiipn<br />

nherlted, tsr fir s years I =WM<br />

nsdnlffiWt coasiiilitly te.lha loiiiipn, .For<br />

nor than fnuF >**« I di4 nst *& ,<br />

InvosUgiitluiii liowoveri Has mado it<br />

qnitis curtaiu tljiit Nrtjja DtioouiJa Pant,<br />

knowB fu lilBtory as Naua Bahjlj, Dud<br />

with a few followers to tho jouglei <strong>of</strong><br />

Qn&a aod pflijiiErutOil Uoop luto tb<strong>of</strong>lo<br />

diiijml solitqilgB, - AlljJi&fl niiscratlj,<br />

and tbo nuglui) <strong>of</strong> the HJnialajaa nloue<br />

leek dewsffemlliuif jeftyhiigbts spaa<br />

the cmgi ef ..tlio rnjal Tagrunt who per.<br />

Jihod tlioro JoiigyeurfltiHO.<br />

Small J<strong>of</strong>lB.to the world was the death<br />

<strong>of</strong> Naua Bahih, bst wheii, ho- eatered<br />

tlioso desolate wllilu ho; carried with<br />

him tha taost woiiiiorfnl rtiby <strong>of</strong> hlHiatf,<br />

It wiw tho si is <strong>of</strong> a robin's egg!<br />

ef the r)atest''HiKuoii blood" and wfthsnt'a<br />

Baw, v^"Iti lirllllaiiDy and* porfeqtioii<br />

gjwe It fabnlona salad nnd a rnnfc<br />

beBiilo that <strong>of</strong> the Kohluoor and the:<br />

great"g<strong>of</strong>iiH <strong>of</strong> tha world,. If thatrnby ii<br />

ever fontjil. it Will ruako the flud<strong>of</strong>fani<strong>On</strong>B<br />

aud rich buyond oomparo, :;<br />

'<br />

£ • > • ' • • > ' •<br />

or mas a tmws.<br />

j I am a qpiot, nildilln rigfliJ peatlemaa<br />

tvbohriB bgyu a jowoluriH Matdoo lane,<br />

M ¥ l f<br />

f<strong>of</strong>.rtiiiig.lbj years, I may,<br />

bo porniittoa to i&j thnt I hnvo a foTtfiily^<br />

Of wljom I aia foudi fltid tliat IBJ-cir.<br />

HorufiiitiKfactory, Uuderstaud<br />

at tbo Isgiiiuiijg <strong>of</strong> this Btory that I nib<br />

sot thn iiero, anil have only sot out to<br />

l<br />

the OQunrrOiiC<strong>of</strong>l thnr eacie to rny<br />

" andiiiwhfcb, from the trend<br />

<strong>of</strong> eir<strong>of</strong>liiistajiMB," iwU oompolludf to aot<br />

Idi<br />

i! ^ " \ '<br />

r :<br />

: '<br />

diilg pnrt.V i! : ^; ,V\\ : ••,: ; ;<br />

jt eprtaiu October day, a fow yBara<br />

ago, was one <strong>of</strong> the moat dismal 'I over<br />

eiporieiiced v . The down full <strong>of</strong> falp W»<br />

odnatant for two days, aud wboD pight<br />

closed iu ilia' ''steady drizzlu coutinnw),<br />

WohadnotBce« acnstoHigi: SiniwtUo<br />

foroiiODB,: pad I allowwl: mf tfrs olork*<br />

to go homo early, .Tjjqro was notUtug<br />

for them to' do aftoi 1 pjaging the gtook<br />

•within 'the. masalvo' iafe, and I waa in<br />

that Btato <strong>of</strong> uuroat wlinu I was glad: to<br />

bg frood from Bog!jig their iaoQ&i-^^'t]<br />

'-•:;jL'StsaUL •• hiife left;' the• - flturo at the<br />

samo ttmq bat forVa oall froni Coy old<br />

frfoijd, 'CarJ -Withipfi ! tho.;.4eteetl¥e,<br />

h<br />

-with tho rornark that =ho knew I<br />

be ionoly, walked, behind thi<br />

^r and back iuto my pfivate <strong>of</strong>flm;<br />

wlioro I, joiuetl him and wo lit onr ol<<br />

I was glail to ieo binj. WIttn<strong>of</strong> wni<br />

aa*^ffleaf><strong>of</strong>: oiooptional skill, bright,<br />

intelligO!it,wol],oanontod, ana Iain snre<br />

thoronsbly honogt = Wo had heoa friends<br />

fti;iysori, nijfl:,hi JmbwJtiftt ihs seefl<br />

n<strong>of</strong>« ijftit toran invitation to tWt n^<br />

Ho fu l wb!| L f^ - - •<br />

U.'hb, Hanuina<br />

totflt h ^ i i ^ ^;pr<br />

plolti, 'm' jnoiriljgra <strong>of</strong> tha prbfession do<br />

in floHoq: ,; IfovDrtlifinfa "I am; iatlsfle4<br />

i V bi<br />

flq , Ifovrtliffa I am; iatlsfle4<br />

that WittaeF lei rho: knoV; mpra <strong>of</strong>; bis<br />

doings tlinii nuy other person. He sonie><br />

times appealed to mo fur ocopsBl la oar'<br />

taiulaaitoiw, bntinMtnnehaa, s<strong>of</strong>araa<br />

1 eonld loan!, he gonerally. took an op^<br />

posito eoorBB frcnivhat I roopminondwi<br />

: i : 1 '" : .<br />

ljoBf permiMiba; I will jflafa<br />

1 ^ ,. . ^ 1. .<br />

: At this moni<strong>of</strong>at \Vittnor oama from<br />

the Irinr <strong>of</strong>B<br />

nnd paaaed thronghjthe<br />

htf<br />

eareleisly as ho bnttdHoii hig<br />

abont him, "I yjnit go honia Will B«<br />

^etffest^eifc^j^^uX/^:^;><br />

A\i' nodded ,ts hiffl ^ani' : l noticed'• the<br />

qnlokj BdarohSng glanso ;he' gafBijtbs<br />

, who did riot ieetn to ba. awaro <strong>of</strong><br />

; MHny I inquire whepe this geni bsmt<br />

. v"UoiEnjDLy=—troia the Uinalojab in<br />

; •.•'Thatitwasaleffwookif<br />

uprising. End' yon boss la' Cawnpu?,<br />

us?, iii Jnly, 1807,"= : , ; ;^<br />

He oeijipletrtd tha eontonsb<br />

•hmg aart ihytlder.<br />

t ^ d /<br />

aefitoiid/ WelliVvi, - ^<br />

^Tea ore nwrirothnt tfio fidtfib g<strong>of</strong>*<br />

immont oiTorml,'a rowaf d <strong>of</strong>, nlaool<br />

topeosfor tali oaphjro, hot never Cap*<br />

M I haw bea« V ,<br />

«^yda knew whaibe<strong>of</strong>tnio Of hinjl"<br />

•'He ene kaowi<strong>of</strong> n sorlaintyi. Itwas<br />

reportod that ho and a few <strong>of</strong>/his fol<br />

lowers =teek-MfBi|t-iB<br />

"•—•••••-••<br />

and theia pfriihed," •<br />

. "That rtperi iHtrna,' TwO<strong>of</strong> p<br />

totnrned, I saw and ednvereod with one<br />

<strong>of</strong> then. When Kana fled, he.took' with<br />

him the most toJnablg rnby In. all Ind<br />

j " " ; ' '•-:<br />

Jinvo hoard that also, hat *what<br />

that flpoo flffl bn«lnemf"<br />

-• "fhomhy which yon. hold in yonf<br />

hand la tlio OHO which Kalis iahlb took<br />

With him In his last flight"<br />

GHABTfflR II ' :<br />

. Mj caller tightly iuterprotod the pi*<br />

pftHituii on niy fasa, . ' ' • ,<br />

. "It is a Btraugo Btoryi tnt 1 tell yon<br />

ths troth, Kaua Aid not floe outll thf<br />

j&a <strong>of</strong> ta tlio Cawupur Biafwacro, and<br />

It was S3 yean later thbt I TBot ooo <strong>of</strong><br />

tha Bpios who wai with him. Ho was<br />

aa old mait, living in U10 gacwKl sity <strong>of</strong><br />

SB tho OaHgtB, Ho woe at; the<br />

point <strong>of</strong> death whou I liulpud^-beiiig a<br />

physioIftH—to bring Him boctc to llfo, Eo<br />

told BIB the story ami VolnDtwrsl to<br />

eliowmo the froth to tho ipot.when hii<br />

jBaatwaSeO, Hot though ho icnVthoway<br />

to 'tha HoipliborUood ho oithuf conid,<br />

nntor wonld not take nio to the plattv<br />

We roturuoil from onr bootleai onana,<br />

rad he died a few yean lator, Hii ss><br />

ciet waa tnriufl with him'"<br />

'•- •";<br />

She speaker papied auit changed. hl|<br />

lolling attitude, Kotfng toy interest, ho<br />

know thai wheni Naaa H.<br />

tered those jungles the great rnby Vn#<br />

In bis tqrbau, and if the spot bonld to<br />

f d h ' U o<br />

died^thoro waBldiW<br />

the gem whieb I have brought,to<br />

J<br />

Fivo years jigo I wont ba^ with a<br />

•iagle sompauioy, a nativo like njysolf<br />

f<br />

tt^1<br />

"'" '<br />

Ee paoiett long onoqgh for ms tore*<br />

raaik:<br />

-A •"."-_, '.';': : : ; .-. \- : ' *'?.;,';';<br />

"TJiea »(^ yeas* Binflt have'pasged<br />

Butoathe death bfwTaiia,''<br />

; ;".'.;:!; j.;<br />

oily that, and not a vefitigo <strong>of</strong> hia<br />

or bonoa was l<strong>of</strong>t. How eoald I<br />

hope to diBSov<strong>of</strong> tlio gum? ThereAvas Bo<br />

reaaotf to bolinvo I wonltl; bnt all, snoh<br />

gnat flndi, as yon kngw, are tha reanU<br />

<strong>of</strong> ohanoo. I know where to took for It,;<br />

pd Iiop't np thfl hantlfer, yiipii an til '•<br />

afcfickeii with fover • and Bo emonJatod<br />

thai I,senld burtily sEniid, My coinpanT:<br />

lea did not fall ill, and my aplrit enabled<br />

nje to sflaroh ovon ^hoq.iDy hrnln woa<br />

bnrillng Tyith dolirlmn, V, ^'% "v^":V:J<br />

'.'Oaeibigy when thefedflnwasihiii-<br />

Ipg'bright npALZ wag graying oyor.thq<br />

(spot where I had at Jnat tnmblpcl dowiij<br />

""!1 tb walk,; I faaehed bet mf hoad,<br />

rad qlntotod tho mby <strong>of</strong> Hana Sabjb,'!<br />

Tho BpQiiko^ was, now grently oiqitod<br />

and woqld homiald no mprq had | «o*<br />

Bskod htei is finish 3hti iteiji 1 '::;'. J- ;r., •:!:•'•,<br />

; •*! He apt bineBbSf eleMly what kek<br />

J " I:'ieaehed r&Milly, - l^M<br />

U most, <strong>of</strong> tUo, tijjio, . My• brpjnpmiibii<br />

tried to take the rnby front mo, but difl<br />

'•"<br />

^Whea I rotwnod<br />

, Ioanio aloao.^: ? ^y f ^<br />

,«\Ne aeed ef jiiore pfiitionlaffl ea;ttat<br />

point, I eon!ilpicfuro the fearful strngglo<br />

between those Wo menfdr the rws<br />

ieHiafljf a J('W0l wurtii a prln.ee ! a raa.<br />

torn. The prosonsb <strong>of</strong> this man before<br />

me showed whB1 waa epiiqnrjror,: ; ••.'; ;^ '<br />

Who, knows that it was not hie ooin.<br />

panion that made 4ho BM? ; Who; o&n<br />

*ay what the nature <strong>of</strong> that'.. straggle<br />

iwai? c.,- Was there-a oonfllet at njlii Was<br />

not tbii inan' now In njy preseaca a<br />

mnrfleror?<br />

->*?•• '-^"'^y^-',';""'--'0'.,kM-•=&'*'?^<br />

ft^l •: Ha was the gnlf<br />

p ; \^ ^oJ , ^ ;^; V :V<br />

'itodpn fl^agitntiQa, *X he said, rap-:<br />

Idly regaining hlu sqlf poise,"hat yon'<br />

eon ioomprehond'•'.theivsoirtoa^i-Vhatft<br />

gi?ea yon tho trnd stflry <strong>of</strong> Nann Sahib1V<br />

tn^/ I: bring it to^ yenj' hoping th(|j<br />

BBiqng your - moiiy'iiiilHonalreg In this<br />

tint W Itislf<br />

^i^hi<br />

good 0^ itbrfrignio?<br />

j<br />

teepiiTbqronrothoso who can, Find<br />

BBTO Wit -If* a<br />

I flnfi a caatomor,' wWol) 18 fei<strong>of</strong>fiiaingly<br />

d^htfni^^^^^tf|^^iMSi:i;?<br />

^aW^iitefiiij^ii<br />

ieoii(bo ^V^<strong>of</strong> : tho|h^l<br />

•'•$1 hu BntiafltHii ; ;Whyihpjl3,ybti jfi<br />

hii bl<br />

and tho 'Wonrterfnl ptbao,"i:BOW'<br />

g<br />

llhe<br />

tiey 'art, fta«a\itt ?; W^jpffip.1^^^^^^^1<br />

_<br />

__ _ i .._."3ii<br />

pond TTlth' those /af'BtnTfflarantl<br />

a^go^^tiMftl^^a^W^M<br />

wa faloo for hardnea, brUIIaaa<br />

i A «ryital &f !<br />

l<br />

oi ttegtraa ^b<br />

traordinary 'as' that-•^BjqJiV<br />

it<br />

ii'::.J% iifVJb<br />

:;m ^htm^efMajm^^<br />

seme Maigiga.? ttfly.iiwiiCiaps^i^if.lsv*<br />

iBgiieaietisies little a^it<br />

^changa^their^cqlor^Irir<br />

jBarkablo way andor tho notio <strong>of</strong><br />

^idh^^^f^l^<br />

'on cobHsg regain<br />

he ent «f p i<br />

ibij theiol lowing day,<br />

snn shoneihest qt<br />

the rabyiert ^<br />

^w^etw^ai^miHSwttp^<br />

than thats;this; onormoi^,: gem<br />

Vf } i<br />

rtnV|^^<br />

tv and brUlInubv,:<br />

toe:, world. : l I 1 uati beingjth<br />

dreiJi ©f<br />

siMeB^<br />

oal led with

Eat*rM at ilt* Port Offlop it* Oc«»o Otx, H. 1<br />

/'THESE aft nine CHpdiduto fef thslie*<br />

' publicsD nominntjoD forSlierlff<strong>of</strong>Cape<br />

7W^ionatyftBt^Ktbe townships hmm<br />

not been htaid from yet. t - • . .<br />

Word Btilto and frleud vffllted Oeei!<br />

OltybnSunday, V •'"'_ .<br />

V ,v^<br />

Mablon HotBan, <strong>of</strong> Bnglteb Oftek<br />

spent Sunday with Captain Enoeb In<br />

Miss Julia Adams, <strong>of</strong> tills place, hii<br />

eniered the train i ug BCIKXJI for<br />

at Blijckiey aims house, PbHadolpbia<br />

where she will takei at wi» yeate'<br />

M Clk<br />

h<br />

Mn, Clark's mother, who<br />

Cape May, has beeu quite elek al<br />

daughter^ reaidenee Io tlibt place,<br />

A ftiree <strong>of</strong> Italians commenced HJou<br />

day to pick crunberrles at thlfl p<br />

The Italiaiis are said to be njuuh more<br />

suecessful pickers thau our own peopl<br />

ft Its mid tliere will t» auuttier wed<br />

ding here BOOU.<br />

sail o<br />

White Mali, the IS<br />

Bcai<br />

:<br />

THE Votere wjlt remember (hut a Republican<br />

LegislntUJB gava. tbtm fbe<br />

rigjit to select lliBir'Couuly Judges and<br />

iupreme Caatt, ie-<br />

Agent; LM Mi Hall,<br />

ed a fracture <strong>of</strong> the ikull ^Friday after<br />

noon by being aMideutally struck o<br />

tbe bead with a brick while looking a<br />

au altercation nraoD^schoolmatea.,<br />

Tbe loiitraet for tlie Casino, which Is<br />

to be similar to those at, Newport aud<br />

Narraganaeti, Lai 'ttrtn awarded t<br />

AUtn B, Borke, at Philadelphia, ,<br />

A teueuieut bouse owried by A./L,<br />

was destroyed .by Ore on Satu?<br />

THAT Eepubl lean House <strong>of</strong> BepresentaUveflwill<br />

begin work three mo tit be<br />

It won't be able iq fl6 any<br />

aloueby itself, but<br />

Stop all foolish legislating by the<br />

l^tfjBi -^Harffiealqui meeting and nomjnfltft thi<br />

ne*t Governor,<br />

i;i: mttts, yellow;: ihc*s, and other hot<br />

'^vacation goodsarejjefnig/told at half<br />

and a quarter the prices asked for then!<br />

p, STOW is the time for<br />

f Boylsraro Btaunch enough<br />

outwaid • apparel, which Is<br />

fy latest,mode fn the mat*<br />

l wUtt lot the itinkeef QfltBfl, >^<br />

mm:;<br />

the public<br />

,Ifi the course Of a<br />

With bU serS'snt he damned<br />

last bifeaftiii BO; tenrageji that<br />

:>tftndJjdg IQ iront <strong>of</strong> the Poet Office,<br />

and<br />

day; lusi, §600,<br />

An executive commUtce composed<br />

<strong>of</strong>Jobu M, Sloan, chalrmau; George (j.<br />

Mercer, Frank \Vllliiig Lgagb, John V,<br />

Craig, Aifred O, Thomas,<br />

Robb and Robert H, Beattle, waa ap<br />

polnied by the nou'refildent<br />

owners att& meeting at tbj^<br />

Saturday liight, Thf commi ttee<br />

assist the local authorities In<br />

new city charter,<br />

- The body <strong>of</strong> an unknown<br />

tnao was taken tu ; tbe 0<strong>of</strong>Bner?§'<br />

Sunday evening for Ideutlocation. Thai<br />

afternoon Trolley Conductor Gran tVau<br />

neiuau ajid Gripman Andrew Bobu<br />

run to Seweli Point,<br />

discovered in tUe surf,'near the old<br />

Government Lite Saving Station, * a<br />

roan apparently struggling for his life.<br />

They weiit = t& tbe rescue, but, when<br />

drown to the beaub, he proved to be<br />

lifelesii and all eflorts to resuscitate him<br />

proved futile, and It tosupposed tobe<br />

ease <strong>of</strong>, Buleide, The body wai well<br />

dressed io blue serge, neat underclothing,<br />

gaiter shoes; lielght,5 feet 7 luchea<br />

weight,,ISO pounds..<br />

Opittioti on file<br />

Justice Maglej who sat In the branch<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Supreme Court at the juiiB tenn<br />

with Justices Van Syckel aud Llppln<br />

eytt, dunpg the argumeut on, the &iu<br />

HtHutiouality <strong>of</strong> the Vwjrheea Elective<br />

JudielaJy law, ihieh ligiiiates 00 laj'<br />

and law.judges <strong>of</strong> the varlous^cflnnties<br />

out <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice, Monday fljed bis dissenting<br />

opmlou, In whictiJJie flatly decianstlie<br />

i i i l t l b i d j i i h<br />

, eoij«llutlbB5i and; the:<br />

opinion <strong>of</strong> his aEsocJatea, dedariug the<br />

law u BCDnfitUu tt<strong>of</strong>aai; at ioms Isflgih<br />

law, u BCDnfitUu tt<strong>of</strong>aai,; at ioms Isflgih<br />

,VTbi^JMlaa ^nfli f<br />

bifiirtiCJsurtsn the<br />

appiicatlou ot JiidgeBcbalk, <strong>of</strong> Efsex<br />

whbprayed forji writ.<strong>of</strong> wandainus re«<br />

HiJHUnluif bountyOlsrk WrJKiitsoa froii<br />

placing the name <strong>of</strong> may aomiuiei for<br />

Q&mi$i\i!$gi OH the qfliaal ballot,; ^<br />

malntalna Uiat the<br />

BtltutionalproviHlonesprewly empowering<br />

tbei<br />

thevIBffrtpr (JoUrt Of Coirirhun Pleas<br />

clears Way;ifll doubt"ui;to^ih^slaw*<br />

baakers', power In the premiseM, despite<br />

the •amblguoua clause esriye^lng; tbli<br />

power, and;also providing for the ap><br />

clearly placed with ihe -<br />

'<br />

^ j'andjf t'^Da<br />

puwere<br />

ferred; to ariotber Upii'ft, the pawsr; to<br />

appoint would fallj because there would<br />

lib 'longer be jaay; (fcutt ;df iUomnion<br />

Ff^t'hiibto<br />

iljfd^» '<br />

; | j<br />

has been dissqlved by luuina! Ciiuaeut,<br />

ind;ilie bu«ll^» beffahirwill Jb#"cuii^<br />

nd;ilie<br />

i<br />

dlMusses^ if lengffi<br />

whet her; or netfthe inferior<br />

js: ai «flifeirtoirr» Ckmrt<br />

ail<br />

f ii'JDbtlt^<br />

An examination <strong>of</strong> the ease <strong>of</strong> the<br />

8tate ; v», liioliie Barnes^ charged wl th<br />

assault and batteiy upon Susan Yotiugj<br />

coioredf prayed that It iiad beeU a free<br />

flht iahai; li<br />

d^t^lfii^<br />

will -J<br />

? A> *<br />

wijj gjve;hisV^<br />

buhlnep, hud as be has been, a<br />

plumljer for 'the past jQfieen y<br />

, who<br />

l<br />

v. Plans<br />

ni<br />

flght<br />

aliey;<br />

pumljer for 'the .past jQfieen yeaisi'lib<br />

feola that bis experience nud knowledge<br />

wili^euaoie!hiB4 W'~'~ i ""'"'-"*""'*^"-<br />

that if it jg<br />

e^e defendMit edt tlie wrtiwt iif it<br />

;Jn- the ;<br />

'and<br />

not gu 11 ty was>fou nd,;<br />

^<br />

/ th> Ste ^W<br />

Janiesd<br />

^<br />

Perry entered<br />

a rule <strong>of</strong> noil prosse, there being ub ev'ldencei<br />

<strong>of</strong> a crime *havlugvbeiu-pom'<br />

janttWi-HTh^iS J^ile^f^ho pleaded<br />

-to ^ii^tft£h |<br />

Hall, Aliautie CI^, was eepterieed to<br />

one month in the county jail and easts,,<br />

to date from time <strong>of</strong> corninltment; ; "A%l<br />

r; <strong>On</strong> jMosiday^ Samuel yaieutlne f T $M<br />

^va§ Indicted eu Beveral eoiintB'ef ; tjr@ak'<br />

has donesoioegood work In this city, '.<br />

bja fiunily,!<br />

ii^ui^th#/0BSt;/flf<br />

hii interests hert,<br />

!^^yUHAEEB|^;:<br />

k- -&••;. rmLADFAPHiA, BppiernJjcrWfIK<br />

not an<br />

cords <strong>of</strong> that Court and causes listed for<br />

*^VI "--^<br />

iBitkW i'lnfWor^Urt <strong>of</strong><br />

cottage on Illlnbla^avtubej ind assautt<br />

ijMSi Wd^^si^'^W^Wth^<br />

and<br />

ago, wheni:* goneral<br />

^^;att^^^|^^,iFitti<br />

ud iconylcted <strong>of</strong> simply aai^iil ton ly,';<br />

n the latter muiiLV<br />

as further indictwl by tbt<br />

^^dlti^l^^BBH<br />

a woman guest at; tbe;<br />

AtlmtW WttV ene <strong>of</strong><br />

the boldest robberieii on record, - Morgan<br />

claimed to bfl a Uhtcflgo ealoou*<br />

keeper, aiid the day before the couveu*<br />

lii&<strong>of</strong> Court, a man cinitnlpg to be a<br />

Chicago attorney aud representing Mor«<br />

gan*s friends, wsht M May's Landing<br />

had the prisoner taken^p AtlautiuCliy<br />

and released Uiider f ISO0 bftlii The fcS=<br />

Identllleation had. been<br />

plete, and the evidence against him io<br />

Btrongihatniauy persuni believed tbat<br />

he had shaken the dust <strong>of</strong> New Jersey<br />

from;hta feet forever, ,<br />

•,-.,'.•'<br />

After the Grand jury returned tbe<br />

bill Thursday, Morgan was called bpon<br />

to plead. Me failed to answer, His<br />

bail was forfeited and a few hours afterward<br />

Wa bondsman, Somers Wealbert,<br />

puld County Clerk Evans the f 1500,<br />

Tbe whole transaction has excited a<br />

deal <strong>of</strong> comment, / * .<br />

A nother Indicted man whose ball wai<br />

forfeited because <strong>of</strong> his nun-appeaniuce<br />

Wai Dell Neator, an actor, who was Iu«<br />

dieted for iiHsaiilt upon a domestic al<br />

^<br />

tUSiStlahtitf tflty bbfeia dilrrrig<br />

the eummer, He was accused <strong>of</strong> h<br />

)ng climbed through the wluduw <strong>of</strong> lie:<br />

rooin at night. His ball was $1000,<br />

The war that has been waged at At<br />

laulk' <strong>City</strong> all Bummer against (lie<br />

proprietors <strong>of</strong> tue amuBements along<br />

the boanlwaiki and the latter agains<br />

prom I neat ptnonkeepes for keeping<br />

open on Sunday^ ha§ seen <strong>of</strong> no avail<br />

No Indleiisents were fou[id t and (h<br />

truublea <strong>of</strong> the past few weeks will so<br />

be aired in the Court, and the 'Sunday<br />

selling abpllHhed, as the reform people<br />

expected,"<br />

•_••.,<br />

Eight indictments were found agains<br />

miiei Valenti he* We for atrocious as=<br />

wultaiid attempt to kilt Deputy Sberllf<br />

L, Hi Ashley^ when ottemijtiog to e*=<br />

cape from Jail three weeks ago, and six<br />

far burglary,' Valentine Just came pi)<br />

<strong>of</strong> State Prison after a ten-year term<br />

William Johnson * another woula-be<br />

jlli breaker, was also indicieU for Mi<br />

tempt to kill the Peputy,<br />

jpiirt <strong>of</strong> a iTown<br />

4ne ncnest and most<br />

and<br />

i<br />

COACHESlib<br />

bemoleoo a:-<br />

A gobjd Ain<br />

ton tbi! bavlrig<br />

were<br />

foiiud<br />

iUiai fiforee,<br />

l^er Hewitt<br />

pjual 120 each and co^tfl,;<br />

ago<br />

|y theowuBr<strong>of</strong><br />

aurwundipg<br />

whleHtocut tlfflielay.<br />

The lease gpeelfled<br />

^hi ewnt/<strong>of</strong> Colweli<br />

«^ the land hi iboiild pay.,to<br />

the sum <strong>of</strong> iiO,OQD, The porttoii<br />

ter leased eXttodfl Into the town <strong>of</strong><br />

May's Landing, and much <strong>of</strong> the land<br />

wai valuable. , The lease KM to run to<br />

Be^temb^r §T, 188S,<br />

Aljiiutoue year after the ,kam WUH<br />

made • Coi well"sold ueafly all <strong>of</strong> Hie<br />

large tract <strong>of</strong> laud In and around Miiy'a<br />

Laiidlyg/and tiiejuding tbe part lie had<br />

IeaK#d to Hunter, to tbe luduHtrltU Lap<br />

aiid Dev'elgjmieirt Cuiiiimhy, a<br />

caie<strong>of</strong><br />

P«t«r<br />

at the bend. The uonipauy sold<br />

neaily inOO<br />

Uirgely In tiie,<br />

by Huuter, Iu |1M? fiiil «f 1SBS n<br />

^<br />

whfuh 15, SI,<br />

new j<br />

^<br />

<strong>of</strong>.the late Nutionidt'onlagu Trust, was<br />

heaviiy ititCfe^ted, eameintis<br />

l<br />

•bfthe laud.Biid ertKital a ^100,000brluk<br />

plant, a nhou faciory «»tiiii' 123,000, an<br />

excursion<br />

ikuse autl a number ol<br />

hsHifn.'H, WJIliaiu Clark Rime, a New<br />

'York lawyer, who = is secretary <strong>of</strong> ihe<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

jfarbor Ulty fitfot a<br />

long petition to thsGrand Jury eum<br />

plaluiug against the Committee' u<br />

Hamilton lownship| <strong>of</strong> which May's<br />

Lauding lit the principal towu, asking<br />

that ft be compelled to Improve "the<br />

main road,between those two |)laoeN<br />

claiming that the road Is in a deplor»<br />

able condition, Ko aetloh.was taken:<br />

<strong>On</strong> i'ri day Appfflf Gpuri buflluess wah<br />

first taken tip and Judgment below was<br />

confirmed in .the matter <strong>of</strong> Ailautlc<br />

HIiootiog the Cluites Com puny r appeU<br />

]aiit,vi, Ji4Ci,)O il.'Wiuer, ajipellet', a suit<br />

forcommlH*)iifLt, . s "^<br />

Case No', IS—John G.Blireve vs, John<br />

T; - ffrenuh, on contract, wai net tied;<br />

also tote ^o. 1S-H, ii; Hailt h v«, Lewis<br />

Earle,<br />

. Ju tlie appeal taje <strong>of</strong> Abuer<br />

Charles H.StwiHifln and AI|>iiaH. DB<br />

'" 8, Charlea' % ;Plb tin<br />

declsloii was resefved; ;<br />

eases were disposed <strong>of</strong>.<br />

Decerbo ^aud : , WieUael •:•' Marldefeudauis<br />

in ]>etty assaiiH and<br />

batterycases^pieadguilty, Small flues<br />

^<br />

ibl^id; ' WHiiani TiwraaS, ah<br />

other aaBauit and I«itterydef«ud4iiit,<br />

waa aeqiiitted,^l-X^V-^ -V : V.',v ':''y:'-y'<br />

'A VetdIdisf aenuItiai was foiifid bv<br />

acquItial was foiifid ; by<br />

theJujryjii riie ^e;i)f Soiriffloa p>>|lard,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Waflblugton r ;charged with 1 :graiiii<br />

Pollard, oq. old wiiite*halri;d<br />

niaPfwa« aJJegedtoboguilty<br />

u( BBipWng (hi dr^lBgtmm, <strong>of</strong> Ouarl&<br />

watch and a ; purse cantainlHg almost<br />

wai purely, circumstantial,'and as the<br />

old < man •- prod ueed . a iiumber <strong>of</strong> wit=<br />

nesses ito, testify, to nil good (charaetef<br />

heiw^;spe^Hyae^uitted>;;"' ^^ ^<br />

laud company r HIHO Lmirt<br />

huus**H fw a private sjieculutloii. Tli<br />

paid Hunter glfKK), and be rtthe<br />

slMwfuctorv, the uriuk work<br />

and the houfses <strong>of</strong> the cttnijitTisy,<br />

: Me had in the iiiemitinie<br />

suit against"the pur tias wiui had<br />

passed upou Ills IcaK', ajid won bis cane<br />

in the Uiihed Siates Siipreiiie Coiirt<br />

He IfnrHedintoly took slips to<br />

pifi*sfMloi) <strong>of</strong> all tho Isad whk*h be uad<br />

not reltawd under yla agree<br />

the land eonapaiiy, Thse ineliideil<br />

largs, number <strong>of</strong> "tote pufcbiMd by<br />

vate pwlUs, moitly poor petiple, wlyi<br />

had Itivested all tbelr «ivlirg»<br />

a bome, and also thi forty<br />

irefit^.b/ Howe. :<br />

Lakt Wedaefidayp Unitod Sfafe*<br />

Marshul Pfelfier f <strong>of</strong>;^aradtn; arfflfd<br />

with a writ, went to, Mtt^'g LniidJng<br />

with Heisry Wutta, piiriijer and mai!U><br />

ge'f :fuF Hiiafer,' Tile Marehiil toiik<br />

<strong>of</strong> the iiilire 1600 auWs; wltb<br />

rt'leastd, and<br />

the. exception <strong>of</strong><br />

served nutiei ol; ijeutnient oii<br />

pants <strong>of</strong> ibJe laud indipuuie,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Miirehni'i vbit wtts BWJII know;<br />

all over the little town, iiud the excite<br />

m t w I t j .<br />

was<br />

the propertie-j whose<br />

L-Iiuijera are to be ejected are two fine<br />

stores on the main htreet <strong>of</strong> the town<br />

owiiW by A. U, gharpaiid VV. J, Rlis<br />

(.'aptuin Sheppard S. Hudiijn and Lewi<br />

E: JelTriefl are Inlerested tiirou^h<br />

gages they; hold on flume<strong>of</strong> the [j<br />

Uij; ^'rhe^May^lSiiUiilg^Bu<br />

y<br />

aiid Jjian AwiwiaHou . Id hmvlly Ju<br />

terertted In iiiurtgngi-s on<br />

by \ViiUflm ^uy^ J,'-<br />

iiikii Ktaeneikl ami *lt. It; Coraon ni<br />

the liiiid the C«urt has decided bt-loiig<br />

to Iliinler fur, four,year*'inore r dating<br />

(ruin ilietime the.dcfisitsii rendered ii<br />

Hunier'H favor was illed,. _ ,. - '<br />

A Cuiiideu building iiiid loini iKsi«.'Ia<br />

i 'ia i siiiiijariyYlutereaied id'' the<br />

t f fvOTQ A g th h i t<br />

j y Y<br />

<strong>of</strong> fvOTQ.. Among the heaviest<br />

are the o^riKSpie whU pnr<br />

are the<br />

whU<br />

luls aiid jnveated all tlie<br />

iiigB ill the ereeiiiiu <strong>of</strong> a hbusei ?-Mauy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the unimproved luts In lliotrnct are<br />

b<br />

ii<br />

j. I'll Hail el|i b iaii 8 "who .tjou ght<br />

lallvB p*iirpiik£ H<br />

Is. al»o siated .that ihe estate <strong>of</strong><br />

Hni; Vfi*ii .\if<br />

i<br />

Jiiei toe |]6S,MQ ag)iln*il<br />

tiie liiiid gbinpauy, wliiW liaa reiMii|ly<br />

fiitb ;the haiids <strong>of</strong> a •JUst<br />

will; by vW&ripiiMiy^ enjbarm«sed, ;^. The<br />

latter »mortgage is %-mw- • W!(jg^ fon;^<br />

c l o s t i l ; H : y : ' ' ^ : ' • ' ; >•.:•:•>''< • • •"'• ":••,'';.''''•] ,''<br />

J Ji ^K HppkftlHj an j*pd tei!fli|t^jiithe<br />

aniitid'traci|<br />

fcllAiinupi^<br />

the tie tjee Of ejeel ineii twas. ^rtyed'ii jinn<br />

h|m,aiid1t isftfured 1|! b K j i<br />

c Thf firiai<br />

om, jil<br />

gi_r,'... — r. 5^,j 11_ T_. JT __ _ • .• , :--•—-• ^ •'.;.i 1JIT^. •.•!-<br />

t<br />

Our. whole<br />

Goodi<br />

stock Is managed by an emi<br />

hiif ih<br />

f<br />

g y<br />

nent chiif with a corjjs<br />

pedally tralnftfd assls<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

pedally<br />

<strong>On</strong>e striidifciK Black' Goods, an<br />

other<br />

another<br />

High Class<br />

Cottons,<br />

Cloths; others'. the<br />

another<br />

various<br />

that Hiib»dividy ihu<br />

collgetion.,- - . _<br />

IininuiiHc* selling maizes great<br />

buying possible, Gruac buy=<br />

ing nmkus vast Hulling certain/<br />

•'..We' and pttr Piiblifr—the<br />

Mutiiiil /Den' , .<br />

AsHqqkitipn,, . ,.<br />

Broad gaiige trading<br />

speets worthy eomputitibn and<br />

square rivalry.- It hai equal<br />

contempt for ;vulgar assump<br />

tion and ilippatit sta.tgment/ '<br />

. • "Mure bulk tioysnot secure<br />

elegance, vast quantity degrades<br />

style," are harmless<br />

sneers against our Dress<br />

GoodM. Conditipiis In pur Dress<br />

.Goods business maku us afford<br />

the largest' care to ulugant de=<br />

tail;<br />

Exclusive attention creates<br />

exclusive selection, secures<br />

stylus positively confined<br />

to out" stock. Our uNcIuslves,<br />

are strictly the ii rat choice <strong>of</strong><br />

all' iiiafkets/ To- pursue this<br />

point any; farther may seem<br />

ungraciousi •;.' I'his<br />

bustness<br />

grows always by its ; own lift<br />

'The) •Mew^ Sqbn for Gmmi<br />

makers, .TOOsaid',<br />

floor makers, upholsters<br />

arsi out*, Paris press Stufis are<br />

in.<br />

Crystal cases, scored/<strong>of</strong><br />

room are under tribute.to display<br />

the Paris and Berlin<br />

lectipti <strong>of</strong> the-latyst hi<br />

p<br />

g<br />

the best Dress Goods. There<br />

is sure recompense. for your<br />

journey; "-Vto -f' AVanamaker's,<br />

rhere is abspliite<br />

(or you iijicftiali<br />

mill;;<br />

tment<br />

' E^R^HnrioTl ;<br />


catfdhs; iup<br />

; -.• Bmsstels from 50c a yard<br />

Ingrains iromascaprC upward.<br />

MATTIN6S- !<br />

A'Window full 1 Ipok at them,-<br />

Good ones at $3,95*<br />

Bettir, in corduroy, $6,95 and $7,95,<br />


Solid Oak, $10.00.<br />

CORSON & W^<br />

Street, Millville,<br />

R, R. SOOY, Proprietor<br />

CIT¥*<br />



m LAKE, c: E,<br />

etiii^jCoHveyarififliriOpiniriiiinneF<strong>of</strong> LH^ajt; Souiry pabilet Slastir in cbop<br />

y txtun t'iiy UliitUUiij r iitiil I.fliUi Aiwwj«tiiin. Irft* tet Mle ort'jebnngu.: IlQia<br />

rent, furnisliutl ur uurubhiplitsl, Det-dR, IKmdfl. 5IOrt«iigW ( ;W]UB (md CotHrncHi<br />

a A i i i f iHieMfiiH rpi^iL k^iri«n!e <strong>of</strong> mom Oma t*|nlj4ft<br />

Ufilcu—Histli Blrt3_'t ikiid. ABLU ty uVuliue, : F. O.\<br />

LlCENSfi&<br />

4So.<br />

Kmnm, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,.It<br />

miH-riies rbrVile,<br />

diite MlliilwJ<br />

I. cflltrtjfen for rent in nil parts or the eiiy, .Corjgvl Ti ,.<br />

••- - •••••- m i<br />

= : . • - • .<br />

I nsu ra nee<br />

f ^il«i?.oif eJEchaugei '• Houses ti) ; reut. Deeds, boud« or<br />

iiB 'iiegfjlJiit£^^;A, nuinber<strong>of</strong> bjirgailia in loht :^ v v"<br />

• Husssll, <strong>of</strong> Vjoeland^ has<br />

chased a desirable lot on th<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

SlxtbBtJrwtftndCenirtilavenuejtbrougb<br />

*;; ib^apueytif W^to^Mo^^ifcCoiv V<br />

; H. •, JQiiiu=lift?: eoinrneueed (lie<br />

!= erection <strong>of</strong> a cottage qija A8b«ry aveuue,<br />

>: soulh <strong>of</strong> Seermd Jtr^t,! M^irs, 6jtiel=<br />

r :inaa ^ ^ ^<br />

; ^ ; Uanipltftll, baa purchased<br />

' <strong>of</strong> fle<strong>of</strong>ge fl*Laugliy? ^fib lotsfiu As*<br />

''l(; attue btlbw<br />

''lju(y; ayettue, btlbw Elglifeeiitb a<br />

ibrough. the agepey otL, S; Bmith<br />

';. B, B, Btltea n&a<br />

bulidloJi<br />

tbg Hinull olllee<br />

it<br />

Sy t<br />

/V^^a^fByB ! .to Ab^l Jb.giullVwho wl|l biove<br />

.;-^al,. It to,a.iite oh SVst aveuue ( w#§t flItLe<br />

K^ v:'; iailfbad/; : v' ^^C^^ ^:A:'' :<br />

-\Uf<br />

"QiorfflHarold,<strong>of</strong> Mlllvllle,:biw<br />

^cMttd Jp^;E,i (i ^riflith'fl' lot oil;<br />

C-^;; '•/'. Hiiittistreeta,thifbufebtneapnsy<strong>of</strong>Yi<br />

-i'iiW• '• •• -Ipbraqiir;;.;\-; ^ • «, J *<br />


r Bgttpn, WlltlODt chtnf*. 11.00 • B1<br />

tiiBdiJSpDdliift<br />



Will!) A.9., below 7th SL, flennl!^ «. J.,<br />

will he pieaied is re«lve nrid atis&d te srden<br />

caaiioi<br />

i<br />

perlonce la bUSlnt-M ID FbUaaelp&lii, sp<br />

HiiiQ sive porfeet uBiiinictiDD In atte<br />

i3im, Wiiise tQ tBiiit? Wednety<br />

inprninga, Bpmplr* or dress IO&IH ahown.<br />

Fur ull orrungclnuatfl, aill Or iddfCsS, II, 8.<br />

iiA«T|f Ew^ QiyfaiBs caiiflMi Wstiif ass.<br />

DUfii. between iievs&tb 1 sad Elsbtii rtreot*<br />

OesiB m? t K, J,<br />

'"","",•.<br />

Miss M. E. MATTHEWS, Artittp<br />

will ifive if«JWPi in dmwing, pnlnUng in QU L<br />

wnt«r coloA pufllol und craygn; beginning<br />

Boptojnbur IS, im- BlBfllu iind prlVuUi 16*=<br />

Mas.<br />

Mpeeiul prlesi BlMa to tUOmi i<strong>of</strong>Wlfts<br />

uiiWMfe For ternm and nmmgement*, nppiy<br />

lo M, E, SiATTWEWH, uiycihs CotC^fl,<br />

Wl<br />

avonqe, botwwn Hevoqtti sad Elgblli<br />

U d i t H J<br />

Tlio unddntlgnpil ha%'O this any fdfjtiod ftC&=<br />

piirtnernliip BnUer iha Htyjo Of knurrdE Compiiuy<br />

for (be tnnuetiDa sf gepeni uw<br />

ooUii ond FnrnlaliiDg biiiine a Bt Ho, win<br />

nbury avenue, yocanCUy.ff.j. 1<br />

, • •<br />

....••'•<br />

'.'-.,:,•;":•)' .-•<br />

*TWa(fps^e'areservedfcr<br />

Manufacturing Jeweler,<br />

ing Je<br />

u^y-imittiitf*<br />

^<br />

^<br />

STONE<br />

miMtmmmmmm<br />

. , i i . .. .. > . ;,•,: iJ<br />

Best quality ^f New "^rk and Eenns^l<br />

;,: • BLUE STONE :<br />

Also is<br />

guaranteed<br />

'<br />

4 ri, mum,<br />


iii all dattJblelQeaUeni, If you have nii>-thing to dUpm ef<br />

to me, and if you wont a bargain I caDBuIt you.'<br />

BestHome i F<br />

q price Hiti,' 'lEfes Htfriage serylco to proppslng InveatortV<br />


.'••': ••'<br />

1 r 'y/v;?-'- : WZ:Mf"^^<br />

; :: • i/ . = '. *;'; '*' .'v -ir. 'i =: i' ! ." |P -';.i. ! V' : '.-.',./!/^!i'; v i*-- V V!-^^5-^rf ^A^- : p^!^^<br />

L%The plumbing'<br />

firm^^^^;i0tJiif^iJSWi^^<br />

^•WS^yyi-^'yy'^^<br />


prices,and -Uie puribttftfi

itdresque;; btf it" S KpWttt«<br />

MB* grpapfrbJs discoorsq<br />

^g^^l^<br />

yy<br />

tO tileflcetWB. aasn wii ta knock, the<br />

if ffiv^iii^^aAf tef %& bad Mite 'they eaniB<br />

;^.;0*^(^^looWJ;aewij Bid seeing thai be<br />

ig, f f B<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho cliff, they poshed<br />

ha td fll ti<br />

M^i»^our 3 :)ikg<br />

y<br />

^ at Stephen stood<br />

looking at binjt Ihopo to spend aternify<br />

Bt th eania tlilug. I mart aa him,<br />

bk h f bd l d<br />

p<br />

•Withmy sin, bqt now<br />

pafdqa iLtVgnt to tfln<br />

tflnoh that Hand that<br />

<strong>of</strong>f mj ahBcklcs, I ^vntrt to hen?<br />

hi<br />

^<br />

j<br />

f<br />

thai • pKHioniiccd<br />

anee, Eehbla him, little<br />

I f l i<br />

If :jon Ijffl1 to threesQerB years nod feri<br />

you will we boas so fair,' , Behold him,<br />

ye aged fines,, for,ho only can shine<br />

tbfgegb: the dininsgs <strong>of</strong> yow failing ^e=<br />

sight Behold hint, earth. Behold him,<br />

bum, What a moment when all tho<br />

nations <strong>of</strong> the saved nbaQ gath<strong>of</strong> around<br />

Christ! All faces that w^y. All throngs<br />

«sy v<br />

f h<br />

to omploy<br />

ht hi<br />

y M b l i to omploy<br />

either <strong>of</strong> thso fomiliar furini, hnt this<br />

prayer <strong>of</strong> gtephett Iflsa ^hgrt. Is so cgS.<br />

else, Is BO earneaf, Ja so, oBpehi^<br />

W<br />

Barely fiU ti| fe<br />

d J y f | : ^ f #at<br />

Lord JesoB, «eti¥e my spirit,". Oh,<br />

that fi^k i fil h<br />

Lo<br />

If th<br />

It will be to die I<br />

y s p . ,<br />

ii oufiweiwl, how sweet<br />

enough tons. Perhaps it bag treated us<br />

a great deal bettqr than wo d<br />

^ •'began ,to drop<br />

l^^glJOTM.^apcHi ' fiiin,- stona after stone,<br />

K!*v/^l^d thil 'flfflWbto faia ef iaiiMWs<br />

ty.r ^rfStepnea clambera tip fcii kneea sM<br />

P^ W.Mdi his Bnaat*while the bJ<strong>of</strong>ii drjji<br />

bis tenple», flnd thieni IgoJriPg pp,<br />

k two pinynrs—ono fos hlmwlf<br />

fQii'bis d "I<br />

"Lord, fiijaottljisiiato theif<br />

i<br />

yn tod^ ftrepigtnra:<br />

gazing Injo heaven' Stephen<br />

OJrf g%h i<br />

S<br />

yea taKi a<br />

vwant to know 1 : whcra yon are golag ta<br />

Before yes climb a ladder you<br />

* "kaew ta tfhat poiat the ladder<br />

And It was right thai llejshea,<br />

W<br />

that way, gazing ea Jeiua.<br />

Mi worth if ell f be nation* know<br />

lara tlw whole ewtt would 1 IOYD him fee,<br />

St#B*d by «» World,<br />

I pass on now and look at ftepfaea<br />

stoned. Tie world lias n|waji wanted<br />

ts get rifl <strong>of</strong> good BOB, Their wiy life<br />

iaUnn- BESanll upon "wickedness, OuS<br />

With Stephen through the gates, ef the<br />

g iw d©^<br />

be treated, but If im the dylig<br />

th<br />

hll b k h UUf h<br />

, yig pHJow<br />

there Bhijll break the UgUt<strong>of</strong> thaibettk<br />

shall<br />

mcrt<br />

than flbont leaytng ajfrqall, dark, damp<br />

hoBB for osi : hiigBjjbenntif nl and<br />

i<br />

ciOM That dyljig nsinist<strong>of</strong> ia Phi<br />

p<br />

g<br />

Down with him<br />

the precU<br />

pices. Let orery man ease up and drop<br />

a itone upon bis bead,, But ibejja men<br />

did not so much kill Stephen .aa they<br />

killed |biBjfeife& , Every sttine, re*<br />

bounded Bpon them. Wbilo theta mnrdoren<br />

are traniiflied by, tha feorn <strong>of</strong><br />

all good men Stephen HTea; ia. .the ad*<br />

miration <strong>of</strong> all Christendom, Stephen<br />

stoned, but Stephen alive. So nil good<br />

men mort be pelted, "All whri<br />

Ufa godly in Cfarjft Japs must suffer<br />

perspeution,** It is no eulogy <strong>of</strong> s tnsa<br />

to say that everybody Ilka tiin<br />

Show<br />

IBs anyone who is doing all' his duty<br />

to state or church, ana I will show you<br />

•Korea <strong>of</strong> njeu who utterly abhor hiBJ,<br />

If all-sen speak well <strong>of</strong> yon, Itii<br />

" ""'"""• s either n laggard era<br />

makes rapid prejresa<br />

the water will boil<br />

obia, same,yean sgov beantlfully de 7<br />

plated it when, Ib^h&^ast moment^!* '<br />

throw op hffl hauaa and etim'Shii *•;<br />

p<br />

into tho light I<br />

A<br />

any<br />

Liiid*a!!i1#ti!esaiL ~<br />

figures tts"'htSvaiiitt<br />

iiguinst jnilidiluiilB. He<br />

g<br />

has TisoeJtaiBwi tliut, tokiug the fignrt*<br />

for the last tflU yeais aa u faif<br />

sf&t^o,<br />

there aro i,2no,000 L-iw«nlta bnraght m<br />

Elad<br />

76000d m iMffifi<br />

England eye^r^f, 760,00d m<br />

i;«O,piiO ia Italy, 8 ( UO0 ( O!>g iu Gif*<br />

many and 6,500*000 111 Uig Uulted<br />

States, , ' 4- - ' • -•,„•.'_.... -. .-<br />

; It ii aaitb bo iufesedftea Uiii ibat<br />

thopfifipa<strong>of</strong> qaecen'jtiyuM nmchnjqro<br />

to litigation than nrO :£ba people<br />

h bt th l t l i t b<br />

p<br />

g<br />

<strong>of</strong> another, bat e the psplflnBtlon in to be<br />

fonnd la tha fact that the conditions <strong>of</strong><br />

Utigution vnry = eicMdiugly, Uoing to<br />

law iti Englnnd is vary espeuaive bi<br />

' i il 'h h<br />

g<br />

y p<br />

i for' it entails o'nthjyg in the form<br />

<strong>of</strong> costs widospeiifiCfflfiO hirRO tlmt rntuiy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Uip ennfts arq practiqally closed to<br />

"pergdng <strong>of</strong> maUst muaiwj nnd a long<br />

litigation ousnflftssfuJi.F pm^ged pads.<br />

ft l<br />

Wiica Mari^Jsti" U mnjati nam Isni India<br />

IJg Bpfmiiikil iiit'iillK-tS »f tliS oltypoiifsfbrpe,<br />

And in Hit'Sr iitogftitf unlferns Uioy'J! i«it i<br />

oas ftfghf m&mi? a iaaaBeiBB tbjrongU<br />

hii elotbot. He gave ehafio to"tlis; jobber,<br />

WHO dropped, hii bckjlyi smaiating,<br />

<strong>of</strong> a watch aud eaTeral bauafM dollaw,<br />

j<br />

j<br />

Tbe e

• ' . * . ' . , ' - • • .<br />

• ^ ^<br />

^'• ; 'i iSrttgiai'thtli'candidatefar Ibe,Qoyd<br />

with o,<br />

geueral eomioendatlon<br />

|S§&S^fiK $&$* :b^pl»ki<br />

fortBe<br />

|g^Py#:Cffliifc : ;^lt"weBiid.indf?d. iave been im-<br />

$^P&&#^if^K^;fflWf a better cholee*<br />

be trusted to make sueli a rtih<br />

tepil^M^pribiloatdindWa^MtheQo^<br />

IftM^fcto^thfr WBrtb^uo by\lflB<br />

^#»efAf'iM4MH^9ll^:ihku^i^^i]A^:V^^f^J<br />

brokeu rtrnke,-will maxdi to wlmt th^y<br />

aieiit that Grlggs would be a stronger<br />

timff |haiu;BtoiV Utftib the pttjpiC.; ! V li;<br />

twiiguf ^ftldpl fturpby, cBir<br />

<strong>of</strong> tjje State Comju tlteo, called the etjii-<br />

'veuttou to ortlBr shortly after noon, the<br />

Taylor Opera House %vn« filled nilh u<br />

sweltering mssr oh humanity, => Gas<br />

jfghii added to the heat, which would<br />

baye proved almost unbearable but for<br />

ihf swaying <strong>of</strong> hundreds <strong>of</strong> (am. The<br />

opera bouse wati decorated with fet*-<br />

J=^ 515 tooi)9 <strong>of</strong> the uiitloual colors atitl loug<br />

d, wlilteaud bluelruined<br />

the proscopium aich, , ,<br />

We- append a brief' BkeUjn <strong>of</strong> Mr."<br />

t^jfiteifSrp^I^tll^iif'Glay aster<br />

vgopdsi? Fiftleh colors at ii.?<br />

r^fe frm-'j-v LHD4 V^n«^ mentlb&fd year<br />

he waa elected to the Senate, and three<br />

yeare hiter was re-elected by'a l<br />

plurality, ; • ',." ' i.<br />

: In 1S8G he wafiprefjident <strong>of</strong> that body.<br />

and, ,41 such, presided overtbeOoUFt pf<br />

ih iuapeachtneat which hih tried id SEate Prison<br />

In'tiiefbllqwlaf ytar be- wae chairman<br />

bf the Committee on Judiciary,<br />

and pJayed a leading part lu the uiovemrat<br />

fpVbfllltitSelbfaaf 1<br />

After his teUSimiiit from'Ihe<br />

Mr, Griggsdfvejed g g j himself to tbeprae= p<br />

t{« <strong>of</strong> f hli pr<strong>of</strong>tte-ion. fti • B Be coul'o/, liave<br />

hd had a gent on the bench <strong>of</strong> (he Supreme<br />

^gf BflMftiJastlwiulEer by .CJpVe<br />

tdcnl<br />

tlieLiOQi! Preacbere'j<br />

b<br />

BomieSuiting*\<br />

A g geheratte,,; =^^<br />

tinctive i i frid friatiird i is black blkmohair<br />

knots •'•'" irregularly g r y scattered<br />

lover the surfaea f Maiiy will be<br />

hi.'," season, bii^ tHey<br />

shqujd" lie isejected'with j :ex=<br />

treme car^;Thb Ainericari and<br />

some <strong>of</strong> f th&iin th&in ported d are I^di<br />

pointing':••'. Iji^ stjch^ tK^r<br />

^ili |ra^fikl^ndtii<br />

in the costume will-be?a mass<br />

0f/iig^fcl ends <strong>of</strong> f frowzy frwz wl<br />

JOHN'<br />

f Bilwatf<br />

SAIHOAp, ••>.<br />

WEST JEHSSY It, ft. '••.'<br />


lilt flitrtvoKK. *<br />

h; Cape May^ SaniKlay,<br />

aieueiiiB/itjiLii^ Af jL.ift lN, ; n<br />

votloua) exereiheH an addre** was made<br />

4S(Plninj?Sarj pis,<br />

the Rev. Jacob Behnmau, president;<br />

i,Wtibh":p& Wei corned ?• the: "• delegates to<br />

tb^^oni^?<strong>of</strong>;tbti jifty; ift a^fglipiii<br />

pf conimJttees aid o|ther rou tine biiiii.<br />

^iiad : th^/k fthl ^<br />

;lu_ the afternoon n period <strong>of</strong> time WILH<br />

jlyf uumbtr ^<br />

ffiernberH being refleivtjl^^ change\ti<br />

i h ^ ^ f |isyliig ^ii tt ^<br />

wbiob regn ires -the. pay men t it<br />

-^A t- *•_-m<br />

: i r^ "' ""' '"' V "'"" : " J " """"" ''"'• ""'"' ^ :<br />

as a more Sfltlsfsfitory,<br />

&;17:".'.'. •".....<br />

haud. fiTm fbl=<br />

lpvied 'by;the ro!l-call ilrid;ih'4'<br />

nf t he mrmHtnHiiri hvnfi<br />

fct ; A i^ • =?-V. : -i V:= .•: j; .•; .v~'j! r . : >. :• '.-".£-. ^."i^? 0* ,- ;;-"J . - :<br />

^o^stedarid; ipieadrUpon the minutes<br />

i<br />

t<br />

Is: entirely 1 Q l I<br />

Ri R, SOOYf Fropriettjr<br />

much, but only a little, com= stuff for the Autumn dress, aiid<br />

paratlvely. Sixteen trusted cheviBte are here in every epn=<br />

buyers have scoured the mark* eelved-<strong>of</strong> variation — nuiUU<br />

eti beypiid the lea-scores havg color, monOrcolor, chameleon<br />

kept the Anidricah markets effects, cheviots <strong>of</strong> wool with a<br />

under tribute.<br />

sheen produced by<br />

Results are here. Judge the<br />

y interw'eav-<br />

y<br />

ing g tjy<br />

itort's tmrmpljs by them, Btf<br />

and jplotche^ jp^ <strong>of</strong> f<br />

mohair, h There are pique cords,<br />

guided, too, by what we say,<br />

d<br />

boucje catTners-jmlr effects and<br />

for we write with care. The cheviot Jriezsr _ ^<br />

one pg nng Judge the costs by t<br />

<strong>of</strong> textiles, so far as America<br />

Peltt, Won Abbett, Aldfn is con cern ed, is here* You am tnictivtlj cylowdf 43 iueli, #1,35,<br />

tL C h i t i H l<br />

y A. Lewis in framing thegen> l loser; in knpsvledge g as to hthe<br />

eral JeglBl&titiQ Inade neecflsary by the loom=wit i t <strong>of</strong> f the world if if Wrtnn-<br />

changes in the Constltullon, maker's is left put,, ;<br />

ii<br />

feristing'to ? all who have watel^d Mis growth^ and it; hapjkgjpt/jpacft ^itr^tnt jdevelppmin||m<br />

other•liiies'' 1 M" art,;! JejMeidl. with(n reach,<strong>of</strong> tWfdyrtb visit: INm tehiblr or to sendj^<br />

••""•' goaas.'confuleflt. to<br />

snowy fabrics and the extreme* moderation <strong>of</strong> the prices we haye placed on them I<br />


flew arid njngiilliceiil detstgLfl, ranghig f« priai<br />

From 50 imts to $210 Per Yard, •<br />

I aiid I Dinner NapkUiH tnniatt'Ii every desfgn.<br />


tu<br />

•2i yards Imsf,<br />

S yards long,<br />

| ttls l g<br />

2% yfl<br />

r<br />

| yards<br />

4 i arttrt liij<br />

jii<br />

Uild Nupkinit tn i'ril«=wiih<br />

«i yard*<br />

H l l , iit<br />

'•[<br />

i<br />

Cl^HS-with eii&d«zei)<br />

UM to $'JhM per mi<br />

"''15,50 to ^0,00 per tet<br />

to #U,(i0 per. P#t<br />

in $3rs,ffl \nir ti&i<br />

SH EU :'I'A hIJQ 11,OTHtt»wiib ii<br />

ffi.oo toWO.tW per wt<br />

§l,m io $0M \mr*ml<br />

ilOM toifUO.OO per %$l<br />

ru\vB <strong>of</strong> drawn work<br />

Tt'rt (JlijthH,, Art Squares; q ; Uetitro Plvpeti,<br />

Covers aiid aid Hureiiti H Hijarfs Hf iu i greatest tt fl<br />

f 8,50 per set<br />

Ijjer set<br />

THE TOWEL STOC'E-JDnihraets everyflttiig<br />

having In Jf uefc and Damask TowtJ«, frorii '<br />

?i cents to $4.00 each.<br />

We<br />

„ ahow n iui»rb ,<br />

In ti'ranii, Band, and lloiler ToweilugH, Bariiiley: r<br />

•"" "'-"••" and Silver Toweling*), etc,etc, • ''W$<br />

ufler a series <strong>of</strong> bargains that 0aunut fall tO<br />

widespread atientlou. For instance: ^<br />


LlKEK-reducsJ frani<br />

-fiOe per yard, , 45«<br />


" foe peryanl, . USo<br />


LINEN— reducedfruiJi<br />


MAN NAPKINS-^^<br />

luchea square, at<br />

$a per dozen • •<br />

33 luuhefi.Kqiiare at<br />

$3,50 per dozen<br />

26 intlies kqunre, at .<br />

\<br />



fli inphe* wide, »;<br />

dueed froni '" "<br />

—72 InchiS wide r<br />

fiem fLOp ner yard<br />

sso;,mcjH HE<br />


ELS—reduced from 10<br />

mm, .; .-.<br />

EOTBA Q0Alin*Y HEififtjl<br />

&T1TCJHED , DOUBLE ;1<br />

MUCK TOWELB= ^<br />

AtSf eints ach<br />

• / • . - , • . . • • : . -• : . • . , • • • • . • : r^fim<br />

: liluitrated camlogues mailed to any address. Our efpclent,Mat! Order Departmentfl^J<br />

is thorouGhly equipped to promptly and accuratelv-fill all orders,. ' -' ,*^rf<br />

ICE<br />


Whiiehster, O^flUv eouatyi: this BtaW,<br />

I ^* : r ;."Oud ; wife wfiiegueatB<strong>of</strong> ;MK,iJ,^Hiflterj<br />

I ••'' "-i v •*,"Mjsikil^B.Wi^iiAiibnry nveuue t lbi*<br />

f .'/, . i *- : -a' fefF ^ ds^H. last ;wfeh. :: .'They'left ftir<br />

| v -"j-;;•'-.':.',-• Xt^-BiiA^hiii:'H:'(i:''ftiiliiliigori Htiiftyil<br />

v^';\;^;tv^it^ii».i^s^Ii»t1bB^^/.^'v^;v i ,^;<br />

llit<br />

; i Bi ; ;o lprtVweek^ to<strong>of</strong>c beeasipii :tb;; pay;•-.our;<br />

j<br />

were ,bf : a<br />

(jatapbell, a<br />

, who was indicted by ihe<br />

Grautl Jury at the April terhj 1 df, (he<br />

Allatitlp eouaty>court, eharpd , wjtb<br />

stilling liquor without ftlicense lindoii<br />

iil the ti<br />

Ntw<br />

that<br />

wure<br />

iluui t-<br />

will Lie ihKijtul«ii #<br />

krioqkl ng t he nio 11: «j<br />

i.efl by tfite; 'faU'j^-'lM<br />

never rote to l1ioairfae& ^*he'ehptah<br />

mer Birjgle=haodpdjo<br />

t Hbs fa<br />

, ,,__- - F Ipigortap^ niatter,adoptfd<br />

byTia lo-iiigi! Grand Losigfl pf'pfjd<br />

Lfoljpws, iv! = ub concltidbd their Inbois<br />

lan.t Wisik, stjiH a eouititiitlunul ameqdmeut<br />

whidi filmll forever prevpot the<br />

Into the Order ut<br />

!ceo[>ern, bartgnderH and all atben<br />

id thii liquor iruillu.<br />

- Our iiiall service reuiainH<br />

iullera rurnainintr lu tbo. and<br />

heiiig ret-elVHd. TJiit'Ie Bum \n<br />

biiuftelf very nigprdly,<br />

ijiit ¥iS0 l*r year for a <strong>of</strong><br />

tWolve nilles dniiy, No one ean en<br />

jt fur three tiiatw thnt' much,<br />

jihonMps \nmi hi imlgt la,<br />

carrier,<br />

(J,lSell,<strong>of</strong>phllaf!e!pbta,<br />

an<br />

by hlH UridH, visited bfa biblhyf lii<br />

i Purl Jlupublle reeently.<br />

(Mty, She reports a very<br />

butty<br />

for TUoniiis ir.viii, A*r<br />

yjt'rjt during, the Ntim«<br />

nier,<br />

Mr?*, entgrfnlncd a<br />

large iiiuipituy Homily at ihelr<br />

John Hramniu), Sti-plieii T. Colerniih,<br />

Fmhk<br />

Mirtdls, Itit' prei'lnei,=*.!&!wiif %i<br />

Mills, Lluiuus Hwaiji, J0I111 M, Howel!,.<br />

Fraak S^tiln, • • '<br />

Middle, Hud prenli!eL=Ub}iM, ij"IJ?ri<br />

J'>4w|u Towiiijentl, UltnM, Mlsuer, Ii, V,<br />

Howel), .<br />

Lower<br />

Hiiftniaii,'<br />

p.<br />

p Alfred B,<br />

ttis; Will, 0,1'owii, Ji<br />

, HtraUiiuV Waru, L^v<br />

i BMttis<br />

Yk Jii<br />

51, hV j<br />

Sfiiy.=A. J,<br />

Jlurry II, Wsiliiiii, Jtiliii P., i^rwln,<br />

Cnpe Muy I'uiiit^ i Will<strong>of</strong>,<br />

ftlurkl^v, Juliit Js.. h<br />

Outaiu Uity,=-Miirls<br />

f , Jlark Lnke, OeorgH J<br />

>a iHletilfy.^T. F.Ifwihaini, Jos I),<br />

Norenai, aeorge'tjaniiifr, AifUSA<br />

Ik<br />

tweiity<br />

tfie iKuvy iroii work <strong>of</strong> %\ip lepijii and<br />

was ueiirly t'ul, ihroitKliji.' The [eadetN<br />

fu Hie plan, were Biini. Vtileutlue and<br />

tsvo other prtaiViicrp, whs beiit Deputy<br />

AMliley HO (errllly In an attojept to<br />

twowEoks n^ij, WjSieh 'dtacfty-<br />

Qrefl llie lueii swore they would certainly<br />

klinheirupiityiitlb! " '<br />

IH 110 doubt ihe.ra^or wu<br />

Used tu slrlke him on u;ibr|ti|f tKe<br />

ilij<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> ibu eriri'Ih;fH H!iil!Be<br />

nuaiiy, ' • ' .'•'• • ..<br />

wbipji their hitst uud<br />

Mrs, Anna ]{y wlek mni Him<br />

Paul, Jcsca MutlbdWH, Albert<br />

ji'diirii. 'Vr'HI g« t« ilic city Woih^wlrty<br />

fijIiiijH, HnlnislfH nf djeKB gtm^a B(iown =<br />

it- lit] tirrJiliifviiitiifti, fiiil or iiddreiiaj ii. S.<br />

ywioki <strong>of</strong> Jirldptfm, Iiav« r<br />

irriflgWHi Mlj'viiiB t-oHiiae,,Wy»ft<br />

live Mr, and MM, Froiieh,<br />

iiujiiy'fniiii a visit wkli relatives<br />

i bi'j,w?i;!i : Sfvyiittr iintl Efelrtli B<br />

, jniiji *'|H this butt <strong>of</strong> .many a<br />

iuE C<br />

i 01% S, J, * • ; ,"-'<br />

villiige,<br />

yku, hnLgontj dl d UU, on Buudiiy niglil m the i!j« hi<br />

tjliffie iinu "ppivftls lyHlo<br />

tii(B( foru<br />

Ueiawars Watfer Clap Htr : uik'' : iiBik iit irputj a A?w frieiitbt to-a new<br />

i>KielidM<br />

(ins rt-fiardlDg Copehiiiil'8 wife<br />

Idini <strong>of</strong> J'Veiu-ii wnEtirinulgij, Tliiy all WilllillU SVt'lL'b, lb HI! l (tf JiliiUy<br />

visli, mjL*i)ti!|uniifd by her<br />

yyand Uit captain pisjeetdgt! niore,;L'aiiie to tiie rfe uiid«it b<br />

Liiiim.<br />

elhls liiyiijii, wbloli lie obsiirved ut l d Ntruck k tin; iinirHlial v,J!,b n.<br />

Lydia SQUII, wife ef, Uhtirles<br />

i)iK?e wa« a *•' l J A warrnaE \VIIH VlaevdIn<br />

Butili aiid diiugbtur-gf Alrs.JIttrfRuet<br />

l\u_jnmwmd IO' Bpllt It uftur , liid hatiUf^<strong>of</strong> ai_i»lher ojlkuri who ur*<br />

gBfjI'{inye'thlHday terinediiee<br />

lij w|i« WUH uii i*getl liivntld,<br />

iiiiil, |o Mt WUH filled wllli ]iUtti)iklii rest|d Welch on Moiidny Hiiil.tufii^l pt iii!(li>r r tlitJHlj'io<strong>of</strong> j Knurf « Qnm*<br />

l Friday niOftibig, 'ri<br />

i i t i t l j <strong>of</strong> ganeriil Dry<br />

mv&l* ! " After iiiiiuh tiwtiiig aiid esaniiiig,<br />

uiidtuiiiing ever. |b* in'ake mm lo the jail Weleii iittiifketl the oilSper ANlJI!y¥S!HiiOBtlt| i N J ''<br />

him liver id the uiarihnl. <strong>On</strong> Hie way tinny P*r iiie.trniiMivtlvji ijd <strong>of</strong> ganeriil t S B<br />

lish buit been yalletl tu Imit ILIIH trhtl<br />

(•ii'jiLif-uiid FuFnlMiiiu," iJiiNijid n ut So. •<br />

tJrii wtis jiu iiiulon aUtiut Ij.bll' the and bqut : hini<br />

s, U,<br />

<strong>of</strong> ihy ahs with'bur.<br />

k* ijuisitSyHwallbwJisg and enduring WBH fin ally bt*|d lo<br />

Ills ; rnllliigrbe gayo itviip p with Hon. George O* Ijiidlow, ibe<br />

l*tipUiin L, C. Lake Mpgnl a k-w<br />

(i!.M:L-lmramL>riNly, giiiid i buiiinr, but bis jjjioilited Amnytale i uf Ihu<br />

;<br />

lh hi h l<br />

TrliiitB fetif fiir IIJH reason,,fla lie sieWnis prsme Court, ,«t tile npeii<br />

; M'illl.-im Ltiryif lM u<br />

to LL* uultlvatliiK B tejiiletnty hw nhyniji;<br />

Hii* tust buliig tlW fuiiiiwfiig odo lo ilay,<br />

f l'lie crimlnul UM j.ronilHt'ri | t t li<br />

<strong>of</strong> the U Maij' isjiiiiiy t'ouris Miii<br />

friends, . ' • * •<br />

wuturiiiilulii ' ' ' lilt'loiigect in several ycarf*. : •<br />

ai. A,<br />

fniiii Paitriyra,<br />

WP jire 'iii)ly.;nfLMiiirta to tnkc. vlnirtte pf<br />

flapititiuji <strong>of</strong> Piirtiierrtiiiri. tiiiiiL'iir .riiOiiUiiliililiiFBfiil^ldfiil'fanawili<br />

Hi tisiiHr ivitli oiitsTiftiiQ. Best Unii<br />

spent III Atliintii- Ulty,, ; A jKiiii]tjdii inn<br />

'J'lie firm <strong>of</strong>SiiiitbftThorii,<br />

r t l l U l f<br />

guiidaysviiii bis<br />

]ius beeii dlHsotved by iutitnut<br />

lieiiry Lake<br />

ii Indlesare bc'eohi><br />

and the bUHlnm^ MrejifEer will be uuiidiiL'tetl<br />

by Heury A, W> Buiiili, wild<br />

"Mm, \n aUmiut «H il vi-lt, liig V<br />

hljM Allcti<br />

/Jed F- luft tin- Jlisiiilay io be jtb 4 FruneiV I» the ghiunplon,<br />

will ylve hh iJerssiiiil iuteutlou t^i the<br />

M ( it-iirgln l JHk JHukeVwas rtemlereil a<br />

mm<br />

r lind ji« ho' liiis bi>en a niiis:er,<br />

ijp party Isy tier rieasftjifvltjq qi<br />

j.paH Ilfiettu yeiirst, bV, _L,• =<<br />

HgliLulf Avilllyr,'•"•..=,/•.. '' ;;''\ . ' ,[•[.' •••;<br />

• MISH, iIFni||5: Iliili-e Hjiyispa fow iliiys<br />

iii AiiaiiHeCJIty; ;=; ; V :• ;<br />

fuilier,,<br />

at<br />

isBiBaittpwii J>tw,i)?enawarded Ui'e<br />

rtteereijEloii<strong>of</strong>tieottuue'in<br />

at<br />

yfuUy riiirehiM'ed, l^ St 1J,<br />

_______ M rjd t 'Asbury aVeuue'near-Kluv.<br />

I;"' ' : ' •• •-Al^&^^j^p^^^<br />

REAL ESTATEBROEERfifflE^ • MI*^wmimn^<br />

„„,<br />

'<br />

Asbury Avenue, above Sev€>nitf<br />

Prppertiei bought,<br />

E<br />

W & AN Vr IT fi;0 W gj^|i ^j|^||<br />


Si<br />

1<br />

4 . v ='- !=••'."' : *<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

• ^ ; r i " ' « ' •<br />

^1<br />

mmmm.<br />

mmmmmmmmmmmm<br />

^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^P^^^<br />

mmmmm^jm<br />

K^, • • J ;;a:;

m<br />

Mfflt —<br />

W m<br />

s*e firtse: a^gre<br />

JrtianaQennefiarotwcrtf<br />

'•;*>•<br />

MS<br />

s»*<br />

iiifi^mj<br />

1'the tinja <strong>of</strong> onr<br />

|^|%^y^«fflid Wa gardens ffejs; gathering<br />

Mgw»5;«fi : ?Mv t Wf.WB.l^t <strong>of</strong> ;tfle-I*Maaa range tha<br />

1 r " ' laa^wiUifliehpi<br />

Jiari<br />

is<br />

: frotn rtyei<br />

j yen? uridfflrtake," and<br />

i ttfi 1 ~%s Bais to ^<br />

p. H|i# are aiiB largely pM§-'<br />

: ThB seed <strong>of</strong> ft •mall: enterprise<br />

pa accuBinlatod aid everahad<br />

g TOiCf cop if prosperity<br />

ta rminiBg ovet. Evetyda^ sees a conitneiclftl<br />

<strong>of</strong> a' jnbehanical 'trTnniph. Yet<br />

they ore not. puffed ,np,, • fTbey. neknowledge<br />

the ohjt Notwithstanding all these<br />

foe&Bicffla fitlost fill the shipping gf the<br />

world knows it is high tide. So it is<br />

with tho canto <strong>of</strong> Christ lu the world.'<br />

QDB year it conies np to one point, and<br />

we ans r greatly enuonragod-' Theji it<br />

seems to po Lack fiat jshi,<br />

We my the<br />

IQM going ont Nos^yeur it eomei to<br />

n higher point and fdUs backhand noit<br />

year it earns to a still higher J»int and<br />

falh) back, btat all thpiinie. Hie tnUaueing,<br />

nntil it khall be'ftll tide, "and tie<br />

earth dinll be fall <strong>of</strong> the knowledge <strong>of</strong><br />

God as the water § flU .the tea. * *<br />

aa fige nj<br />

gtn<br />

Again, I loarn frgaj thissobjsei that<br />

Christ is God and man in the mmo pereon,<br />

I go Into the buck part <strong>of</strong> thutboaf,<br />

and I look on Christ's akeping toce and<br />

lea ill that face tho story <strong>of</strong> gonow and<br />

weariness, aud a deeper shadow poinia<br />

oiet hie face, and I r Ihink-he^utost, Iw<br />

droaniipg <strong>of</strong> the eroBa thnt ig to come.<br />

AH I Btond on the back i)art <strong>of</strong> thi boat<br />

lookiugoa his fats; I gay r "Ho is a man!<br />

Half a man!" Bui when I eeolil<br />

Banjo to the prow <strong>of</strong> the boat, cud the<br />

I i hi<br />

p<br />

in. hia<br />

laid the'<br />

p yK pp<br />

la life will be a naiugliug <strong>of</strong><br />

f ( W<br />

, Of aiat(o Wait Bad <strong>of</strong><br />

T<br />

ill b<br />

andtsf ,<br />

tefplcat tornado. Ton will bare many a<br />

lqa|, bright day <strong>of</strong>-prosper] ly. ^e<br />

ld l h<br />

imestb, ^s etew<br />

bctind<br />

lffiw&!laji s lrairti* <strong>of</strong>.^ihs eons try people,<br />

m&BSffifiWlWH&-m\ m<br />

* ^W liBii^TOeso that death<br />

ibtO UIS «,•«;<br />

iftngway<br />

ters, and the waTe beneath, and the gfcy<br />

tha darkness aronnd are fljl=<br />

clflinor <strong>of</strong> voieffl ef desmicthoii<br />

yoo will waut Christia<br />

r jtigbi@f^«dj| ^ht^" fill the air at<br />

BBSJ^S^OB hij?ton ap the beajeh'i<strong>of</strong><br />

akea" littlo way, and there von find<br />

^ in the neat place, that people<br />

Wfl<strong>of</strong>onow* ChriBt wmt not always eipoct<br />

gBooth eaiJiuf, When thfese diaclplea<br />

got into the small boats, they eaid i ±<br />

•would not be a/folle^eF <strong>of</strong> Christ whtn<br />

fc - ~Ta ; rifle in'ea&<strong>of</strong> these ftnian boats<br />

= tha ihip la Wbieh Jasai Ii iail=<br />

iagf M<br />

, Bnt when the gtorm eaiag dawn<br />

thesediBfdpIejfaoqcloujb that rollowlng<br />

*' 1 notalwapniiike emooib\miU<br />

p<br />

wlnda folfl their wings n% hiscommtind<br />

Iriyi F! HBfi Qodl He Is God!" TL<br />

hand that fist up the Btoriuy pilJaw <strong>of</strong> the<br />

universe wiping away the tears ef an<br />

orphaa 1 When 1 wautplty and', sympa-<br />

! thy,-1 go Into iha Baek part<strong>of</strong> ttaie toot,<br />

and I look at him, and I aay i *'O Lord<br />

Jfgei, thoo wcaiy OIJO| thon. eafferiag<br />

OBO, have niereyou me!" "Ecco ho-<br />

:no!"<br />

Behold the man ( Bnt when I<br />

Wani eenrage Jtff the conflict <strong>of</strong> lite,<br />

wim I.waat iqat eye to beat down my<br />

eoeaifej, when I waat faith for tag great<br />

fntoK, thia I qome to tia &eals <strong>of</strong> the<br />

boat and I m$ ChriHt itanding there fa,<br />

all bis omaipotencei and I say,'"O<br />

Chrlgt,, than ' who conldst hnsa tie<br />

fltmm can hnsh .nil my Burrows, all jiiy<br />

ationf, all niy fears! 1 * "Ecce De-<br />

Sehald tha<br />

I Ipra also from this rebjeet that<br />

Christ can haih the tempest.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong><br />

you, niy hearers/ hare - a, heavy load <strong>of</strong><br />

trontlM. , Sdme <strong>of</strong> yon hove wept Hntil<br />

yon cap wcop no more. Perhaps God<br />

.took 'the aweertet child lint oi yanr<br />

honse, the one that : anted- the most «(p>.<br />

^a.nriUpui.itlie^<br />

* ' ^sl lh jrcatfit fondnesa, Tho<br />

„ „„ ipade car down tJiiosih<br />

yop bleeding heart. = Of pehapilt was<br />

the duly one thai yea had, and:year<br />

BOB! has over 111166 been IJka a desolated<br />

castle, svhera the blrdH <strong>of</strong> the aigh't<br />

hoot am id; th? faUing<br />

i bl j<br />

g<br />

along,<br />

i<br />

; t? f g tor^efi and along<br />

Ail cr«BjblJpg ^tajryvay. Or perhapa it<br />

WM an aged moiher that WOH called<br />

JiO iire/d t<br />

d f h h<br />

•tageutl^atL<strong>of</strong>, ff «ensultidmsmM<br />

Bffteifaiaaag fib ^ivfiieh lis ^fni<br />

Itable. A dfitipgaishedcobanltant, 5ineo<br />

*Bad, bM teM hiai that^^ otta^i<br />

ycio duo to tattf dcgmtoitioo af, tho.<br />

heittfc liud thai fseatnieut wOBld be <strong>of</strong><br />

BaaVaiL ^tieiairt's topdao waiia»<br />

pereeptible, the eunndd faint, hilt pBfe^<br />

the nrtfirioa firm, bnt neither/ hard nor<br />

twtaea* >.I told the patieni tha! eip^*<br />

enee had tmglit nm that liearts Bnpposcd<br />

ts be £attj wee <strong>of</strong>teu weak • • •<br />

The result <strong>of</strong> treatment was a etaady<br />

iniprovonienD in health niid ia foree <strong>of</strong><br />

beittl»bei& und thupatieiit lived to'ta<br />

00 and did not dio<strong>of</strong> heart fnilnra ia<br />

tho ead, hap freai Beiiile astiienia, M<br />

To<br />

niauy timp!b ''fatty, heart 1 ,* ia a perfeel<br />

b b<br />

Bet thUf is wbti* Dp, Biilfonr<br />

tosiynbfjBt tLa'dinpiWB <strong>of</strong> thq<br />

AimaiBi "It U sbselDfrly J}jipe^ils]|i to<br />

diitgnostiento f:itly dt;gi;iiui' 1 iLkiii uf 'the<br />

heart, _ . • ' ",• „<br />

"We fflisy surmise its* tsiBteuee, bat<br />

we eaa oaly be uertaiu ef Hi preseiiee<br />

whea we iee il.pusl mfirtciri,'* If umyy<br />

middlo ngL'd ami old iii«ii; could bat<br />

havpthift\iTitu>n tlcgn gpon tJio<br />

eagb to ilw<br />

valuobio<br />

iooi»<br />

<strong>of</strong> tlteir eongQioaiiiPSBi wiint lea^s WOBW<br />

be lifted,frem tbcfKiiiiufU., ¥irt<br />

<strong>of</strong> Small' esporienco rtili onjt a \<br />

<strong>of</strong> fatty litsst with<br />

tioa, nuhtx-iling tbat tf» ui'niiy a<br />

bling fiitlier <strong>of</strong> a lm\\\\f it i.i like the<br />

iouid <strong>of</strong> a dfeithknelL <strong>On</strong> tho<br />

t*i7 •- 'A -\ •- J : S ' " V* "^ •<br />

• ' ' , ; . * i ! , - '<br />

TOL 8 OQEAN QITY, N. J,, , OOTOBBR'8,<br />


if<br />


tpOBIlONjEioraflit^^itro<br />

#1,00 prf jfiafi ttftetia in <strong>of</strong> tmee.<br />


FOlt LADIES Ago CENTS,<br />

Na 1821 Market Street,<br />

. Tfaree Dson Etut er Cf ly ttall,<br />

'<br />




po&d ReaetDiunersL with three Vigt><br />

tsbls, for 2a yiate. Turkey Or Chicken<br />

Blmm,M<br />

eenta,<br />

i lia u^talfi with '<br />

• ; : ' "<br />

' mm<br />

AlLt<br />

^ Ices, Fr<strong>of</strong>en<br />

aud<br />

' • Weddfbgi and Evening Entertai n«<br />

mentanBpet'iajty, EverytbiHg to'fur-<br />

"':' T'^ NOfiiiiiQ 1 s&io SR DELIVERED'•'<br />

; . OH SUNBA¥» -<br />

S.' RISLEV<br />

AHDi BUlLDEfis<br />

413 IHAiBKET<br />

Vrpper(l?»fnrialeAnilWrent' KOBejtoIHB<br />

on HenasEi! v '^ v i^' ; :y' :^" : ri,<br />

elidingg pat MP fayJMHi<br />

JJORGAN HAND, "<<br />


qAPE MAY G, H s , N, J a<br />

> t>ubiln BnlldiuH.) • -<br />

Druggists, Ma.<br />


JON'AtHAN HAND',<br />


' Notary pHblkf '<br />

OAPE 5IAY mum IlOtJSK, N. J.<br />

e<br />

opposite Public SLtiUl'iijf*.^ Whs bn In<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> CltV »1en WednudAj si ulllgg tin Eiht<br />

•street neftr ulatfon. , ,<br />

S, DOUGLASS,<br />


gUGENE CL COLK S ;<br />

Atot*liHAVr ;/<br />

, ROTARY mm,<br />

j CAPE MAY CO.| Hi Ji<br />

Will be in Ocsoa PJ^ on Friday <strong>of</strong><br />

rg and J3Uii(lerB, --,<br />

4 § a<br />

(Jbtotfaefer ^<br />

Jothlna pfomplly aii*niled in. PiBii<br />

ttfuBa sag WBrtJBg tlrawiaga fUfHWllFi<br />

Ocenii l f ity %<br />

•&*,* .•?.*••<br />

^<br />

Spi>rinc,Tiininfliiii. i^Hih n<br />

lieil<br />

>X(iit-n**s givfei<br />

mm<br />

and<br />

HO, 711 A&BURr Af BNUi,<br />

OVEAN ttiTir, ar, J<br />

Par* prOEt,FJne,Bt*UqB«i7> (<br />

yy ott'biaa ^<br />


1 1 iffutitcii ttmsk iiiiB whether hn had i;<br />

ohahged a wortlwith<br />

Bj LTO3 flT.DBAME<br />

it, i,f = . Oj AiiirriraiD l-ivks Ajt«el»<br />

tiuu, I • ,<br />

the siiisiO'honp Hint I<br />

C, HUTCIiilNSQN, M, D<br />

! *<br />

froiij Gqiilroy BunrlhuieH that he had<br />

b?oii rbbbbd <strong>of</strong> Naua Suhib'a yaby I<br />

was In his apfsrfuiOHta at tbo Wlndsnf.<br />

1 fbiiiid Iiini ooul; but<br />

Tenth, St, and Asbury Avrj,,<br />

lMTPmr»T<br />

' Ud to,-: . . ; :<br />

ry Avetiuu*-<br />

'.r „ ,1<br />

• Qraim|aiii^orl: <strong>of</strong>. Eyirf Biicripflon," •<br />

. Itslffla' lippn !!• use fdp iisBf!/,B qUSrlF<br />

tfVitfii, -Stifl/ h.!.*>!>t, : IliOB!/1900 physician<br />

Wmt,the<br />

ieied, nnds*iErii*(il«lji'liePB'rt'Hl*(IfiBfSpniiv<br />

3t}> frlwiifi and i.iijBtBlft!is Miniigiii I ft Mid iiqt<br />

rmHiYKtV- ••'^TSH] jit 1<br />

I' iffl '.'eFiti w!f: miFffl- : rf ijj*!<br />

pJ[Bii< ciHi'ei'jny Brt'eljsf''rf'f!»4 iiist \;tieit*'t.<br />

l&m&n-t&r. »M(*i »|W i^mJwai^diiBrliB Join,<br />

"Thulnsa <strong>of</strong> thg gouj is i ,<br />

lie feiiiarkflrV pnllUig at hia oigar Bad<br />

elqwfy np mill dowii Ih'e rMtn<br />

at in nu eitfey liLujr watdjinj'<br />

p<br />

in nu eitfey liLujr jj<br />

flntl listiiiiiifffi* "lint tJjo nsyMpry <strong>of</strong> - the<br />

ffliele tiling<br />

3H huyoiMl iny ontiipfubudsion.<br />

: I Jiavu l!>jt>ii^obb(!(J liefors, bi pussibly<br />

you kuqw,- hiu in oMry osso there<br />

Wi£i"n clew: Hi*o'shore is absojntoly<br />

Bsae.- ! • ...<br />

p<br />

"There IUB blt'Kseilfesv tq give,<br />

rpbbyis missuip, tliat'i ali." • : ;<br />

,' HKcit oy.aiiy iiivana, ' Tall :'no<br />

toqW Itlase nt'tgf I Mi ,J<br />

l<br />

nu liqdF •br fid.Ill fens ting<br />

npan tiio ptiaeJ I, luisl it. 'flWay|a:th^<br />

issret dmwpf ^wriKliH sliawtid me) ei<br />

iHy dusls.,whuii I wuut' flown to dinner,<br />

It Was tiiera when I fgiBriiyd froai the<br />

•thDatifr iiteiit. 11 d'eincb, for: I"-took 14<br />

out. find Bpeuraiinther liulf honnyith £|"<br />

Leferml wwis jgbiJiliV •*•":" .<br />

risuriy for liRd, I pqt il haok in<br />

tlio Hiiinll piibtiiliniiri! bus, I/jiving luado<br />

np in;; tiiiiisL thai I wguiH- tiifco^it sifliya<br />

ts tiiq ttnai ratuijiai^ tuingrrDw, 1 tied<br />

it nroniifi \?ilh ii Ijit <strong>of</strong> rid twino, tbo<br />

Uqliig H putiDltitf tine wiiiuij I ha^e<br />

'see!i n»y ona fijst! BSD, I Bldpt late<br />

and jsierijiy hhU&\ at tho Irak; witIjout<br />

it this : .inuF!iiiij|,' P<br />

16, #hs ihers<br />

lHKi liriil liuil l<strong>of</strong>t it,<br />

iftdr,<br />

t I tsuftlcsl ftoiyji fnr nnothiif<br />

teoai.bujdrqi|iii!giiig it la thfi taHlti. ,1<br />

ti^Oqi^Q^liriJe^ljoi/^Biitifl^^ltiii<br />

which was jjrudKulyuaJJiart Mfc<br />

| ! il thoJiiQi, fiiii! it wm'<br />

So.'piiiirlfi in IilH wsiik aiyf<br />

BimlloatiiiOj 61 ii k<br />

Lad to Ray jiboiit it, I d S i ^ y p<br />

qptnctlJliu peret tlrowior, tosk.eBt tbe<br />

galuj iiifutl tlieUd auiVIiBia<br />

cigyldieetheiateribr, There<br />

eiee i; Hafa a few pirUoloa<br />

lf he'ai<br />

iilsjiat'thwefV'- V: ' ;; ? 1 'v : --^--="''. i V^f : '""!<br />

''^Ijore,Gfiulfltft hs ii piiiheadiii that<br />

•wifhfiBt^itd shpwiijg,"•':"'''•'•.-.v:/^';'•* ' '<br />

:vi lie ifirriw ttt^'thq0eoltoii,* liiiiebed it<br />

niid p«c irbadk, tuafiiHg tha boss on hia.<br />

ifl'-;Ijiit |IM ^ioulfli!'EJbpifqiitld,.',?;i / • j<br />

W "Get iif til heiu as, fiioii -aryQU = «ate=-*, •<br />

"'No'dne evuE'iiqyuaM^iuB'fif .bitug ft<br />

: PHiivb yJo: lojil B^ pijb. ol •". the .Mb=;<br />

^ery'?!';: •^;^^', ;;S;£; :^¥ ; ; V':..v;v:<br />

A- "•^iitii fiDp'IesEfptjon s = ;Hy mosss'go<br />

ssgo<br />

thnf uo<br />

/Ndtiil.sfg tiiM^.: lt:^aSVpsanraly<br />

pt%} ami;thp bjSiljiijid Ia pitted tfaia<br />

uiiiHifBij. w!^!if: I:' esiiffliliedj II prsoiMfy<br />

a| jjef6 itjwlisii I^reat ai1esB,^v • ^l j '<br />

J i'Tliniiuoeui! soBld hwieytaad fijat<br />

hwieytaad<br />

vl^EqBal!fi«peMiib|9i' ! .LMyte;yont«i<br />

i 1 jdld; iO^HIa iipnrtniyutB ivere oil tho<br />

fonrtii ^3|boP, and td ifqaflfilliiB?r^ttii<br />

thrbash'; f Wii¥ f ef:!tiib wiiiilewara-Mrsm<br />

j.vHf^iidihfliriflSt^Biefi^WBWlfr;<br />

d<strong>of</strong>l?^ which iairaposaible.' Had he gouo<br />

:^;th^g1|i^ei(rt^inby!|Ijagy]gjj^ttBW<br />

J^V^j^li^it^^pfebt'^BaahidiitoilM*eiiowfie«ia'ffifl«oiavi<br />

iaiaadt^<br />

^^^^^i<br />

«(Wf I l<strong>of</strong>t him, : Sat BO/Wal ifflU <strong>of</strong><br />

family, <strong>of</strong> thq highest ohaFaoter, nd<br />

likely ho would hnTQ.o6iiaiclered.tlie<br />

question <strong>On</strong> Insult, No Ijiiit <strong>of</strong> th#tind<br />

ri li j<br />

"My geiid fellow," I aaltT afla? a<br />

minnta<strong>of</strong> two<strong>of</strong> njuditatiou. "yon innBt<br />

hiivu fotnibd, inmo esplanntiun, .ionio<br />

tho<strong>of</strong>y o! tliia itfaiigo eoiliiesi,'"•<br />

"I h&va trinfl to do 10, huthavo glvon<br />

il tip. It is Hitaply ouo <strong>of</strong> those thjnp<br />

that nro hcyuiid luy coniptDhDngjon And<br />

joors, too, I iBrlge:'V- •" • ; ••'<br />

: .<br />

"IJnvo-ynn fiixm snythisg <strong>of</strong> tho man<br />

BoWard?" broliu ia iuy frjuuii.<br />

"I paffi hiijf for the rnby this fore*<br />

noou. 11 .<br />

*tI thought lie was to wail till this.<br />

fiT pnrt <strong>of</strong> tho wqalfc" f _••'• • . :<br />

Such was this njjderBtflutilng, and ho<br />

eiplnjiicd Unit ho merely ea!Iiid tokanj<br />

whether lbuil niiy ness for htia,"<br />

'**i WQijilur whether'there could, be<br />

anytlHiiR in tluitJ" roniarked SaiKlha*<br />

sen, jTJiiiiiHK hia liansl tbraagh'big hair<br />

and resiiiiiiiig iiirt walk inoio thoagHt'<br />

fully, "'It wotilU linve nmdo yq differ*<br />

eufu iii tliy piiyinen^ thocHh,, He l<strong>of</strong>i<br />

the ^m with yea, and yon delivered,<br />

the gwMn m per eoutraqt. He hag dqno<br />

Uli port imd was entitled to- tho pay»<br />

he Juippem tohavo the gdodi<br />

tali tbat<br />

la<br />

nsy<br />

*'JE ia beyeiid ay k6fl,, NeTertijolesa<br />

I btiJiiivg iiu eitho? lias Nanii Sahib's<br />

iaby or kijows whcr« it in," .' •--<br />

'*'HIJW Wflnld it tde, "Hiked Ban dim.<br />

ten, as ifthu fb'jqffljt vvua n briJliiuit<br />

OHO, Vto ufft>r to j|bo him tJioprico to<br />

HBiare it to «io?' I wiiaid "<br />

twieo for tlu( thing, ost nvrli<br />

tliaii it is worth, 1 * •'•''•<br />

the jibsDrdi ty <strong>of</strong>: ihls<br />

t i o n . , .•:•• •'•.'-;" •-'<br />

: ' ^ T.<br />

. '•Iflibfi the man I take him to be,<br />

bo would not adMl biacriiniuulitji for<br />

it would by iiutbibg jc|H, for' tliroe<br />

lbs puiri, BeHidtB bow Cftii he<br />

niijiiiiiig nlifjitt j<br />

In Hij.faucf u flghre<br />

between iijy friWidjrafl<br />

that <strong>of</strong> tliodfirlr Refits<br />

baautiffll <strong>of</strong> lief flfcx. I eoiijil hot ellnke<br />

<strong>of</strong>f Uiti bcliif rliftt horewji« : the bruiu<br />

that bail jiilived iiii'tiiia jiiiRulilef, "bat I<br />

eliraukJTroiii hSiiinifi uif thoBghts.r.If.<br />

iho hnti lilt Veil hur niiutl qgniiistonrfl,<br />

and takiiijf up<br />

Bsi ia iiii]}'!ii(<br />

iVthp fojt<br />

oaii eegigur/wiij unL' (irtsrhupi ^taiiife<br />

hWe tifiunt ii jtiylji, over it' uudf made<br />

iOBieJiiynsfigitfiJiii ^e 'liiftj lilt • npea a<br />

olew,' Ceuie (Ibwu* la tlie store toia<strong>of</strong><<br />

row, rwii we,li igu what .Wft'il set*^!;<br />

> /Ky ypwpfug-wiw to$M Wittnsr.- Hs,<br />

denMhtcd iiJ h«UJi iii(rfCHtuprobloiufl as<br />

tho cue wiiJgit Ciiufroi(t«d us nud had<br />

dsaei'eyfjern!; tiiiup t$ creditable In iiii,<br />

llni tiinf- j;was lippeftti tlint."h'ii weald<br />

help 08 ill onr prCKent diioiiima:<br />

=<br />

with the rubbcay-fthat, in short, it 'Wfil<br />

she—-:: Wlint's the ia nttei?" I dqin and-<br />

'^Miera ji oiift fatal ebjoBilfla ,<br />

i;i'*Wybnif.tliug!y,if tiojrroct,<br />

_^_.,^_,,..,<br />

aid, njustj jiavq^ Biin^ttiv:ibol oai<br />

ieominfily fndiffnrotife, r . ?^4<br />

I waltod B minnto or two for him ta<br />

add gojDottjing in the Way <strong>of</strong> uiplana.<br />

Hoa, bnt ho did not, and I oontinnedti.<br />

"Mr. Howard oalled this morning,<br />

and-Ipafd hiuj tho prioo, $50,000, for<br />

hb 11<br />

He <strong>of</strong>fefed'ybu 410,000 u<br />

^bat.Toa<br />

tookonlffSTOOT;<br />

bq desired. Yon Bpoko <strong>of</strong> paying him<br />

with a sheet, bat ha pwferred the fnndj<br />

theiiiDlvefl, and f an let him liavo them.' r<br />

•'Didhutelly<strong>of</strong>l this?" I nsked in a,<br />

toniahment. .•...• ..''''•<br />

"Mr. Darius 0, Howard <strong>of</strong> Loiadan<br />

and I have neTor espliiiiiged a word."<br />

7 M ffhen It W lnjposaible"—•<br />

* •'iPangh! '•• Browa, don 'I m ako nn asa<br />

ef jourselt 1 walked by.tho gturo throa<br />

times thin taoruisg jwhile the ttansae*<br />

tiOD.WBigoingsn; 1 .' , ;•; .' ')<br />

• "Bat yon couldn't hnvo hoard a word<br />

that pasSodi." "<br />

J : = ••• • • .„ ,<br />

' "Mf ^to wera civ oars, as they<br />

would hafebeen with anyone,. Yon hod<br />

told me the price he aiked for the ruby,<br />

IBBW hlni pr<strong>of</strong>fer yon sopiqtiiing. Yon<br />

•gbpsk yen? head asd jotprnea bin part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the bilja. Tiiat, <strong>of</strong> conrso, wai faeeaqis'<br />

yooE eea'se <strong>of</strong> hpuor wopid'., not jet ygn<br />

Accept tho fee be efforcd; Ten thonBand<br />

dellora It ahoat (Us sura a prattilal aha<br />

would <strong>of</strong>fer yen for ind* ttim^fti<br />

yon<br />

had done him. Half <strong>of</strong> tbnt y?as what<br />

yon would occopt, .Whfehii all there is<br />

l B : t b a t "-';•• >,' • ,'.', v - j - .';;'.,, •<br />

, M Bat=bBt howVeaniQ yen tq bo to<br />

froBt <strong>of</strong> my atste tttthd tiiiie? !l i.'<br />

"„.'•,<br />

fl | ^fai fiatisfled that' Mr, 'Howard<br />

WOBM BOt wait till tho end <strong>of</strong> tho week<br />

before oalliiJR to Jpai-u abunt the ealo <strong>of</strong><br />

thi ruby, I woa on the other Ride <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ittest on hour before ha Bhowoi np.<br />

Bad he not fl<strong>of</strong>li.io I would have staid<br />

ID the nolglibcirhoad ail day and would<br />

booH on baud tdniotrow nitd BO on<br />

He difl appear;. Fortunately I<br />

g<br />

^ still inyatifldi ' , \-<br />

'•; "I jeeoivedword frain yom LoniuaDd<br />

fr<strong>of</strong>fl^hsaa'ptert^i^Kat fm WBW'BB^<br />

if at nnd yonr fainily > did' not kiuow<br />

whsayen WBld retnM," V, .. ;,<br />

iMWS tlo, ^Beeatiieldpa'tknow<br />

f<br />

It .wasn't nBeessflry to let aaf<br />

ono, not eveu yoa', jfnpw that the,bail'<br />

Bias: wh!oh took ma pwiiy wni thai<br />

which relateii to the jinn a Snbi U'B rnby,<br />

UtTeithQifii^it WM tbafaet." '- " ?:<br />

; r "Ah,,'tbcii) ygW.ttiok'ibeia <strong>of</strong> this<br />

mnttoj- freni •• the first without oonsulfr.<br />

Ing rie' or ant ati&'L A V' : -i-'i',.% ! v ' ,V<br />

.-: 'Wltttieff. who v MS ; gona -'io' : - iamb<br />

fwivylng <strong>of</strong> hie head r now govd it a elu<br />

i i i i i ^<br />

Ho Jiadbrt^itj<br />

'•Well,'! ho _<br />

iy f "tlio biBtoiios <strong>of</strong> iili groat gotui like<br />

ttiB 1 KolilBO<strong>of</strong>, the Fit t d iiimond, Kaua<br />

Sablb*s rnby and: otlieriVoro tragedicJ,<br />

Wbeaovor yda BCO B nian in tha possei.<br />

iioa <strong>of</strong> Ash a 'prize, yon : niay ,m»ko op<br />

""'•"• • ' "iatbig^ad'i aud; beliliid Ii Is<br />

ton oro,crime, mntdor^vdj * "<br />

pehV is; tMifaqB-rtgaraii<br />

w'thifflnfl'^lio^fluatptb;<br />

n^yni a gOBOTatioii ago with it in blfl<br />

turban wjis ono 6f tbo n °r OD a^;<br />

flen3|<br />

g %hta<br />

HlM<<br />

bilia^B itii ^ j ^ i p ^<br />

itoift In'the1'p«se§«lbii ;'ef .^"EB|jJo<br />

dian, |t is prpef: that. • the, BBIB . bafyo^<br />

inmed Its Mnr80 <strong>of</strong> iucitijitf to oriiBp, I<br />

eat out to' loarn wliat 1; Doold,flbdat it<br />

and ifl1 ttfb8¥o loriiiiefl Hothlug^v: ;^h•'..<br />

\i VBnt yeal^o'ttstedrtaiirtd ioHBtfiin^<br />

about tho tivq pergous -'coueefybd with;<br />

thatvtaji<br />

hnndionjo ninn and the' buantifnl wos>;<br />

6a 'are hnsbnndland^ifs,.tbpogh why<br />

they ahould go: to diilerent bptbli and<br />

hftil from widely. fiDparntdd points <strong>of</strong><br />

Ebropq la beyonrt li^ ooiupTohouiion;<br />

' "" IMJ^baMjflllflttlgritardBy to<br />

_ r<br />

____ r hawalkpd ._.<br />

Maidoa Ipsi to 'Bfo^iwflF aftfl; tWtt pb<br />

the Aster Bbaee^ where * b e went to hhi<br />

room on the third flow* '£i't o'elook"ha<br />

eana down tp the lnneh counter<br />

lag a TaHio nud<br />

not pay his WJ|<br />

i:io.=it..wflS f sl___. i .»,_» „_ —....._„, ..<br />

'"""" ae^Jte^^O|ri^ajAe; : h6;leli:<br />

int be ;did'not pj.;<br />

J<br />

oitEBf and r :<br />

n&-£ to ^ Oottliiso / | ;<br />

rosabd ,ov|»:•?.taiha ^raj! wayy BtatloaC si<br />

I tji^ Bi^B^fftf^Ke^ifoiii^No^<br />

•ShO was tlegoDtlydr^tKl find<br />

M<br />

i i m Pi<br />

m<br />

nil<br />

im<br />

"16;<br />

i<br />

It nMlpSH to keep np<br />

tonger, ^dfitfe^itiSM^M^.._._<br />

BBIBtQ HUE ,IQ{O IJi" Ullff^', il<br />

into the cdnriey, })^i^SL-<br />

,mygaUgn,igBiiriB^tff;bettaB#^^<br />

ed nt the Btntloii ni^l the kst trnm fo<br />

WawJ<strong>of</strong>if ^afl ^d#d|il]pJiW|*<br />

the hotel,. JI<br />

conrlbl'<br />

^sHtti hini c<br />

i M onJions BS I<br />

ihoulrt qnilortqke this m<br />

v iifljiowas<strong>of</strong>t<br />

aad<br />

mM<br />

if<br />

m<br />

m<br />


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